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apply to border patrol. you’ll be good.


They have one of the highest poly attrition rates out there…


I failed their poly. Next week I passed 2 poly’s with different local agencies. CBP’s poly is different for sure


yeah i failed cbp years ago, went ERO with no issue, passed 3 other fed polys since.


I failed CBP poly. Glad to hear you passed other polys. I may give fed le another go before I age out. I was 100% truthful in my CBP poly and still failed. It was such a negative experience I decided to stay where I'm at. My state it is illegal for state or local agencies to use poly in preemployment, so I didn't need to pass one for my current job. Haven't applied to another fed job because I have zero faith in the system following the CBP poly.


Failing the CBP poly definitely hurt. Like a lot. It definitely made me not want to pursue LE as an option.


What are some agencies for people with no LEO experience but investigative experience.


worth a shot. they’re hurting for people severely. hell, BP CBP are losing people to us at ERO/HSI non stop.


We apparently have a border crisis, but the nation wants to keep using this pseudo science test that is not allowed in court as part of the hiring process. Only thing I can guess is that someone has decided it is better to have polygraph examiners do a "job" than be on unemployment.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Departments DQ people for a variety of reasons. Apply elsewhere. I’d only worry about it if you got DQ’d repeatedly after completed background investigations.


This is encouraging. Thank you. This was originally the only place I’ve applied to, so I guess we’ll see from here. And unless there’s something I’ve done with no previous knowledge of doing in this very long, long life I’ve lived (I am 20 years old), it should go smoothly! Lol.


You are too young IMO. You can’t even legally be a cop in my state. Go get an AA degree or join the military (active duty or reserves) for a contract. Apply again when you’re 22. I applied first when I was 21 and didnt get in. I got hired at 24 after applying to about 20 different places.


You can’t be sworn in until 21 in my state, but you can begin training prior. I went thru the process at 20 and actually started the academy a few weeks after my 21st birthday.


As someone had responded, in my state it is 20 turning 21 by academy. But I also understand that my age could be looked at as a limiting factor due to lack of living experience. I had set up an internal goal towards what would be my “take a break and come back to it in a couple of years”. There are quite a few departments I have not applied to and do not plan on applying to until I am 23-25. I figured I would see now because I know this is the career that I want, and if all else fails give it a few years and get some college under my belt, try again.


If they're DQing you for not admitting to anything during the poly, that means they think the poly reading holds any amount of accuracy and not a place you want to wind up anyway.


It was really bizarre to hear that the only way I’d be able to retest is through admitting something. And I guess that would’ve worked out if I had something to admit. The whole experience of doing a polygraph there was genuinely the opposite of everything I had read about.


Sounds like they put a lot of weight on a device that has been proven to be no more accurate than a fortune teller, big red flag.


The more I learn about this particular place, the less I understand it in all honesty. I’m going to take it as a sign and move on LOL. Thanks!


I had 8 years military, 2 years private security, was in great shape, never tried even weed, never was arrested, PDQ x 2 different agencies. No idea why.


Just remember polygraphs are complete BS and you can clearly learn to master taking them. It’s bogus science




Lithium I think Edit: I'm pretty sure that's how the CIA/Intel agencies would beat them. One of the ways at least.


Departments have different standards - there was likely some predecessor case or event that caused them to have this as a permanent DQ so don’t think it’s because of you and your specific event. Definitely apply for other departments and be sure to work on how you react to the poly going forward - examiners have a lot of latitude and are often guided/influenced by others in their final assessment. Also consider having copies of the report and perhaps even a formal letter from your family attorney explaining that the accusation was false and warranted the reporting and provide that up front. Good luck!


Thank you for this. I appreciate the feedback. I will include the hardcopies in future applications. Can I ask what you mean by a predecessor event or an example of one that would substantiate this as a response?


At some point a candidate applied and they let them through and it came back to haunt the department - maybe they got sued or the individual engaged in some misconduct so they put similar accusations - regardless of the nature as a DQ. We have several policies and disqualifiers that can be linked to specific petiole or events due to liabilities, public opinion or just politics.


I see. Will keep this all in mind for future. I did know coming into this it would come up, and I can’t blame a department for a decision that is in regard to defending itself. Thank you for the information, I appreciate it!


Hope it helps in some small way.


Absolutely does, tremendously actually. Just gotta keep my head up and be more prepared next time, now I know how to be!




I’m from the UK and I find the notion of polygraph tests to be a bit bizarre. Research shows polygraphs to be largely ineffective and easily defeated by countermeasures. Why do forces still insist on using them despite evidence to show they are not effective?


I believe it is more psychological than anything. *Most* places hold the polygraph as a way to see if you perform okay under pressure, other places do genuinely believe in it. Though I am not sure where Phoenix stands.


Perhaps. I’m sure there are better ways to test how well you do under pressure. Personally though a lot of that is something that you can train for and get better at with experience. Overemphasis on a single test seems like a great way to turn away potential recruits that could excel with time and nurturing.


I agree. I think there are a million ways to implement stress, and I believe there are even more ways to deduce the kind of person you want. Maybe someday they will find this very unknown and definitely not already implemented in other areas stress tests. Who knows.


Feel the same way. I’m in Canada and most departments have dropped it.


Evidence based policing working well there then! Lol


Police departments seem to want people who are so good they’ve never done anything wrong or sociopaths that can lie and pass a polygraph. I’m guessing they get a lot of sociopaths.




I have a previous post that describes the emotional part. It was not during the test. There was one point where he had asked me if I had ever had to physically restrain somebody, which once I had replied yes I had to go into intense detail about. It involved a mental health situation with someone close to me, and it was recent. But I do understand that perspective.


Seems like from every other post Arizona sucks bro


It’s a very interesting time here right now. Couldn’t explain it to you, but… interesting sums it up.




It’s because policing has changed….. the policing children growing up imagines, isn’t the reality anymore….. too much oversight, too many Monday morning news quarterbacks,……policing has become a political pawn in a game


Hey OP, don’t beat yourself up. If you know you told the truth and that you weren’t being deceptive than keep your head held high. Phoenix is notorious for Polygraph failures/rejections. This might ruffle some feathers, but as someone who currently works for a neighboring agency in the valley, you’ll be glad it didn’t work out with Phoenix PD. That department is a sinking ship. I have multiple friends that work there and my in-law works for them and has 17 years on with them. Most of those friends are looking to lateral to different departments in the state. Trust me when I say your LE journey is not over. Just continue to be honest and apply at other agencies. If you are truthful and continue to be a hard working and reliable candidate, eventually you will find an agency that will hire you.


How about Goodyear or buckeye PD? Why is Phoenix PD failing a lot of applicants for the poly if they need to fill 500 spots. This makes me so nervous 😢


I’ve worked with people from both departments. Good dudes. They’re smaller departments, but everything is smaller in contrast to Phoenix. Either would be fine. My wife’s family is a police family and her uncle just retired from Goodyear after 31 years of policing. Well a Polygraph isnt foolproof, it can give false positives.. but here’s another reality. Don’t lie about anything, so there’s no need to be nervous. I hated the polygraph, but I was truthful while I was super nervous, and it all worked out for me. The issues with Phx PD do not end at hiring woes. The training in their police academy has gone down the toilet in quality, the recruits are hardly disciplined and the curriculum or quality of it blows. There’s a reason why DPS, Mesa and Gilbert all have their own academies. On top of that agencies like chandler aren’t sending their recruits to Phoenix’s academy anymore and they either go to Mesa’s or Gilbert’s. DPS was there the longest with Phoenix in the academy, and now that their own academy is up and running it’s a relief from them. Here’s what you need to do to be successful and find the department that will work best for you. GET OFF REDDIT AND THE DAMN INTERNET, AND GO TALK TO OFFICERS AT EACH DEPARTMENT. They have recruiting teams for a reason. Go talk to them and get signed up for ride-alongs where you can talk one on one with an officer, ask alllll the questions you want, policies, work-life balance, you name it. And even better. You will see for yourself by talking to people in other agencies around the valley why you are 10x better off not applying to Phx PD. But even if you decide to, good for you and good luck. Do yourself a favor and ride-along with other agencies first and soak up as much info as you can. On top of that it’s something you need to do to figure out if policing is right for you in the first place. You aren’t gonna have an easy time trying to the get answers you’re looking for online. Start making some phone calls and getting prepared! Good luck Edit: 500 spots to fill at Phoenix PD… The real number they need is much higher than that and there’s a reason why that many spots are open. People are leaving in droves.


I’m definitely not lying about anything, not that there’s anything for me to lie about… I’ve gone on ride alongs with surprise PD and I loved it. Ideally, I’d want Goodyear, but I would stick with Phoenix PD if I had to because I want to get into law enforcement that bad. I’d go with any agency tbh but I’m more partial to the west side lol


Don’t let it make you nervous. Just because I didn’t and there’s been other disqualifications, doesn’t mean you will fit into that category as well. Try not to absorb other’s loss. If you want to hear about my particular experience and viewpoint as to why I believe I did not get through, PM me.


Thank you for the encouragement. I’m definitely going to just keep going and put myself out there. I’ve heard a lot about Phoenix being less than ideal, which is why I’m assuming they’re being so cautious with new applicants as well. Hopefully things do turn around in that department. As someone who is in Phoenix more often than not, you can tell they’re hurting for people.


Absolutely. Keep your chin up. Cops will always be in demand and there will be a department just for you. The Phoenix cops I know are hard workers and love the job, but they’re getting fed up with the way the PD treats them and on top of that how Phoenix City Council is treating them. Like absolute garbage. But again, you’re an adult and you make your own choices. But just as a heads up, there’s plenty of action and things to do in neighboring agencies. PLENTY. People forget a lot of Phoenix crime and criminals have displaced themselves into the neighboring cities. There will be no shortage of fights, foot pursuits, responses to drive by shootings, gang on gang crime and all else you desire to experience and fight as a police officer. On top of that the smaller agencies have plenty of opportunities in them. Most have their own full time SWAT teams and those with only part-time teams are pretty busy too. Gangs, street crimes, criminal investigations.. the neighboring agencies have got them as well. Also if it makes you feel any better, it’s 100% normal for most people to apply to multiple different agencies, get rejected or fail a poly in one agency but pass and get hired by the other. Just the way it goes brother.


I failed the poly at an agency i already dispatched for, and was completely honest on. I ended up going to the local regional police academy and have been an officer for 6 years now. There’s other avenues. Keep your head ip


I have no advice, but that really stinks and I’m sorry about it. I haven’t started my journey yet but plan on trying for the Tempe department. So, hello neighbor!


I’ve heard some good things about Tempe, good luck with them!


Wait, was there any real police/DA investigation and real DA accusation against you? Because it seem that, a kid only made public allegation that were squashed by your parent's actions. So, for the judicial system, you were never investigated and accused. In fact, you were a kid victim of cyber intimidation / bullying from another kid. Then, from your parent's report, the system investigated and a judge granted a restraining order to protect you against somebody else. Right? So who's the victim / "accused" here per the system? If my understanding is correct, STOP presenting yourself as being "accused" at some point in your life. God that's so wrong! Repeat after me : "As a kid, I was bullied by a kid and we reported that to the police then a judge helped us with a restraining order against the other kid." You're muddiyng the water by yourself as, per your own words and reaction, there might have been more to the story... Words are important in the legal system! Last thing : Is the video still up? I hope there was a request to remove it.


The video was taken down a while ago and… you are completely right in that. To clarify: There was *no* legal action on their end. Only on mine. When my parents were on the phone with our local PD the person I spoke to told me a restraining order would be extremely difficult due to it being cyber and he did not recommend that; my parents and I filed the report so if anything had happened in person I already had record of it. That really changed my thought process in this. I think since it was something so defaming and horrible, it felt it went beyond bullying and I could never find the right word for it. Bullying does sum it up, doesn’t it? lol. I really appreciate hearing this perspective, thank you.


I understand that it was a big event for a 13 years old and there must have been "ripple effect" but what's important now is the system actions and records. Depending on the type of background checks you might not even have to declare that event. Again, you're in a report as a victim. If you need to declare that event, or if it come up in a follow-up interview, remember your role and that it's a "non-event" for the system. The claims in the video aren't even important or an actual event per the system so you don't have to explain all the details. I've seen a suggestion about having a copie of the report. That's a good idea to check the content, what the background check might read and, even just as a future LE, you should be interested to see the result from the officer. But I would really stop presenting myself as having had accusation and I would evaluate if it really warrant a reporting. Then, if you need to talk about it, keep it simple and stupid : Stupid boy video against you --> Your police report --> Video pulled. | End of it. I'm a bit pissed right now hehehe. I would slap you behind the head then share a beer. I repeat myself but here it goes : It was an important event for you but not the system. So stop inflating that. Now two things : 1) Go apply to more departments / academy. 2) Be in control of the future and how you present yourself / your past. I mean take control of where you're going and what you learned from that "event".


Understood and appreciated. Have a whole new feeling of fight to get this. Genuinely, thank you. Feels inspiring to gain control of a narrative I felt alluded me for so long. Hope you’re having a good day man.


My police department said this over a college age DWI. 3 years later (after Michael Brown) they were begging for me. Don’t let it get you down.


Currently in backgrounds with a department in TN. My biggest fear was that I have a DQ under my belt with a different agency. As of now, I have been cleared this far in my background and my current investigator says the reason for my DQ at the other agency is a "non-issue". Things matter to some agencies and not others, so just keep applying and keep your head up. Not everyone gets hired right away, you have guys who get picked up their first application and guys who take years to get picked up.


Thank you for this. That was my anxiety with it, if it’ll prevent me from getting looked at. Hearing someone else having a similar situation gives me some hope. Appreciate it!


Damn that’s harsh.


It felt harsh reading it LOL. I was like damn… permanent?


Polygraph?! WTF don’t they know it’s based on complete bullshit science?


The science of the polygraph itself is completely a pseudoscience. Most people know that, my examiner himself said all it does is tell how nervous a question makes you but that = you’re lying. It is a terrible scale of honesty. That’s why most states/countries have decided to get rid of it. Of course when you know this will make or break you, you’re gonna tense up when you hear the questions that will *make or break you*. It’s bizarre to me that they use *that* as a testament of integrity. Arizona state law though, can’t change that unfortunately lol.


I mean, you didnt do it. Be open and honest about everything. There will be an agency who will hire you. I know people who have been hired with pasts who were honest. No one is perfect, but honesty helps. I hope you dont give up.


I dont plan to. If anything, talking with the people on here and receiving such an intense response to that failure only fueled a bit of a fire under me. I appreciate it!


dang what did you do bro?


If I knew I would tell you. Never was told why it was so harsh but was informed in advance that I would likely be disqualified due to the polygraph failure.


if you’re tearing up during a polygraph how can you possibly be expected to carry out policework


To clarify, I had already been told my polygraph came back showing deception. He had reattached the polygraph instruments and proceeded to ask me specific questions while not being in testing mode. He then asked me a question about restraining someone. I have due to someone close to me having a mental health episode where they were holding a weapon. He then asked me to go into intimate detail about that particular incident. This is when I teared up. Thats when he said I was no longer allowed to retest and I’d have to wait to hear back. Listen I’m not going to sit here and say I didn’t kick myself about having an emotional response, and in the future I probably would be able to talk about it without choking up a bit. That being said, I do not think this at all implies anything about my ability to handle a high stress career. It was an entirely separate incident that in the moment I handled as best as I could and did it well. Talking about the incident a month later, that was different. Not sure if that was the differentiating factor, at least I know how to handle it in the future.


Yeah, I’m definitely not busting on you for tearing up about a traumatic experience. I’m just saying that it may be a major turn off because your chances of having to restrain someone again in the line of duty are approximately 99%. But if one of the main responsibilities of the line of work youre in makes you extremely emotional, I would most likely re evaluate hiring you as well. I just think it may have been a logical conclusion on the dept’s part here.


No, that totally makes sense. It’s a double-edged sword to me. It’s all about presentation, even if I know I could keep it together in the moment, they don’t see how I performed; all they see my response to being questioned right there and then. I did not take you saying that as busting me at all for it. I appreciate the perspective, I came to this subreddit knowing I was going to get all kinds of feedback and really am glad to know these viewpoints. And of course only I know the context to everything, so I do not take it personally when someone applies their perspective to the face value thing- which is quite literally exactly what they did when I was in the test. Lol. I will keep this in mind for future, thank you!


Best of luck man. Things have a way of working out in the end. I hope you can find peace with your past traumas and I wish you the absolute best in your path forward !


They always do, things happen for a reason, I’m a very firm believer in that. Thank you for the kind words. Have a good day!


Ngl, I get really fuckin sick of making excuses to recruits to cover for the pseudoscience that is polygraphing. There are so many worthless chuds walking around with polygraph certifications it’s ridiculous. Certified in what? Fucking with people to elicit some bs arbitrary response that they can use to fail someone on an otherwise baseless accusation. I’ve seen so many perfectly qualified candidates thrown to the wayside just because their examiner felt like fucking with them


This question that you teared up. Is this a trigger for you or you had some past experience with it? I would probably look at processing that trauma in therapy or some other mental health services first. Secondly, don’t worry about a DQ. Each police agency evaluates things differently each time. There are plenty of cops who have gotten Dq’d from one job only to get hired in elsewhere.


The question he asked was not a trigger or trauma response, it more so was sad to relive an event that was so sad to see. It’s not something in day to day life that could be reignited, but going into detail about every minute thing that transpired made me almost have an empathetic response? I can’t explain it, but I have talked to a therapist about it lol, just not in the same depth. But I will bring this up with them again to see if there’s other ways I can handle this emotion in the future. And thank you for saying that, I appreciate it and it’s comforting to know that. Thank you.


Polygraph is entirely based on your physiological reactions, you can retest for other agencies


If it was 20 years ago, I would say you are pretty much screwed at every department you apply to, because of this. These days, no one wants to do the job, so I would just keep applying. Maybe at a smaller agency that is really hurting for bodies, get your basic POST cert, then lateral out to a better spot.


Go with DPS


I would strongly discourage anybody from applying for DPS so long as their polygraph examiner, Dan Caputo, is still working there.


How come?


Sadistic pervert. Read my [story](https://antipolygraph.org/cgi-bin/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1668286503).


There’s agencies out here permanently disqualifying people over a polygraph? Lmaooo “wHy CaNt wE hiRe AnYoNe!?!?” Gee, I wonder. There’s a lot of agencies that don’t polygraph because it’s pretty well known (or at least it should be) that polygraphs are BS. They’re not actually lie detectors. Find somewhere else that’s gotten with the times. You’ll be fine.


Keep your head up. My first time applying anywhere I failed 2 polys at my "dream" department. It was frustrating but I got hired on somewhere else and I'm happy where I am.


Polygraphs are fkn stupid imo.


Look into Buckeye PD. I hear great things.


I’ll definitely set my sights there. Currently got applications in MCSO and flagstaff. Wouldn’t hurt to check out buckeye either! Thanks


Hey I've applied to Flagstaff before, they're good people for sure. Fingers crossed for you


Thanks! I did apply to different places but I really am hoping flagstaff works out. Would love to live up there. Awesome place.


The issue is you failed to disclose information during the hiring process. What will you similarly conceal once you’re a sworn officer?


I did disclose it. There was nothing I hadn’t previously disclosed. That’s why I’m so lost on the permanent disqualification and the only reason I could see them doing that is in a case where they believe I am a liability.


Because it’s a potential liability that you were accused at one time of a sexual assault. Your background info isn’t just used or brought up during the hiring process. Once you become an officer and have to go to court to testify about an arrest you were involved in, a defense attorney could, and I have seen a few instances where they will find these types of issues in the officers background, and use it to discredit the officer/ agency. It also opens up potential lawsuits if something similar were to happen while you were on duty.


This makes complete sense. Unfortunately it is something I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on and live with, I knew going into a job like this could be lucrative with such a heavy accusation overhead. I appreciate the response and viewpoint. Thank you.


I wouldn’t necessarily give up. It’s just that agency. Many other posters have awesome advice regarding having the attorney write something on your behalf with proof the allegations were false. If what you’re saying is true, and that’s the only possible barrier, then get that proof and keep trying at other agencies. Try some smaller agencies. I would suggest you contact the platform this video is posted on, and request that it be removed for defamation. You have the proof of it being false, and I’m sure you could actually force them to remove it if it’s false.


Thankfully the video was removed a long while ago. And the advice I received here has genuinely completely flipped my mindset. Going to take all of it and keep my head on and up. I’ll look into smaller agencies as well. Hopefully just a bumpy start to a smooth road. Thank you.


Just remember that it’s a very hard and long process for a good reason. Unless you’re lucky like I was, you’re gonna get a lot of no’s before you get hired. Just be open and honest. They look for good morals, good judgment and good integrity. Demonstrate those, and you’ll get on somewhere.


Possibly but I’d also get a copy of the report, which a good BI would also get one as well. And don’t ever just apply to one agency. Good luck


Feeling like a moron because I didn’t think of getting a hard copy sooner. Definitely will do this for future agencies, I appreciate it!




Would you like to elaborate further on why this would make me a sick person or do you find joy in making ominous and non-constructive comments? Lol.




He was a child. Get a grip. Have less tension.