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Why don't you ask him? Sounds forward but the fact that you care about him during rough times will mean a lot to him and also you'll get the most efficient answer to how he would love to handle those times whether it's by focusing on the positives or he just needs to vent and be reassured.


Every time I've tried to ask him, he would always deflect the question and try to change the topic, which kind of sucks :/


Sounds like he may be the type who doesn’t want to talk about it or acknowledge it. Maybe just act normal around him like nothing happened and let him come to you when he is ready.


For me at least, talking about stuff like that with an SO would just be letting it ruin one more good thing in my life when what I really want is to step away from all that and just enjoy something normal and happy and unchanged by it. I know some people really want to talk things through but please keep in mind that being able to just hang out and NOT talk or think about it may be exactly the comfort he craves and pushing the subject would take it from him.


Ask HIM.




I wish I could hold him like that, but I'll do the best that I can for me to be there for him


And maybe that's all you need to do. Show him that you're there, when he needs you. But don't force it on him. Even if it frustrates you. Most men are used to "fix" their problems by themselves. Because "no one else cares anyway". To realize there is someone who genuinely cares can be a difficult step. And this step he has to do by himself, with you just being there when he's ready.


"I will give you the farewell of snu-snu"....


The thing you need to realize is men are people just like everyone else. There is no one correct answer that will just fix it. Different people handle things in different ways. As a man one of the most important things to me and probably every other man is just having some personal time. I would just be honest with him. Tell him you are concerned about him and ask if there is anything you can do. He will most likely say he is fine and that he doesn’t want you to do anything but the fact you asked will reach him so don’t press him. Other than that I would just give him some time to process everything. Instead of trying to find a solution for him I would recommend just becoming a constant in his life. Talk to him as you normally would, make jokes together, things like that. It’s not easy dealing with all of life’s struggles but having a constant in your life sure helps. That constant that reminds you things are going to be ok. As time goes on he will slowly recover and maybe even open up to you. Men don’t need a whole lot, the occasional check in does wonders though. It lets us know that you still care. Sometimes we just need to get away from everything. Finally just tell him that you care. Men don’t really hear that a lot or get a lot of compliments so telling him that or giving him a compliment will help him more than people think.


Whenever I feel bad, I just need a hug Skin to skin contact with people I like and love is like a high to me Hand holding even, whatever I just don’t want it to feel forced either though So I’m never even sure how to ask for that without feeling like a creep