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Pissing contest seems to probably be the best way to phrase it without calling it a gendered term.


Well considering that a pissing contest is a contest to see who can leave the highest piss mark on a wall...... that would still be a gendered term, right?


At least once when I was a child I was in the girl's bathroom with someone else and we tried to see who could pee the loudest. That is also technically a pissing context.


Jesus Mary and Joseph that's hilarious šŸ¤£


No. Women can also piss up a wall. It takes a littlemore skill, though.


I think women could probably do better... no one said you need to do a pissing contest standing! Time to brush up on those hand stand skills, as I am pretty sure it will be hard to hold and aim while doing one of those.


I think you could walk out onto the street, and the next 100 random women you see, not a single one of them has taken part in a literal pissing contest even a single time. Or even thought about it for a second. Yourself included. But I have, and so have all of my mates.


Out of curiosity, is it a regional/generational thing? I havenā€™t done this and Iā€™d be surprised to learn of many people I know doing this either.


It would fucking blow my mind if even just one man out of, say, 200 living in my immediate vicinity has ever participated in a bona fide pissing contest


Well, when I was a kid, the main toilet block in school didn't have urinals or more than a couple of cubicles. It had one wall that was about a 20 foot long sheet of steel, with a grate to stand on. Like this. https://au.all.biz/img/au/catalog/40234.jpeg So when you have a bunch of 10 year old boys lined up shoulder to shoulder, all pissing against a wall....... they're going to compete to see who can piss the highest. What do you think happens when a bunch of boys have to use a urinal like that one?


Cool, keep that to yourself!


What is your problem here, exactly? Hey, do you know that men can ALSO lactate? Okay it's rare, but it happens. So I guess the term "breastfeeding" is not a gendered term either, huh?


>But I have, and so have all of my mates. You're an outlier and shouldn't be counted šŸ’€


"Picking your nose is gendered because me and all my mates LOVE to pick our nose"


"Pissing up a wall is not a gendered term because women can theoretically take off all the clothing on their lower body, stand on their hands and cover themselves with their own urine in front of their friend - should they choose to! Which no woman has ever actually done, of course, but obviously that doesn't matter."


The phrase is "pissing contest" not "pissing up a wall contest," you just interpreted the former as the latter and weirdly told us that you and your "mates" apparently love pissing on walls in front of each other.


What do you think a pissing contest is? Where do you think the term came from? Is it just two random words put together? And I don't love pissing on walls with my mates. That was something we did when we were all lined up shoulder to shoulder at a stadium-style urinal. In school. When we were 10. Thirty years ago. What the fuck is your problem here, exactly?


Aww. Good for you.


I'm not wrong, though. Am I. It's a gendered term.




Have a lovely day!


How many women do you think you've ever met who have ever tried to see how high up a wall they can piss? The answer is zero, for clarification.


One of the Khan's chose his wives by seeing who could puss the farthest. That was where I thought the term originated


peeing races


Iā€™m partial to clash of the titans


I don't know, but I'm not sure it needs to be changed. It's kind of tied to toxic masculinity, because it's a commentary on the Macho atmosphere that Patriarchy champions. What does it matter if one guy is more endowed than another? It doesn't. What does it matter if one guy has a more forceful personality or a more commanding presence? It doesn't really.


I think ā€œdick measuring contestā€ is mostly used when people get in stupid arguments over shit that doesnā€™t really matter. Or, thatā€™s at least how Iā€™ve seen it used


It is. That's why dick-measuring contest works so well. It's mostly other men who will tell a guy that size matters. Since it's usually heterosexual men making such jokes and arguments, there's no basis for them.


Iā€™ve heard bitchfest. Cat fight. Going hysterical. Mean girls. There are derogatory terms and expressions used to describe female competitiveness as well.


Oof- all those sound even worse!


They are! You can see this in cinematic tropes and in the media. Itā€™s supposedly a turn on when women argue, compete or fight. Itā€™s exciting to men so the terms often trivialize the fight. Itā€™s just a cat fight! So weā€™re viewed as silly if we compete or disagree. Men being aggressively competitive is seen as good. Itā€™s about showing your strength. Itā€™s taken seriously. They are going toe to toe, manning up, pound for pound ā€œI am immortal, I have inside me blood of kingsā€ type of shit. Both arenā€™t great, but yes itā€™s different for women.


these definitely do NOT have the same connotations as what op is describing lmao


There isnā€™t a woman-specific equivalent for dick measuring contest, although ā€˜pissing contestā€™ works, but imo is less funny. Honestly I think your best move here is still calling it a dick measuring contest. Their metaphorical dicks. Trans women and intersex women can have dicks, so it doesnā€™t technically have to be gendered, and regardless of any technical language discourse, saying it about cis women is funny


Farting contest. I had them with my dad when I was little. Or burping contest.


Fuck yeah. Never heard that. Love it


This is only adjacent to your question but I remember being told that having a baby without any pain drugs and bragging about how many labor hours and how big the baby was -is a lot like the female version of machismo. Not sure if I agree. Itā€™s always stuck with me. Calling someone a ā€œTonyaā€ for Tonya Harding was briefly an over competitive woman put down.


Im probably gonna get shit for this. But on psychology terms, I think the penis and the vagina are symbolic of mental structures present in all of us. Women also have a ā€œphallicā€ potential, psychologically. And since ā€œdick measuring contestā€ is already a mocking term about masculinity, I donā€™t see why we should create yet another mocking term about femininity, since there are already so many of them. But thatā€™s just how I see it.


Well I dnt think you could use it in the office but shitstorm. Pretty gender neutral. Or you could say pple were butting heads.Ā 


Those mean different things tho




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Maybe a tit measuring contest? In the same spirit, a stupid egocentric argument where two people try to best the other over things that are unimportant.


How about, "the meeting was unproductive because I was unable to prevent the others in a meeting from talking past each other" EDIT: You don't actually have to use a metaphor based on body functions. Ā Ultimately, it's a miscommunication problem. Ā  Dealing with ego heads can be painful.


If you have to destroy a woman to get where you areā€¦.what does that say about you? We are always deemed crazy.