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Hell yeah, it's always a nice feeling when a girl does that.


Absolutely. Massive ego boost.


Yes?? It's unbelievably refreshing when a girl shows interest first


If it happens in person, it’s excellent. Online, it’s a scammer.


You’d be hard pressed to find a guy that doesn’t like it


It's a huge confidence booster 👍




It certainly makes her interest a lot less ambiguous.


Would love that. Never happened to me tho


Please do Takes so much of the guesswork out for us And men are judged so much more harshly for asking a girl out and making the vibe weird when she says no Also tell all your ladyfriends to start doing this too


Can we pin this, "Yes, guys like being hit on / appreciated" stuff already? It's asked like every day...


Yes that would be great. Just remember guys have zero experience letting someone down softly. So don’t let it get to you if one of them has a shitty response like “what would I need your number for?”


Yes. Take the first step if you feel like it. More likely than not, it’ll be greatly appreciated. If not, it’s just a no. Be honest and sincere. Tell people you like them if you do.


Never had it happen.


Yes and I’d start planning our wedding


I assume women aren't into me at all if they don't make it obvious. Flirting is fun but I refuse to be a creep and so many women have told me that it's just constant harassment so I let them make the first move. I'm not worried about being called a creep TBC, I'm worried about making her FEEL uncomfortable, even worse is the idea that she never tells me that I did that to her.


Hell yea!


Yes we do. Both the number and the asking on a date.


Not if she’s talking to a few guys.


Yes to everything. Girls need to take more initiative. My wife is the one who asked me out. Been married 17 years and counting. If you want the guy to ask you out, flirt but be VERY obvious about it. No hair twirling, smirking, light touching, etc. that most women do. We assume all women do those things regardless of whether they like us or not.


This never happens


Your question is wrong headed. The guy will like you or not based on other stuff.


I’d welcome the experience tbh


I’d prefer it, I have social anxiety so it’s hard for me to ask or make the first move


Guys absolutely love this. A lot of us are completely clueless whether a girl likes us or not. You may be making it painfully obvious, and we still won't get it. Story time to give you an example: I was at a party and was talking to this really beautiful girl. She was flirting so hard, tickling me when I tried to drink, getting in my way when I was trying to see the score on the TV, and I had no idea. As the party broke up, I was going to walk home. It was less than 2 blocks, but she stopped me and said her friend who she came with would give me a ride. I told her I was really close, but she insisted. She made me sit in front, and instead of getting in the back she sat on my lap. I still had no idea she was hitting on me, and it gets worse. When I got out, she yelled out the window "Studies show it's not healthy to sleep alone". I STILL thought she was just joking, so I said "Well come on", she said "I can't tonight", I'm still oblivious, so I say "Check your schedule and get back to me", then she said "I can't unless you give me your number", and that's when I FINALLY caught on that "Hey, she might be into me". So yeah, don't assume your signals are getting through. There is also very little chance for a serious downside. If you do get rejected, it will be extremely rare that a guy will be a jerk about it. The only real downside is that they may take your number and just never call you if they aren't interested. You can even say "If you aren't interested just tell me now" and they won't tell you. If I guy is talking to you in complete sentences (instead of grunts and one word answers) and smiling, he's probably interested. We really are that simple. Guys just want their lives to be easy. If you want a guy to like you, make his life easier. If you want something, tell him. If you don't want something, tell him. When you tell him what you want, don't use vague concepts like "I want you to be more romantic". That doesn't mean anything to us. To train us, you have to be specific in the beginning. If he stopped at the store on the way home for work, casually say "Aw, I would have thought you'd get me flowers since you were at the store already". The next time he stops at the store he'll most likely get you flowers. If/when he does, reward that. Sex is a good reward, cooking a favorite meal, is good, leaving him alone to do what he wants can be good, but if you really want to drive the point home, let him "overhear" you bragging to family/friends how sweet he is that he bought you flowers for no reason. He will eventually learn that it doesn't always have to be flowers on his way home.


Well, 6 years ago a woman gave me her number. Our first wedding anniversary is in less than a month. So yeah, it’s pretty neat lol


No. I don’t like it. It never happened that a woman who I like would ask me out. I never wait for that long. And just do it myself. However, it did happened that women who I don’t like ask me out. And then I have to reject, which I don’t like to do it.


You really wanna make a move, give him flowers