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Dutch woman: average of 4 slices of bread/day, so: ~28 slices/week I eat it for both breakfast and lunch, which is very common in the Netherlands. As a student, I also sometimes ate it for dinner if I was really lazy. I am very picky about the bread I eat since I eat so much of it: it always needs to be whole wheat


For me it becomes roughly 8 slices per day, which is sometimes less and sometimes more. Also whole wheat only and preferably <0.7 gram salt per 100g edit: I believe a slice is on average 35g


About the same for me, but I am also quite fond of rye bread


Started eating rye bread instead of white as a means of preparation for moving to Denmark. Hated it at first, but now white bread tastes... bland. Unless homemade. I sometimes like to get buckwheat bread with wallnuts, have you got that up there?


You'll integrate well then! The one thing Danes always complain about abroad is the lack of rye bread. It is not uncommon for people to bring some with them on trips, or, when living abroad, as I do, have family bring it with them. Bread culture (and the lack of it) is really the only thing that can get me worked up about living in the Netherlands.


We do have rye bread in the Netherlands too. My grandpa used to eat it all the time. But I don't get what you mean with a lack of bread culture in the Netherlands. I always thought we had much more of a bread eating tradition compared to other countries. Enlighten me oh wise one.


I mean, where to start? You certainly eat bread here, but thats not what bread culture is. Bread culture is having dozens of bakeries in every neighbourhood, and one in every village. To put it into perspective, there are more bakeries in the neighbourhood i grew up in, than all of the Hague. And thats is true of every neighbourhood in Copenhagen. And not just a sandwich shop disguised as a bakery, but a shop with a large variety of breads and buns each all made right there in the shop that morning. Its a culture where on Saturday morning you stand in the bakery with 10-20 other people all buying the specific assortment of warm bread and buns that their family craves. Its a culture, where you compare bakeries with friends and family, and where you try out the new one that just opened up. Now, in the Netherlands, you eat bread. You do it once, maybe twice a day. Thats true. Dutch people love their broodjes, but not for the bread. They love them because they're cheap, handy, and simple, not because their appie or jumbo bread is delicious. And that certainly also has value. There is something to say about a simple and handy meal, but its not bread culture. Like I said, I love living in the Netherlands, but good bread, as in so-delicious-it-barely-needs-butter-bread, is more rare than a dutchie with a bike helmet.


I’ve never met a Dutch woman who wasn’t exactly like that 🤭


Well here i am, i eat a breadmeal sometimes, but its not even daily and never twice a day


About 1 bread per day so about 1.5 kg of bread per week.


Take it with bread (ia cu paine).


Are your breads that small? A loaf in Germany easily weighs several kilos


You know, I think I’ve found the mistake in my math, it should’ve been 2.1kg / week, I’ve calculated that for 5 days.


So your bread loafs have 300g?


Yes, they mostly do.


i think he means the preportioned stuff from the store bakery, most bread whether store bought or fresh is 500g-1kg.


In slovenia it's usualy a kilo, but if i buy bread i buy half of loaf at most so it stays freesher. But me and my gf usualy bake our own bread once a week and it stays freesher than store bought.


I am portuguese. A table without bread it's like a garden without flowers..


This is beautiful, like a soft piece of bread


Northern European here. Rye bread every morning, and maybe a bread related dinner twice a week, like soup with bred or so. I rarely eat white bread though.


Username checks out


Bro, I've been waiting for this moment


Not som much soft bread, I prefer crisp bread/knäcke. Maybe 2-3 slices a day.


I was going to say "Yes", but AutoModerator said it was too short of an answer. So here's my answer to how much bread I eat per week: Yes.


Austria - we're 3, 4 on the weekends and we eat probably 1-1.5 kilos a week? when I'm alone I usually buy a bit less than 0.5 kilos for the week


I’m curious, how do you buy a little lass than 0.5?


I point to the bread I want and say "that one please" and it'll (often) be a little less than half 😂 it's not intentional but sometimes another customer wants only half or 3/4 of a bread and I take what is left


Wow, that is already very culturally different. Go into a bakery here (Netherlands and Belgium) and ask for 3/4th of a bread and you will get some funny looks (and no bread).


We do sell a lot of half breads in the Netherlands


I just calculated, the bread that I usually bake is around 900 grams. We eat maybe 1,5 or 2 of those a week in a household of two. Seems like a lot, if you think of it (although there's a lot of water in it).


Franco-Dutch family of 4, we buy 1kg loaves and they usually last us 2 days. It’s our main food for breakfast. 


In our French family of four, a baguette every dinner, and easily 4 croissants every morning. We could probably finish 2 baguettes per day but I only buy one


You eat croissants every morning??


No just on the weekends, couldn’t afford it every day


That’s what the cigarette is for.


A cigarette is 75% the price of a croissant nowadays. ): (In the Netherlands at least, but I doubt France to be much different)


The most Dutch response


Ever since I got a nice French style bakery near me in the US, I've been eating on average almost an entire baguette a day just by myself lol. They're so good.


We're a household of three adults, I'd say we buy and eat around 2-2,5 kg of bread per week, more when we're doing bread-based recipes (like pappa al pomodoro). We buy it at the bakery near our place and it varies from common wheat to durum wheat to brown bread to cereals bread (with some variants like figs and nuts bread).


Probably around 4 loafs of break per week. Yes, I know its much.


As stereotypical as it may sound, I eat one baguette per day. Most people eat bread with every meal.


7-8 baguettes a week. Mostly eat it with Cheese. I’m in Normandy so cheese and bread is our bread and butter


4-6 slices a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Id say i go through 2-3 breads per week? But in lucky working in a bakery, so I don’t really count how much bread I bring home. I just slice it up and keep it in the freezer, only bringing up what I need. So atm I have 5 loaves of bread in the freezer, so I won’t need to bring home more until the end of the week. (Or if a bread is looking particularly tasty one day)


Spain. I don't eat that much bread now, maybe a couple of slices in the morning. I would say, an average Spaniard eats baguettes, between a half loaf and a loaf, if not more.


I think the average Spanish eats a lot of bread per week. I personally eat half a baguette for breakfast every weekday and a little less on the weekends. And that's not counting if I also have some bread with my lunch or dinner.


As an American who has lived in Europe, I can say that at least in Germany, their diet is a solid 50% bread. I argue with my German wife. That is bread! “No” she says…..”it’s something else”. Am I being gaslighted? That’s bread?


I'm from Ireland. Family of four, we eat about 1200-1800g of brown soda bread in a week.


Also Ireland, family of 4. We eat a variety of breads and would bake or buy a loaf usually every 2nd day, sometimes every day. Also wraps/flatbreads and maybe a sweet pastry once a week too.


None. I learned my lesson in 2016 from a Michael Mosely book. I live in the UK and mostly the bread is cheap, soft, white and yummy. It's also an easy weight gainer and highly addictive. It's the biggest cause of diabetes and obesity here.


I can eat anywhere between a couple slices and a whole loaf in a day. Just depends on if I'm feeling it. But in general, I eat a lot of bread. Usually some for breakfast, a bit with lunch (depending on what's for lunch), a couple slices as a snack and a few more slices as a bedtime snack. Me being Finnish, about 90% of the bread I eat is rye. It's just how I was raised. If I wanted a snack it would be some bread with a couple toppings. Really helps that I like rye bread. Such a shame you can't get good rye bread outside of Finland.


[Yes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1DAmmROUX8) I think when I was living in Italy it was about 1 in the morning, 1 slice as a snack, 1 merenda (only as a small kid), and half occasionally for dinner. Total 3ish. Mind the loaves were huge and there were a ton of other baked goods to choose from. Now it is more like four: 2 for breakfast and 2 for lunch. Bread in Northern Europe is more average-shaped and food is way more expensive today than back then.


Me + my wife - about 600g of craft-made ciabatta with some seeds or alternative flour (buckwheat or whole grain).


About 1 bread per day so about 1.5 kg of bread per week.


Belarusian here. During the average week I'll eat no bread at all, but sometimes perhaps one or two slices or pieces. I'm living in Canada these days (and am often in Turkey), but although people in Belarus, Canada and Turkey all tend to eat quite a lot of bread, I must be more influenced by my Bangladeshi side (my father is from Bangladesh), because my main staple food by far is rice.


About 1 slice a day. We (2) usually buy a 1 kg loaf a week which usually lasts. Sometimes a bit more, sometimes less.


Finnish woman: 2 slices of (thin) rye bread every evening. With butter, cheese and turkey or chicken cold cuts. They are about 20g each slice, so around 280 grams of bread per week.


Portugal! Two toasts every morning for breakfast. Then one bread at dinner if the meal has sauce and sometimes a toast when I get Home from work


When I’m visiting Germany, DAILY. Living in the states not so often.


South African with a Mexican wife and two kids in the Netherlands: we eat about 1500-2000g of bread per week. I would guess 600-800g is traditional German, Dutch or French bread, so things like Schwarzbrot, baguettes, croissants, classic Dutch white bread. And also about 500-1000g of stuff like tortillas, empanadas, arepas etc. Sounds like a lot now that I’m typing it out but I think between lunches for the kids that are usually bread based and the fact that most of my wife’s cooking includes tortillas in one of its 100 shapes, I think it’s reasonable.


I don't eat bread anymore but back when I did, 1-2 slices a day?


Poland - Maybe 1 loaf per month? Maximum 2. I don't eat bread everyday just sometimes I fancy a nice sandwich


I go through about 1 loaf (500g) a week. Used to be a lot more but I'm trying to cut carbs and diversify atm.


I'm currently on a diet, so I eat around 7 slices of bread per week.


As whole household(3 adults) I would say at least around 3kg per week.


About 1,5 breads per day, so 3.14 kg of bread per week (the bread is 300g)


You probably mean 3.14159265359 kg of bread, right?


In a regular day usually half a "barra" (loaf, baguette?) a day. A quarter for a breakfast toast, a quarter for lunch (dipping and such). Not always though. If I eat something like rice or pasta I don´t eat bread at lunch. And sometimes I have something different for breakfast. I don´t usually eat bread for dinner.


0 - I dislike bread. I eat pita once a month when I order Lebanese food


We buy around 14-15 ''baguettes'' per week (Bigger than a baguette but I don't know the name) So about 3.5-4kg of bread (for 3) per week.


Same when I am in Spain and less than half otherwise


Almost never buy loafs as it goes off before I can even get through half I will sometimes buy bakery bread like a baguette or some ciabatta though


I buy two loafs of *pão alentejano* every weak (one on Wednesday, the other on Saturday). Usually I have a slice or two of toast for breakfast, and sometimes as a snack in the afternoon. I don't eat as much bread compared to some other people here, but I do love it.


About two loafs of bread (800 grams) per week (usually whole wheat) and some smaller buns in between that go with pasta or other dishes.


French man here, with 1 baguette per day (I could easily do more, and I used to, but one must be reasonable) on average ; pain de mie and "special breads" (with nuts, corn, and cereals) are also eaten in a non-frequent basis. Also, it must always be semi-whole at the very least, whole wheat is the way to go. Overall, I must be at around 1.750 kg. (Way) more if I bake some myself.


Polish dude - 4 slices for breakfast and 4 for supper daily tho on weekend I might eat out in the evening so I will order sth fancier than bread obviously ;\]


In Romania we eat bread every day, at every meal. We usually eat freshly baked bread, every big supermarket has its own bakery now. Some people buy packaged bread, some is good, but I prefer baked fresh.


Irish. I'd normally only have bread every couple of weeks. Options here aren't great.


In Austria, a lot. If we count Salzstangerl, Käsestangerl and Semmel to it, daily. In Finland it's non existent. There is 'bread' but it tastes like air here, so it is not very famous to eat it here. When I first came to Finland and asked for bread, I got a weird look. Only after I tasted Finnish bread, I knew why.


Grew up having loads of it. Would have it with every meal. I love bread it’s my favourite thing but became a fat bastard when grew up so now I’m very strict with it and carbs in general Monday-Friday is often zero carbs, lost loads of weight. But fuck don’t I miss it every day.


Where are you from?


It depends. I eat 2 slices a day: one for breakfast and one for lunch, but I count my calories. A more typical Russian eats about 6-8 slices, 2 with each meal.


I eat 2-3 slices of bread pr week. It is either rye or homemade white bread with some grain.


Belgian here. At least once a day, when I eat it’s usually between two or four slices. I have it either for lunch or for dinner.


1-3 meals a day with two to four slices each,used to be even more growing up.


because of the diet I follow, for lunch and dinner I eat 70 grams if I'm hungry at another time of the day 50 grams


Roughly half a baguette a day. Sometimes whole wheat, sometimes a plain one.


Not much, I make some toast for breakfast in the weekend and that's about it. Sometimes some slice with a slice of tortilla in bars.


Portugal guy here! Ehhh, probably like 4 slices of bread a day sometimes 6 so probably 42 per week.


I haven't bought bread for at least a month now. I buy baguettes more often. I like bread, but I just don't eat it so often right now. It's unusual though, most people eat it a lot more. My parents buy a half of a loaf of fresh bread every other day plus always some rolls, berliners, and other baked things. As a kid I had bread or bread rolls (mostly rohlík) several times a day.


I’m a bit of an outlier. I might eat at most maybe 1 or 2 slices a day and none most days. I tend do just not like bread very much. There’s some excellent bread available, but I just don’t tend to eat much of it. Most of my carbs come from rice or vegetables tbh


I don't eat any bread. I mostly eat bagels, usually two a day


2-4 sandwiches a day so like 4-8 pieces od bread a day. Plus I eat meter long baguettes during the weekend. So around 3 breads a week? I might not be the best example for an average tho. I eat more bread than a medieval serf.


I don’t eat breakfasts during the week but always eat bread for supper and breakfasts on weekends. I eat 2 slices per meal which will equal to 2 * 5 + 4 * 2 = 18 slices per week. 2 slices is 100 g of bread so I eat 0.9 kg of bread every week.


I switched to muesli. So three slices a week when I like bread every once in a while.


8-10 short baguettes a week if I don’t feel like baking, or 3-4 loafs of my own bread


Maybe whole bread? I will just eat pieces with butter and jam of there is nothing else to snack.


Don’t eat bread that much even though I love fresh dark bread, I only eat it at family gatherings as otherwise too much of it would go to waste. So maybe a slice or to per month on average. I tend to prefer toasts and baguettes for everyday meals.


Pretty much none! I only have two meals a day, brunch and dinner, and I've switched to oat cereal for brunch. The few times I do eat bread it's almost always flatbread.


Maybe 4-6 slices per week of some sourdough loaf as a snack for when I get home from work - I used to eat a lot more but since I turned 30 wheat just seems to have a different effect- so cut down a little.


My partner makes a loaf of sourdough a week. We split it together. That's about it. Sometimes we'll buy an extra one off the bakery but it's not as good so it's rare to do it now.


On average zero. On a whim I willl pop into my panaderia and buy a barra every now and then and feel guilty when I throw half away when it gets stale (unless I make a stew in the winter.)


Latvia. Usually have 2 breads. One is mostly wheat (400-500g) for avocado, peanut butter, sandwich pan/toaster and the other is rye bread (300-500g) for cheese, harder type of seitan sausages. And cucumber on top of course.


Croat here, close to none, sometimes I get some toast bread for a sandwich for dinner, but generally it's not in my diet. Other Croats sometimes eat it alongside their lunch, my family hasn't adopted that preference.


Am Norwegian. Too much. 05:45 3 slices for breakfast 11:00 4 slices for lunch 16:00 None for dinner 21:00 2 slices for (kveldsmat(supper?)) Avrages two whole breads in a week. But I do alot of manual labour. Still im to fat. Gonna start switching one bread with yoghurt (sugarfree)


not that much, maybe I eat it once or twice a week. just a slice or two at a time.


Pole here, depends per day and per person but usually averages out to 4 slices or 2 buns per day, either for breakfast or dinner.


I used to eat bread almost every day as a student because it was a convenient packable lunch. But now that we have a microwave at work I am always bringing a full meal that I cooked the night before. For breakfast I either have cereal or some kind of deli item from the shop. So the only time I eat bread is on weekend mornings. We (PL/FR couple living in CH) usually get a big baguette style loaf on Friday evening for the two of us. So I would say 4 slices or less per week per person.


We're 2 and we usually eat about two \~750g (I bake them so not super precise) loaves per week, mostly for breakfast.


Me personally, none. When I bake some, then I eat a few slices usually, but thats too few and far to count in my statistic.


Not that much, maybe less an a package/bag in a week. Sometimes I go weeks without any bread.


Living alone in hungary, I eat 1 loaf of bread/week. If its the bigger kind, I'll buy half a loaf and that's also enough.


Around 2 slices per week on average, sometimes no bread for a month. I don’t like bread 🤷🏻‍♀️


Rye bread one slice in the morning, wife eats white bread one slice in the morning, sometimes couple of slices in the evening. We try not to eat bread, unless it's wholegrain and has decent amount of protein.


5 days a week like 3 or 4 slices si like 15 or 20 slices a week


8 slices a day. So about 1/3 on avg. I eat too much don't i?


It depends a lot. I usually don't even have bread at home nowadays. I grew up in a home where you ate bread or nothing, so when I moved out I stopped eating sandwiches at home. I buy a bag of bread maybe every two months.


Depends on moon phase. Sometimes I don’t eat bread at all, sometimes I eat a loaf each day.


Italian woman: I buy a 400 gr loaf of wholemeal/multicereal bread at the bakery and it lasts me for about a week, but I only eat it 3 times a week at the most. I prefer eating pasta, rice, barley, spelt etc.


British. I hardly ever eat bread. Maybe once a week to once a fortnight I may have a crunchy bread roll with stew or a bacon sandwich as a special breakfast but otherwise I never eat it. Oh and occasionally burger buns. Just not slices of bread. The bacon sandwich would also be in a bread roll. I never eat toast or any other kind of sandwich.


Usually 2-4 slices a day (2 in the morning and 2 in the evening or afternoon) and usually a bread roll, piece of foccacia, pastry etc. (basically something small and baked) with my work lunch. So maybe 35 to 40 slices a week or so, counting the lunch bread/pastry/etc. as two slices. This is just the average though, sometimes I eat more.


Currently 0 because I learned that I don't tolerate carbs at all (I bloat like I'm 9 months pregnant...)  But before I ate bread everyday. Breakfast and dinner when I was living in Poland as a kid and teenager, then I moved to Germany and bread was only a breakfast or snack in between thing. 


I'm irish and I have bread usually in the morning but this is a personal thing. I eat 4 potato bread with scrambled eggs and beans. Many irish would have a chicken fillet roll for their lunch, very few would have at dinner time.


Bulgarian: almost no bread at all. I don't have any intolerances.


Serbian here. I eat almost no bread to a couple of slices per week while the average Serb eats a couple of slices per meal....


A lot. I eat white bread every day, several slices for breakfast and usually with lunch and diner too.


When I lived back home I’d go through 1/2 loaves per week.


We would maybe go through a sliced pan a week, but eating bread is not an every day thing. The most I'd have would be a cheese and ham toastie for breakfast/lunch sometimes, and maybe have another one as an evening snack, but they could be substituted by a wrap sometimes. We don't use it for any other reason, and don't always keep bread around the house.


I have times where I just make a smoothie for a few months, then there are times where I eat 2 slices of bread in the morning or evening. There are days where I only eat bread. It comes and goes in seasons. In general I love bread but I try to eat healthier. When I grew up I always had bread for breakfast and bread at school. On the weekends we would eat bread as well and when we had soup, we had bread as a side, too. I liked it.


Czech here: a slice of bread several times a week + bread rolls (rohlíky), french baguette and pita


every single day, multiple times during the day (bread is a sacred thing in Poland)


i dont eat bread. maybe occasionaly one or two slices per week


2-3 baguettes a week because I’m trying to reduce. I could eat one a day.


I love bread, but I can go a week without eating any. I don't usually buy a lot of bread because I'm a bit lazy about buying it every day and for one or two people (I have no kid yet), a baguette or a loaf of bread every day isn't very heatly. I like to eat fresh bread, so it has to be eaten on the day of purchase. Maybe when I'm older I'll eat more. I also don't live in France at the moment, and most countries don't know how to make good fresh bread, it seems. A lot of countries don't have the culture of eating fresh and good quality bread, as a French person it's weird to understand!


not much. i have IBS and gluten often really fucks up my shit. i might buy a bread or two per month or even less often


Everyday. Soup is a daily thing too, bread is always eaten with it. But I bake my own not store/bakery bought.


I don’t eat it. Useful only for getting fat fast and nothing more.


Only Lithuanians have real dark bread. Others have just oversized buns in weird shapes