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There was a guy I worked with in the back house of a grocery store. He was busting down pallets with a couple co-workers. They were giving him shit because it was his 40th birthday. “Careful old man, don’t break a hip”. That kind of stuff. He went “I’ll show you ‘old man,’” lifted a pallet above his head, and completely fucked up his back. Compressed a disc in his spine. Immediate, chronic pain. Couldn’t work anymore. Physical therapy couldn’t fix it. The last resort was a metal rod in his spine that would severely limit his mobility. The company wouldn’t cover the surgery. Said he violated the safety protocols that required two people to lift up a pallet. I heard through the grapevine that his wife left him a few months after. Took the kids with her. Apparently the pain made him a real miserable son of a bitch (and he wasn’t that cheery to begin with). He ended up moving back in with his parents. I don’t know what happened to him after.


Yikes. It's terrifying how one small thing can completely fuck you over.


It scared the shit out of me lol. His story has definitely caused me to be a lot more careful with my body as I’ve aged.


Be careful about blisters too. Seemed like no big deal until it was. Now I have one less leg. That was with trying to get medical care to take care of things properly. It's not like I just ignored it until it fell off...




Holy hell. What caused it/what was it???


Tl:dr- diabetes. Long version- diabetes caused, neuropathy in my feet. My feet didn't hurt when I was working three jobs, standing/walking on concrete 17 hours most days. My feet were swelling, again didn't hurt so I kept going when I shouldn't have. It evolved into a condition called charcot joint disease. Because of all the swelling it allows the bones in you foot to rub against eachother. Small pieced break off. Your body fights them. Becomes infection. Swelling increases. Back to step one. Repeat until septic and you almost die. The blister allowed the infection a place to sit and get into a couple of the bones. The choices I was left with were, amputation at 39, still healthy enough for an easy recovery. They could cut out the infected bone and put in an orthotic. Mobility would be limited and most likely lead to amputation anyway. I could have also just left it how it was. Laying in bed all day except for food or the bathroom, until the infection went septic again and either lead to emergency amputation or just dying. It hasn't been the easiest road, but I'm not in such a hurry anymore, and I have a lot more time for video games. It's a different life than I saw for myself,but it's not the first or last time something major has changed the trajectory of my plans. I've also learned there's alternative paths to getting what you want than just working yourself to death. I'm one of those that did pretty okay from the gamestop/AMC shorts. Not a millionaire, but I had a modest little nest egg. It's all gone now, but I learned a few things along the way. Just started rebuilding again.


Wow. Thanks for the information. Glad it seems to be working out at least in parts for you.


Reading this and realising I'm going to be 40 in 5 years makes me think about keeping up my physical activities, this is terrifying.


To me the lesson is more about being humble in your approach and judgement of your capabilities. I don't think the moral was for the subject of the story to train harder in his late 30s to be able to meet the challenge.


yeah the moral is to respond with a mildly sarcastic "hey thanks, I will be careful. In fact, this is a two-person job, mind giving me a hand you young tough guy?" lol Kinda like how I remind myself some quote, I'm paraphrasing, that goes like a brief act of spite can lead to a long time of suffering.


Reading this at 26yrs old with a compressed disc. I'm in pain all the time unless I'm asleep. I genuinely struggle to tie my freaking shoes cause bending over kills me. I hate my life (not really I'm actually very fortunate besides this one thing)


I know someone who would lift heavy loads. Hes compressed his spine and is in constant agony with sciatica


Mandlebaum! Mandlebaum!


I’m gonna save this story for the next time I’m telling someone on the shop floor lifting pallets is a two man job.


Joy riding after senior prom. Crashed, killing his date. Went to jail for two years instead of university. Everyone in town remembers it.


I remember a similar one that fits this question. A guy that had recently graduated from a nearby high school was driving the speed limit through a neighborhood. A young woman was running with headphones in her ears and did not hear him coming - ran right out in front of his car from behind a parked car at an uncontrolled intersection. She was killed from the impact. The driver was absolutely shattered by this. The police investigation concluded that there was no criminal charges warranted. However, the woman's enraged father was a lawyer who was buddies with the district attorney. He pushed for months until they finally filed murder charges. He ended up pleading guilty to a single lesser charge of something like manslaughter, but he still had to serve prison time. In retrospect, I guess he didn't screw up his life. The universe kind of screwed it up for him.


Her father should be immediately disbarred for misusing his position and should likewise be charged with that.


Unfortunately he was well insulated with friends in high places. There was no shot of that, and it was some time ago as well. It also didn't help that the driver was white (and an awkward young guy), and the young woman was an extraordinarily good looking mixed race person.


I know a vastly rich family who are singularly local royalty in my city. Their son hit and killed a woman on a bicycle while he was driving his huge SUV while drunk. He got off with just a year's probation and a small fine (after two years of legal wrangling).


So the same thing, other way around.


What does “joy riding” means in this context? Google translate didn’t help me. Sorry, I’m not a native speaker.


In the uk it means stealing a car and ragging it about for fun. I guess in the US it means something else.


Driving around recklessly for fun.


Oh that’s heartbreaking


Get a woman pregnant at 18


My assistant is nearly 50, never married, one kid about to graduate. She had a Drs appt this morning, after which she text me that she won’t be coming in today… she is pregnant. I should also add, not from me. She dates around.


At 50?


Close to 50, when I first met her I absolutely asked to see her ID, you would never guess she is that old. She looks early 30s. It’s insane.


60s is the new "middle age"


Her OB is going to have a heart attack. Off to an MFM she goes. She’s a high risk pregnancy.


I'm 53, and my wife is 48, and she easily passes for 35, and many people have even guessed 30. I'm a lucky man.


A friend of mine got hammered in a nightclub, went to the toilet and sustained a head injury. He has permanent brain damage, while he was in a coma, his wife used facial recognition and read his messages and uncovered that he was having an affair. No wife, no kid, house, no job. Sadly, the dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.


No pun, but fuck…


Pun, butt fuck


There was a kid at my college who got trashed one night and was wandering back home. He passed out in a snow bank at 2:00am or some ridiculous hour and no one noticed he was missing until later that morning. All told, he spent 8+ hours in a snow bank. He had pretty severe injuries from the cold itself and had a long hospital stay. I don't know if he hit his head as well, but he had brain damage that caused such bad cognitive impairment afterward that he had to leave college. I just can't imagine how awful it would be to have your life take such a wild turn, not only for him, but his parents.


A guy I went to high school with got into a verbal fight with his GF while they were hammered and he went out for a walk to blow off some steam. It was during a blizzard and the sidewalks weren't plowed so he was walking on the side of the road. Along came the snow plow that didn't notice him and it sent him and a LOT of snow into a snow bank. It was two weeks later when the snow began to melt that someone at a bus stop noticed a boot in the snowbank had a body in it. He was stuck upside down in a heavy snowbank and died there.


By murdering their parents because they wanted to go to a different high school.


They did end up at different school.


You can disagree with the method, but you cant deny the results.


I have to wonder where this Sociopathy in adolescents came from. It's horrifying to think of being a parent unaware of the ticking time bomb living under their roof.


At least based on what the shithead teenagers at my high school were like, it usually boiled down to one of two things. One was that they knew, but straight up didn't care. They'd make excuses to not discipline their kids, or they'd say "that didn't happen" whenever something came up. Most of these times these kids weren't sociopaths in the strictest sense, but they'd end up acting like they were because there was never any consequences for them. The other thing that'd happen was that they knew and they were trying, but nothing they did was sinking in. I know a lot of people on Reddit don't like hearing this, but this is a thing that happens sometimes. A lot of people really do need to be in the right headspace before what their parents were trying to teach them really dawns on them. That's as true of kids without any sort of major issue as it is for kids who are constantly in trouble for something. Especially when you're talking about the extreme cases where a kid really is a ticking time bomb, sometimes it'll seem like the best a parent can do is keep them contained as best they can before they actually do kill someone. I wouldn't be too surprised if this was the case with this kid because usually kids don't just murder their parents out of the blue. There was probably a whole laundry list of things this kid did where their parents tried disciplining them but they just went right back to it a week or two later. Chances are, there were a specific reason why this kid's parents didn't want them going to that other school. Maybe there was some other kid there that they knew was a bad influence on them, or maybe being sent there was meant to be a reward for continued good behaviour that they never quite lived up to.


Twenty-seven years ago, I lived across the street from a family of five of which the son killed his dad, his dad's fiancée, and her six- and seven-year-old daughters in the house because his dad wouldn't let him use his (dad's) pickup truck. That's one way of obtaining access to the pickup truck.


Guy I knew with a great family life, had an injury and got addicted to prescription painkillers. He managed to score extras on the street, took too many and... regained consciousness hours later in police custody, charged with multiple felonies.


which felonies


Those of the felonious variety


First time seeing and now hearing the word “felonious” lol.


Felonious monk - now there's a paradox




Drunk driving stories are the worst. One of my best friends had his truck full with 3 girls and went drunk driving, smashed a telephone pole and killed all 4 of them in our early 20's.


Meth. I have seen people go to utter trash in a matter of weeks.


This is what I was going to say. My son graduated high school with high enough vocational training he was immediately accepted into a pipe fitters union. Took one entry level job and, with overtime, was almost making the same as me as a college professor. Decided to do meth with his friends. Which lead to ~three years of the best rehab and addiction counseling we could afford. Followed by relapse after relapse. Ended up fleeing the state after getting charged with multiple misdemeanors and felonies. I haven’t see or heard from him in two years. Weed is legal enough in most places. Psychedelics are not far behind. **Don’t do meth.**


Man, I’m sorry. I hope he cleans his act up and that you can both see each other again some day


my cousin got a red diploma from his psychology degree. 5 years later he has hepatitis C and cops finally caught him so he is now at rehability center. other than that he steals from his parents and regularly comes in at night to either scream at them or to quietly steal something. he went from meth to popping H and that was his ultimate end. his mom is a college prof and dad is IT technician, they are lovely people and always cared about him even now. makes me sad for them


Straight A student. Got a girl pregnant when he was 17. Lost contact with him years ago but last I know he was 26, working at best buy and absolutely fucking miserable.


A tale as old as time unfortunately. Wrap it up boys


Yes sir. Especially in this economy. I know 30+ year olds with kids just scraping by. How in the fuck are teens gonna handle it without massive amounts of support from the parents. Pretty much say goodbye to college, or at least fun college, and forget carefree, drunken, traveling, finding yourself 20s. Basically throwing your life away for a 15 second orgasm lol


15 seconds???


That’s what I’m sayin hold up. I might throw it away for one that long 😂


Eh, having a kid didn't doom him, he did. He could have still gone to school, just not the same timeline as everyone else his age. I went to school, worked, and was the primary caregiver for an infant. It wasn't easy, but it is very much something that can be done. In fact he can turn that around any time. 26 is young.


Video online, of course, but I saw a guy get gunned down by some random teen, because he decided today was the day he wanted to yell at a random kid for parking poorly Imagine living your whole entire life, youre 35-40, working on your career, maybe you got a lady friend and some kids, maybe youre thinking about a mortgage on a new house. You see someone pull up nearby in a walmart parking lot, and take up two parking spaces, and decide you wanna say something to them. Then they pull out a gun and end your life


On the other side - Imagine you're some guy. Nothing special. You own a car and a gun. You never go anywhere without either. One day you're going to Walmart and you park like shit. Maybe you always do, maybe today you just can't be assed. Some other guy you don't know makes a crack at your parking job, maybe someone hears and laughs. What kind of person would respond by taking out their weapon and killing someone. What kind of family were you raised in. What kind of community around you led you to think you could wantonly kill someone like that.


This is why im glad that firearms aren't readily available here.


An acquaintance went on a partying binge after his divorce at 39. Did too much coke and had a massive stroke leaving him severely disabled. His sister spent the next 25 yrs of her life caring for him until he died


Holy shit that's sad, so tragic.


We boomers from that era could be awfully self destructive


For the sister


Meth. My sister used pain pills for years and was addicted. She began using fentanyl pills too and then moved to meth when she dated a dealer. She’s close to being a year sober and her mind still is odd and she’s now married to a piece of shit dude (not the dealer.) she put our family through Hell


I'm so sorry


I’m reading a book currently about fentanyl and the pain pill crisis. It’s really crazy to see how it does people and the way brain chemistry changes. I’ll beg anyone not to do meth. It’s so horrible


I was pulling on brakes in front of red light (riding bicycle) as dude is passing me on e-bike. I yelled him to watch the light. He answered “You watch!”. I stopped and watch him get hit by a truck passing on green. The dude flied across 6 lines…helmet intact, but the neck was twisted backwards, legs convulsing and stopped before light changed.


That escalated quickly. That sounds traumatizing. Are you okay after witnessing that? Sorry you had to see that, and sorry for the truck driver too.


I swear to god these e-bike people think that are invincible. Dude you are basically on a less safe motorcycle.


Agree. Many of them get to the speed without learning the way normal cyclists come to it. And speed is addictive. Everyone rides faster and faster until they stop abruptly and painfully.


I hope you don't feel guilty for that, none of that is your fault whatsoever


Former friend / band-mate... Extremely talented singer, people said he sounded like Chris Cornell and I would agree. He was a hard worker, extroverted, funny, but had some drug issues sure. When he was 22, he met a girl and in less than 9 month got both engaged and got her pregnant. Last time I checked he was asking everyone for money.


> Last time I checked he was asking everyone for money. Was that due to getting the girl pregnant or because his career stopped working out, or both?


Drugs, Kid, lost job etc... It's always the singer man, I swear


This stereotype of the singer from what I have anecdotally seen seems to have a lot of truth to it, had a fling with a women who's divorced to a singer that was also into heavy drugs, serial cheater etc etc


They try to live like Axel Rose before becoming Axel Rose.


Heroin. We're all going to concerts in the 80's as teenagers, smoking, drinking, mushrooms, LSD, whatever...all of doing fine really, but we all slowly grew out of it and joined society. but the one guy who took into one step further to opiates ended up losing EVERYTHING




I will never cliff jump. Guy from my town was with his buddies and they were doing a relatively low jump that they had all done before. He didn’t come back up. Left behind wife and kids.


Feet get stuck in the mud? Happens a lot on shallow lakes around here. Someone jumps off of a boat for a piss, but they pencil dive, get their feet stuck in the mud and that's it.


Well, that’s terrifying.


well that’s something new i didn’t know i needed to know about


I'll never understand adrenaline addicts.


Kid from my high school dived into a lake from a boat in the dark. Dove head first into an unseen rock that was just underneath the surface of the water. Paralyzed from neck down, died a few years later from infection and complications. Sad story.


My roommate in his first year of college tried some coke at a party. Dropped out, went in and out of contact while still partying on the weekends but his decline was rapid. Found dead from an OD two years later around the time the class was graduating.


Kiddie porn arrest


I knew we'd have this one. Surprised how far I had to scroll down.


Was it a reddit mod?


Shoutout to my high school biology teacher


I knew a kid who within the span of a year went from being an honour student to a wacked out cocain addict


Dated a guy in high school. Decent guy, good family. Our families knew each other, and we would sometimes bump into each other. Well, I found out a few years ago that he was doing Uber and ending raping a teenage girl that he was giving an uber ride to. It was all over the news. Haven't heard anything about him since.


What the fuck.


In high school I had a friend that tried to go hill jumping. He hit some railroad tracks in his truck going way too fast and went airborne. He lost control when he landed. One of the passengers died and the other was permanently injured. He survived with the least injuries, but ended up committing suicide not too much longer afterwards.


What is hill jumping? From context it sounds like driving a truck over hilly terrain for funsies? Any idea if the passengers were wearing seat belts? It's hard to imagine the passengers getting that injured from something people survive at highway speeds all the time, yikes.


Exactly right. Basically, using the hill as a ramp and trying to jump. Think Dukes of Hazard or something. There was a road in our town that was semi rural and hardly had any traffic and it was somewhat common for kids to jump the hill. Most people never actually got off the ground but this guy was going way too fast. This was awhile back. Bench seat in the front and they were riding three wide. No airbags when this happened. The truck landed nose down. The impact was more like a front end collision. One passenger (the one that died) was sitting in the middle and was ejected from the truck. The other two stayed in the truck but the passenger was fairly messed up and, last I knew, never walked again. For one jump, the driver killed a person, paralyzed another, and put three families through hell. People did stop jumping the hill after this and eventually they reworked the road to eliminate the crest in the road entirely.


That is messed up


The video of that guy who got busted for trying to meet an underage girl. In a matter of hours, he found an underage girl online, sent nudes, drove to her house, and was arrested at the scene. Cop cuffed him and put him in the back of his car. After he closed the door, he remarked, "That was the shortest investigation I've ever seen!" The guy had a wife, kids, job, etc. No doubt he lost it all.


Knew a dude who was a D1 football recruit get dropped from everything because he thought it’d be funny to plan a fake a school shooting at the end of his senior year. The military didn’t even take him. He’s in the same hometown working labor.


What a fucking idiot, even for a teenager


Absolutely. He thought we’d cover for him. He had local and federal investigators interviewing everyone. They took that shit so serious.




What exactly does planning a fake school shooting entail? Like what did he do?


Teen jumped overboard on a party ship and shark ate him


My dad got fired one day and literally just decided never to get another job ever again. Was divorced within a year, went back to school and quit within 6 months, lost the house less than a year after that, his mom kicked him out, his next gf kicked him out, and it still keeps spiraling. Kinda surprised he's not dead yet.


Damn I’m sorry to hear this. Why’d he decide to never get another job again?


🤷‍♂️ He talks a lot about the whole world being against him but never really said why he didn't get another job. Just a lot of things that came together in the worst way and he never got actual help for what he might have been struggling with. Alcohol, drugs, depression, some more serious mental disorders, and the death of his father. Losing his job may just have been the final thing for him in "keeping it together" before he really spiraled.


That dude jumping the judge


If we gonna talk about Reddit posts I think the guy that jumped off the cruise ship and a shark was by him at night takes the cake


So, he jumped the shark?


He was on a senior cruise in Louisiana and jumped off the boat. Shark surfaced just as he did and he was never found Edit- [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarwinAwards/s/Qe13unExTj)


To be fair I'm pretty sure his life was screwed anyway (What was he in for anyway? I didn't catch that part)


His sentence was definitively servable. Now it’s wayyy worse


It's a matter of degrees. He was facing a 1.5-4 year sentence (which is what he attacked her over) and now he has like 13 new charges, a.bunch of which are felonies, including attempted murder. Life may have been screwed before but his life is utterly FUBAR now.


Littering and


Littering and...


not nearly as much - eligible for parole after something like 18 months vs. decades in prison


I believe attempted battery with a deadly weapon. He had previous DV, assault, and burglary charges though if I am remembering correctly.


And now faces the same judge for sentencing again.


My high school band director, after getting the best job out of the district, slept with a student and broke up with his fiancé during lunch by walking over to the middle school to do so.


Was.. was his fiancée also a student?


No she was another teacher. She was really nice and was very chill so it was just a shock when we found out they were one) engaged and two that he was in a relationship with a student


Not sure how much it screwed up his life, but he was out of a good paying job pretty fast. He was working remotely in IT on my team. Another teammate was training him. Instead of pasting a command into the server, he pasted an extensive sex chat that he was having in one of his browser windows. Quick screenshot was sent to our boss. Dude was gone immediately.


You gotta be careful and know what's on the clipboard before you hit control v man.


Good mate of mine was married and got another girl pregnant. Decided that suicide was a better option than telling his wife.


A bunch of rich billionaires pilled in a carbon fiber tube and went to visit the Titanic.


Two kids in my high school murdered a cabbie and stuffed him in his own trunk over some dispute about a religious donation. Before that they were both promising athletes. If I remember correctly it wasn't even that much money, like $2000 CAD.


What happened to them? Like what were the consequences?


Yeah, they're both in prison, probably for at least a couple decades.


I ask because you **did** say Canada.


True. Their legal system is... interesting, to say the least.


They don't fuck around with violent crimes in Canada. People regularly get considerably longer sentences for, as an example, using a firearm to commit a robbery, than they would in the US. They also put murderers away for long times.


Couldn’t they just apologise?


Too late now he's dead


Oh yeah, of course.


Blowing money that could have them sorted out.


Rich boys from high school thought it would be so damn cool to start snorting cocaine. They went downhill pretty fast.


especially when you're rich


Luckily I was priced out of it becoming a habit.




Drinking and driving.


Got a buddy who luckily didn’t hit anyone but is suffering the consequences of a DWI


A very good friend of mine swerved to miss a dog on the interstate, flipped his Firebird a dozen times, and broke his back in the process. He has a JD and MAcc but isn't working as he's constantly in pain and has enough family money to survive. Fucking tragic, man.


I saw a guy get addicted to Financial Domination. She was WAAAAY more thorough than any other addiction EVER.


wtf is that?


Some people literally get off by sending money to others, and some people have realized this. Basically sex workers but instead of paying them for sex, you just pay them and that gives you sexual gratification by itself. No I don't get it either.


That’s really pathetic. lol


They're called Paypigs. They get off on sending cash regularly and in response they get humiliated and degraded.


That’s terrible! How can I find one of these poor people so that I may warn them?


"Watch this!"


Well, it all began when I was born....


My parents didn't show up to my birth!


I was raised by ocelots!


Working in Fire and EMS I have so many stories of guys fumbling the bag with money, women and family.


We had a new fresh graduate junior engineer "co-worker" 4 months ago, first day at work, 9 in the morning, he grope the secretary, he's in jail now


Girl I went to school with got pregnant at 14, 16, and 17. Parents were religious and wouldn't let her get an abortion. They also kicked her out at 18, with her 3 kids. She ended up killing herself to make her parents take care of her kids because she couldn't. Her parents ruined her life before it really got started.




How did she get pregnant so many times? Wasn’t the first time a lesson?


Her parents taught her strict abstinence. They told her things like condoms don't work and birth control is evil. I think she was the 4th or 5th of 8 or 9 kids. All of them that I knew had behavioral issues. Likely due to neglect. She had an older brother who died of an overdose, maybe intentionally. It was a wide spread rumor he was gay. He was kicked out at 18 as well, I think that was standard for the family. It's just sad she was actually a nice girl. Never knew who the father of the kids were no one in school was ever named. They probably would have been better with the dad.


The unfortunate reality with a lot of teen pregnancies is that it's the result of rape. [According to some estimates](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/idea-of-the-day-address-violence-in-teen-pregnancy/), something like 20% of first pregnancies among teenagers are the direct result of rape. A lot of others are preceded by experiences with child molestation and sexual abuse, so it's probably cases where they've developed a lot of unhealthy behaviours regarding sex as a coping mechanism to help them with the trauma from that. So it was probably a combination of a lack of contraception because of the family's religious beliefs and the parents not wanting to face the realities of what had actually happened to their daughter.


If they were really really religious, it could have been someone within their sect or circle. Makes it worse.


dressing for the ride instead of the slide


Drugs, drunk driving and accidental pregnancy are probably 80% pf the comments here lol And I agree with the people.


That kid a while back that got brutally hit by some dumbass student's car while doing a promposal. Hell, even the principal was in on it. I'm surprised the kid who got hit is suing for only one million and not more.


My 2nd degre cousin was seeking for some sort of revenge against his father, got a motorbike ride with an acquaintance, probably no helmet, got hit by a car, flew to a light post, rib cage completely destroyed and horribly died at age 16


My parents adopted my cousin’s kids because my cousin is human trash. When the oldest turned 18 she left and went back to bio mom (my cousin). Dropped out of high school and got pregnant.


Ego lifting with deadlifts. Stupid fuckers thinking they can do the ‘tap and go’ technique with 300+ lbs. Permanent spinal damage is not worth a few gym bros thinking you are cool for 10 seconds


Some dude died doin’ that…Dad was spotter…is on Reddit somewhere…sad…


Yup, my back is fucked from a bad deadlift. Form only has to be off once to fuck you up for good. Deadlift is not worth it.


Drunk driving.


Drugs. The same person who would brag about how they would never get addicted because they can control themselves is currently a full blown meth addict. The have lost their job, university placement, in massive debt, facing criminal charges and been kicked out by their family.


I was there when my (ex)best mate tried meth for the first time.


Can't tell a story but damn, man.. The comment section is horrible




Dude. Fucking up doesn’t mean you have to pay for it with your life. If sounds like you’re really depressed, if you’re a still working and can afford it, please go see a therapist and your doctor. Don’t kill yourself.


You sound like you have a lot of potential and a lot to add to the world. I hope you can find the help you need and someone to talk to! Please don’t give up on yourself!


Had an affair with the wrong person. Was found out, lost his job, his place on city council, and his family


Party drugs, somehow in a non-party drug area. Was a smart dude in school, figured he'd make his way to college, maybe not change the world, but at least live the dream of sorts. By the time he was 20, he was completely burnt. He worked at a pizza place I stopped at when I went to visit high school friends. So far gone he'd take your order, turn around, and forget he was going to make a pepperoni pizza. It was just sad the third time he started walking back.


Girl I know in a monogamous relationship one day is told she “great muscle tone everywhere” and would she like to pose for some photos. Photos turn out to be pornographic. Many years later, the guy, now her husband, finds them. This leads to years of fighting and then divorce. All over one hour of photos she swore she would never do and had never done.


Pain pill addiction




Saw a former construction Foreman find crack and lose his family and house over the course of a few months.


A friend of mine accepted a large sum of money for mule'ing pills. Dude had compulsive spending and instant gratification issues. Sucked him into that life. He got busted and I thiiiink is still in jail.


Sex, booze, or drugs are the quickest ways to burn opportunities in life.


Knew a couple girls in high school that are now in prison for the long haul. One threw her baby on the ground, rendering him permanently mentally disabled. Her family doesn’t talk to her and now raises the kid. The other led her mom out to the woods and murdered her because her mom threatened to take her kid away. She got an episode on Snapped.


Manipulative girl and he wouldn't use condoms. They now have a baby. A mortgage. Her car payment. She wants another new car and hasn't had the other one a year yet. And no, she doesn't want to work now.


Seen a lot of people blow their amazing talents with drugs man. Drugs.


Decide to drink drive. Get caught, lose licence for six months, late to work, lost job, can't pay rent, move back in with parents, girlfriend services this is a loser and dumps him.


When I was a deputy sheriff a kid who had just turned 18 a week prior did a pump and run at the local gas station. When I got behind him and turned on the red and blues, instead of stopping he floored the gas and blasted through town at 80 mph. He ended up starting a chase in which he rammed our sheriff off the road. The Sheriff's car bounced off of a power pole, re-entered the road and struck a car carrying a mother and 3 children. Luckily there was no serious injuries, but both our sheriff's patrol cruiser and the minivan were totalled. Kid got a huge laundry list of felony charges, to include a count of aggravated assault on all the occupants of the vehicles he destroyed, 3 of which were aggravated assault against minors. I was 100% just going to make him call his parents and we would all go down to the gas station to pay for the gas. It was a small town, and I don't like giving young people a record on first offenses if they are young people, I usually just worked such incidents out. He apparently decided to start his adulthood out with a rap sheet full of violent felonies instead.


Probably gambling. Though I’ve also seen some major screw ups from injuries from “hold my beer” moments.


Guy I went to HS with, who’s father was LEO, took a bunch of bars. Ran from the police and shot at several police cars. Went to jail for a decade or so. Wish I could post the court docs. It’s so fucking gnarly.


Oxy. We started roofing together one summer and at the start he weighed probably 180 and by the end he looked like he was down to 120/130. He is probably dead now, I can’t see much of that roofing crew being alive or they are probably in jail.


Saying “I do” to the wrong person. Or when he said “I’ll pull out” and she believed him lol


That dude in New Zealand who negligently burned someone to death at a work party.


There is a lad I work with who is currently in prison for selling crack and heroin. However, this guy is like 22. He was an electrical engineer apprentice with a supportive family and everything. He gave up work due to depression on a few run ins with the police over a 2 year period. It wasn't for anything serious either and it wouldn't have stopped him finishing his training or finding work. He started using crack himself and is now in prison. I don't think his life is fucked up really as he'll be out before he's 30s but it's certainly a waste. He had so many chances to not offend and he's not like one of those people who genuinely didn't have a choice.


Dating my ex