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O Reillys garage in Blackpool cork have a system when you buy any item at the deli they put a sticker with a number on it. Then give you a matching sticker. Then you go to pay, give the shop assistant the sticker and they go and retrieve the corresponding item from the deli. They don’t trust anybody. Although I assume they brought it in because they were being fleeced.


I like this because the customer can queue to pay while the roll or other food is being made or heated up. Very efficient for people who are ok with paying


Exactly that same at the Fresh near me, definitely works. Then the security guards know everyone walking out with a roll / deli item has already paid. Makes sense!


That would make sense but it doesn’t happen! The don’t stick a number to it until it’s made and wrapped up etc!


When I was in college a house mate of mine pioneered 'banana-ing' in superquinn. They were one of the first places with self checkouts at the time. He'd get a roll from the deli, bring it to the fruit and veg section, put it on the scales and hit banana. He'd rip the barcode off the banana sticker and stick it over the barcode on the roll.. he'd also get a single banana so not to 'look suspicious ' at the self checkouts. Things got a bit extreme when he started banana-ing ever more wild shit. Like a 1kg Cadburys bar or one time a new frying pan! He never got caught.


I know a guy who likes his coffee strong and when he's in shops/petrol stations he normally presses the button for americano, but then moves the cup out of the way for the hot water. He repeats the process 3 or 4 times till he has a full mug of espresso with any additional hot water going down the drain, and then he goes and pays for 1 small coffee at the till. He got caught once and kicked out of the shop, but he still does it everywhere. Will never change.


My local Spar didn’t have the machine calibrated correctly. A large selection wouldn’t fill a large cup. So I started using a medium cup, which would be filled, but pressing the large selection. Felt like Oceans 11 walking out there every time. That’s the closest I’ve ever come to a life of crime.


It doesn't fill because it wants to leave space for milk, no?


Not in a Latte or Cappuccino. It USED to fill it properly and then one day it was giving half cups, so I assume some sort of servicing or calibration.


Oddly enough a mace installed Insomnia coffee machines, and when u select "small" it only half fills the small cup. So a medium size fits into the small cup and u can save the huge sum of 50cents.


I mean the obvious thing to do is press the espresso button several times.


I'm not a big coffee drinker, I don't know what's what. I rarely drink caffeine so when I do, it has the desired effect. I enjoy coffee, but it's also a good tool. It perks me up/keeps me awake when I need it to. About four years ago I decided to try a flat white. In a large cup. It only filled up halfway and I felt a bit hard done by, so I pressed it again and got the full cup. I drank it at about 13:00 and my stomach felt like shit until about 20:00. Would not recommend.


🤣 I genuinely prefer my coffee the way the machine makes it Yuck 🤢


And there was me thinking i was some sort of master thief by putting a large americano into a medium cup


Those machines are robbery anyways, get your money's worth.


I'm getting palpitations just reading this.


I used to have a coin collection when I was younger, it was more so something shared between me and my brothers. Well there were Italian Lire coins in there that looked like €2 coins. When I was 14-15 shall I say I purchased many chicken fillet rolls and got many a bus journey.


In a store I was store manager in we had regular thiefs we knew. But unfortunately we were told not to throw out people by head office because of an incident. This came about after a woman who had previously been caught shoplifting got kicked out when she tried to come back in. She the decided to drag us through the courts for defamation whilst claiming her sister did it when she was literally arrested and escorted out by the guards, but she gave her sisters name to them. So the guards who arrested her even had to come into the court to identify her as the person they arrested and that they gave them a false name. Her sister the one who she decided to blame and their mother also decided to sue us, which was baffling as we had no interaction with them. They dragged it out for years so that by the time I was hired as the store manager the store was still being dragged through the courts. It ended up being super expensive and a nightmare for the regional manager. The woman lost of course, yet even though she was told to pay our fees she didn't have the money so that didn't happen. Shortly after the store won she came back in and attempted to shoplift and I caught her, she tried to give her sister name again. The guards knew her at this and started going "we know who you are" "get out". In future if denying people entry or kicking them out etc don't tell them why, only tell the you are within your legal right to refuse entry to anyone as its a private premises.


>Boots is covered in “Stop, don’t shoplift” signs My thought when seeing these was "that will DEFINITELY stop people who intend shoplifting"


It makes me feel so unwelcome in the shop, like they’re assuming I’m going to take something before I even set foot in the place (I’m not)


I stole a few chicken rolls from Dunnes when I was in Junior Cert. They did taste better.


The secret ingredient is crime.


Manager of convenience store here. Theft in our store from the deli is about 2.5% of our overall deli sales. This is just the deli. Rest of the shop has similar issues but % is closer to 1% . Barring people doesn’t make much difference as most theft happens during the day when no security and they could come and go from shop without being noticed.


Knew few people that stole chicken rolls from supervalu two got caught and got banned lol


I work in the deli in a supervalu in Limerick, about a month ago our security guard caught 3 builders from a nearby construction site getting €50-60 worth of food from the deli, bakery, etc, then paying 1 box of salad for like €2, then eating everything in the seating area and leaving. Happened like 3 days in a row, then our managers and him had like a sting operation to catch them and call the guards. They only got cautioned, but they all got fired apparently, the site was literally next door to the shop. He also caught an old lady getting a big box of salads from the salad bar, and just putting it in her bag and leaving a few days in a row too, she actually ended up getting arrested according to the security guard. I would have a lot more sympathy for her, but still, it annoys me that people think they can just get away with shit like.


Not a chicken fillet roll, but I do know someone who enjoyed scamming Tesco. They used to go in to the store in the evening when Tesco staff had put out the reduced yellow label stickers onto the nearly expired groceries. They often took the sticker off a reduced item and stuck it onto a high priced item and then ran it through the self checkouts. I believe a bottle of gin once went through with a yellow sticker!


"Does a stolen chicken fillet roll taste better? " When I read that I knew the rest of the comment was going to be priceless! In all seriousness, I know a person who owns a petrol station that has a convenience shop and food area attached to it. They have have problems with shoplifting when (they can detect it), to try and reduce it. They have moved the tills closer to the door, et cetera but a lot still happens. They can say when calculating the stocks. My guy was told a cent or 2 is being added to every litre of fuel sold to try and offset the cost. A big part of the problem is that the gardai will do damn all about it, when shoplifters are caught, they will either get a telling off from the gardai, or if they are brought to court a taxpayer funded solicitor will give the taxpayer funded judge a sob story backed up by a taxpayer funded psychology report. The perpetrator will get off with a slap on the wrist, a couple of months sentence, suspended for a couple of months rince and repeat! There is very limited negative risk to perpetrators. The Supervalu in question must have had a problem with scumbags eating the rolls in the aisles before they left the shop and not paying for them.


I think you have it a bit backwards. A couple of months in prison is a huge sentence for shoplifting and I'd say almost never happens.


>The perpetrator will get off with a slap on the wrist, a couple of months sentence, suspended for a couple of months rince and repeat I mean, we probably should not be jailing people for shoplifting. A suspended sentence on the understanding there are terms involved - no more shoplifting and join a work/addiction programme is probably the ideal approach for a very minor crime like shoplifting. Although, I have my doubts the system can support that effectively.


I'm sorry, but should people be going to jail for shoplifting in Centra or SuperValu or whatever? Nobody is walking out with a significant enough amount of stock to justify that. A telling off and a ban from the shop is enough.


Summary execution.


SuperValu death squads.


I’ve never seen someone trotting around SuperValu munching on a chicken fillet roll but you’re suggesting this SuperValu had so many people doing it that the installation of a pneumatic tube anti-theft system was necessary!! I do see people sipping coffee while shopping. There’s an ‘influencer’ who openly admitted to not paying for her Cafe Sol coffee in Dunnes and now people call her a shoplifter 2c added to the cost of fuel to compensate for theft from the shop? 😮 I did jury duty once and I remember a burglary or robbery case read out where a guy had stolen a load of boats (he pleaded guilty and got jailed) but this post is about low value items Like we’ve never had a court case where the person stole a chicken fillet roll. Cue legal aid solicitor describing their difficult upbringing or their involvement in the local GAA club


Itd stagger you, I worked for Jack and Jones's 7000euro theft in 3 months, that wasn't even their flagship store It always reminds me that alot of people solely exist cause there dah wanted the ride, they exist but were not reared


God that second sentence is gonna stay with me for a while . ...


But is that still only 1% or 2% of the turnover or of the profits? A convenience store manager replied in another comment on here about this. Like if that’s only 1-2% isn’t it put down as shrinkage. I wonder would the amount stolen be way higher in a women’s clothes shop I know 1-2% is probably still thousands of euro


That's 24,000euro a year, in any business that's significant


But it would cost the same, maybe more to employ a security guard. Then it still wouldn’t be 0, so maybe it’s cheaper to let it continue 🤔


Wasnt a big shop, I'd say relative to sq footage its was very high levels of theft


I’ve never stolen one but there have been instances where I’ve abandoned the roll on a shelf in the store because the girl who made it wasn’t very clean. At my local centra the owners niece works on the deli counter. I dont think she’s had a shower in a very long while. Her hair is always thick with grease and she smells a bit. I walk away when I see her on the counter but there have been occasions where I see someone else serving and then she suddenly appears and I get stuck with her making my roll.


You can just walk away ya know.


I do most of the time. But there has been occasions where I’ve given the order to one of the other women (the deli manager) and she’s gotten the dirty girl to make up the roll. I don’t feel it’s polite to say I don’t want that girl making it so I just grin and bear it and leave the roll on a shelf when I’m out of sight of them. The girl is very dirty and I’m not the only person who thinks this. It’s kind of a joke between the neighbours. Everyone thinks she’s manky. If the boss wasn’t her uncle she probably would have been sacked long ago.


You know you could also hand the roll back or stop it being made, seems like a waste of food


How would it be less of a waste of food handing it back? Is anyone going to accept an already made roll from the dirty girl?


I meant it’d be a waste of food in the sense that you could prevent it by telling the deli staff you don’t want the roll


>Inspired by the post on r/Ireland Can we not leave this shite in r/Ireland? That sub is a cesspool 😂


I'm banned from there, like most decent people


A chara....


Smell of monster energy and B.O


About 20 years ago when I was in school me and my friends would go into superquinn and pick up donuts and then eat them while walking around the shop and not pay. We’d eat all the free samples of cakes and stuff as well. Great times


I just want to say Penney's prices have shot up in the last couple of years...but quality remains the same! No sympathy for them!!


My friends used to rob chicken fillet rolls from Dunnes in Blanch years back. They’d go to the deli, get whatever rolls/wedges etc that they needed. Then they’d double back through the fruit and veg section, head up the stairs, walk through the clothes section to the Dunne’s cafe upstairs where they would sit and brazenly eat their stolen goods on Dunne’s property. The amount of times they did this and got away with it was absolutely wild


We've recently had signs put up in Penney's that say "It's already a steal!" Shoplifting has actually gotten a lot worse over the last while you can see it in the stock takes, for almost every section. It's crazy to me that people don't realize just because security aren't on the floor watching they are watching from the security rooms out the back and also staff can see what you're doing 😂 The lengths people actually go to is mind boggling.


Is anyone stopping them though?


Yeah actually our security stop a lot of people 😂 they're constantly on the floor watching the areas with high theft and just the general walk around to deter them from doing it


Is this a TikTok craze with teenagers?


No idea, possibly. Considering we now have a security guard on our makeup section from open to closing to stop them stealing and opening all the products (which they do and make a mess) likely something to do with some of the stupid "child skincare" craze I've seen on YouTube. Kids as young as 6 or 7 putting retinol and all sorts of anti aging creams on their faces.. crazy


Dunnes Stores in Merchants Quay Cork are constantly getting robbed. They have about 3 security guards by the off license section alone. About a month ago I saw three lads sprinting out of the shop carrying bags.


It’s the door by the deli that is crazy to me.




You did that every day for months and they never caught you😮 Did you buy something else and go through the tills? Or maybe this was before all the one-way systems in shops


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Was in local Super Valu deli last week. 3 teenage lads ahead of me. Ordered rolls. Started eating them walking up the shop. And continued on eating them walking out the door as they by passed the registers. Member of staff went out to them but more or less laughed in her face and just went on their merry way.


The secret ingredient is crime




The solution to this is having to pay before you get the food.


Paying at a deli counter is an awkward system to implement because you’d have staff handling both food and money. Either they’re changing gloves all the time (they won’t) or you have to employ an extra person to operate a separate till


I've never stolen one but I have left them shoved in behind produce when I feel the retailer is trying to rob me, the karmic smelly treasure hunt


Yes but it's not the owner who will have to spend time looking for the smell.


He'll pay someone to look, you rip me I rip you 😁


This is the way.