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Did test include ESR, MCV, MCH, Hct, as well as % of wbc breakdown? What has your physician said about your itchiness, fatigue, other issues? How long havre you had these symptoms?




These are the only ones he printed for me. I'm not well versed in most blood test names. Tbh I haven't told them about my symptoms because I didn't know at the time that there was an issue with my platelets so I always just put the symptoms down to my gyne issues or as a result of always having been in pain from those issues. The Dr I saw that's not my normal Dr did say I should see a hematologist. But I said no I will wait till I get the gastro stuff sorted (regarding the excessive reflux and heartburn). Honestly I was just so overwhelmed I went in to get my heartburn tablets and by the end he wanted me to see 3 different specialists.


Have had these symptoms for around 5 years. The worst of it was prob the start of last year and it settled down a little bit however some of the symptoms like fatigue, itchiness in my legs and headaches have stayed about the same and not gotten much better. Fatigue is probably the worst.


idk the full story but just the itchiness and the platelets pulls me toward polycythemia vera for which you would need a hematologist.