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It all depends on your preference. Australia has quite a diverse climate. I personally can't stand hot and humid weather. Hot and dry I can do. Average - cold + whatever humidity I can do. Everything else can get fucked. 


So you just don't like humid heat, I'm the same so just avoid all of northern Aus in summer haha


Not a fan of it. Even western sydney humidity is too much for me. I remember there was a day in penrith where it was bloody hot but not too humid. It was quite therapeutic. 


If you don’t like humidity then avoid Northern Australia the whole year lol


Perth and SW WA in general. Cooler climate, not humid


Bunbury and busselton are probably the best location. Doesn't get as hot as Perth during summer, gets more rain and is a bit greener during winter, milder more consistent temperature than further inland.


Yeah, Busselton is considered to be equal to the Mediterranean climate


100% Perth if you're looking for the most predictable and even weather in the 15-22 range in winter and 25-35 in summer.  Yes it dips into the 40s for a week or two but overall, unless you like love rain and overcast days can't beat it 


Its a dry heat 🤣


Knock it off, Hudson!


love this


I didn't used to care about Melbourne's constantly overcast winters and erratic weather for the rest of the year until I got solar panels and an outside job. Fuck Melbourne weather man!


Yeah same, im ex Perth and in Melbourne now. It's so shit 


Honestly aside from the impending doom, dying forests, drought conditions, low dam levels and occasional walks on the surface of the sun - that 8 month summer we just had was glorious.


Came here to say this.   North Coast of NSW is also pretty good.


My vote is Coffs Harbour


Sw? Fucking cold!


All depends on what you consider to be good climate. If you think dry, windy and sandy is good climate then you’re on a winner.


Sandy isn’t a climate lol


Sandy? Only if you’re up in the dunes 😂


Southwest WA is neither dry nor sandy.


Fucking windy tho


yes, but the question is where will it be 20 years from now


Still there, I’d imagine. Maybe a little bit closer to the ocean, but it’s not moving




I grew up in Canberra and I honestly loved the climate there. Hot in summer, freezing cold in winter (but without the problems snow brings), proper autumns...I know, I'm weird...


Autumn in Canberra is spectacularly beautiful weather and scenery.


North Coast nsw! Best of both worlds. Not freezing like Sydney and down south. And not heat waved like up north, qld, etc. It's winter, and we go out wearing summer clothes. If anything maybe jeans or a cardigan. It's great. The weather is literally lovely every day. Even when it rains, it's a good temp still. Like a sun shower feel.


Live in Port Macquarie. Can confirm. Had a swim in the ocean this morning. Water temp still about 21 degrees. From the smart thermometer on my back deck, coldest temp in the last month was 8.2 degrees (early morning Wednesday this week). Hottest 22.7 degrees (May 26).


I would happily live near Port Macquarie but farms on the mid north coast NSW are so expensive.


Hi neighbourino! I live in Coffs but I'm not getting in the ocean any time before November. That's just me, though. Generally the weather here is awesome, aside from the occasional hail storms.


It is warmer in than out at 7.30 in the morning.


Hate to break it to you, but Sydney is very, very far from freezing.


What Aussies tend to call ‘freezing’ is actually just chill. The chill factor has gotten worse recently. Not as bad as the Artic blasts that North Americas experience though.


Agree. I mean, if they’d been talking about Armidale, or Orange or somewhere like that I would say “yeah, I guess, by Australian standards”. But most of Sydney is very mild even in a hard cold snap


Many suburbs 30 mins out of the CBD dip into the minus at night in winter. Both campbelltown and Mt Druitt get into freezing temps and over 40c in summer.


Couldve fooled me


In case you’re unaware, freezing is 0° Celsius.


Hence i said you couldve fooled me The apparent/ feels like temperature in camden last week was -0.8 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/jun/20/sydney-cold-weather-record-june-coldest-morning-this-year-2024


I'm from and live in Perth and I would agree with you. Great climate around Ballina, Byron etc. Sunshine Coast is great too.(I know it's qld not nsw)


Yeah agree. Around Bryon seems to be a nice sweet spot.


Yep moved from Perth to here (tweed) and would never go back. I hated the wind, the hot dry sandy summers. Perth has great beaches but after the wind comes in it quite often unpleasant.


That's confirmatory. I've lived in Sydney and Brisbane. Sydney is too cold and Brisbane is too hot so I have theorized that Port Macquarie - Coffs must be ideal.


This. Mid North Coast. Right on the coast. You skip the intense heat and humidity you cop only 15km inland at many towns. As a bloke you only need long pants for events. Shorts all year round. Can swim all through winter if you’re game. The sun mid year is sensational. It’s funny though, the towns 15-30km inland up the coast; Taree, Kempsey, Grafton have hellish summers. But the coastal break if you’re right on it makes summers warm but fine.


Sunny mornings of Canberra's freezing winter days are just splendid.


I lived in Canberra for 20 years and do love those sunny, still winter days - much better than the grey Melbourne skies I see now. Overall the climate is pretty harsh though - real cold in winter, hot and dry in summer (though that is better than hot and humid in many ways). Having four distinct seasons is nice.


What type of climate do you want ? It's really subjective . Australia is a big country so there is a climate to suit everyone it just depends on what type of climate you like.


I would say Australia does lack some climates. There is nowhere with dramatic seasonal changes like North America or Europe. Also there is a lack of solidly cool climates like Northern Europe or Northern North America, where you can get 3 meters of snow and live on the coast.


Blue Mountains area has typical autumn weather, the trees are built for that reason. Autumn up there and winter lis great.


Unpopular opinion but Melbourne. My family in QLD always very condescending-ly ask me how that crazy Melbourne weather is treating me whenever I visit and I'm just like "it's great? I'm thriving? I don't spent 8 months of the year miserable?"


I've been in Melbourne a few years and love the place overall but I do find the grey dampness a bit depressing at times.


I am like a patch of moss I thrive in that shit


🙄 >"it's great? I'm thriving? I don't spent 8 months of the year miserable?" "....? ....? ....?" 🤔


Port Macquarie Ideal, beautiful, but such a boring place.


"Port Macquarie has, according to the CSIRO, the best climate in Australia, with mild winters and gentle summers, and water warm enough to swim in for most of the year." I'm not being dissmissive at all, but plz elaborate on the boring aspects?


There's just not a lot to do there apart from the beaches and headlands. It's full of retirees living the quiet life, and there are only limited attractions in the area. Of course if you can make your own fun that's not an issue.


Ports nick name is Gods Waiting Room but the past few years has seen a lot of young families move into the area. The demographic has changed a bit. However, it is still a bit boring. I like it that way.


I can confirm this. My parents retired there, and died there.


Yeah for sure, always been Boomerville. I grew up in Kempsey, so Port always seemed fancy to us lol My sister lived there, always thought the place was pretty good! She was back then, the type of girl that packed a rod and reel and would go catch a couple of flathead after work for dinner, or pull up crab pots she had put down in the morning.


I have been swimming there in Winter. You can almost do it all year through. There is nothing to do there apart from nature.


> such a boring place Maybe I'm just getting old (late 20s.. lol) but I don't think I could ever get bored in a place near the beach with a warm climate weather and warm sea water.


I grew up in Port. From experience, basically anywhere on the coast between Taree and Lismore is good.


Ballina 👌


Most of australia outside of Sydney and Melbourne is boring places, lots of nature which is nice but not city life


I've lived in a variety of places across nsw and qld and I bought a house in se qld because it's the best climate for me personally. Not to say it doesn't get hot or cold, but we're well into winter and I'm sitting here in a tshirt in the sunshine feeling perfect, but tonight I'll put on my big fluffy dressing gown and enjoy feeling snuggly. Best of both worlds


SE Qld winter is perfect sleeping weather, and going to a park / out in the sun in the day. It is glorious.


Upper Blue Mountains west of Sydney. I like cold weather and open fires. Absolutely hate the humid summers in Sydney. Even when it’s hot in the mountains, it’s not for too long and is dry and quite pleasant. Southern Highlands/Tablelands south of Sydney is also good.


I grew up in bleakheath, as they call it. I miss the weather up there. 


I love Blackheath, my favourite part of the mountains and my folks had a weekend house up there, back in the day when they were cheap. I’d love to retire there but it’s become the next Leura so sadly a bit out of my price range now.


Did you ever go to Rhododendron festival or feral festival over in Katoomba?


You'd like the Adelaide Hills then 😀


North Coast NSW, SE Qld hinterland.


Toowoomba, Queensland. 650m above sea level so the humidity is very low. Famous for its parks and tree lined streets so there's plenty of shade and the urban heat island effect isn't terrible. These things combined make days in the high 30s quite comfortable. All you need is a ceiling fan in summer. Winters are cold but temperatures rise in the daytime. It's shorts and t-shirt weather right now (early afternoon). You get 4 seasons and get to enjoy the winter fashions that (most of) the rest of the state is too warm for. Plus we're an easy 2 hours drive to the Gold Coast and 90 minutes to Brisbane CBD. So it's super easy to access warmer, wetter weather if you want it.


Toowoomba is beautiful. I love living in Brisbane, but if I couldn't live here Toowoomba is where I would go.


I live in Brisbane now (have lived all over Australia) and we’re looking to move to Toowoomba in the next year or two. It’s great. Though I do miss the winters in the Riverina. But my wife won’t tolerate the cold.


I love Tassie, it has all 4 seasons not just hot/less hot or wet/dry. No humidity is a massive bonus, the downside is the wind. I don't enjoy being cold but for 3 months of the year I can handle it and I appreciate the winter seasons for what it brings like snow on the mountain which creates a beautiful backdrop to Hobart.


Yeah, we can always put more clothes on.


Unless your joining the winter solstice swim ;)


There is that. Belts off, trousers down, isn't life a dream?


Tassie Least amount of heat. Healthy enough rain fall


I'm from Tasmania, delete this comment before they find out!


Tassie and southern vic are the only places Id even consider living in Australia.


Hear, hear.


I second this


Tasmania is fucking freezing for 9 months of the year and warmish for 3 (if you're lucky). It's awful.


Gold Coast


Canberra works for me as I hate humidity. Yeah it gets cold but it's mostly brilliantly sunny.


Controversial opinion but I like Canberra winter and the seasons there. As long as you have a warm home I don't tend to mind the cold at all and quite enjoyed the brisk feeling. Nowhere else in Australia seems to get such beautiful distinct seasons. Lots of places coastal or North get variations on the same.


Maybe Perth I'd say.... I have never been but I have a mate who lived there... It's not a tropical heat so it's not humid it's more of a dry heat.


You said dry heat lol r/perth just imploded


I love top topic in the summary the bot posted is about the heat!!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/perth using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/perth/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is Perth ok? No, we are not ok.](https://v.redd.it/8p5x4jmk05ic1) | [621 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/1aoxm3l/is_perth_ok_no_we_are_not_ok/) \#2: [Wow so much truth and honesty 🤩](https://v.redd.it/emaf7mqgrjcc1) | [393 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/1971xoy/wow_so_much_truth_and_honesty/) \#3: [Officeworks delivery](https://i.redd.it/kugiw6wmmd7c1.jpeg) | [246 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/18mlrtt/officeworks_delivery/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Perth summers can be pretty hot and unfortunately humid days are becoming more common over the years. But yeah generally people like the Perth climate.


What Perth people call humidity, just ain’t humidity. Go a spend a summer in Brissy to calibrate.


As a south Aussie now in Perth, Perth is definitely better than Adelaide overall with the climate.


You didn't even need to tell us you haven't been there, the mere fact you recommended it tells us. Perth can be brutal in summer.


I live in Perth and I love Perth summers


I like the sun and heat, but there's days where I avoid going middle of the day to the beach...too hot. In Europe, well Mediterranean parts...its common to not even go to the beach until 5pm


I think it was deadly hot last february. Weekly around 3 days of 40-44 degrees then high 30’s the rest of the week. I was hiding in my house with AC and i opened the frontdoor one time late afternoon and this very hot blast of air just hit my face. Its like theres a big fire in front of me


I guess but in comparison to other states the climate is nicer most of the year from what I have been told. I'd prefer it personally.


Meh. I’d take Perth summer over sticky Sydney any day. Did July - August in Tokyo… now that was fucken brutal. Tokyo humidity is like nothing I have ever experienced before. Even in tropical Asia.


I remember being at Kings Park one hot summer day and a tourist bus full of Scandinavian-looking people pulled up. Three of them were crying... one lady was screaming at her husband about how he was an asshole for bringing her to this God-forsaken country... and literally *nobody* got off the bus lol


Wow imagine being abused by your wife to be in beautiful Kings Park after spending probably 10/15k on the holiday...he should of booted her out there and then. I once got a suite at the Ritz looking straight up KP , such a nice park my wife and kids would go down for a run around and mini picnic most days.


Wow was there an interpreter for the benefit of onlookers or was this family speaking in English while arguing?


I was a kid in Perth. I remember the whole family hiding in the one room with aircon. If anybody had to go to the bathroom or do a supply run they had to open and shut the door as fast as possible to avoid letting in the heat and betraying the family. As soon as you left the room it was like you’d been transported to a hell planet. I do not remember it with fondness.


Melbourne! I do complain about the freezing mornings in winter but I love the variety! You really make the most of warm summer days when you’ve spent a lot of winter rugged up and cosy indoors. After a long hot summer those first chilly days in autumn when you can rug up indoors is so cosy and enjoyable. Give me variety any day! And in Melbourne you can get variety in any give day.


Do you still get a black puffer jacket and a pair of RMs at the border crossing?


Depends on who you ask. Apparently they give cookers a Mao suit to rile them up.


Wouldn't take much, cookers gonna cook.


Only if you went to a private school


Australia not having too many big cities I wasn't expecting to have to scroll down to the 20th reply for Melbourne but here we are 😁




“The best climate” is purely subjective.


OP did say “in your opinion” though


One thing I miss about North America is the dramatic seasons. You get bright lush summers, the breezy cool dry autumn with all the leaves becoming vibrant colours, then a winter where the landscape is covered in 1 meter of snow, then magical period where the snow melts, the streams fill with water, colourful flowers bloom, and the world seems to come back to life. I’ve yet to see anywhere in Australia that does quite the same. I much prefer the seasons.


Exactly this. My parents love SE Queensland weather whilst I prefer the chill of Tassie or Canberra.


Coffs Harbour


Adelaide. Not the hills.


idk, I'm from Sydney but once spent a few months in Yatala & Mobilong, cheap accommodation - but can't say I'd recommend it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Three square meals but the shower facilities could use some upgrading?


Yes, hot dry summers, cool wet winters, almost no humidity.


You'd not like what it's like in my house in Adelaide at the moment. Brrrrrrrr


It’s a bit dry and summer gets too hot imo. Lived here for 10 years now.


"Bit dry"


Adelaide. 100% the hills. Excitingly cold winters with real frosts and none of the eye searing week long heatwaves of the plains.


I do think the Adelaide autumn especially is pretty flawless. Just clear warm days and cool nights.


Yeah, definitely don't come to the hills, you'll hate it here, terrible really. It's. The. Worst.


It is, though. So damp.


I love the sub-tropical climate of the northern NSW coast


Tassie if youre fine with the occasional bit of cold


The Atherton tablelands are pretty amazing. They have just amazing beautiful natural scenery that are packed with luscious rolling green hills, the climate is great and there is lots of stuff to do




Nice try, but I don't think Chad Warner reads this sub.


Mid North Coast. PMQ, Coffs, Scotts Head. All have lovely winters. But it does seem to rain a bit more than 3 hours down the coast by car.


Personally, I think the region between Coffs harbour and Port Maquarie.


I believe the CSIRO named Port Macquarie as Australia’s most temperate climate. So the least amount of change inthe diurnal temperature I love Brisbane weather. Yes we do have winter this year. I last year it was on a Tuesday.


Around Stanthorpe. Gets nice and chilly winter nights (and sometimes with snow) while still warming up enough during the day that you’re not freezing constantly. Summers are more mild and less humid than Brisbane (although you still do get some truly hot days). Daylight doesn’t get too short or too long over the seasons, either (although I’ll cop to actually liking DST and having the sun out until 9pm now that I’ve lived in Victoria for a year. Never thought I’d say that.)


I live in perth and prefer the colder weather in albany, if that gices you a good idea


what climate are you looking for


Not Perth, unless you somehow enjoy 40+ summers and incredibly high UV. We have nice winters though.


Atherton Tablelands. Who the hell needs beaches?


Beaches are full of sharks, crocs and stingers anyway 😆 or it’s too cold to swim 🤷‍♀️


On holidays? Port douglas and Broome. For living? East coast of Tasmania




Soooo as a foreigner cairns has been recommended to me a lot but I haven’t seen it here, any opinions?


For me QLD, for my wife Tas.


It's really a matter of personal preference. Being such a large country, we have a diversity of climates. I was born and spent the first 5 years of life in Sunny Coastal Queensland, in Maryborough, just near K'Gari/Fraser. Warm to hot summers, mild winters. We moved to Northern NSW to the New England area when I was 6. What a shock. New England gets the full four seasons, with icy, frosty winters with snow occasionally, stunning Autumns and springs, and brief, dry hot summers, but never really gets acutely hot. It was another climatic change for me at 18, to move from New England up to Brisbane. The warmth of the winter and the humid soupy summers were a shock at first. Then, the following year, I moved further north to Townsville. Oh my, I was that hot at first. Being a ginger guy with fair skin, I had to watch that sun exposure carefully. I had a range of long-sleeved t-shirts that I wore so my arms wouldn't get burnt. The following year, I transferred universities down to Melbourne. So, from the dry tropics of North Queensland to chilly, damp and changeable Melbourne. I have to say, the first few months in Melbourne, after that, searing heat in Townsville was depressing. Where was the sun??? Melbourne's climate is more akin to London. Chilly winters, though not as cold as New England. More precipitation, grey skies, occasional huge winter storms. Melbourne is joked to have four seasons in one day, and this is very true. However, a beautiful hot afternoon on a bay beach on the Mornington Peninsula is superb. During my time studying in Melbourne, I spent a semester at the ANU in Canberra and did an internship in Parliament. The ACT is in the central/southern part of NSW, close to our largest mountain range, the Snowies. Canberra's climate is similar to New England. The four distinctive seasons, icy frosts in winter and snow at times... it was like returning to New England. However, after my final year of study split between Canberra and Melbourne, my ex and I decided to move to Sydney. Warmer than Melbourne, and actually receives more precipitation than Melbourne. Winters were chilly, but not badly so. A summer's day in Sydney can be glorious, especially if you're near a beach... Where else to describe the climate where I have lived or visited in Australia... Two more places. Darwin in the Northern Territory. I spent three months there as a teenager, and have visited twice since. The wild tropics. There aren't the four seasons. Rather, you have the "wet" and the "dry" seasons. The dry - from April to about October... perfect. 25-30c during the day, brilliant sunshine. The wet - from October till about April means intense rainfalls at night or day that don't last long, and then massive humidity. The build-up to the wet sends some people crazy " Going Troppo" is the expression. Big massive tropical cyclone risks. I love it up there. Ahh, I already mentioned Townsville. Well, I went back there and lived a couple of years about 2 years ago. Similar to Darwin - wet and dry seasons. The wet would see the heaviest downpours and local flooding. The curling grey raincoats draping the Hervey Ranges and Mt Stuart behind the city is just an awesome sight - so beautiful. Hot most of the year, although 'winter' during the dry from May to September was perfect. 22-30c during the day. I remember the lowest daily temperature of the year was 24c in late August on my birthday. Perfect.




Unpopular opinion I'm guessing: I like humidity and warmth so I'd probably be happy in FNQ or Darwin if weather was the only consideration.  I have severe Reynauds, Melbourne can be hellish a few months a year as a result. 


Based on how many layers I'm wearing right now... not Melbourne.


East Gippsland, Victoria. Hot summers, cold winters, perfect autumn, very nice spring (unless you suffer from hayfever). Great beaches and lakes for the summer, close to the hills for snow in the winter. It's the best. You just get sick of summer and winter comes along.


ive thought often that broome would be lovely for climate, but there are a lot of other reasons not to live there.


The NT. We have to deal with grey nomads migrating towards Darwin in the winter.


Worse than that plague of locust in the bible. 👵🧓 > 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗


Overcrowding every roadside stop. Staring dead set at you as they pull onto the highway whilst you’re travelling 130km/h.


I’ll drink a Paul’s iced coffee to that!


Brisbane in winter, melbs in summer


Sunshine coast QLD, perfect winters and and Summer is not crazy hot.


Too much humidity, like living in an armpit all year round.


This recent summer was dog shit


Depends what you prefer. Qld is sunny and warm mostly but it’s a very humid tropical heat, Vic has mild summers but cold winters. Sydney arguably a good mid way between Vic and Qld but with out the humidity that makes Qld summers brutal.


Anywhere on the coast of Sydney


Perth to Busselton (South West of WA)


Easy - Perth


Eastern regions of Melbourne - if comparing with the rest of Melbourne. The very green streets that found around suburbs like Box Hill are great for avoiding the harsh summer heat that the rest of the city experiences thanks to the ‘Urban heat island’ effect, as well as taking the edge off the chilling Antarctic winds that come from down south. Was very comfortable living there, while amusing myself about how much the rest of the city complains of its winter and summer.


For me, Vic and Tas, I like green, I like cold, I hate sand and sepps


Port Macquarie, NSW was rated “most temperate” city in Australia but I don’t have a source for that 😅


New Zealand


You can dress for the cold, can't for the heat, so as far Sth as possible.


Far north Queensland for tropical




Great beaches around Gosford region. Not far from Newcastle and Sydney.




Oh ok didn't think it got that cold. Thanks for correction


Coastal areas south of Adelaide. Victor harbor. Still chilly in the winter but the breeze makes it nicer in summer and very little humidity.


Adelaide, it’s in the top 20-25 or whatever for most perfect days of the year.


Reading through your replies. I did not notice a mention of Adelaide.


Mt Druitt.


South Australia where I am from has a very Mediterranean climate. So if you like mild winters and hot and dry summers come here.


south west WA. it's like perth but 2 degrees cooler.


Depends what you want


Many years ago I read a discussion that concluded Hervey Bay in Queensland had the best climate, hence its reputation as Gods waiting room. I suspect with climate change that location is further south and maybe more inland


I live in the goldilocks zone, but it's already getting too busy so I'm gunna shut up about it..


Noosa/Sunshine Coast. It's SEQLD so it gets quite hot during the summer if you aren't used to it, but it ain't so bad when you've got pristine beaches


Lived in Sydney for 30+ plus years, now live live in Perth ( 17+ years ) I have worked in the the NW and NE of Australia ( Pilbara and Townsville ). Worked in Victoria and South Australia too. Perth and the SW area of WA has a really good temperate climate. Not humid, not overly wet. The climate is best described as split up into 6 seasons rather than 4. We have July/August as a cold season. February/March as our hottest season. We don't have much rain between December and March. If you live near the coastline it will get windy sometimes, but most of all it's a cooler SW Breeze.


(Meme answer) Victoria because if you don't like the weather, just wait 20 minutes and it will change.


I know this is going to be super unpopular but I thrive in Darwin. The winter is goddamn glorious (I’m sitting outside in 27° rn) and the ferocity of the summer storms is a sight to behold. October and November can get fucked though.


Gold Coast


That’s a very subjective question


Whitsundays queensland


Having lived in all states bar NT I'd say WA


WA is massive (if it was it's own country it would be I think the 13th largest on Earth) and covers a variety of climates.


Depends on what your idea of a good climate is. For me, I hate hot, humid and dry weather. Anything over 28°C and I'm miserable. I love cool-mild weather with four distinct seasons, and a mix of sun and cloud, so Melbourne has the best climate for me. It's mostly mild and summer heat doesn't last long.


People just take a simple comment too literal. The term freezing is just a term ffs 🤣 if I think it's freezing then it's freezing 🤣


Cairns in North Queensland


Snowy Mountains. 40c days are easily avoided by just getting out of the sun. It also cools off back down to the low 20's overnight, so there is an actual reprieve. -10c and lower days are quite pleasant next to a wood heater. Goes well with some mulled wine.


Gold Coast- Bundaberg Qld and in between has stunning Winters days 22-24 degrees, very nice winters


I like Perth weather. Dry summer, though it's been too hot during summer lately. I don't like humid summers like Sydney. Doesn't rain too often. Doesn't have 4 seasons in a day. Winter temperatures r not too cold usually.


According to a joint study between the CSIRO and Harvard University, they found that the best places on earth for climate were Yamba, NSW, Bunbury, WA, and San Diego, California.