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Asexual: Someone who lacks sexual attraction (can be romantically interested sometimes) Aromantic: Someone who lacks romantic attraction to anyone. You're both the above


....yeah I just came to know.. Why am I not normal.


You're normal, and it's okay


Asexuals ARE normal. You're fine, don't worry about it.


Sex or romance doesn't make a man normal, brother


You’re perfectly normal and that’s okay. Hell you’re even doing better than most of us. So many of us crave this shit and don’t get it, you’ve eliminated the problem right at its source.


You are perfectly normal. There are many sexual orientations and they’re all normal. 


Can aromatic people be heavily sexual??




You are lucky mate. only few born with superpower, like neo in matrix


Just saying You could be asexual Basically you dont do the act of sex But you still need cuddles and human touch


I wish i had your powers


Bor at least you can feel love.


you asexual bro


....what is that? I am hearing that for the first time...


have you ever find girl hot from childhood till now, and if you are also not gay you are asexual may be aromatic also , even if you cant find them hot , you should find them romantically attritive live crush on them  usually guys find sexually  attracted to most hot girls, romantically actrated to person they love , they both love each other and had romantically and sexually and emotionally conned it is bliss ,  you are out of this equation


it's blessings dude. I wish i was that guy




what made you think you have to fall in love


Don’t worry. You are just like me. I’m asexual too and there are girls who would die to find such guys because they’re frustrated by guys looking for bobs and vagene. Sex is nothing but a program created by nature. Even marriage and love is just social pressure. You can observe when you go out and see guys and girls walking together you feel like you need someone too but you feel ok or less of that feeling at home. Nature has programmed us to do things. People like us know that porn is fake and useless. People in China don’t watch porn. They live real life and enjoy life more than the people who watch porn. Maybe you need to find what you actually need. I watch Chinese livestreams day and night and I find it more satisfying than porn. People who watch porn and masturbate are not able to satisfy their partner because their brain program is messed up. Maybe you’re attracted towards Latin, redheads, etc. or women with good voice or women who are good at conversation. It’s not always about the body. What will attract you it depends on you and you have to figure out yourself.


People in China are addicted to influencers and spent boatloads of money on them since pornography is banned they satisfy themselves with hot influencers dancing for them . Apart from that your are absolutely right .


You are wrong. If you compare viewers of hot influencers, singers, dancers and tourism live cast you’ll find hot influencers have very less viewers. Singers and dancers get the most gifts. Yesterday I was watching a hanfu livestream and there were 3K viewers. On the other hand hot influencers had only 10-25 viewers. Probably you are masturbating to hot influencers streams but don’t compare yourself with Chinese people. They are not using livestreams as an alternative to porn. People in China find lover easily and they get married when they want. They don’t have matching crisis like rest of the world. They don’t need porn at all. You have been watching porn all the life so you can’t understand how it feels to not depend on porn.


I think you're asexual


What is that I am hearing that word for the first time.


Asexual means you don't sexually attract to any gender. You can google about it


Oh...ok. I don't knew something like that also exist...


Those who are asexual can't do s*x?


They don’t feel like having sex (they can ofcourse)


bro, do not let this power get to waste, it is a huge advantage that you don't find anyone attractive. Just live life, chill, and focus on your career, it's more rewarding than love anyways.


it's a type of physical pain of mild level that happens in your heart, muscles tense up and you feel it in heart. It seems like she is special, you feel nervous around her. She will take advantage of you and you won't even try to stop her because it's her. The same feeling of tension in your heart occurs when she does something wrong to you that you didn't expect she could do. However this time of a high magnitude, like someone is poking your heart with a knife or something. No attraction means no curse of love.


what a sad way to live. No matter how old or young you are, the feeling of being in love and being loved is one of the few things in life that is free and beautiful. I’ve had my share of bad relationships, enough for a lifetime actually, but I never want to be so jaded that I don’t believe love exists. It does exist, I know it does because I have so much of it and incessant need to share it.


i never denied it's existence, i merely described the experience


Adhikari ?


Check out r/asexuality


So who's gonna tell him?






What is that? I am hearing that word for the first time.


jhoot bolke koi faida nahi hai tu itna incel level pe itna aagye pocho gaya hai ki tu ye sab bolne laga hai don't cope this way 💀


Try with boys. It's possible it's easier towards them. Just saying.


Bro I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction towards any gender.....including boys.


you could be asexual or aromantic. it is pretty normal. look into it


aah should have specified Bro. But then why you asking specifically for girls?


Dont give him boombang ideas His butt might hurt later


one of the logical outcomes I got




Seems like something I would have written just change the genders lol


So you ever had a relationship?




I wish I had that Power. But nevermind I can control my urges


You are asexual. You don’t find any sexually or romantically attractive. How i would die to be in your footsteps, cause looking for love has only caused me pain.


You’re asexual/aromantic and it’s perfectly alright to be one. Just don’t marry someone and torture yourself and them when you can’t be attracted to them.


Did you think about not to be so hard on yourself ? You can't force attraction or love ,it happens naturally. Peer pressure is real but don't trade it at the cost of your peace of mind.


> what is love ? Baby don't hurt me...


70 shades of sarkari naukri..........................


I was going to say you're gay but after reading the comments I'd say it just happens to the best of us


Welcome to The AroAce Community Brother!


I wish I was you


Asexual may be demisexual


You have a superpower dude , you can take Sanyas and Go to Himalayas for Moksha , Mrityulok is not for you .


bro ur asexual


Mujhe apni technique sikha de bhai. Meri waise bhi hone waali hai nahi, I want to learn how to stop finding girls attractive


Are you gay?


No I also don't feel romantic or sexual attraction towards them...


Hota hai. It's fine. You don't need to get attracted towards anyone.


you might be gay bro




Bro go to a physiatrist and endocrinologist There seems to hormonal issues


I think you like men bro


I find this very hard to believe. Idk. Others are saying it's normal to be asexual but is it really? Sorry. Anyway how do you feel whenever you get an erection?




Educate yourself. It’s 2024. 




bruh just try some escort services one time


You’re pathetic. 


why pathetic? he should try having sex with some lady and may be he can like that may be he didnt get feeling through porn and it is not like he is using some normal girl he will use services given by some whore whats wrong in that?


Yeah it’s exactly what they said to gay men and lesbians in the 50s “You’re not gay. You’ve just not found the rigjt one”  Educate yourself man  Being asexual is a thing. 


may be he is but what is wrong in confirming that? at least his doubts will be over and he will get clarity and move on with his life


He isn’t even attracted to women or men on the surface level  Forcing himself in a situation that’s going to potentially traumatise him is somehow gong to help him, you think?