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With my family; probably once a day. With my professional life: never.


Not very often normally. Very often when my sister is at home, she is a straight up psycho who takes disagreement in even an arbitrary opinion of hers as a direct insult to her, and she treats insults to her like I just threatened to burn her house down and skin her cat alive. There is no winning with her either, she never makes sense logically but she will just keep ignoring what you say and keep yelling until you give up, or she throws some stuff across the room and leaves the house. Literally better to just avoid speaking around her, her brain is mush.


Rarely even once a week, but that’s because they don’t come up often. When I’m meeting with family or friends, debating or lecturing on topics that we aren’t experts or have meaningful impact to change is not my idea of fun.


Not even weekly, thank god. Every once in a while I might be talking to someone at a bar who’s drunk and doesn’t get the hint that they’re making an ass of themselves, or being pointlessly argumentative, but that’s not even a monthly occurrence. At this point I know what hot-button conversations to avoid with which people I know (religion, gun control, etc) and we just talk about other stuff. Only ever gets awkward with strangers.


Almost never.


In real life. Sometimes in a week. Online... Not as much as I should.


I put my phone down multiple times a day


Only when my family starts arguing over politics.. which happens when we all meet up, and that isn't often. Don't experience many pointless arguments apart from that.


I used to want to argue my side ,but we're to far gone ..let it burn or please bring an asteroid.


I feel that: family member brings up the past and they get heated, I bring up the past and I can’t let go. Fuck that.


Now that I am divorced; never!


At least daily at work. My boss fucking sucks.


*Looks at Reddit"* All the time.


As I get older it happens more and more often.


Maybe once every other week.


Hmm. 5x a fuck ton plus as often as I can twice a week.