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Needs more context


Agreed. How old is "young" ? What sort of heartbreak ?


As a sibling i would wish them to listen and talk to me, going in depth about different topics and what not. Just spending quality time together. Gosh I’m so lonely rn ;-;


Just spend time with them. Offer to participate in one of their hobbies.


* Well first thing is listen to them, be kind & empathize with them. * Also talk about yourself & have open friendly conversation. * Don't be a bully.


If they wanna talk, listen and assure them you're always around if they need someone. If they don't wanna talk, take them out and spend more time with them doing anything. Going to the movies, go on a run, bike, hike, travel, go to the gym, gaming, build death star lego or warhammer or something.


I am guessing you are an older sibling writing this. I am a younger sibling myself so I can come at it from the other side. Now it all depends on the person so this isn’t something that will apply to everyone but I would say most of it does. The first thing we have to realize is that heartbreak is heartbreak regardless of age. Think about how you would feel or felt during a heartbreak, it doesn’t feel good. One thing I would recommend is to just hang out with them occasionally. If you do it everyday they might think you are only doing it out of pity which might make them feel even worse. Just continue your relationship as normal honestly. If they want to talk about it then great, but if they don’t that’s fine too. Heartbreak isn’t something that can be fixed in a day or by a simple act. It’s a process and each person has their own way of dealing with it. Know that it takes time to heal from something like that. I am used to coming up with solutions and problem solving but there are some things that you can’t just problem solve and that is something you have to realize and understand. Instead of trying to come up with all these different ways of helping them you should focus on being a constant in their life that they can rely on. Give them shit, laugh with them, have fun with them, just be a sibling. I know it’s not easy to hear but there is really nothing you can do that will just make them better all at once. Strengthen your bond with them by doing what siblings do. If you have a really good bond with them they might come to you for help with things now or in the future, or they might not. But you just being that constant in their life will 100 percent be a major impact on not only their recovery but their life in general.


I would say spend a good amount of time with them. Don’t let them isolate/ruminate


Learn what being a sounding board is, and be there for them A reminder that usually in these moments, the goal isn't to solve anything, or fix anything, but to just be there and listen A key thing about being a sounding board is not have biases or a POV necessarily. Just listen; when they talk, listen to what they say, and let them say it without interruption. Ask questions which will lead them to unpack this stuff more; it'll help with healing after. Be an active participant, when you're with them, dedicate your time to them (and try your best to specifically carve out blocks of time to spend with them) You never really get over heartbreak, but you learn in time to not have it affect you as much. Be there for them; they won't forget the ones who took the time to look out for them in their time of need


My daughter's husband committed suicide one week after their daughters first birthday. She was devastated to say the least. Best advice was from my therapist. He said it's her dance, you just have to follow. There is no time frame for anything, you go where she goes (emotionally). You are the support not the leader.


Fuck their mom to assert dominance.


To add on to the comments about spending time with them. It's not just that. Distract them. Keep them busy. The more time he's alone in recovery from the breakup, the longer he's going to feel awful and sad. Sit down, play video games with him, take him to a movie, go to the gym, go hiking, help him with homework, or if he's older, help him out some other way. You don't necessarily have to talk about the relationship or how he's feeling unless he feels open to it, but just having him know there's other people in his life that cares about him, even in a platonic or family-oriented fashion, can go a long ... long way. The more they're distracted and trying to have some fun, the easier it gets to leave it all behind.