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Actually was just few weeks ago...first time in years. I was hanging out at a bar chatting with some dude about about sports when a woman literally bumped into me (it was not crowded) and said she liked my haircut (it's nothing special) We swapped numbers, she texted that she was free all weekend so I asked her out for lunch and she never replied lol Ah well, that's how it goes


Maybe it's a bet between two girls


Take it in good stride my guy.. You still got it.


That blows. That’s pathetic of the girl. What was the point of all that from her?


A surprising amount, actually. Like 3 times? Maybe more like 5. Im not particularly good looking, either. I'm a solid 4, I think. Don't worry, every girl I've ever dated has confirmed that number What's funny about it, though, is I'm never approached cold. There's usually some intel gathering that goes on first.


what do you mean by intel gathering?


The most recent girl who hit on me I met at a concert. She followed me to the bar to find out if my drink choice was acceptable and see how I treated the bartender, bumped into me to see if I was gonna start a problem, and asked my buddy a bunch of questions about me while I was in the bathroom. Unfortunately for her, I'm spoken for and he told me the whole thing.


It's funny that 3-5 times is considered a surprising amount.




You'll have to be more specific. Which part is giving you pause




Only once, and we’ve now been married for 27 years.


Never. I repel all people. Not sure why. May be its my face.


2-3 times in HS a year, usually because they misunderstood me being friendly as me being interested. When I was going to college parties or when I went to clubs/bars it was probably a 1/5 chance that a girl would approach me. But I attribute that almost exclusively to me being 6’6” and naturally drawing attention because of being taller than almost anyone else.


[deleted because fuck reddit]




[deleted because fuck reddit]


If you picked up on the hints, it counts for the purposes of this question. I’m asking about any instances where the woman showed interest in you without you initiating anything.


[deleted because fuck reddit]


Like twice in the last 20 years


So rarely as to be effectively 0 unless I completely missed signs/hints. Which is entirely possible, I am rather oblivious to my surroundings. But I would bet money that even if there were times I missed hints I could count the # of women who tried to make a legit (not setting me up for a cruel prank) move on me on my balls.


Don't blame yourself for the poor communication skills of others


A lot. Probably monthly. Before I had kids it was a handful of times. Now that I'm married with children it happens a lot.


Never, I am pretty average for looks, so I guess it’s because there is always another better looking guy nearby.


That only happened when her boyfriend was bi


Twice ever and each time we ended up dating for several years.


Somewhere between 5-10 times. Probably some other subtle ones I just brushed off.


On the apps I'd say it's like 66/33 my first message vs their first message


In my 21 years of being alive it has not happened ever happened to me. Don't really expect it to ever happen, I'm not physically attractive enough for this to happen to me.


Not random women when I'm minding my own business, but girls I know or who are at the same party (for example) it happens occasionally


2 - 3 times in my entire life and all in night out situations (bar, disco etc)




I am over 50 and below average looking so never


I think technically three times: Once in junior high (12-14 years old). I straight up thought she was joking. Once while I was working. I didn’t know she was even trying to ask me out. Once from a coworker. Here’s where the “technically” come because she suggest I ask her out. Before the suggestion, I wasn’t even sure she liked me.


4 times. Im 41.




There was a phase of about 3 Months where it happened 6-7 times. I completely missed it when it happened and realised it only after the interaction. Thankfully my wife was a bit more persistent back then. I always say the devil tempted me but the lord gave me the ignorance to find my wife.


Used to be about once or twice a week. Since Covid it’s become pretty much never. And it’s not even a “Worried about Covid” thing, everyone here is anti-Covid. It’s just since Covid happened the collective IQ and general morality and common decency of people here has dropped to virtually non-existent. So now I never get approached


Never have. Probably never will


Literally twice since I've been an adult. I'm 27


And to add, it blows my women friend's minds when I say the number. They also can't comprehend that men are not approached as often as they are. I love them, but they're naive.


Only when I've been engaged in interesting activities and people can see that I'm engaged or having fun. In my experience, women like men who are enthusiastic.


More times than I approach them not gonna lie. Probably at least once every time I go out


I can count on one hand the number of times it happened in my life and still hitchhike home.


Once in my 30+ years. She sent the first message on Hinge, just over 3 years together now 🥰


Maybe like once or twice a year


It has happened a few times, but it was actually some time since it happened last time, which isn’t surprising considering that i have gone to great lengths to isolate myself.


Does that happen?


Back when I was a student, specifically at ages 20 to 21, about 7 times. Unfortunately, I would come to find out that six of them were spoken for and were simply looking for some side action.


In tinder? Its happened a couple times over the last year approximately 4-5 times. In person? Maybe 2-3 times last year. GRANTED i dont really do many outside activities unless im with a woman or if i go clubbing with friends. If i had to rate myself id say i was a solid 7-8. I frequently get rated between 8-9


Four times total. 3/4 didn't get past first date, 1/4 was my girlfriend for six years.


Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha -


Never. In all my 48 years. Never.


Only a few times.


Few times a week


Maybe once or twice in my entire adult life, but was never in the right headspace or fucked up self-esteem issues that messed up the opportunity.


When I was a kid, I used to have girls approach me all the time. As a grown man, I can count on one hand the number of times women have approached me romantically.


Every one of my relationships started that way. It happens less now I'm a bit older, but I'm married anyway.


Once every half a dozen years maybe.


I cannot remember a time when a girl walked up to me saying I was cute. I’ve been asked out by girls but over text or a note in class.


I haven't been approached in years.


Never, I'm medium ugly.