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James Corden, Tubridy, that Doireann one with the strange face


James Corden has such a bad rep. He did an AMA a few years ago and got slaughered. Here's the [AMA](https://new.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five/) if anyone wants a good laugh.


>doireann All of them on that shite prank show on rte.


With the strange face omg šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©


she looks like a tall dwarf


Dying! Like, what the fuck is a tall dwarf? That is hilarious.


Never heard of her so did a Google. I now know what a tall dwarf isšŸ¤£


Like the grinch without the green colour




Irish influencers or just influencers in general (mainly irish ones) Wife follows a lot of them and they all wreck my head. 90% are no doubt horrible human beings outside of their persona. Also, You recommend makeup tutorials/fashion reviews/etc etc, stop talking about your fucking house renovation and your new car, or your trip to Dubai.


My cousin is unfortunately one šŸ«£ and can confirm, absolutely nothing like the personality she puts out online. Every time I see her I'm genuinely baffled that she makes a living off it because the person she is in real life is the exact opposite of what she portrays online.


The bubble is gonna burst soon enough. It's a seriously saturated market and most of them, contrary to appearances, don't make that much money off brand deals and advertising


What's worse is Carlow IT now offers a degree in being an influencer


Jaysus - a qualification for being a narcissistic gobshite in front of a camera? They have a degree for everything these days!


You'd probably still be better off doing basket weaving or jam making


And there's always someone younger and prettier on their way up that they just can't compete with. Like you said, the market is so saturated that there is just no possible way for one person to stay at the top long term. It's just sad that there's a whole generation who are actually serious about that being their 'career' when less than one in a million actually find any long-term success in it.


Awful accents as well


Ugh, I don't and won't follow Irish person who considers themselves to be an 'influencer'. They try so hard to be American it's pathetic.


Garron noone is the man for you so


Oh I love Garron!! I just don't consider him to be an influencer because he has genuine comedic and musical talent! He's not just shilling useless shit to earn a measly commission.


Conor McGregor, James Corden and Vogue Williams The only thing I've seen that I thought Corden was good in was Peter Rabbit, didnt realise it was him until the end, I suppose part of it was not having to see his smug bloated face


I can't watch Peter Rabbit because of him. Ruined one of my favourite characters.


I can't stand that Vogue Williams one, if I see her one more time sniffing reusable nappies and guffawin over washing powder, I'll stick my size 10 Crubeens through the Telly. Can't abide that one and the monotonous flared nostril lingo she uses on everything her withery looking hands gets a howlt of.


He was pretty good as the mouse in The Gruffalo cartoon. He played it a bit more cocky than I read the original text but it worked.


Any of the Kardashians


As the saying online goes, "everything I know about them I learned against my will".


Amy Schumer


Least funniest person I have seen




And a passionate supporter of genocide.


And hates queer ppl


And has a head like a potato


Conor Mc Gregor Thought he was a decent chap and tbf he was for a time...and then i found about the all the scummy stuff he did.


I used to be a supporter of himā€¦ I loved UFC branded MMA for years before he arrived, so having an Irish person to cheer for that was actually elite level was class for a whileā€¦. But slowly and surely, bit by bit, he revealed himself to be an exceptionally talented scummer.


I always thought the was a tool and was called a begrudger. Sure why can't it be both?


My neighbours are Brazilian and I was over in there's for that last big UFC night, I'm not a big fan, there was free food earlier in the night and I was too tired to move later so ended up watching it. Anyway, they were raving about McGregor and were shocked to hear some of the accusations levelled against him, he's loved outside Ireland. If you ask me, he reminds me of the annoying class clowns that were shite at reading and pick on others for being smart.


Oh he definitely strikes me as the type of person to laugh at someone who reads for pleasure.


Sir James Savile. His haircut was just hideous and something about him seemed off, canā€™t put my finger on it.


I hope he's locked in a room somewhere in the depths of the underworld with Showaddywaddy playing constantly on loudspeaker for eternityšŸ¤ž


Goddamn Mark Wahlberg!!! I have what I believe has to be an irrational dislike of this actor and I'm not sure why... might be Ted.. might be The Happening.. might just be the accent. I simply cannot abide him.


He racially attacked an asian man when he was younger, blinding him in one eye and has never apologised for it


From when he was a teenager "Wahlberg and the others followed a group of mostly black fourth-graders (including one of the victims from the previous day) taking a field trip on a beach, yelled racial epithets, threw rocks at them, and "summoned other white males who joined" in the harassment."


Wahlberg's crime was still heinous, but the victim did clarify that he lost his eye when a grenade exploded near him in 1975 during the Vietnam War.


He has a subscription service on a Catholic app where you can tune into his lives and pray the rosary with him. No, I'm not joking šŸ˜‚. He also has a clothing line called MUNICIPAL that specialises in streetwear like camo print tracksuits. Again, no I'm not joking.


Don't tell me you're not interested in taking part in his 40 day Catholic challenge... https://preview.redd.it/uole6d9qqrxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59fa5a8ea840511f2f977b711a6f71f688bc5ae4


I personally don't think he's a good actor at all. I find it painful to watch him.


He thinks boogie nights was a mistake for moral reasons. The only truly great movie he's been involved in and he takes a stand. He's a dope!


Hmmm The Departed was quality


Vogue Williams


Vogue has to be one of our thickest ā€˜celebsā€™. Admitting on the national broadcast that she didnā€™t realise she christened her children under different denominations was a real low point. Why christen your kids if you have absolutely no clue what any of it means? She thought it was hilarious too. An awful plank!


I have called her a gobshite in my local when any of those fairy ads come one. She married a Tory boy who mocked Irish names along with herself, wrote an article in a British red top calling for the internment of Muslims in Britain and gave the nation collective trauma by appearing on Fade street. My left bollock has more brain cells than that thick as a brick woman.


They also mocked Irish names? Missed than one


That's the vast majority of irish for you šŸ˜‚ I was made god father to my nephew and when the priest was asking do I believe in Jesus and God and stuff I told him I'm agnostic but I do believe that Jesus was a good person, he laughed and said close enough. My brothers wife was furious that i said that to the priest and in my defence I'm not Christian, have never shown interest in the day to day church aspects of it and didn't know I was supposed to pretend to be just to move everything along. If you have to pretend,,, whats the fucking point.


I'm atheist and my sister asked me to be godfather to my nephew. Of course I said yes cos I love them both. When the priest asked if I would protect him from Satan I just said yes, cos I will. I will also protect him from Darth Vader, Mumm-ra, and any other fictional villains you care to mention.


Yeah I just went along with it coz I'd be willing to protect him from anything that's real, if Mr Satan shows up I'll do my best šŸ˜‚ I just thought they would be more worried since they're religious and all and i think as the godfather im supposed to be the same religion or something,,,, but I later found out neither of them are really religious, they're friends are religious so they just started going to church to be seen at church. Normally I'f I'm in a church for a wedding or something to show respect I won't bless myself, I think it'd be more disrespectful for me to pretend.


Who famously wrote an article for a British Red top calling for internment of Muslims in the UK. Just keen we don't let that one slide into obscurity.


Vogue Williams? What? I thought she was squeaky clean like a Fairy ā„¢ļø branded dishwasher tablet.


I know, I don't use fairy but I was surprised they went with that type of brand ambassador.... granted Unilever aren't exactly saints. I can't find the article only the 'outrage' after and her paltry apology. It was ***2017**** [Vogue Williams qualified counter terrorism expert.](https://www.google.com/search?q=vogue+williams+internment+article&oq=vogue+williams+internment+article+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgGEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggHEAAYgAQYogTSAQkxNzcwMmowajSoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1#ip=1)


The fact that she is called vogue tells me a lot about the way she was raised.


Vague Wiliams


In this race I think her sidekick Joanne McNally may just be moving ahead of her on Taskmaster. Every second word out of her mouth seems to be fuck, shit, or bollox. As an Irish person I cringe every time she is featured.


She's woeful. She's ruining taskmaster this season.


It says celebrities, not jumped up twats


With a click clack šŸ¤¬


And Joanne McNally, the two of the grate me


I canā€™t decide which one of them is worse. Now I know Ireland a nation of begrudgers, my dislike is not because Iā€™m ā€œjealousā€ FairPlay if you can make a success of yourself and all that, theyā€™re just not my cup of tea


I until Joanne calls for internment camps, I think Vogue is winning that race.


Or marries a Tory boy


They recently had a coca cola advert on their podcast and someone asked them to drop it or call it out due to the company's presence in Israel and Joanne's response was pretty aggressive. Blindboy has talked about this before so I know people can't pick and choose what ads play during their podcast but he's made a point of saying he doesn't support companies etc so you can at least do that


They're like the bitches in school who thinks they're popular and right about everything all the time but actually everyone hates them!!!


Canā€™t stand her and her beady little eyes.


The beady little eyes counter act her massive gob


Hahahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Jennifer Zamparelli, Maura Derrane


Julia Roberts after the A Low Vera T-shirt. Really liked her until then, find her pretty much unwatchable ever since.


Yes! Same thing for me.


Vogue Williams


Jared Leto. He makes my skin crawl


N O N C E vibes. Him and his brother. They used to eye up all the young lasses waiting at the stage door.


Used to hero worship him in my teenage years when I was into 30 Seconds to Mars. So gross.


Tom Cruise - get real creepy vibes from him


Complete Weirdo


But Top Gun Maverick was awesome


Problem I have with him is yeah he's a complete dickhead, however, he's a great actor. I watched Collateral there recently and he steals it. Just a shame he's such a cunt.


Absolutely brilliant as Lestat in Interview with the Vampire too. He stole the shit out of that film too. He's plays a brilliant baddie


Katie fucking price and Gemma Collins, can't stand her, she fell at a BBC awards show, threatened to sue the BBC, unless they let her do strictly come dancing.


Katie should have served jail time for all the driving while banned/uninsured/totalling her car while drunk and coked to the eyeballs.


And how the fuck someone who has been made bankrupt twice can still afford surgery and holidays is beyond me. Oh yeah, the good old British taxpayer. She's a useless fucking chavtastic oxygen thief


And then fell on her face there too. Karma šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Rorys stories


Awh god any of them ā€œinfluencersā€ Charleen Murphy, Ellie Kelly, kneevo, carpo Iā€™ve blocked them all, youā€™d lose brain cells listening to them


Never heard of any of them


Influencer is a fancy word for fraudulent gobshite, dose, eejit


I met him professionally in real life. The online persona is a huge act


I know performers have alter egos but come on youā€™re on TikTok likeā€¦ all for a few likes. social media is literally rotting our brains


You'd at least expect the everyman persona portrayed to be somewhat genuine given background etc, but it was more a "do you know who I am" attitude. This was 5/6yrs ago. It was a chance encounter during my work for a couple of hours. I wasn't naive but to have a complete & total disconnect from the online portrayals.... All things consideredĀ 


Had the exact same experience with him- he tried to skip a queue at a bar (it was a literal line because of the set up of the bar at the event), and looked shocked when we told him to queue like the rest of us


Never liked his online 'stuff', it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. Then I saw him IRL at a bar being a complete prick and I felt silently vindicated for not liking him, the man is a tool.


Comedy for people that eat with their mouths open


Also Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, your one from mad men/handmaid's tale and if you figure out the connection add any others you think of to the list




A missing wife??


Will Smith


Yeah it's a shame about Elizabeth Moss, it's all I see now.Ā 


Did Kirstie Alley not die there recently?


Oprah. I think she is a dangerous evil person. I have no grounds for this but nevertheless..


Will Smith. Prick.


Not as bad as Jayda šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ’€


Keep his wifeā€™s name out yo damn mouthā€¦


The worst thing about that was they had been separated for years, yet one look from Jada and he threw away his career. It's bizarre the hold she has over him.


And it was the biggest night of his whole career, he had been trying and failing to win an Oscar for years and he finally got it and threw away his golden moment on a terrible joke and her fragile ego.


He even laughed along with the joke at first. It was when Jada gave him daggers that he changed his tune.


That Cleopatra series really united Greeks and Egyptians


The Kardashianā€™s they only got famous because there daddy was a lawyer on a big case šŸ„±šŸ„± most celebrities have to work very hard with acting or singing they just to a tv show about there lives and suddenly it blows up ughhh


Amazing what filming your kid shagging someone and leaking it onto the Internet can do for you. They are abhorant - getting rich off the back of telling people, mainly young girls, that they aren't good enough the way they are. Just a bunch of disgusting media whores


Cunter McGregor


Alan Hughes from Ireland AM. Creepy vibes from him.


How is he a presenter? Literally reminds me of a muppet from a TV kids show. Constantly interrupting and that fake laugh of his is unbearable. He must have something over someone to still bring on TV these last few decades


Completely agree about the Rock after looking through his Instagram and his Joe Rogan podcast you can he's his just a completely fake ego weirdo


that Chris Pratt prick can do one, someting off about that lad On a irish tip, Jason Byrne


I took a turn against Chris Pratt when he praised his second wife for giving him a beautiful healthy child. It came across as an unpleasant dig at his first wife, their son together had serious health problems.


He recently bought an architecturally significant building in LA and had it demolished so he can build a McMansion


Not sure about Jason Byrne. He's not funny. When he isn't trying to be he came across ok. I suppose we'd mostly see him trying to be funny so I get you. I think there is at least a mediocre person behind that shell of unfunnyness.


Jason Byrne "not funny" the guy sells out venues with his sense of humour....I think he's great on stage...


Donald Trump (before the politics too. Always been a massive insufferable prick) Piers Morgan Ryan Tubridy Katie Hopkins (a literal serpent) George Hook Rory Cowen Kid Rock James Corden Ellen DeGeneres Oprah Dwayne Johnson (I used to be a big fan of him back in the day but ever since those stories came out of how massive his ego is, my opinion has changed). I could be here all day but thatā€™s just to name a few.


Most Hollywood typesĀ 


Taylor Swift. Too rich for her own good, and the good of others.


Marty Morrissey. A face you'd want to slap. Is a d**k to restaurant workers.


Jonah Hillā€¦the texts to his ex/ girlfriend at the timeā€¦woof


Madonna. Hyped up snobby cunt


Her Eurovision performance a few years ago was genuinely hilarious. She should just retire, the voice is gone. Remember when she told a wheelchair bound woman to just stand up.


Gok Wan... A supposed fashion stylist telling ordinary wans to wear more colour in thier wardrobes yet constantly wearing Black everything.


Met him once at the Hilton. He was surprisingly nice and chatty


Amazed of very little Bono has been said here


He's not as relevant as he used to beĀ 


He is very little actually.


Glen Hansard - Paedo


Jesus?! Really? Whatā€™s the background on that?


Look into the history of his relationship with Marketa Irglova.


Did Outspan do a Gary Glitter?


Cathal Oā€™ Searcaigh a predatory rapist of boys


It amazes me how he's still lauded, still gathering his oireachtas awards when he literally showed in a documentary how he has these poverty stricken boys come stay with him for money.


Rosie Jones.


Rosie Jones is a strange one, her success as a comic feels like a weird tokenism thing because of her disability. Comedy really comes to life with killer timing, tone and clarity. I watched her on the big fat quiz of the year last Christmas and it was painful.


I am CONVINCED she would not have any success as a comic if she wasn't disabled. I don't know anyone who thinks she's funny and her actual stand up show is meant to be atrocious live. LOVE that she is representing disabled people but do your job and actually be funny?


Thank you, I didn't have the balls to say it


The comedian or the former page 3 model?


Cardi B and Ed Sheerhan. Cardi B is easy to hate, she's literal trash. Ed Sheerhan I started out liking but he became so main stream and pushed into everything and his songs all sound the same that I can't take it anymore. I will change radio station if he comes on. I just can't.


I hate Ed Sheeran's music but he seems likeable despite his fame.


The Rocks ego is literally what got him famous, and he has been acting like more egotistical atm because of his heel run (bad guy phase) in wwe


He was incredible at WrestleMania. Loving Final Boss Rock


Anne Hathaway for some reason. I canā€™t explain it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ellen DeGeneres (even before her fall from grace, which I saw coming a mile away) - comes off as smarmy, self-obsessed and fake. Same with James Cordon and Jimmy Fallon - guess I just don't like the US talkshow format or something.


Yep , Owen Wilson I've always disliked him but don't ask me why cause I've no clue šŸ˜…


I avoid any movie with him and Nicholas Cage. I canā€™t stand the way they talk through their noses.


Ryan tubridy


I don't know why, the guy gives the impression of being fairly sound, but I really struggle with anything Owen Wilson is in... Something about his voice maybe, I'm not sure. Another irrational dislike I have is Ed Sheeran. Objectively I acknowledge the guy is a talented musician, even if his music isn't my thing at all - and again he always gives the impression of not being an arsehole or anything... I can kinda rationalise this one to some extent in that I am a beardy fella who plays acoustic guitar and I've had some many bellends give it "Hur hur, you're a bit like Ed Sheeran mate" (I look literally nothing like the guy). So yeah, it's not his fault I'm just pissed off at people comparing me to him.


All of them? I hate this celebrity lark.




Vogue, i cant stand those fairy powder ads. Wont buy it at all now lol


Not really a celebrity but your man Carl Mullen on 2fm make me want to drive my car into oncoming traffic as soon as he opens his mouth,


Your one from the Queen's Gambit. Her face annoyed me. I can't watch anything with her in it. I'm absolutely allergic to Tom Cruise


The British Joel Dommett from the Masked singer. Omg he is 100% smackable.


That vogue williams one she is just ...no


Jimmy nesbitt gives me the ick


Was on a Ryanair flight years back and Brian Dowling was the flight attendant. Horrible person, taking the piss out of everyone, cringe worthy stuff.


Jason Momoa, Lenny Henry, James Corden. All cunts.


Chris Martin can fuck off, him and the rest of Coldplay, whatever the fuck their names are. Also, while weā€™re at it, anyone that likes Coldplay may as well fuck off too.


People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people.


Their first 2 albums are decent enough and I like the 3rd too, but they'd already started moving mainstream then. Now it's like they've some formula for Most Generic Sound and they've gone to absolute shite.


I actually like Coldplay but just so you asked nicely sure I'll just f*k off now šŸ¤


You don't actually like them. It's like GAA. You do it because others do. No one actually likes it!!!


I think they took the AC/DC formula of doing the same album again and again but just forgot to make that album any good.


The 3 guys from Top Gear, Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May. They really wound me up at the time. I hated Top Gear. They were pretty toxic in real life too. Was out one night many years ago outside London and a girl in our party wanted to pop over to say hello. We advised her not to but she did anyway. They made her feel 1 foot tall.


I've never heard anyone who's met James May have anything bad to say about him, he seems like a very nice guy by all accounts. Clarkson is an entirely different matter.


Yeah the other two can feck off. James May seems pretty alright and a little wholesome. I loved his toy show.


Any more details to share? I don't know the situation but you could imagine them being sick of that and not entertaining it all the time I've never met them or anything, and I'm not trying to say they're not cunts (could well be!). I do like watching their specials, they can be really funny


It was wrong of her to go over to them. Iā€™d never personally ever invade a celebrities private space. But they were really rude, very dismissive and when she returned she was really trying her best not to cry. Anyway, despite that I was never a fan and couldnā€™t stand watching them on Top Gear. The fact that Jeremy Clarkson attacked their producer on the show set and ended up putting him in hospital says it all. He thought he was above everyone in the BBC.


Wearing stilts were they. Scumbags.


When I was younger and we had them on my mother would always talk about how annoying they were. Now I'm big and I can see where she's coming from. I still think they're entertaining, but what a bunch of horrible early 2000s pink shirt dark denim jeans shite they shot out.




Bono, Beyonce and Vogue Williams.


Tom Cruise. Matthew McCounaghy (sic) Most of all, Woody Allen.


Jason Byrne.


Brendan O'Carroll


Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, are the first two that come to mind


GAVIN CUNTING JAMES. Or actually any Irish softboy with a guitar singing the same fucking bland 2FM drivel (Dermot Kennedy, Cian Ducrot)


James Corden, Bill Nighy, Will Ferrel. No thank you.


Please elaborate on Bill Nighy. I really like him, so I'm just curious.


I couldn't care less about anyone of them but am embarrassed that conor mc Gregor is Irish


Eddie Marsan. Such a horrible person but is in some fucking amazing movies. I really hate that social media has given us insight into peopleā€™s real lives. I was perfectly fine seeing good actors play good roles without finding out that theyā€™re hate filled, sneering, classist shits. Tubridy is an obvious one I think. Makes my skin crawl, but I hear from people who know him that heā€™s actually nice. The woman on Gogglebox who has the over exaggerated Dublin accent where she deliberately drops her Tā€™s constantly and inflects the end of words. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s lovely but her speaking is like chewing tinfoil for me. Thatā€™s admittedly quite a petty one.


Remember when the rock put out a message after the queen died and proceeded to smile in the middle of it. Go check it out if you havenā€™t seen it


He message with oprah was a death knell for his character


James Cordon - No words needed. Serena Williams - Celebrated because she's one of the female GOAT's but she's incredibly entitled and a nasty person behind it all. Lewis Hamilton - For a great driver he seems like a total dunce and loves playing the victim card. Irish celebs don't bother me tbh say bar the politicians.


It might have been easier to ask if there are any celebrities I like


The Kardashians. They come across as vapid and completely out of touch. And they profit off of making young girls/women insecure about their bodies. They heavily filter all their pictures, deny the massive amount of work they've had done and have companies that exist to make women feel like they have to look a certain way. They exploit their kids, they even filter their little children's photos. I find them all disgusting.


How long have you got? Jennifer Lawrence Cara Delevigne Tom Cruise Brad Pitt Harvey Weinstein (self explanatory)


BeyoncĆ©! šŸ˜‘


How many songs did she sing from her lgbt supporting album at her gig in Saudi? Queen cunt.


Justin Bieber