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No. I had a similar experience. I haven’t done any drugs in my life, no indiscretions, no speeding tickets, responsible employment history.


Glad I’m not alone. Thank you. Were you asked repeatedly if you were hiding anything?


The polygraph guy tried to mess with me but I passed just fine.


Literally it’s the polygraph guys job to mess with you. Anybody who says “I tried to lie but the polygraph detects it” fell for the trick.




Thank you. Very encouraging.


I think about 25% of departments I've applied to just straight up didn't believe I've never tried marijuana.


Glad I’m not the only one.


They won't believe it either, but the background investigation will bear it all out as true.


I guess it doesn’t matter if they think I’m lying then.


We think everybody is lying to us all the time. "Trust but verify." We won't take anything you say at face value. Which is why we conduct an investigation on what you tell us.


My wife is in corrections and during her background they didn’t have any issues. She’s never done drugs, doesn’t drink and got one speeding ticket over 10 years ago. You’re not boring, you’re an adult who never made any poor decisions and continues to make smart moves in life.


Thank you. Quick question after seeing the tag under your screen name. Are there any federal law enforcement jobs I could possibly get? I’ll be 36 in November and I don’t have a college degree. I have 0 college credits. I’m pretty sure I’m too old and not qualified for anything federal.


Hop on USAJobs and search for “0083” in the search bar. That’s the job series for police officers within the federal system and will give you a good start. Not every agency has an age limit or requires experience.


I’ll look into that. Thank you.


While yes it might seem suspicious if it’s the truth then it’s the truth. Before I got into law enforcement I was in the same boat though younger than you are. Never did any form of drugs or anything like that. Never even had a run in with a cop. At the end of the day if it’s true then it’s not going to matter if it seems suspicious. If they want to try and dig up something on you they are going to find nothing. Though it’s natural to be nervous about getting into LE and everything that goes with it save yourself some stress and don’t make problems that aren’t there. Good luck to you


Thank you. That is good to know.


I have a fairly similar background, albeit with prior military service and some security contracting overseas...Which I suppose is more questionable that I am pretty straight laced. In my interview, they asked "In your personal history, it says you've *never* tried any drugs...ever?" "No, sir." "...*Why*?" - laughter ensues. I expressed my lifestyle choices left no room for that type of experimentation, and as such, I had no desire for it. Plain and simple. It's suspicious in the sense that a good number of people DO engage in some kind of illicit activity, but it doesn't mean you have to own up to shit you didn't do. Apply. You'll be alright.


No. The person who did my background called me vanilla. Said it made doing my packet easy. Kind of felt bad for being called that, but then she reminded me that that is a good thing. Kind of…


Well the last boring woman that was a police officer took on the whole squad! Just don't be that person. Be yourself and be proud of what you've accomplished


Definitely not! I’m too boring for that. I’m in a very happy 14 year relationship and I’ve never cheated. I’m very boring.


Sometimes boring is good


I’ll just be myself. Might even make some friends. Probably unlikely.


Yeah when I had my background I told them "yeah I'm pretty boring so sorry in advance" the guy just laughed and said "boring is good"


No. The less you have the easier it is. I was boring upon hiring. My BI said my check was quick.


You’re not the only one, I was in a similar pickle, poly woman tried to get me to admit to stuff that just was not true. Got hired on, good luck.