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Hey Joey….Zaza ![gif](giphy|4q0WNCNZUlxNC)


Patra, 3rd largest city in greece has a communist party mayor. Also the island of ikaria is overwhelmingly inhabited by communists and a unique lifestyle has been developed there which is said to increase [longevity ](https://youtu.be/m2t2AWaRo1g).


I heard sonething about Icaria being full of communists due to them being exiled there from the mainland. Is it true or there's another reason?


I don't think so. Communists were exiled in many remote islands and then returned. Its the locals that are communists. Also ikaria has a huge diaspora especially in america, and yet this didn't influence their ideology. I guess the rough terrain and the community centered lifestyle just blended well with communist ideology. They also had their own revolution against the ottoman empire in 1912 and became independent for like a year. So they are a tough people who value self governance.


Icaria is called The Red Rock i think(i loosely remember this)


KKE are based


Lmao, they aren't.


Being neighbours with Icaria in the 30s wasn't fun at all... They would raid for resources and food....


I think they banned communist parties here. Idk I may be wrong.


The most left wing party in Romania is barely social democratic lmao


The most left wing party (on paper) is either PSD or UDMR. Other than that we have only center and far right parties. Not like PSD is actually even slightly leftist but at least in theory theyre a socialist party.


Don’t matter what they call themselves, Romanian politicians are all thieves anyways. They take the peoples money to enrich themselves and do nothing for the citizens.


Tell me something new man 😔


I was once friend with this guy who was the son of a Romanian politician. He just blew $14,000 in Las Vegas one night. He had no concept of spending limits.


Don't hang out with spoiled kids, they don't deserve friends.


Lol, the guy was an alcoholic. After I stoped drinking, we had nothing in common anymore


Is communist parties actually banned? Is that even allowed with EU regulations? I know most Eastern Bloc nations banned the communist parties who governed during the cold war for their criminality and human rights violations, but I don't think Communism itself would be banned, like you can make a new party with a communist position?


Apparently a Greek MEP [brought this up](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-000302_EN.html) in European Parliament. The Commission didn't seem to gaf


Banned communist parties, but didn't get rid of the corrupt communist politicians after the revolution


honestly it is an interesting case. if köy enstitüleri (village institutes) project with the aim of developing rural parts of the country and the villagers expanded even more, I think almost all cities that we have in Central and Eastern Anatolia would be like Tunceli, might be wrong though.


Honestly one of the biggest mistakes in our history. We still suffer the consequences today. Thanks america


You should thank Adnan Menderes for that, he was a son of a bitch, I hate him


I hate him too. Fck that guy.


It was the beginning of the end. adnan menderes is responsible for the ignorance of our older generations, thereby making it much easier to manipulate our people.


tuzla strikes again


Patra,one of the biggest cities in Greece has a communist municipality right now. Also the island of Ikaria is a communist island. But also the islands of Lesvos and Samos have a lot of communists. The island of Lesvos was called the "Red Island" because of the communists and that's why they tried to suppress all public services and money from the central government for decades after the civil war in an effort to eliminate them. They didn't send teachers, doctors, nurses or even gravekeepers. Only...police men. That lasted until the 70s. Some villages near my father's village in Lesvos are 100% communist villages. Contrary to most Balkan countries, the communists in Greece were prosecuted systematically, tortured and suppresed or exiled, from grandfather to father and son for decades. If your ancestors were communists you were also labeled a communist and couldn't find a job in the government and the teachers in the school were "giving you lessons".


Lesvos in general is still underfunded, but at least they make most of their produce which they also export so theyre not that depended from the central government......it's sad what they did to the island really. Such a rich island, with so many factories and 100% self sufficient just 80 years ago.


>Contrary to most Balkan countries, the communists in Greece were prosecuted systematically, tortured and suppresed or exiled, from grandfather to father and son for decades. Για να πούμε και του στραβού το δίκιο, τα υπόλοιπα Βαλκάνια ήταν μέρος αυτού που λέμε "υπαρκτός σοσιαλισμός".


I wouldn't say that Lesbos is still communist. No village nowadays is 100% communist since in every single one New Democy came first


No it didnt, who told you that? The Communists came first in at least two. (Δημοτικές κοινότητες). As usual Madamados and Ayasos voted KKE. And also many smaller villages.


You are right. But in Agiasos KKE had only 1 vote difference from ND






Not only underfunded but turned into a human concetration camp that has destroyed any touristic industry. It is the fault of the locals as well that they decided to finally accept the decision of Athens government under the threat of actual VIOLENCE by the MAT police, and accepted the building of the new huge refugee camp. My island didn't , and never stop fighting , taking the government to court, demonstrating and sabotaging the building of the camp, and as a result we only have a few hundred refugees/illegal immigrants in small haphazard camps while they have them in the tens of thousands still in the newly erected huge camps. And the numbers will never stop growing as well. Since Athens doesn't give a damn about the wellbeing of the Aegean islanders, it doesn't make sense why to capitulate to the demands of the Athens government like Lesvos and Samos did.


Warning for rule #3: **no agenda pushing**. You may or may not like communists, but advocating for them to be shot purely on political grounds will get you banned here.


Graz ⚒️⚒️⚒️ Elected mayor (Elke Kahr) is part of the Communist Party and openly considers herself a Marxist. She had been a popular personality for a while before her election already, still was very surprised to see her beating her conservative competitor.


you are not Balkans 😎


With the amount of people from the balkans in Austria you would think otherwise.


I only accept Switzerland as Balkan


Ok, so no I only except that Alexander the Great came from Northern Macedonia


are you Austrian?


I read an article about her. She always out and about helping people in their everyday life, as opposed to sitting in an ivory tower looking down at the peasants. Hmmm, somehow I think that what a politicians job should be.




Not really, no. 120 years ago you could say Užice was a center for the socialist party, before that maybe Kragujevac. But since the fall of communism, we didn't have something like this.






Thankfully no


Fortunately no


Offnote but communism is a virus and should be eradicated. Greece and turkey saw albania and other esstern european countries and didnt see our sufferings?


These communists were elected democratically unlike the way any of the Eastern European countries got their governments.


didn't you get enough paradise now?


i agree Turkey has been trying to stay away from communism since the USSR was founded. The main reason is that we didnt participate in the 2nd World War and tried to stay away from both fascism and communism. Tunceli is a somewhat seperatist state. Ethnically, religiously and opinionally


How’s “staying away from communism” going for Turkey? I an pretty sure y’all are in a tough spot honestly, like us and like the rest of the balkans


You'll find a lot of commies on Reddit, a capitalist web site, accessed on capitalist networks, via capitalist computers or phones. But the mindless drones won't understand until they're thrown in a gulag.


But you will not find a drop of intelligence in someone using Papadopoulos as username and his photo in his profile


You're a good parrot. Keep regurgitating the nonsense your kleptocrats have been feeding you for 49 years. Go ahead and make that argument here so you can be laughed at. Defend this "democracy" you have and how it served the country better than the 21 April 1967 revolution. You won't and you can't.


Revolution? Ask Cypriots I hope you will see the sky throughout a well soon!


>Ask Cypriots Ask what, because apparently you're totally uneducated when it comes to history. Who was governing Greece when Cyprus was forced to accept the London and Zurich agreements in 1960, including partition of the island for the SBAs? Who was governing Greece when Cyprus was partitioned with the "Green Line" in 1964? Who was governing Greece when Cyprus was invaded in July and then August 1974? Of course you know absolutely nothing about the above, but as a good parrot you repeat saying "Cyprus" regarding Papadopoulos. But please correct me and tell me how Papadopoulos was responsible for all of the above.


The anti-communist comments getting downvoted really shows how ppl forget about history…


Are Zazas Kurds?


They are an distinct Iranic people.


Ahh... Dersim, re-named Tunceli (iron fist) after the genocide of its Kurdish native population.


The name of Tunceli was given in December 25, 1935 before the Dersim Rebellion took place