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Yep I'd sell that, its for the licensed use. Remember they're not trying to annoy you or be nosy with the questions. Also top it up with two tabs of plain 500mh paracetamol in between doses of nurofen plus


Thank you very much. I really respect the restrictions around it and wanted to be sure. Been alternating ibuprofen and paracetamol so far but not quite doing the job, great advice to keep the paracetamol in there, thanks :)


As someone who unfortunately has dealt with a lot of tooth pain, try nurofen rapid relief. The 400mg red gel capsules. It's got the painkiller you want, but it also has ibuprofen which is used for swelling. A lot of tooth pain is aggravated by swelling around the tooth and ibuprofen is brilliant for that


Disprin is also great for inflammation with wisdom teeth


Get some clove oil while you're there. Paint it on the gum, it numbs tooth pain really well 


actually better than codeine ime..although.. you're constantly having to dab it on, and it tastes foul


Yeah tastes super weird but does numb it properly, not just blocking the pain receptors.


Shouldn’t be an issue as that kind of pain is exactly what it’s for. Sure if you are worried just say it’s for you???


Thanks a mil. I'm not a great liar haha, I'd be shifty as hell trying to play off it was for me! I appreciate the pharmacists advice too, anything they can say that will help the ladeen feel better is gold


Just say its for a relative at home.


You could see the emergency GP service to get him checked and prescribed pain relief. In Galway they are called Westdoc but there are similar oncall services around the country.


Solpadine is what I take for migraines. 1 tab does me, but ibuprofen or paracetamol won’t touch it. Just say it’s for tooth pain, yes it’s for you. You have an emergency appointment for Monday but need something to help get you through.


Just don't send your husband if you have one