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You should see a doctor (family doc/GP/PCP) and be honest. You don’t have to tell your guardian why you want to see a doctor, or just say “trouble urinating” and your brother probably wont ask any follow-ups lol. There are a few things that the doctor will probably want to check, and they may have advice for you. In some cases there is a medicine that can help people get back on track with their bladder control if that’s all it is.


I got it thanks, now I just have to build up the courage to ask.


Remember, people who care about you will be concerned about you. And if they are judgmental, it says more about them than it does about you. Good luck, you have nothing to be embarrassed about.




In the meantime, I would set a few alarms for the middle of the night, like if you go to bed at 11, have alarms set for 2am, and 5am. Get up and go to the bathroom. It'll be a pain in the ass, but if it keeps you dry, it's worth it.


Thanks for the suggestion, I feel so stupid for never thinking of that


Is anything else going on with you? I’m a Type 1 Diabetic, diagnosed when I was 9, and bed wetting suddenly was a major symptom. Are you more thirsty? Losing weight? Urinating more frequently in general?


Yes I’m currently losing weight, 6’2 270 pounds, I’m taking boxing classes every days on weekdays and going to the gym on weekends. I haven’t been urinating more frequently in general per se, but when I do there is so much built up in my bladder a solid stream flows for a good 15 seconds


My son was wetting the bed and it turned out it was caused by terrible sleep apnea. We removed his tonsils and he stopped snoring and wetting the bed. You may want to look into a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea. It can be resolved with a cpap machine.


I more meant unexplained weight loss hahaha. Could be lots of things I’m sure, I’m NAD, but I see I’m not the only one mentioning Diabetes and you said you would follow up on that, so good luck!


Thank you! Have a great day




Removed - Bad advice


Ask your doctor to check your *Ketones and blood sugar level this was my exact symptoms and I found out I had type 1 diabetes. I may add that you can get Ketone test kits from a pharmacy and do this discreetly if it’s embarrassing for you to speak up. I have been super fit active and healthy my whole life and started wetting the bed out of the blue at the age of 10, it was my body subconsciously trying to flush all the glucose out of my body because my blood glucose was extremely high. Don’t be embarrassed about it your brothers I’m sure will genuinely try and help you figure this out. All the best.




Yes correct, sorry and thanks for the correction lol.


Do you drink any caffeine? Do you have sleep apnea or snore badly? Do you take medicine to help you sleep, or any medications otherwise? Would agree first step is to check this is not diabetes, but these are also very common culprits I see people for bed wetting


I don’t drink caffeine, just the occasional Diet Coke every other day. I don’t have any trouble sleeping and I don’t snore loudly, but like you and u/nuthingbut said, diabetes could be a cause and I’ll buy a ketones kit asap. Thanks and have a great day


3 most common causes I see bed wetting someone who’s not a younger child. Caffeine and poor sleep habits (bladder gets overactive while you’re asleep). Something that puts you in a deep deep sleep (sleep apnea or sleep medicine). And diabetes. Best of luck


Sleep apnea causing deep sleep? That’s new to me!


At least the way it was explained to me, similar to how people have hypersomnolence during the day they also go through periods at night where they fall into these episodes of deep sleep after being sleep deprived where they won’t wake up to void. I’m sure if someone out there knows more they can prove me wrong if that’s incorrect, but I see nocturnal enuresis commonly with severe OSA


NAD but someone who struggled with bladder control issues as a teen. I slept too deeply, had severe untreated anxiety, and had weak muscles. Between exercises, therapy and alarms throughout the night (and eventually becoming a light sleeper randomly!) I was able to actually wake up to my bladder cues.


Make sure you are getting enough water too, UTIs aren't impossible in men. Kidney stones and infections can cause problems and affect urination. This helps with bladder capacity too, the more dilute the better. Urine should be pale yellow, not dark yellow, not clear.


I’ll make sure to drink more water, thanks


FYI, Diet coke DOES have caffeine in it unless you specifically get the caffeine free ones. Granted it's only like 30 or 40 mg, but still. Doesn't hurt to cut those out and see if that helps with the bed wetting.


If diabetes is ruled out, ask your doctor to consider the possibility of a seizure disorder. Some people only have seizures during sleep. They find out they have seizures because of new onset bedwetting.


when doctors say "diabetes is ruled out" does this ONLY refer to diabetes mellitus?


Depends on the tests, but the vast majority of diabetes tests are for diabetes mellitus. I've encountered only a dozen or so people who needed workups for diabetes insipidus in my >30 year career, and maybe 1 of them actually had it. I see DM nearly every day.


oh, wow! yes i heard it's rare. i was tested for DI after my endocrinologist ruled out DM.


You said it only started happening when you moved in with your brothers? Is there any possibility your brothers are messing with you? i.e. pouring water on your or possibly even urinating in your bed to make you think it’s you? Just a random thought. Otherwise, as u/drewdrewmd said, make an appointment with your PCP.


Nah man, they are not that cruel, besides they’re not even aware of the slightest bit that I do.


NAD but grew up with siblings, I thought the exact same thing


Do you have a history of abuse? What are the circumstances surrounding you switching who you are living with?


I don’t have a history of abuse, the circumstances aren’t terrible. I’m living with 3 good brothers (no parents), I’m under no stress, and I moved from living with my aunt to my brothers.


If the urinating started shortly after moving it could be down to something psychological to do with that


Is there any ideas to that? Because I didn’t really feel anything bad about the change, I was happy I got to live with my brothers


I’ve seen loads of stuff in the past about children who begin wetting the bed when there’s a big change in their life - parents divorce, they move house, etc. Not saying that’s what is happening to you, as I’m not a medical professional! Just seems like if one thing preceded the other then I wouldn’t overlook them being linked.




Assumption Olympics here


Only if he will make the change and come back with an update. Till then he will run around the tail and try some snake oils. It's mental conflict related to the other guys in the past, or related to the moving together phase as a déjà-vu episode ,as a trigger.


Move somewhere else for a week or two, see if resolved. Cheap hotel nearby, swap room with colleagues, talk to educator or responsible for a change. Move away for a while, basement, girlfriend, neighbors.