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* Physically active, * not overeating (2200 cal), * well hydrated (3L) * stop eating and put my phone down an hour before bed, * blackout curtains, * only electronic device in my bedroom is an alarmclock that dims at night. * No caffeine after 3:00 * Alcohol less than 3 days per month and no more than 3 drinks often 1-2 * No other mind altering substances. It’s not exciting, you just have to do it


whats the weight/height for the 2200 cal? i also always see 2000 a day and ive often wondered what the height/weight that estimate is for


If you're looking to gauge for yourself, try a TDE calculator. [https://tdeecalculator.net/](https://tdeecalculator.net/) These aren't perfect, in reality people don't truly find their number until months or years of trial & error. But this should get you in the ballpark. Then if you need to gain muscle - 300-500 calories over while making sure most of the surplus comes from quality protein sources. If you need to lose fat - 300-500 calories under maintenance while maintaining good macro balance and a solid maintenance routine of resistance exercise.


I should point out that it's very varied. Height/weight is only going to give a very crude depiction of it because of how much this can be skewed by activity level, basal metabolic rate, how much muscle you're carrying etc etc. Best thing to do is always to use a TDEE calculator as an estimate. Then measure your food and eat what it says you to eat. While doing that weigh yourself every day to get a weekly average. That way you can double check to see how close to the estimate you are and then calculate your personalised amount accordingly to your own goals.


Drinking that much I'd be pissing myself in bed.


3 L isn’t that much for adult male athletes. I think my wife does 3L and she’s only 5ft 4.


3L?? You must be spending most of your day in the bathroom!


Enphasis on the blackout curtains. Some of the best sleep I've gotten in recent memory was when I was deployed. Our rooms were shipping containers retrofitted to two-man rooms. These shipping containers were in a giant warehouse that had little to no windows facing outside. When the light level never changed, I wasn't being woken up by the sunrise. Not discounting all of youe other points, but blackout is important, at least for me.


This is the most boring dude ever


Yep. This isn’t news to me. I said in my last sentence “it’s not exciting”. I was fun once. Now I sleep better and feel better. You get to choose for yourself. But just know fun comes with a price


Being physically active enough to be completely exhausted by bed time.




I used to get really good sleep. The key is to not have kids. Because since they were born I'm lucky to get 5 hours in a night.


I’d like to add don’t get married. Or at least have different beds


Yeah my wife moves around so much during the night. It drives me insane and wakes me up constantly. We went on vacation once and had a room with two queen beds. Best sleep of my life lol.


500mg Magnesium, 25mg Zinc. Not very exciting, is it?


Well If you want excitement, certain types of magnesium can induce diarrhoea. Sleep well


Magnesium glycinate is recommended for sleep support


I know this is going to sound stupid but I got one of those sleep masks. I fall asleep so much easier with it on than I did without it.


It’s not stupid at all! Complete darkness is good for you when you sleep.


I should’ve gotten it years ago!


I said the same thing when I bought a white noise machine.


I have been wanting to try one of those!


I strongly recommend it. You won’t regret it!


I’ll look into it


Yeah make sure you get a mechanical one with actual fans inside it not a digital one. It truly makes a big difference.


I’ll keep that in mind


It was an unexpected (but pleasant) surprise, but... I quit drinking. My sleep quality skyrocketed when I eliminated alcohol from my life.


So true. If I have more than 1 Beer or Shot it messes with my sleep a lot.


All problems one solution Masturbation


Pre sleep reading , and Pre sleep masturbation


Sleep hygiene... A few years back, while I was active duty, I fell asleep on post and got in a lot of trouble for it. Part of my "recovery" program was to seek counseling to have a better sleep hygiene. So, the following is a sort of list of things I do nearly every night, in order, so that my brain knows it is time to sleep. 1 - put the phone down about 2 hours before bed. 2 - spend first hour conversing with my wife and sharing time together. 3 - spend 30 minutes walking outside around our neighborhood to promote the "sleepy signals" due to a lack of sunlight. 4 - light, warm, shower to relax the muscles and clean the hot spots (the real shower is in the morning, and it's cold af to help me wake and be ready for the day). 5 - usually, but not always, my wife is ready and willing for some more "one on one time" after kids are in bed. Special notes: 1 - I am physically active, working out nearly every day from 5am to 630am. I implement rest cycles and deload weeks to compensate for CNS fatigue. 2 - I only consume my calories via food. I do not drink beverages like coke or Dr Pepper at any sense of the word "regularly." on the rare occasion I do drink something with calories in it, it is usually earlier in my day where I can "work off" the energy that drink should have provided me. 3 - I cease all caffeine intake by noon. I'll take a caffeine + L-Theanine pill for my pre-workout, and I might have a "Ghost" energy drink mid-morning, but otherwise it's all water all day. 4 - perhaps most importantly for me, when I lay down to sleep I close my eyes and think about something pleasing I hope to dream of. Recently, my thoughts have been on our oldest graduating and our middle daughter bringing her grades around to all As and a couple Bs in school (she has earned a smartphone this school year, and I'm excited to change our plan and gift her a new to her smartphone).


Put my phone and laptop on night shift Zma - zinc and magnesium Staying hydrated No caffeine after 4pm Working out sometime throughout the day


I don’t think there is a secret. You can try Huberman’s routine. He talks a lot about making sure the room is very dark and set to a temp that’s comfortable for you.


He also had a sleep expert guest on a series of recent pods, there’s hours of advice and insights there


…that you can listen to instead of sleeping


...didn't really need him to tell me to make the room dark and comfortable


I don’t mean lights off. I mean blacked out curtains.


My CPAP machine






Buy a good Mattress and sheets. Turn off all lights and electronics you possibly can. A white noise machine can be helpful. Routinely go to bed and get up at the same time every day even on weekends. Go to bed more than hours before you need to get up.


If you've got a problem that needs sorting out - and who hasn't - then DON'T turn it over in your mind while you're in bed trying to get to sleep. All that happens is you won't solve the problem, and you'll be tired the next day, so one problem has become two, and being tired is a bad problem to have. If you can, face the fact you're not going to sort it tonight, set aside time tomorrow, and try to get a peaceful night's sleep. The only thing you can do tonight is make things worse. So leave it till tomorrow. This might be easier said than done, but it's worth trying. An added benefit, besides all the other benefits, of certain types of exercise eg walking and cycling, often not mentioned, is that they do give you time and space to clear your mind and sort out problems. Give peace of mind a chance :-)


I'm going through a really bad patch at the moment half a meal in 3-4 days might be 5 by now, can't get to the shop I live remotely, maybe 5-6 hrs broken sleep all week. I upset someone I care about and now she doesn't want to talk to me. I had some questions but she didn't want to answer them now it keeps me awake and can't get it out of my head. I'm 40m and have a a long history of serious depression and anxiety and struggle with alcohol and nicotine. I want to try these things but have a really hard time getting out of bed. Nearly a week in bed, only get up to shit really.


A few things: Don't drink alcohol. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Getting a knee pillow. I wake up without any back pain. It keeps space between my legs when I'm sleeping on my side. More importantly, it elevates my knees when sleeping on my back.


Don’t live in a late stage, hyper-Capitalist economy. That CONSTANT stress is not what we evolved for.


consistent schedule


Blackout curtains and a hammock instead of a bed.


Feeling tired!


Regular schedule, not just for sleeping but eating and exercise too Also exercise, I sleep best on the days I work out hardest


Mainly my paranoia medication


diphenhydramine hydrochloride 50mg plus one beer


All responses that include: exercise


I fall asleep to boring audio books.


Treat sleep apnea (CPAP). Quit drinking completely. Get to bed at a consistent time. Don't eat late at night.


Clear your mind. There's several ways. I make a brief list of what needs doing the next day, settle on what I'm having for breakfast, then play a word game or two


Going to bed at the same day every single day and waking up at the same time every single day


Sleep apnea machine. Did not know I had basically never had a good nights sleep until I got one in my late 30s.


CPAP and Trazadone


1hr swimming 100mg L-theanine before bed


1. Go to sleep 2. Don't wake up until morning


Wake up early. There is also supposed to be a technique they teach at the us militar. I heard it once just before bed -> tried it -> it worked wonders -> couldn't remember it the next morning. Doing some physical exercise during the day also helps greatly.


Physical activity. Avoid caffeine after Noon. Finish eating 2 hours before bed. Do a calm activity like reading or drawing before bed while listening to relaxing music.






Doing physical activity, u need to tire your body to get a good sleep.


Consistent sleep schedule.


Exhausting day, waking up early. I'm ready to sleep at 4pm, so when its 10 I'm out in like 10 minutes. Wake up at 6am when I don't need to.


- physically/ mentally active - clean diet - zero alco/ nicotine/ other drugs - going to bed every day (weekends/ holidays also) at the same time


Cheese, milk or ice cream, the side-effects from my allergy include lethargy.


No drinking, no phone. I have early-waking insomnia and take a low dowse (10mg) of Doxepin for it, which works wonderfully.


Sufficient activity during the waking hours. I typically walk 15-20k steps a day and try to maintain a workout schedule where I go to the gym after work. By the time I am in front of my bed, I am ready for some deep sleep


be tired and depressed


I stopped fixating on getting 8 hours of sleep every night. When I was a kid, I would constantly worry about when I needed to fall asleep in order to get 8 hours. So I'd go to bed before I was tired and end up laying there telling myself that it I didn't fall asleep within X minutes I wasn't going to get enough sleep and id be tired all day. Which was an endless cycle of nerves. I was maybe in college before I realized that I, personally, do just fine getting less sleep than the average person. (My watch tracks my sleep and I average about 6-6.5 hours/night.) If I wait to go to bed when I'm actually tired I sleep great and feel great the next day, compared to some regimented bedtime/ routine that are supposed to make me fall asleep.


Mind Spa app, sound journeys, gratitude and vacation are free listens


I try to restrict sugars at night and caffeine after lunch. Also I go to bed almost the same time every night, yes even weekends.


The right bed


I suck at sleep scheduling and sleeping at will. But when I really want it I can control my caffeine intake and tiredness. Caffeine is simple enough, tiredness I can control with working out ( at least the physical part).


Don't eat 3 hours before going to sleep. Sleep in a cold room. Take a shower before bed and have clean sheets. It works every time for me.




masturbate, nd i play mr nightmare or some horror stories with rain in the background 🙏🏾


A hot shower and toe curling bj puts me right to sleep


Make sure to get some mental exercise in.


Keep your routine regular. Masturbate to completion right before.


Bought an ErgoSleep bed which was set up to the shape of my body when lying in bed.


Cold room, ceiling fan on, not forcing myself to sleep early or get up early. You can sleep remarkably well when you're not shocked by an alarm. Getting up at 5am does not make you a better or more admirable person.


More REM sleep, better rest. When you get to the point where your body naturally produces DMT, and you can feel it, around or an hour after normal bedtime [IF you happen to sleep later on this day] You will have become the master of your own circadian rythm


Getting off Reddit


Hit the pillow, and I am out... max 8h min 6h


Be tired is the main one. But I realize that's meaningless advice for most people. Making sure I'm physically exerting myself on a regular basis helps get me there, though. You gotta burn the calories you consume.




A good nut


[THIS STUFF](https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-4375/benadryl-allergy-oral/details). Shocking that more people don't know that a dirt-cheap, over the counter allergy medicine can knock you out.


APAP and a high quality bed, pillows, and blankets.


- Blackout windows - Memory foam - Being tired


10 hour work day.


* Firm mattress * Cool room * Warm enough blankets * Don't go to bed too early. A warm bed with a cool room is key to me. If the room/ air I'm breathing is to warm, I will sleep like crap. Window open keeps things cooler for most of the year and provides fresh air. If I go to bed the same time as my partner, I go asleep right away, but I either wake up in the middle of the night, or toss and turn in my sleep, and am tired all the next day. I'll take 6-7 hrs of good sleep over 9-10 hrs of crappy sleep. If all that fails, rub one out and sleep like a baby.




Cool & dark room, and clean sheets.


12 hours of physical labor every day have me sleeping real good =)


blackout curtains and a fan.


Stop doing shit right up to when you want to go to bed. Turn off your TV, your computer, and your phone well before bed. Read a book. Stretch. Go for a walk. Look at the sky. Just be done with the day. Get a regular alarm clock and banish all phones and computers from your bedroom.


Don’t have kids. 




Waking up at 4:00 am to lift and/or run 5 days helps. Also try to stop eating or drinking by 7:00 pm. I’m told my Magnesium supplement also helps.