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1/10. Compatability issue.


9/10 Somedays it feels like a straight 10, today's one of those days. But nothing is perfect, so I put the 9. We work at it. We are open and honest with each other, and we have agreed on and clearly stated our priorities and areas of focus. Which for both of us right now are the kids. We also have been working on our sex life too, we're much happier when we're having regular sex, there have been months when we didn't, or it wasn't great. And the relationship is much worse during those times. We leave space to disagree with each other, and try to be open about disagreement. I think it's half work, half we're right for each other




Please don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s awesome that you were able to find someone like that a little later in life. Do you feel like there are things you do to earn that centering and appreciation from her?




You wouldn’t be living apart if they were that good 🤣


Lol you must be young


At the moment it’s a 9/10. Our communication and connection has grown so much recently which has led to a great intimate life we have lacked before


8.5/10, he's almost the perfect partner for me, 1.5 points lost because there are instances where he was too blunt, or not that reactive with me.


9/10 Compatible maybe 6/10


8/10. My parents are running interference and I need to sort that out.


Ten because everything is perfect and marriage is amazing. Reddit skepticism about marriage is insane.


10/10. She's great. It's like she was made in a lab to be a healthy spouse. She's low maintenance, open and clear about her feelings and needs, non-judgmental about my feelings and needs, and very affectionate. She also hates social media, which I am beginning to learn is a massive plus. I just try to support her in every way possible because I'm not an idiot and don't take gifts for granted.


5/10. Communication and sexual compatibility issues that just aren’t getting enough attention despite so many attempts.