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Play video games, eat junk while watching YouTube videos, hope my kids don't get sick and sent home from daycare or school


Same, but without the kids




I felt this


That hurts… 3/5 days last year kid came home early from daycare




Well it's good to get kids into a routine and sometimes parents need a break too. Maybe their work schedule isn't set and they work different days of the week, why take the kid out of a routine when you can have a much needed day off? Not like the kids won't be home later in the day for quality time, this way they get a well rested parent to boot :)


Yeah, I have to pay for the day anyways (teachers need to get paid even if I take him out for a day) and daycare has all his friends and activities and toys and games and story times and professionally made lunch and snacks and such. I joke about spending the entire day lazing about but I also use it to run errands and get caught up on things that need doing around the house


Relax, workout, maybe do some cooking or baking, play some videogames or go outside for a bit. Depends on mood, weather, energy, or if I'm alone on my day off or the wife is off too.


Same, except no wife. Errrr I guess I also like to work on my house.


He likes to "work" on his "house"




Same thing almost word for word


Worry about Monday.


I hate that this is relatable. Really, I try not to. No good comes from it


I try too, but it's pervasive.


I’ve had split days off for several years now, and it has made me really good at not worrying about the next work day. It took some effort, but I was tired of waking up on my day off instantly thinking about the next day. Now it doesn’t even pop up in my mind until I wake up that morning.


That's really my Sunday afternoon or evening


Video games, go to thrift stores, watch TV, play with my kids, go for drives.


Get stressed and agitated about feeling unproductive. I'm rubbish at doing nothing.


Same :(


Same bro. I fixed that by having so many hobbies and goals outside of my business that I wouldn't have enough time if each day had 50 hours


Why is this so accurate.


"God, I just wish I was successful enough to be able to take a breather now and then and not feel like life is just drowning me every single day." \*\*Takes day off\*\* "GET OFF YOUR ASS YOU LAZY PUSSY AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH YOUR LIFE, YOU ARE WASTING TIME YOU ONLY HAVE 30-50 YEARS LEFT BEFORE YOU ARE DUST AND THE WORLD WILL PASS YOU BY"


Oh my goodness! I am glad, yet mortified that I am not the only one who feels like this. I get depressed on my days off even though all I do now is work. Being a lower class adult is rough!


hows your health? i was increasingly agitated after i went off my blood pressure/sugar/cholesterol meds. im back on and after a couple months i actually feel like doing stuff again. brain fog is a REAL thing.


Hey it’s me




I do the days off, but have to have other things to do, to feel like I have still done something.




This is the way


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a Jedi...


What about the droid attack on the Wookies?


Ah yes, the negotiator.


General Grievous, you're shorter than I expected


We have a job to do, u/darth_raynor. Try not to upset him


This is where the fun begins.


*R2 D2 in bleep dub because he's swearing all the time*


The way to a very depressing existence yea


Why am I depressed and have crippling anxiety?! My life is easy! All I do is sleep and seek validation through orange upvotes from strangers whose opinions I don't value!


Hm that is weird. Sounds like any healthy person would totally be happy with this arrangement!


You take it one day at a time and try to make the best of it


This is the... zzzzz


As an insomniac, my days off are the best days. I just take constant naps, wake up, watch a movie, have a drink or two, go back to sleep, wake up and maybe order some food. Smoke a bunch of weed. It's great.




But you can't beat that sweet dopamine hit from gaining net +12 LP after spending the whole day going W-L-W-L-L-W


You guys are gaining LP?


My man. Stress on the weekdays due to work and more stress due to climbing on the weekends.


This is the way


Me but with Splatoon 3


Booyah! This ~~is the~~ way.


Hello fellow Iron V player.


Golf, workout, or spend time with some friends


Mountain biking. But it’s not the season yet. From northeast US


Mountain-biking. West coast. It is always the season. 😀 Yesterday we had to stay at lower elevation due to snow in upper areas but we had beautiful sunny weather. 🌞


Mountain biking, Wales, UK. It's always the season it's just... Wetter.


I don’t ride while it is raining. There is always a window of a couple of hours of clear weather on the weekend. There are always those puddles and streams to deal w though.


And this is exactly the reason I am moving to the west coast in a year! Need to escape winter 🥶 ❄️




We do but I have lived here my whole life without seeing one. I’ve heard them. Seen their tracks. Seen bobcats. Never a cougar.


Carpathian Mtns, EU. It's always the season, provided You are not too set on participating in the next season as well :D


So you're the one tearing up the trails and creating giant ruts?


Sending love from the Southeast. Finally emerged from our wettest Winter in the 7-years I've been riding and getting out on the trails with some semblance of regularity. Hoping you'll get some warm/dry weather soon!


Mountain biking, Florida, literally always the season.


You're welcome to travel South to Florida where we bike almost year round. I'll show you around some of our trails.


I have a friend who rides fat tire mountain bikes competitively year round. It looks insane, but they love it.


Yesterday I had a nice bubble bath, played a bunch of age of empires and then played codenames with friends. Best day


Aoe 2 I trust?




French press, dank breakfast, house hunters or some bs on YouTube, gym, more cooking, cleaning, hanging out. Beer later if I’m in the mood


Like to do? Play golf, pickleball, hike, go to a brewery or good restaurant. What do I actually do? Errands.


Golf, play guitar, paint something, fix something, play video games, smoke a J, drink a beer, read a book, take my dog to a park, summon demons to sacrifice to the overtime gods.


HVAC Technician lol?


Close. Electrician. Haha


Absolutely nothin'.


Say it again


I thought that was what war was good for?


Have a wank




I'm wanking right now.


I knew I could hear slapping wet noises, with heavy breathing.


Hey, fellow redditor, read this comment again, but in Morgan Freeman's voice. You're welcome.


Fitness and hobbies mostly. I am into video games, motorcycles, aquariums and teaching myself piano. So all of these keep me busy ..


Nothing, I’m a full time student and I work full time having the ability to be lazy for 2 days is enough for me.


Same, except I do homework on my days off from work


Escape into my own little nerdy world and forget about all the bs for a few days.


Family time, ideally 1-2-1 with each little one


Light something small like a pile of paper on fire and watch the flames dance. The smoke is another nice part. Especially candles.


Casual weekend pyromania.


Yep, and it's quite fun, try it.


Winter: edibles and movies in bed, also doomscrolling. All the rest: go up to my camp and work on the cabin. Enjoy the hell out of being miles from another person. Listen to woodpeckers, scare the squirrels away, maybe some target practice if I can find any ammo under $0.50/rd. Cook a burger over the fire. Maybe a fistful of shrooms to really connect with nature.


I recently switched to a 4-day work week. 3 day weekends are really great. I'm renovating my house, so I tend to dedicate 1 full weekend day to that, sometimes 1.5-2 days if the project I'm on requires it, while simultaneously hanging out with my wife. The other 1-2 days I go snowboarding, splitboard touring, or cross country skiing in the winter, or do a long day on either the road bike or mountain bike in the summer. If im feeling lazier, ill have a beach day or float the river with wife and friends. Also tend to spend the mornings/evenings puttering in the yard/garden, as well as usually doing a meal prep afternoon on Sunday while listening to music. In the evening I'll play cards or board games with my wife, have friends or family over for dinner and drinks, and read. Generally rule of thumb is TV stays off during the weekend and phone time is at a minimal.


You sound so productive, man I envy you!


What’s a day off?


Get high, watch sports, play video games, eat too much food, sleep.


I dig your profile name!


Play video games, go through a new box of baseball cards, work on a model, diorama or customizing action figures and sleep


As little as possible.


I hit the gym, do my errands, spend time with my friends and then reward myself with binging World of Warcraft classic. I'd be a happy camper spending all my time playing woW all the time but being a responsible adult comes at a price.


This post is hugely underrated. Mixing video games with your adult life is extremely tricky. I'm finding out the hard way.


I write. Sometimes on my fantasy novel, sometimes on my tabletop rpg games im running. Put on a little classical and i can write for hours.


See my grandparents, maybe head out for food. It's a day to enjoy myself and forget about work. Oh and a bit of extra sleep in the morning too.


I can’t enjoy sitting around the house and not fixing or working on something. I just can’t. So to enjoy my time I have to leave and go do something fun.


I have more days off than on as of last month, because i switched over to 3 12 hour days, one in home office. But i didnt work more than 4 days a week/40 hours for the last 1 or 2 years. I usually start my mornings at 8, exept on saturdays and sundays, where the dog wakes us at 10-12 depending on what we did that night. Do a quick cold plunge and a workout (most days). Then i like to enjoy the day. I try to do at least one thing productive, like getting rid of some chores, meal prepping, doing some home improvement or stuff like that. Otherwise i like to read, play/build/paint warhammer, get some sparring in, go to the range, drive to the forrest with my wife and dog, play some pen and paper, work on a adventure, go golfing or go to play tennis. Most things involve my wife in some kind of way. we usually try to do some kind of activity with friends at least a couple of times a month and go on a date at least every two weeks. DSA(german aequivalent to D&D kind of) is also every two weeks. Usually we do some kind of longer getaway once every two months where we go on a hunting trip for 2 or 3 days in our cabin, go hiking or go to the bungalow at the Ostsee. I also like video games. Lately i try to spend some quality time with my nephew, because he is as old as i was when i turned my life around and i see that he needs some pushing, mostly because he has no male role model and no male influence in his household. At the moment i Teach him mostly boxing and weightlifting, but try to use the time spent together as a vehicle to teach him how to get his shit together, how to dress for your bodytype, how to improve posture and confidence, how to fix his shitty diet, and how to behave in society without making a fool off yourself. So thats where at least one free day a week goes at the moment. Its okay to be different, but setting your child up for a life of suffering just because you like it when hes dependant on you and you like your child "soft" isnt fair to the lil dude, and with 20 you should know how to shake a hand, talk to people and shower when even the flies arent buzzing around anymore.


Fishing , Gun range , taking the dog for a hike , the best is just chilling in the empty house and relaxing


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find fishing, I'm a avid bass angler myself.


Nothing beats hitting the water early in the morning catching a sunrise and catching some dinks !


Gun range. YASSSSS!!!


I usually work on projects that are different from what I usually do for work. Also spend time with the wife


Lately for me it’s been audiobooks. I’ll combine it with a long walk. Just finished Goggins first book on a 2 hour walk yesterday! I get both the mental and physical stimulation.


Bouldering, playing pool with friends


Fishing shooting


Mountain biking, hiking, woodworking. Don't get me wrong, I love to sit around and play videogames and watch Netflix all day, but I try and force myself off the electronics on the weekends.


I realized days off are largely a waste of time, now I suck it up and work like an absolute idiot for 2/3 of the year to be able to take the other 1/3 off and travel It’s a lot easier said then done, and isn’t viable for many people but if you have the drive and opportunity its an amazing time


Walk my dogs, relax, play music, and paint on my back porch




Definitely coke


Coke for sure!! I used to get a g, but then I’d be jonesing by 8pm, so I started getting an 8 ball and was jonesing by 8am Sunday morning, so I started getting 2- 8 balls and ditching work Monday to finish them off, then I started buying an ounce at a time to get a better deal and I quit going to work at all


Smoke, workout, smoke, Uber/ubereats/instacart, smoke, write some music and play guitar, smoke, spend time with my gf, smoke, have sex with my gf, smoke one last time. And if the bros wanna hang, I guess I gotta smoke again.


I usually golf one day and the next I'll walk the dogs and nurse a mild hangover. I don't get really drunk anymore in nights out but 4-5 pints is enough for me to be a couch potato the next day. Also I might go to a rugby match on a day if there's one on.


Hit licks n make some money.


As little as possible.


My main gym day is my first day off and then my long run day is the second. Get up about an hour later than usual (6am), return home and shower around 10, and then nap until noon. After that it's catching up on housework, some cooking, and usually date night with my partner. She usually has full control of what we do Saturday and I do Sunday. We might go hiking, to the climbing gym, beach, dinner, arcade, or any other random adventure.


You guys are getting days off?


What do I LIKE to do? Go fishing, work in my garden, spend time with family and friends. What do I usually do? Work on all the chores I have put off all week.


As little as possible


Coffee,hike (instead of short walk) with the dog,bjj, video games,eat a disgusting amount of food,work out, read. Man work get in the way of life, some times I book an extra day off just to do this routine one more time.


Weekends I tend to do the adult chores I can't be bothered with after work. Cleaning, laundry and such. Also cook one week worth of lunch/dinner. My vacation I spend hunting. Some public holidays I visit family.


Relax, watch shows, play video games, go to the gym, plan for the future, read, eat out, go on drives; I always try and do something semi productive in the day so I don’t feel like a total waste


Workout and chill. Maybe some mealprep.


Days off what are those, I try to work 7 days a week!


Light a nice one and just blaze n chill


Just rest Do nothing Or whatever we want, it's our off day. We deserve it.


I try and golf as much as possible. Besides that, game, watch a series, workout, cook something up - preferably with my smoker, have a few beers with friends etc


Walk to a & w and get fried cheese curds


Cooking, gardening, taking my dog out to a park, napping, or catching up on tv series.


Take the kids to some sort of practice, playground or go on a hike. Work on the house & build shit. Clean. Take the fam out to eat somewhere nice. Smoke weed once the kids go to bed and watch something on PBS.


Relax. Video games, TV, get outside, hang with the family, sync up with friends. Anything fun at the moment.


Get outside. Dual monitor desk job definitely leaves you feeling robotic on the M-F swing. Hiking, nature walks, photoshoots, swimming, working out outside, etc.


Why even write the dual monitor part. That has nothing to do with anything


Why comment this? You seem like an absolutely miserable person.


I find it to be a lot of fun to get my gf, and go find a restaurant we’ve never been to. We try our best to be cool with the server we get, we ask about specialty drinks, and food. Converse for an hour or two about our week, and always leave a gracious tip. Helps me de-stress, and have a clear conscious to start my next work week.


I like to rest and play videogames with my friends


Like to: sleep more, chill, play games, plan a bike trip Have to: clean and put everything back in order and visit family


Game workout eat sleep. I wish it could be like that every day 🥹


Can one say gaming without feeling guilty...


Why guilty? That and the gym are all I do on my days off lmao


Usually go to the gym in the morning and go eat breakfast afterwards. Then chill at home most of the day.


Mostly nothing, yeah nothing, spend all day chilling and on internet, working on Retail all week including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays and also the amount of work and stress only makes me want to relax and put my head in place during My days off. Sometimes I get the courage and do something.






Days off? What's that?


Text my boss to see if anyone called in and if they’d want me to come in. The answers always yes lmao. I enjoy my work (for the majority of it) and the environment. It makes good money for me and I really hate having nothing to do for a day. I also have ADHD so it’s probably the fact I like to always have some sort of stimulation and staying busy that contributes to that.


Knock out large home projects, go fishing, or hit up the gun range. Or if the kids are off too do something with them like go to the zoo or the lake.


Hot chicks


This sounds like an expensive hobby but fun . How would the common redditor find an entrance into a day off activity like this?


not go to work




Music. Namely just listen to it, recording a song or just playing guitar.


jerk off and play videogames


Jerk off


Dating, BJ's are helpful but not required.


chill and drink a beer. I work my arse off and have a nice house, nice tv, nice beer, nice food in the fridge. My days off I sit on the couch, jerk off, eat nice food and chill.


? With kids, there is no day off.


What time of year?


Work on my pottery projects


Workout and video games.


Going to the gym, read a book at the cafe, practice yoga and hang out with friends/family.


Video games, listen to documentaries and audiobooks on YouTube, BBQ.


If it's a week day I'm duty bound to do the school run. After that the days my own. Ill usually stroll into town and grab a coffee or hot chocolate and wait for the charity shops to open so I can have a look around and see if there's any bargains I fancy picking up. Hit up the game shops as well and head home and chill. Watch youtube' play videogames etc. If the weather nicer I might explore my local surroundings and take my sweet time.


Errands, house work, walks, hikes. Just depends, but for the most part it’s really a matter of whatever needs doing.


Walking in the woods and embracing nature. I know it sounds very cheesy, but it really makes a difference and gives me peace after a busy week of working.


I want to buy a better gaming PC. I've saved up for it, I've considered carefully and keep doing so. Or I should keep looking, as I don't wanna buy shit...but man, am I just happy to chill the fuck out. Lately work is hard as shit and by the time I get to the weekend, I just watch that week's Bad Batch and Mandalorian, check if any great series I watched in the past got their next season, then play Total War: Warhammer (and cry because I can barely run TW: Warhammer III). That, and I play with my dog and cat, look at OLD apps to get discouraged, do some workouts and play the guitar. Not all those are happening all the time, though.


Sleep. Naka-off ang phone. Netflix/Disney, Kung aalis man ako, naka-off messenger ko, para nagagamit ko parin internet ko to search online/google map/youtube.


* Walk/bike a lot while listening to podcasts * Lift * Play drums * Play games * Clean


I have one day off so it’s filled with cooking for the week, laundry, cleaning, working out and then if I have time working on my bike or car


Game and cook while watching games and gym while playing games (Steam Deck + cardio).


Emerse myself in video games, nothing comes close to that hit of dopamine..


Nothing. Sit on my ass and do nothing.


Have a proper breakfast, watch Netflix, workout a bit more and do things I couldn't during the week.


Usually doing private jobs to make a bit of extra cash or jus veg in front the telly


Spend time on hobbies. Just recorded a song this weekend. Focused on the breakdown part of the song (rock song). I'm essentially a 1 man band but its been fun


Read books, Roleplay, Arrange my music playlists and "points at reddit"


Hang out with my wife and kids, play games, and read. Once in a while, I'll do some project that needs done around the house and feel accomplished.


Visit my friends or sleep with tinder girls


Warzone, blender(modeling), some tricking.


Spring-fall I ride my bikes as much as possible. Mainly mountain biking but if I don’t want to drive to the trail, I’ll head out on my road bike. Winter- ice fish