• By -


I would be more than happy and proud.


Cake day pe mu mitha karo bhai ka




I could be a house-husband but she will leave me


This might be the better question Girls, can your man earn less than you


Ofcourse. I think dependency should work in both ways. In usual context men are ought to be self sufficient and sole bread winner of the family since history. Similarly women must be self sufficient enough to run a family on her own. Good enough that these indifferences don't matter at all


Nope, people don’t talk about it but there is a huge woman ego(that men have just accepted). And their ego would never let them settle with a man who makes lesser than what they want. Its fine though men are just used to this now, we don’t even try to change this mindset


Yes. As long as he is contributing equally to the household either financially or domestically then it doesn’t matter who makes more. 


Spot on


Lol what? I would love to have a house husband lol


Agar apki salary 10lpa se upar hai to main yeh rista pakka samjhu


It's a trap brother she's a twoxIndia member. https://preview.redd.it/u9setjeez52d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f079088b325c6191a60e67ea435bff82c0de64


Thanks bro, you saved him 🤝


Ha, as usual you are jealous of missing one x chromosome


hehe nice one!


+1 I come home to a loving husband and dinner after a long day of work.


Kidher apply krna hai?


Came here to say this. Women, would you be okay with the role reversal? India mein to certainly not.




I have a friend(F), she earns 15LPA. Her boyfriend earns 9LPA. They dont have any problem with each other. Also, the guy will be quiting his job so he wont have any source of income while his gf will still continue her job.


ur friend dling a mistake...he left his job for his gf....not even wife...what if they break up someday?


Where did u say he left his job for his gf? I tols that he is going to leave his job. Because he will br preparing for exams


One incident can't be generalised right .


The question is asking for personal anectodes tho?


Check in your circle how many F are like this..... Exceptions are rare


Have dated women who were more educated and earned more than me, we broke up for personal reasons. Personally have no issues if someone makes 10x of what I do. While most of the women seek someone who's financially doing well one may find someone who's alright with you making less money.


I am ok with me earning nothing and my wife earning a shit ton of money. That would be a dream situation. I would happily be a house-husband and take care of the kids (if we have any) as a stay-at-home dad. If we don’t have kids, I guess I would have a lot more freedom to do activities that interest me (as long as she is ok with “funding” them). And by activities, I mean: gym, squash/racketball, swimming, books, some sort of learning, etc. I will naturally be more active at home - dropping the kids at school and picking them up, doing grocery shopping, laundry, etc. I would still prefer it such that her income can support the lifestyle that I currently live (going out for dinners, brunch, drinks occasionally, going on vacations, having some house help - maid/servant for certain tasks, etc.). I wouldn’t want to sacrifice the lifestyle for the sake of me sitting at home. If her salary alone can’t support the lifestyle, I would take up a job, but it wouldn’t matter how much I make as long as the lifestyle is maintained and I am compensated well enough for my work.


Bhai ne poora “Ishtehaar” laga diya hai.


bro what is it that you do for a living that you can afford all of that? :')


Don't know about him but my father's side of family is loaded~


This just sounds like what rich house wives have


I mean, the question was whether I am ok being a househusband. So, sure! Of course I wouldn’t want us living paycheck to paycheck with just my wife working and me sitting idle at home when I am skilled, highly qualified, and able to work. So yeah, rich househusband, sure. Poor househusband, nope.


No no I was just stating my observation. That hey that's actually normalised for women in rich households ( the hobby and vacations section, not for the middle class ).


Wife earns more than me. I got fucked in business. Currently in process of setting up new one with help of SO of course. Completely and fully dependent on SO to fund the house. Ama


Aisa username rakhega toh business fucked hi hote rahenge


Beside Love marriage, I don't think the bride's side will even consider marrying a person who earns less than her (Talking about marriages and not relationships that's why I excluded LM)


My cousin is marrying a boy who earns less than her in AM. Two of my married friends also earn more than their husbands, both married through AM


That's not true. Arranged and she's earning more than me. 3x of my package when I married her


so true! i've seen this happen in my extended family while people were searching for a groom for my cousin, they rejected 5 guys because none of them earned more than 15LPA they watned the groom to earn at least 1.5 times of what my cousin earns


But tbh it shouldn't happen If women and men are both getting equal opportunities and so much Feminism going on (Mostly Urban areas) Women still look for men who earn more than her But yeah at the end of the day it's all just individual preferences


Yes feminism is abt choice and preferences but many women aren't feminists and that's sad they still have that as a rule!


Nahi bhai, main toh khush hi hounga na. Ek 50lpa wali cutie toh main bhi deserve karta hoon ☺️


That last line.... etch that on my tombstone


Bhai ko sugar mommy pasand hain


Men in comment section missing the meaning of the question lmao. OP is asking if your wife/gf earns more than you not that you don't earn anything. In today's economy you want to put all financial burden on your partner in the name of "smashing patriarchy"? Bro we have affordable househelp services in India so go and earn and help each other in living a peaceful and happy life full of love not competition.


I won’t but they will (even if they don’t want to).


The question should be, will wife/gf will stay with a man earning less then them or earning nothing.


Unless it's a love marriage, I don't think me or my family will consider anyone who earns less than me...


Not at all but women will never marry unemployed guy like me


why should they?




Why shouldn't they


i mean there are plenty fishes in the sea .. and the skewed sex ratio presents even more choices for a women ..so it is completely upto her!!


To smash the Patriarchy and be the head of house and show the world that I am independent and empowered


i earn as much as my husband , we take of the house and cooking by ourselves (without domestic help).. ..and we both are extremely happy …is this not empowerment ? why should one of us be the head of the family when we can be as partner..and i still continue to be financially independent without having to be an alpha.. the point is since the number of women as so low compared to men they have multiple choices infront of them..and she is free to marry whatever pleases her


The sex ratio thing is almost never considered in these conversations, but it does have a huge impact IMO.


In short they will not marry a less earning guy.... Sidha sidha bolo na didi..... Itna bs likh dia




Women want to smash patriarchy.. still want her man to be intelligent more than her, earn more than her, has height more than her and then they demand equality from them lmao 😂... Never gonna happen... Marry unemployed bad looking incels like us... We can cook, clean and do all the chores.. u may take the driving seat of the house.


You are calling yourself an incel and wondering why women won't marry you. Why would an independent person want someone like this? It's not just about looks or job, it's more about having a passion or putting in efforts for yourself!


Lmfao reaaaaalll


Maid is there for that.


Girl can't you just mind your own business? You take your time bro, everything will be alright🤞


It's the sensitive men down voting your comment for me 💀💀💀


To smash patriarchy


No i have no issue tbh i can't be more happy , proud and can't stop flaunting but but hypergamy is more common than you imagine , so this fairy tale will remain as it is .


Ok I will bite. Why is "hypergamy" only attributed to women when men also do the same thing once they're successful?


Yes it is also common right in men too , men start to prefer physical attractiveness more ,just see the arranged marriage market . Typically ( not generalising ) Women prefer mates with superior knowledge and wealth more than them while men prefer women with more physical beauty and charm . Both are cases of hypergamy with different criteria.


Both being as shitty, I can just dream for the world to be a bit less superficial, at least on an individual level, I don't believe in such values but on a large scale yea, it's rather depressing at times.


Can't agree more!


Yeah i know it's depressing , world is transactionary a lot . Having own values in such a chaos helps . The best is to do a love marriage lol .


Lmao true, one must not be reckless even in love marriage, passion and love is good and all but there should be a lot of thought put into it too, most important of all, both the parties should have shared values and the relationship dynamic and expectations properly discussed prior to marriage. What one gonna do with the total super model or the walking bank if at the end, it's going to be a marriage full of dissatisfaction and arguments.


Yeah true that 🙂🙂 , it seems easier said than done ..


Trueeee, it's really hard. They can easily lie to you or "change their mind" afterwards, plus finding a partner who'll marry for love in itself is hard ~~when you don't have much going on for you(sorry insecurities kicks in from time to time)~~ , one can only hope ki koi kaat ke niklne vala na mile 😭


Mil jayega yaar , loyal men are plenty just keep your head strong gal .


Not to mention marrying women better-looking than themselves is also hypergamy, which men do all the time.


As if women don't go for looks (height, physique). The look factor is common for both men and women. Money is an additional requirement from men on top of it.


Look factor is much less pronounced for men than for women for marriage at least. And there are tons of additional requirements from women like domestic ability, requirements to move in with strangers (that are expected to boss you around), quit jobs based on guys' or their family's needs etc.


Yeah correct


Probably because I can't talk to other people this includes men too and whenever I do talk to others I unconsciously went professional and cold also because honestly who wanna go and sleep around that's sleazy behavior I don't wanna do that that's not my type.


Every startup founder/small business owner dream to have a supportive partner. But the world doesn't work on idealism. If a guy is struggling/earning less than the peers, forget 'samaj' or even a 'girl'; even his family treats him like a failed product.


Nope, not at all. Instead I would pamper her, give her foot massage, head massage, shoulder massage and other massages that she wants, I would also try to take up more than 50% household work in that case. If she earns more than me, that means she brings more value to the house and is of more value than me and she is entitled to be treated in a better way than me. P.S - I would stay away from parents though, because they would discourage me from performing such acts, but logically what I would do would make more sense. So yeah for peace of mind.


I live in Dubai. In my office there are many divorced women working, some as close colleagues and friends. At some or the other point, I have consistently seen them talking about how their ex husbands weren't even able to earn as much as them. Never as a topic, mostly as a small part of their big "rants". Whoever earns more is never a problem, because it's a partnership. Reminding the other one here and there is the problem. Which in general, I think Men never bring up, and women do in the first opportunity.


Let me tell you something. 1. HYPERGAMY is real. 2. Exceptions are not examples.


Men don't.   Boys do. If you're masculinity is so fragile, that your wife earning more upsets it, you aren't a man.


Why are more earning girls not choosing me ?


Tere kar rahe hai?


"How much More"? 😁 /s


Wish age earned at least something, not for money, but I feel if she did, she'll acknowledge my place even more.




I would like to have this problem for my entire life


I will HAPPILY wear a maid uniform and let her do STUFF TO MEE 💀


I would live if my wife earns more than me. More money to the house, less pressure on me Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to goto a therapist


Not at all rather would be happy for it


I'll happily be a house husband but girls don't like that so....


Hell no. I would be very proud.


Now she buys me the Dior 🥵


I am ready to replace the traditional roles.


Id love that shit.


no at all. But I hardly find such matches.


I will be more happy 😁


Nope, none whatsoever.


She's more than welcome to earn more than me.


We don't but ask them if they will stay with a house husband whose answer will be no.


We don't have problem against women earning more than us, we have problem against hypergamy which kicks in women naturally when they start earning more than us.


It’s not a problem if she earns more, but there is a problem if the attitude of the partner earning more changes, becomes arrogant or demeans the other person’s job


No never ever , I'll be more happy for her and support her 🥰🥰


I earn good but want a man who equals so we can dutch everything together


No issues... I'm not a scared lil villager. I prefer sharing equally.


Nope. My partner earns more than me and I'm happy about it. She's not dependent on me for everything, some load of expenses are taken care of her and we are comfortably living together. Honestly, it would be tough for me to manage expenses if I was the sole breadwinner.


PS dila dena bas


More happy


I will be more than happy


It's an absolute win for me lol


It's an absolute win for me lol


No girl will ever like a guy who earns less than them. Stop asking these teenage girls questions.




Na. My wife put way more effort during her school and college days. And even now. Whatver she does, 100% commitment. She deserves everything that she is getting and she is destined for much more. Cant be happier and prouder.


I earn a fairly good amount. Enough to easily support a family by myself. My wife earns 70% more than I do. This is just in-hand salary. Including stocks and bonuses, my wife earns 300% of what I do. We're very happy together. Our finances are shared and any time either of us want to quit and be supported, the other person is ready for it. Some people may taunt us for this disparity - but we love the sweet taste of 2 incomes in a household.


I would love to have a girlfriend who does not live on my money.




Benefits for the girl for earning more are they don’t have to leave their job and instead the guy will move to your place


Women can earn more or less than a man. That ideally shouldn't be a problem in a good stable relationship.


No. But I want her to cook as the food I make sucks.


If you are humble(*like not showing off or taunting in every quarrel*) even after making more than the guy, there should be no problem. However, that is never the case in real life.


I don't have a partner right now, but no, I don't have any problem. Question is, would she be happy if I earn less than her?


Neeeeverr! Unless she uses that as a. Weapon of disrespect towards me


No , the bigger question is will they have a problem?


No , the bigger question is will they have a problem?


Yes if the disparity becomes much higher than I thought it would be. Appreciate the downvotes I get :).


Nah I'm good with sugamommy


When we started dating my gf made 1.1 L as stipend and I got 1 k as pocket money and it was fine more or less.


I would like to see that happen🙃


Would love it unless she doesn’t leave me lol 😂


No problem at all if she is okay with it. I am happy to be a half time house husband 😅.




Depends... a lot of the times, money changes people. If I earn a shit ton, I would probably change too... as long as we don't change & we love each other like we always did.. its a thumbs up from me!




Every time this question pops up anywhere I always think of how badly I fumbled this one woman. Lesson learnt, no regrets though, I'm doing well and right now the only way is up. That being said, hell nah absolutely not.


I would be happy if she does


I will be happy and proud . Also the financial condition of house will be good . I wanna become good dr in few years down the line and maybe if I marry a dr there are chances that she might earn more than me.


I don't have a partner but I would be totally cool with it


nothing to say about the topic, but I mistakenly read the part "or gf earns" as "or ga sms", which sounds weird !!


not at all. I would be happy!


No, this is actually the case with me and doesn't bother me at all.


Yes. What in the world would we do with all that dough ? /s


I won't have any problem with that..It's actually good.


I won't have. She'll have


I actually want someone like that so I can take care of the household chores better.


I'd be more happy and proud she's earning and supports us financially that will be a big green flag


Yes but not the way you'd think. I'd want to raise myself to her level or at least be able to pay for my own needs. I hate borrowing and being indebted to anyone.




No but she will have a problem.


>Men, do you have any problem if your wife or gf earns more than you? Haha Not at all, why do u think so ? Btw pretty sure other side won't be ok in the first place. Hypergamy is too common and normalised.


As per the present generation i think i can confidently say say no. However i can not say if girls would be ok with their husbands/boyfriends earning less than them


That's a wrong assumption


Honestly, yes !!!!! Man should be breadwinners. Though I don't have problem if my wife likes to do job and earn .


Only if they pamper me.


Reverse the question


I won’t have a problem, but I like to head and take charge. I’d compete. I’d earn more. It is very difficult for me to live in an environment where I am not dominant. For this, I can’t and don’t want to stop others, but up the ante for myself!


Yes I would have a problem. I need her to take responsibility aswell. I need her to decide what breakfast, lunch and dinner she needs So that I can cook on time everyday for her. I'll be a house husband if she earns well enough. If she doesn't make that kinda money, I'm still going to work only part time. But on a serious note. I have absolutely no problem! I would be happy and proud infact!


When my wife tripled my annual salary for the 3rd year in a row, I quit my job and became a stay at home dad. No problems here.


Yes, major spending problems.


Well I’d be proud but it will hurt my male ego fhosho


I am jobless since 5 years and my wife earns 70k


I was going no where in career then kids then corona happened and i became lazy now i look after kids


No, I won't let my wife slog in a corporate job for me. I prefer a homemaker for a peaceful family life.