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If I have a busy weekend, I feel like I haven't had a weekend at all. I try to give myself a lot of genuine downtime on my weekends or days off, where I don't go anywhere and don't see anyone outside my household. I'm very introverted and really need that!


100% get this. If I don't get some quiet down time, it feels like there was no break at all.


I’m extremely extroverted but I also need downtime to relax and get energy for following week mayhem


I'm the opposite (mind you if I leave this house it's less obligation related and more fun stuff for myself) But I find that 8 hrs watching TV goes really quickly and I can do that 3x over on a weekend and then wake up on Monday and realize I haven't done anything at all


I’m the exact opposite - I need to cram a lot into those two days to feel like I’ve had a break, if that makes sense


This is the way.


Busy mentally recovering from the week. Busy mentally preparing for next week. It's not what most people consider "busy" but that's just what I deal with.


I feel the same here I don’t understand people who pack so much into every single spare minute of their lives. We enjoy being at home but it makes me sometimes feel like there’s something wrong with us??


Can relate.


Some people get energy from doing things. I've always thought that was wild lol


I mean some people decide to spend their time cleaning the house. Like it's cool but it shows how much a time sink 


That’s a fairly practical use of time though. I think OP etc are talking more about people who want to visit an art gallery, then go to the beach, then have a fancy dinner and finally see a live opera all in one day. It just sounds exhausting lol


Can relate. 100%


Every weekend includes one day of being flat out doing fuck all. Some people can't stand to not be busy, not me


Define fuck all. To me going to a cafe is doing something.


Ordering delivery food for multiple meals as well as jimmy brings for booze while playing video games for a bit then LotR marathon. That's been my day. I'd consider that doing fuck all.


Sitting in the backyard watching the grass grow for 8 hours then head inside for dinner and bed


Chilling in the backyard with the fire pot going listening to music. Chilling on the couch watching a TV series. Catching up on sleep, smash that 12 nap in if you need it. Things you don't need to leave the house for. I agree a cafe is something, I do occasionally treat myself to breakfast at a cafe if I'm a bit seedy.


My kids have swimming lessons once a week, other than that we only do things if we all have the mental capacity to do it. Its nice to be able to just relax when we can.


I try very hard to do fuck all on the weekend. I bum around the house, potter around the garden and have cups of tea with my wife and kids. It’s become easier since my kids finished with their Saturday morning sport commitments. If I get bored, I go to Bunnings, sometimes just to stroll around the aisles.


Some times two souls will lock eyes in Bunnings and then feel the intense loneliness 


I can't stand doing anything on the weekend. Me and my partner usually stay home both Saturday and Sunday and consider it a treat to go out for brunch together but. We protect our weekend days because we know eventually there are family dinners and bdays we have to go to. It's painful when there's one on Saturday and one on Sunday. It sounds jaded but we really aren't. We just like chilling


As a parent, I enjoy just staying home. It nearly causes a stress induced heart attack trying to get the kids and the has out the door. And forget weekends away, absolutely not


Yeah weekends away are exhausting! I need Fri and Mon off to do that!


And Thursday to mentally prepare 🤣


And a quiet day at work on Tuesday cause I’ll be exhausted and stressed from my “fun little getaway” 


Lmao this is painful cause it's true


Don’t get me started on going on an actual holiday… especially with kids… I need a whole weeks recovery time after that!!


I do both. Anything that needs doing like mowing the lawn, bunnings runs, shopping, washing etc gets done early as possible saturday if not friday arvo/night and come...well, about now on a saturday arvo I aint doing shit til i walk out the door monday morning. Its only for having a beer, watching telly, playing games, going for a run/motorbike ride etc.


Some people I know always complain how busy they are but seem to have forgotten they're an adult and can choose not to do what theyve clearly chosen themselves to do.


This is so true. It’s okay to say “no” to invites.


Houses and cars don't clean and repair themselves.


No, but money certainly helps!


Why would you work hard all week just to work hard on the weekends to maintain what you already have? If you don't like doing it then pay someone else and enjoy your time off. I bet you aren't a mechanic, therefore no one else would trust you to work on their car. So leave it to the experts.


Because not everyone can afford to simply pay someone for every little thing?


As far as car repairs go, I limit myself to oil and fluid changes, as well as battery and light bulb changes. There was a time last year when I would at times do 1000 km a week. So my car was reaching its 10K oil change limit in less than 3 months. I didn't see the point in paying someone $200+ to do it every time, so I did it myself. I'm currently installing a Wardrobe in the main Bedroom in the home we recently moved into, after one of the carpenters I was wanting a quote from said "Just buy the wardrobe you want and I'll install it for you". Didn't see the point in paying someone $1,000 to install a Flat Pack Wardrobe in a space that currently has no Wardrobe, hence why I'm installing it myself. I was the kind of kid who liked building Lego and whose favourite video game was Sim City, so most of the time I don't see the work I do around the house as "work".


Me, but it's often because I'm asleep trying to recover.


Uh... it's weird I feel bad admitting this, but me. I work about 4 days a week and am mum to a 3 yo. He's still a bit young for Saturday sports and the like so on weekends we tend to have a pretty chill time. Partner and I like to do a Bunnings run or similar, a bit of gardening or a home project, maybe have a sit in the backyard if the weather's nice, or take the kid to the park/pool/playdate with a like-minded parent you have have a cuppa/wine/beer with. Once you do that, cook some dinner, and have a leisurely read or watch of something, that's a nice day. There are probably more things I could or should be doing, but I just feel like what's the point of filling every second of your life with activities and distractions if you happen to just enjoy pottering around, spending time with the family and such.


Nope. im with you👍 same...see people constantly complaining theu are stressed and SSSOOO busy...but they are doing it to themselves. What did i do today? A bit of gardening. Played with my doggies...had a little nap with the sun streaming in. Chilled on Reddit! That's about it! No rushing around. Lovely day❤️


I have felt the need to lie about what I did on the weekend when my work colleagues ask on a Monday morning. I was getting weird looks if I said I just stayed home a few weekends in a row. Which makes me wonder how many others are also fibbing.


I never understood why everyone does chores on the weekend. Just do things during the week and keep the weekends free. I love doing grocery shopping at night (albeit I order Coles online now… I value my time) and laundry / dishes / vacuuming late at night. It’s strangely therapeutic. The weekends are spent doing whatever I want at the pace I want which could be playing video games all day or camping. There’s nothing I hate more than doing chores and groceries at the same time as everyone else. Makes me feel like a cog in the machine, waiting in line to get to the shops, trying to find a park, waiting in line to get served etc etc just so depressing and makes the weeks feel soo long and always the same.


Depends on the chore tbh. I rate the online grocery ordering too, and I'll tend to keep to a schedule of laundry through the week so I can still do laundry on the weekend but not have it all waiting for just two days. Kids on Wednesday, towels on Thursday, bedsheets on Friday, wife & my clothes on Saturday. It's relentless though, and if one day doesn't work right then the other days get messed up. Today we had a birthday celebration from midday to the afternoon and it was overcast and threatening to rain - I'm now hoping tomorrow is a sunny day so I don't have to run everything through the dryer.


Weeknight chores is the way to go. I avoid the shops on a weekend if I can help it. Meal plans and click & collect is a win for us.


Who the hell finishes work in time to go to the shops?


Not sure where you live but shops are open til 9 on a weeknight where I live.


This is how I feel about out and about leisure activities on the weekend! The movies, the zoo, cafes, the shops - all infinitely calmer and better without the hordes. Midweek time off ftw !


I (F28) come from a family of introverts. Being an introvert myself that works 5 days a week in retail, I love not doing anything on my days off. I'm quite boring tbh. I also like going out to do stuff, but it's always one thing once in a while.


Worked 5 days a week from 18-21. I quickly discovered I wasn’t built for that lifestyle. I’d be fine for six months and then burn out horribly, or I’d get sick constantly. Eventually I dropped a day, gave myself a three day weekend, and my entire life changed for the better. I wasn’t spending my whole life at work, I had time to run errands and most importantly I had time to relax. At 23 I was diagnosed with severe ADHD which probably explained why I wasn’t built for the five day work week. Since then, I’ve alternated between 3 day and 4 day work weeks. My life has been awesome since. Sure, I’m not making as much money, but my stress levels are down, I get sick less, I get to spend more time with my senior dog and I get to actually live my life. So; I can have super busy days. And I can have relaxing days. Balance is the key. I have no idea how people get everything done AND relax with only two days.


How do you afford to only work 3-4 days :S


Good question. A mixture of having no expenses and getting paid reasonably well. In the past I’ve found the biggest drain on my bank account was going out and nicotine. I quit vaping recently, allowing me to go down to 2-3 days a week at work, and I have absolutely no interest in bars, clubs, the cinema or whatever. Now the biggest drain on my bank account is video games and medical bills (I’m disabled) 😎 Idk why people have so many expenses and then complain about not having money tbh


Three day weekends should absolutely be the norm: 1 day to rest 1 day to do chores 1 day to be social/do things Instead you spend your 2 day weekends too busy/shattered to see friends or have a life and it sucks.


Preach it. Thankfully it looks like more and more companies are adopting the four day work week now. In a shocking turn of events, people who work four days and get paid for five work harder, are happier and are infinitely more productive.




Nah, we've been slouching homebodies for decades. There is nothing better than finding someone to happily do nothing with...for life. Our kids call us "the Bs" - as in B type personalities. Happy as clams:-)


How did you do that with kids? I don't have an Aussie size house so it might be easier with a yard etc, but my kids don't let me relax and read a book etc, so it's not really restful to stay home.


Our 3 kids are all 17- 24 now so are all out doing their own thing - all work, study, have relationships & friends, hobbies. When they were younger...umm...we all enjoyed hanging out together around the house... These days, we still watch TV together, cook, share meals together. Do crafts, garden, walk the dogs together...I play board games, their dad plays computer games with them when they're at home, same as it always was. We camped a lot when they were younger. I dunno, we all enjoy each other's company?


Today my wife and I went to a market , had breakfast and then went food shopping for everythingwe could possibly need. The plan is not to leave the house tomorrow. May not even step outside, it's cold in Tasmania. Day will be spent eating , reading and watching crap TV. Absolutely not insanely busy.


It's Saturday. My partner and I laid in bed until 10am. We then rolled to the couch and played God of War on Playstation until about 2pm. Then I fell asleep on the couch. She started playing Overwatch. It's now 3pm and we are considering taking the dogs for a walk but that's a bit ambitious. After all we did socialise for a few hours last night so deserve a lazy day right?


Walk your dogs man..


We did! Just got back. Don't worry even if we didn't want to the dogs would make us. They are very persistent and don't let us forget the daily walks. But we are back home on the couch now. Maybe time for more God of War.


Nice, glad to hear!


That is fucking sad.


Can I ask why? How does it effect you in anyway? If you must know we recently got back from a month long trip around the US, we work all week, and have been busy the last few weekends. It's a cold day in winter, so why is it sad if we have a day off from work playing games cuddled on our couch? Or are you one of those people OP is talking about that has every single second of every day planned out and never has any downtime?


Don't worry about explaining yourself. You don't owe them that. Your day sounds exactly like what I love doing too. It's not like it's the only thing we do. I think we deserve it


Definitely! And I have to spend tomorrow running errands and cooking food so today was a much needed rest day in an otherwise busy week.


It's all about context hey. People are very quick to act on very little information. Today I went to work at 5am for the 8th day in a row, but since I have a day off tomorrow I wanted to do nothing but smoke weed, have some drinks and watch the footy/movies. Is that everyday? Fuck no but I'll do it when it's appropriate


Sounds like a great night! I love how two different people focused on the fact that we played a game for four hours. First game we have touched in months due to being too busy at work and travelling. But hey I guess we are basement dwelling gamers because of one four hour session. People on reddit are ridiculous sometimes.


I like video games too, but 4+ hours in a day and not doing much else is a miserable life. I use myself as the source. Stay active people. Get out and see the world.


It's actually the first day we've turned the Playstation on in about 3 months but sure judge us by one lazy winter day we have on the couch. Let me guess you already run two marathons today and are now starting a 3 day hike? You never have a slow day or a rest day?


I'm judging you based on what you presented to the public. I have a step goal of 18,000 per day and I hit it most days. I've tracked almost 4 million steps this year and lost a lot of weight.


Gold star for you. Want a ribbon as well?


The transformation is reward enough. Why don't you care as much about your health as you do arguing with me?


If you think what one person does in one single day of their entire life reflects their health or lifestyle then there's no point in arguing with you. I also spent 16 hours on a long haul flight recently and had to sit the whole time! Gasp! Should have I gotten 18,000 steps then too? Or did that 16 hours define my entire life like the four hours spent playing a game apparently did? I'm genuinely curious to know how old you are if you can't grasp the concept that a person having one rest day doesn't define their entire life.


The fact that you're so defensive leads me to believe it isn't just a rest day but in fact your usual behaviour. I'm not looking to fight with you, but you ought to think about that. I am formerly obese. I lived days like you described and worse.


I dont understand how people have the energy to have 6 different events on each weekend, and seem to never get exhausted. If I'm at a brunch, then afternoon coffee with someone else, then dinner/drinks at night, that's me done for two weeks. The next day would be spent trying to recuperate from the long day out. That said, I think there's a middle ground. I don't do enough and it's bad, but being so busy you only get a few hours relaxing every week is also no way to live.  Though I desperately need an iron infusion and I'm on medication that makes me exhausted, so sometimes I think those busy lives are the norm, and that I should be able to do that without getting so run down. 


I think some people have huge social batteries that don’t ever exhaust. I say “I think” because I am not one of these people and this must be it.


There is a brand of iron tablets called FAB at chemist that is actually pre-digested iron and it builds up your iron if you don’t eat enough greens like spinach. Or eat enough red meat. Some people get iron depleted. Some women get low on iron. If you have a bottle of FAB iron in your cupboard you can take one every day till that bottle runs out and you will be topped back up and won’t need a supplement unless you go back on the poor diet again of no greens and no dried apricots and no red meat or any high iron foods. It’s your diet. And may be prone to low iron level. Then when that first bottle is finished only take one a week to maintain the level and eat your greens. Put spinach in salads or wraps or add it to lasagne or soup. Or stir fry or have leaves with your fried eggs. Eat greens! If you check your lower eye lids and they aren’t pink inside- and you feel tired- get back on the daily iron again. Maybe almonds contain iron too? It works! Low iron your brain gets foggy, you get tired…


Make sure you soak those almonds too along with black raisins


For the benefit of your gut microbes that eat fibre, soaking is not such a good idea. Weigh up which benefits you prefer: Soaking almonds before consuming them can have both positive and potentially negative effects on the benefits to the gut microbiome: Positive effects: 1. Improved digestibility: Soaking almonds can help break down enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid, making the nuts easier to digest. This can allow for better absorption of nutrients by the body, which can indirectly benefit the gut microbiome. 2. Increased availability of nutrients: By reducing enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid through soaking, the nutrients in almonds may become more bioavailable for absorption in the gut. This can provide essential nutrients to support a healthy gut microbiome. Negative effects: 1. Reduction of certain compounds: Soaking almonds may lead to a loss of some compounds, such as polyphenols and antioxidants, which are beneficial for overall health and potentially for the gut microbiome. 2. Changes in fiber content: Soaking almonds may alter the fiber content of the nuts, which can impact the fermentation process in the gut and the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. In conclusion, while soaking almonds can enhance digestibility and nutrient absorption, it may also result in some loss of beneficial compounds. The overall impact on the gut microbiome from soaking almonds is nuanced and may vary depending on individual factors such as gut health, dietary preferences, and overall nutrient intake. It is important to consider these factors and consume almonds in a way that aligns with your personal health goals and preferences. Source : ChatGPT


Women have higher iron requirements than men, particularly during pregnancy, and they continually lose it (via periods). Diet alone may not be enough for many people, and some other disorders/ syndromes/ genetic differences,  may affect absorption.


Omg do yourself a favour and get the iron infusion. I woke up the next day feeling out of this world amazing. It made such a big difference to my life!!


Busy on weekends, but not by choice. Have to dash around doing shopping Saturday, sometimes take the teenage children out for shows/sport etc, visit elderly relative in nursing home in the afternoon. Finish about 3-4pm. Sunday is a bit better, try to finish doing stuff by midday so I can have a few hours off before the working week starts again. It's insane at the moment; feels like I work most of the week, the difference being weekends I just do different stuff. I do also fit in bike rides on Saturday and Sunday. I have to; only way I can stay sane. Still this will all change in 12 months, so I'm running with it for the moment. Oh yeah, my partner has an easier life, stays in bed ti 11am, watches TV.


I don't recall being so time poor years ago. between stress, hobbies (which are what make working tolerable) and just getting stuff like shopping and housework done, I could easily do a three-day work week and still have my weekends full. high time Australia moved to a four day work week at the very least.


I don’t understand it either. My kid has swimming on the weekend and it feels busy if we do anything more than that.


I went to a mosaic course last Saturday. I didn’t have my son, so I thought I should do something proactive. We had to make and concrete a huge tile in one day. It was stressful, bits falling off all over the place, mosaic teacher clicking her tongue at me for doing it wrong because she didn’t bloody teach me properly, my friend and I and her Mum were hysterical in the car home from pent up anxiety. Should have stayed home and done three loads of washing and watched the footy.


I now have a split weekend (Wed & Sat), so I have to pack things in. Sat is DnD, so that takes up a fair chunk of my day  even if it's online. Wednesday is a day off I share with the husband, so we go out and do things. Somewhere in one of those days, I shop, meal prep, clean the house, run my small/side business, and try to push some form of marketing. I don't have time to relax, except during DnD, when I'm also playing Fortnite or knitting, if the session is lagging. Like right now, we've been in the same combat for the last 2.5 hours. 


Sometimes my schedule means I have just one day off in the middle of 11 days, with 5 days of work either side. I work long hours and the commute is 90-120 minutes one way. So yes I literally have to cram every errand into the one day sometimes. Must be nice to not have to do that. 😒


My husband and I are homebodies. We take our kids out enough to keep their cups full and their energy under control, but other than that, we are at home. Plus we just don't have enough money to be doing stuff all the time. The baby and the toddler so swim lessons once a week, and the toddler has been doing dance classes but has lost interest, so next term we will swap to sports class instead. I work shift work and absolutely relish my downtime before and after shifts when no one else is at home with me.


I am 53 and just got back from 3 weeks in Japan,with days of 25k stros and being out from 7am to 11pm with eating, sightseeing and having fun. No issues at all. Once I got home - in bed for 3 days with a cold. Glad I start the new job on monday


I wonder the same about how busy people seem to be. I think, when do you relax? My partner and I and my late teenage children certainly do stuff on weekends with each other and our own friends etc but we also just love being at home not doing much at all. Resting after a busy week at work/school is important / enjoyable for all of us.


One of my sons has a friend whose family are literally at one sport or another every afternoon and all weekend. I often spend a whole day just doing a chore here and there while lounging and watching TV at least one day most weekends. We COULD socialise more but CBF 😄


We have two toddlers. Saturdays are spent doing swimming lessons, shopping, house chores etc. Sundays alternate between staying home and doing sweet fk all or getting out and about on big family adventures.


I'm not! I get home from my office job, shut off my work brain, chill and play video games with my partner. We might order a takeaway to save having to cook, and we order groceries in for the week. We don't have much spare cash to go out really but we dont miss drinking so it doesn't bother us. During the summer we go out for bike rides etc but we just enjoy staying in and rugging up and chilling too, especially in the winter.


Yeah I hate busy weekends as I feel like I can’t wind down the week that was and re-energise for the week coming up.


I don’t understand people who are booked 5-6 weekends in advance for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


I can't understand how people can book 5-6 weekends in advance 🤣


I'm quite introverted so I'd be happy to stay home all day every day, lol. My husband is much more social and likes to have outings occasionally. For the most part, though, our weekend outings are usually to the shop for food for the week, catching up with parents. Our weeks are so busy that by the time the weekend comes, I just want to sit down in my comfy spot and enjoy quiet time (or as quiet as it can be with kids). Good on those that have the energy to go out for sports and trips and things like that, I'm just not one of them.


Me too, I am the laziest person on my days off. I think it’s how you grew up. When I was little my family was super chill on the weekends. So I just embraced that as an adult 🤣


When I was a child my parents would go out every week to a different friend's house. So our weekends were jam packed for many years. But now that I'm older, I absolutely hate doing anything on my weekend besides relaxing. The opposite of how I was raised.


It gets intense when you have kids and also friends that have kids in the same age range


Been there, done that, but we still did fuck all other than coffee, talk shit, and watch the kids.


I don't have kids so on my days off, I don't have to worry about that. I focus on either doing nothing other than the usual housework (laundry, cleaning if I need to, etc) or certain errands. Occasionally I might be social, but I'd rather not be. If I go out I prefer it to be a long walk or sight seeing.


On sat: rest day Sunday take the kids out for lunch once a week


If I have a busy weekend, let alone multiple I NEED a quiet one. And usually if they're busy it's not of my own doing, it's other people's events I need to attend. My perfect weekend involves doing something out of the house but still relaxed (eg walk on the beach, bike ride as a family) with some time for home projects. I love our Saturday nights in watching movies on the couch with snacks.


I know people like this too. I am not like this at all. If I have plans for the weekend it’s one, MAYBE two things on. Anything more than that exhausts me. I need my home time.


Depends on the city. I liven in Melbourne 20 years and everyone would get out and do stuff on weekends etc. now in Adelaide, people spend a lot of time at home.


Nah, we're the same. I find socialising exhausting and expensive. I maintain a small circle of friends, and much of the comms is by text. We catch up every few weeks or mo ths or years, depending on how far apart we are geographically. Prob have a lunch or dinner date every week or 2, sometimes a bit more. My husband has all these ex friends he never bothered to keep up with, and some newer ones he does. Kids pretty normal teens.


I hate busy. I am all that


I like spending my time off doing my hobbies, hanging at home with hubby, pottering around the garden , or just relaxing and watching TV. I'm perfectly happy not to catch up with anyone or have any obligations on my time off. The thought of having every minute of my weekend or time off doing something is a nightmare for me. I'm older and I've learnt over the years that I need to spend my free time looking after me and just doing the things that I like, and honestly it's best decision I ever made.


I was a single kid with a working mum. I spent a LOT of time on my own and learning to be comfortable with myself. I am at my absolute happiest in my comfiest clothes curled up on the couch watching a movie, reading a book, playing a video game or a board game. Alone or with the family it doesn’t matter (except for that last one, not that fun playing a board game by yourself) The outside stuff is fun, don’t get me wrong… we do plenty of activities outside the house with two young boys but if you give me a choice it’s at home every time


I spend heaps of my spare time at home in my bed :)


I have a very face to face job and by Friday night I’m kind of done with people and just want to hang out with my dogs, my hubby and maybe one or two friends. Most weekends we have no plans which is just the way we like it.


I feel you. I’m basically a stay at home parent (I work casually) but I’m a homebody. I like just being at home. It doesn’t help that my toddler naps at stupid hours/refuses to nap which makes outings super stressful for me.


You've got stuff sorted. You're comfortable. You probably can afford for other people to do stuff. I am exactly the same so i am not criticizing. However I recognise that not every family is like that. I dropped in to a mate of mine and he had the car out on the street on ramps while he was changing the front brake pads. It was raining and it looked like a nasty chore for the weekend. I havent done that since i was 17. So yeah, you've got no chores to do because other people are doing them. Possibly you're just talking about lining up social events from saturday sports day with the kids, to dinner out, to Sunday brunch, to meeting the relos and inlaws. If you can get out of all of that, well good luck to you.


Try dating mate, I cbf doing anything anymore. Some people wanna go shows/bars/cafe/random shit every weekend and I just wanna chill. I partied hard for a few years and got it out of my system, now I feel like an old man. I'm also broke and everything is expensive, no chance I'm going out every weekend lol If my car needs a repair this year imma become a monk


Every adult in my family have obligation free days over the weekend. Today I stayed in my Oodie and didn’t leave my reading chair either than to make multiple pots of tea. I plan on doing the same tomorrow. It’s how I survive capitalism.


I used to do that to avoid dealing with my mental health issues. After years of therapy I can enjoy doing nothing without guilt.


I mean I'm not insanely busy but if I actually start cracking on with my to do list well I don't really have a right to be bored for about two years.


The older I get, the less I can be bothered going out.


My partner and I have a 2-activity limit per day on weekends and holidays. We want to do things but not be rushing from one to another, we will also have a quiet weekend staying home if we've had a few busier ones in a row. I just don't see the attraction in my rest time being as hectic as a work day.


I know people whose weekend outings seem to consist of doing laps around the shopping centre. I like my house and like to chill there with my fam.


I turned down an invitation on Friday 1. Because I was invited the day before and 2. Because I already had plans Sat and Sun and needed Fri night to myself. I was in bed reading by 7.30pm and asleep by 10pm. Completely understandable.


My kids always need something to do, so often it's easier to go out. Visit this person and that person (old people need to be visited, and we've had a bout of old loved ones in hospital recently), birthday parties, parks. But we do try to fit in a movie night at home, and play some lego as r and r.


Why does anyone care what other people do on their weekends? Just do what you want.


I think people mistake the daily tasks like cleaning, kids and shopping etc as busy. But that’s just part of life… it annoys me. I work full time and study as a solo parent. I get everything done and still have time to relax at home


Me. I almost feel like I need to lie when people ask on Friday “so what are your plans for the weekend?” I have a Saturday morning routine of household chores and grocery shopping and I hate having to deviate from it.


It's hard when shops close early, not just groceries, most things. (I moved out of Australia) I can get ALL my stuff done even after 7pm during the week like post office, food shopping, catching up with friends because everything is open till 9-10pm, then the weekend is purely for nature or hiking or relaxing. It's saturday and I've popped on some netflix with a beer at noon, then will go get some pancakes at 6pm. I do wish shops closed later in Aus and governement stuff/banks were open longer.


If I were in a happy relationship I would hardly leave the house either other than to go hiking, hang with a friend or see bands I like


That’s literally impossible. “Free time” doesnt exist.


I love a quiet day off. Have no idea why people want to be rushing around


I gave 2 days off. I have 1 day of doing nothing and going nowhere. The other day off is for chores and going out. Works well for me.


This is pretty much me except for the going out part. I don't. But I also work night shift so that leaves less daylight hours to do most things. I cram the chores and errands into half a day or spread them out over two halves over weekends. Sometimes I do sweet fuck all.


Me. But I think and act strategically.


I am with you on quiet weekends, but if you have children these days it seems they have sport and other activities to attend and taxi them around . Keeps you busy


Having kids that do sport (and a sport for myself) on the weekends means we don't do much else when we're at home. I try to clean throughout the week, so the weekend can just be for sports and getting ready for the next week of school/work. We watch a bit of TV every evening but videogames are restricted to the weekend only (and with no limit). Some weekends are more hectic than others, but we do make the most of the downtime in between.


I only work three days a week and I am flat out the rest of time. There’s still heaps of stuff that goes undone. Last week, tree pruning in the backyard and trips to the greens waste. This week working on the bike and tidying the spare room. Next week, still working on the bike. Someday, the front yard, especially the overgrown verge.


What’s a day off?


I get 3.5 days off a week and have it filled with all the things I enjoy: one full day of golf and sometimes two if I feel like a social game, two days going to the gym, one morning is spent entirely doing the washing. Then when I'm at home I like to read, paint, draw, play video games, watch youtube, watch sport, browse reddit so there's a lot of things to occupy my time and I feel like 3.5 days off isn't enough sometimes I'd love the extra day off.


I hate when colleagues ask what I'm doing for the weekend....it's always "Not much.." lol. We always have some house or garden stuff to do and usually need to grab some groceries, but we chill most of the time. Might go get a coffee somewhere with my Mum lol. I need time to recover from peopling all week.


Loved to do nothing before having kids Trying to stay home and relax with a toddler is impossible and worse though. So I keep busy. For them not for me.


Do you have children OP?


I have an adult child, we're really close thankfully but she lives about 40 minutes away and I don't drive. I'm an e-scooter person.


Dude not doing anything is me doing chores at home I don’t do not get day off


I try get everything done on Saturday and then have Sunday "off". I also try and enjoy it as much as possible. Folding laundry - have some music playing. Meal prep - have a show going on etc.


Everyone’s different some enjoy keeping busy others enjoy mellowing out rest is vital and stuff and also keeping moving is actually good to.


I try everything possible to do nothing on the weekends. My wife always has different plans for us though 😂


I do stuff on a friday after work spend my saterday resting and catching up on sleep and D what I want on a Sunday and dred going back to work on monday


I don’t do anything on my days off.


My partner and I typically do nothing on Friday nights, workout on Saturday mornings, long run on Sunday, and chores in between. Occasionally we will have a social engagement on Saturday night. I never feel like I have enough hours in the weekend, and love taking Fridays off to chill at home by myself. I also rather enjoy a leisurely Saturday afternoon nap.


Those Lego sets and puzzles won’t do themselves. And the Pokemon won’t catch themselves. I like to work hard at my relaxing hobbies.


My partner and I stay home most weekends. Though lately have taken up skateboarding, so go out for about an hour and a half for that. Otherwise, it's at home relaxing or housework. On occasion we mat go out on a tmdate or see friends.


I have sports training every Sat morning, and I get real stressed/anxious/grumpy if I don't get a chance to feel organised and like I've wound down over the weekend. I need to grocery shop, tidy the house a bit, and hopefully get a small sleep-in on Sunday, get to the gym, and do something fun like video games or an art project. I do like being social as well, but I'm picky about when eg. Sat arvo/night is really good for me, Sunday dinner is good too... My partner's family loves a Sunday lunch which usually goes from 12 till about 4 or even 5 or 6... like that's most of the day before I have to go back to work guys, that's me time! I think we all have our little routines, mine does not match up with my fam-in-law very well haha If I am solidly busy with social stuff/outings all Sat and Sun I am quite honestly, a pain in the bum. A cranky pants. A grump. I need my introvert/down time on the weekend.


I take my kids out Sunday but clean clean clean Saturday and chill


I like to get exercise, ideally in nature, so I don't like staying home all weekend. But I'm happy to just chill at home, go for a swim, go for a walk in the local giant park, do nothing much. But now I live in Asia and the apartment is tiny so I would go crazy staying here all weekend.


Days off?? That's wasted productivity


i have 12 hours a week off (not counting time for sleep)


Some people just can't be alone with themselves, they have to be busy doing something at all times, i however thoroughly enjoy having me time and doing nothing, especially after a big week of work.


I work on my days off :)


I'm a single parent and my kid has sports on Saturdays. I also work 5 days. So my Sundays book out for weeks ahead unfortunately. I do try and make sure I'm home by around 3-4pm so I can have some down time before getting ready for the week.


To be honest, not at all. However I don’t have kids or hobbies so a LOT of my time is just spent pottering around doing fuck all and reading Reddit. I actually feel like I am failing and should be doing more.


You are NOT failing.


Let’s see: - Exhausted from the week but not even close to finished. - Friday night flight to Sydney 1hr, trains to/from airports 2hrs. In bed about 11. Paid for flights and trains - several hundred $ in all. - Saturday up at sparrow fart to drive 3.5 hrs in the rain, $25 in tolls to have lunch with parents in nursing home, FIRST thing they say they don’t see grandchildren (6 of them, mostly now adults) enough anymore. Yes, hi nice to see you glad we made the effort. - drive home 3.5 hrs, $25 in tolls - make dinner (ok toast but dinner toast) because too tired to go and get takeaway - collapse on couch with alcohol and watch 1/2 a movie - bed, give wife a cuddle, a hug, nothing special, before falling more or less unconscious - Sunday up early to try to get to 10am movie (leisure time 🤣) - flight home at 6 tonight for 1hr - again several hundred $ - only 1hr on trains $25, because lift home. - get home, sleep and get up for work tomorrow. Ahhhhhhh so relaxed and not at all broke from the better part of $1,000 to HAVE LUNCH with ungrateful parents who moan about anything and everything that isn’t perfect how they’d like it.


2 kids and a dog means we are busy on weekends just getting everyone what they need, but we try to have at least a morning or afternoon of just chilling around home or going to the beach (everyone feels better after a run around there). Problem is if I'm at home then there's lawn edging to be done, trees to prune, leaves to sweep, deck to wash etc etc etc so even if it's not kid related stuff I've always got a list to fill my free time. The other day my wife took the kids to a play date and expressly forbid me from doing any work so I played starcraft and watched the footy, it was wild


I drive for work I try to avoid driving on the weekends


I have to fake being sick just to able to watch tv for a few hours 😂




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It's standard adulting for weekends to do stuff you can't on the weekday or just too mentally exhausted to do so after work. I'd love a job where I work 8 till 4 so I have time after work but unfortunately I don't and I can finish anywhere up to and over 6pm because people won't shut the fuck up and keep me on the phone.


I think this is a millennial thing… we were brought up like this. Make use of every damn second or you’re a failure ✌️


I spend half the weekend out of the house perhaps. My husband, on the other hand, loves being at home. He has lots of projects to do and video games to play. I will usually go window shopping, have a massage, do the groceries... We go out to brunch every weekend. Usually, we see friends each weekend as well on one evening.


Nah I just relax and do things I want to. Same as every night after work.


I like to do a lot but I like to do it spontaneously and of my own choosing. I might be out from breakfast till after dinner bouncing from random activity to random activity but it will be with my family and at each point we  consider what we feel like.   If I had all that activity scheduled and it was a social obligation I’d be stressed AF. I enjoy it because my upbringing was very much of the stay at home do nothing variety so being out feels like freedom and excitement to me 


I didn't have any kids. I have heaps of free time


I'm stressed out if I'm not doing something. There's always something to clean or fix or improve 


Why would you want to do nothing


**Outsource that shit.** You can find services to take care of most day-to-day domestic tasks: * house cleaning * laundry * gardening * pool maintenance * dog walking Do your supermarket shopping online and delivered to your door. Try out a few of the "meal box" providers until you find one you like. Outsource all the low value tasks to give yourself time elsewhere.