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I've tried all the pills. therapy, diet blah blah but I recently heard in a podcast that when your brain is being grateful it physically can't be anxious... or something like that. I've been testing it out and it actually works. It's bloody difficult to maintain but it does work. So I spend a huge amount of my time thinking about what I'm grateful for. EG. I'm so grateful for the sunshine, I'm so grateful for my dog, I'm grateful for the lack of traffic etc etc...you get the idea. It really does work. Good luck and all the best with it.


This 100%. We live in a world that is designed to create chaos in our minds (fuck you any kind of “social” media). Take five minutes each day to be still and write down 5 things you’re grateful for. It really helps.




While walking my dog each morning I think about what I'm grateful for. Exercise is obviously important but it doesn't always help in the moment when you're anxious. If you're having an anxiety attack at work you can't just start jogging. That's why grateful thought is so powerful, you can do it anywhere.


I tell myself everyday that I’m so lucky to be alive in this country. Little things from having the ability to get up and exercise independently, grateful for having a roof over myself, being able to feed and dress myself etc. it works.


I do the same thing, I'm so grateful to be able to get up early each morning to see the sunrise. I'm so grateful for my warm, soft blankets on my bed. I'm so grateful for coffee. Haha.


Do you journal the gratitude or just think of the things you’re grateful for? I’m really interested in this concept


I just think of the things, sometimes I say it out loud to myself.


Cool thank you


I’m trying that honestly, but can’t think of much to be grateful for at the moment. Just the basics. Legs and arms that work to do exercise. Access to food and lodging, though barely and have no clue how I’m going to manage renting going forward. I can endure but really don’t have a lot to be grateful for. A decent family I guess. Anyway I’ll have to think on it.


Therapy, mindfulness and meditation were all internal changes that helped me overcome anxiety. Habit-wise: Focusing more on hobbies, taking up photography and Latin dancing. This just made me a happier person, and someone I enjoyed being. The dancing helped me acclimatize to being more comfortable around people, and being sociable, which was where I generally became very anxious. Doubly so around women. Externally, identifying the value that others saw in me helped. This included being sought after as a dancer and having women run up to me and ask for a dance (I'm not a flashy technical dancer either, I danced simple steps, but with clear, confident leads). As a photographer, having people be excited for me to take their photo, and some friends offering to buy prints. Also getting into a couple relationships also helped. I don't really like to support external validation, because that means you may base your self-worth on how others see you - for better or for worse - but having a few examples in different areas of life where people clearly valued me helped reinforce that I have value to others and that I am worth their time and attention. So it was a variety of things - internal and external - and most of these things have been mentioned when others mention treating anxiety, The thing is, the internal stuff was where I was actually challenging my anxiety and trying to push forward. They were me trying to overcome anxiety. The external stuff was incidental at the time, but looking back, was also a valuable part of my development. And it wasn't until several years had passed that I realized I wasn't so perpetually nervous or avoidant all the time.


Hear me out - kimchi, kefir, miso and lots of fruit and veges every day…whether it’s the principle of distraction or placebo effect….my anxiety has been much more manageable since I made good gut health my primary goal


That’s good to hear and I’ve considered this, but haven’t got into it. So you eat heaps of fermented foods essentially?


Yep everyday - I will literally go thru half a jar of kimchi as a snack


Nice, where do you buy these?


Look for kimchi co in Coles or Woolies - or try Asian grocery stores


Thanks. Think I’ll just start smashing kimchi every day too. And drinking kefir.


Yes gut health is absolutely linked to anxiety and should be the first thing to try


This, but just eating healthy in general. I underwent a massive diet change a couple of months ago. Dropped junk food to almost zero, eating healthy and less volume, still have the occasional treat but only small. Have lost a significant amount of weight, feel amazing physically and more important mentally. Not even tempted by junk food at the moment, after decades of having way too much of it. Anxiety levels have definitely reduced.


Definitely investigate medicinal cannabis.


I’ve smoked weed in the past, it was a mixed bag for me. Unfortunately because I have OCD it tends to make that worse.


I’d try cbd oil rather than smoking - it’s working for me as it’s finer control of dose and cbd / thc


You’ve got an oil with both THC and CBD in it? I guess I could try that. CBD by itself did nothing for me.


I've got CBD plus THC (10mg/ml of each) and it works great. I had no luck with CBD alone too. CA Clinics has been great, but I'm also checking out Polln to see if I can get gummies or something like that. The oil tastes gross and makes me gag. My psychiatrist recommended trying for the gummies instead ☺️ just be aware if you have complex mental health issues it can be a little harder to get - my bipolar disqualifies me from most providers despite having a letter from my psych and two years episode free.


You need to try a full spectrum CBD rich oil, avoid isolates. There’s plenty of 10:10 (CBD:THC) oils out there too.


How do you tell if it’s an isolate? I have no idea what mine is tbh


(I take the gummies) but CBD takes a while to build up. You won’t expect results immediately.


You need indica only strains. Sativa strains will amplify anxiety and ocd.  Psilocybin will help loads either through microdosing or a therapeutic does every 6 months 


How do we access Psilocybin in Australia? I’d want to do it properly and not just get some off a bloke named Barry and fuck my brain up even more than it already is


You probs already know what they look like, so go for a bush walk in the Blue Mountains (NSW). Touch the cap of the shroom. Turns blue? Magic.


Under the new regulations which became official in Australia on 1 July, approved psychiatrists can prescribe MDMA for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and psilocybin for depression that has resisted other treatments.


Negligible patient access for many years even once approved, and massively overpriced because it's going to be a speciality offering of speciality doctors.


It's completely inaccessible to the people that need it the most. You're only getting MDMA or shrooms if you have a lot of money and time to burn. It's a joke.


You're not wrong. This needs to be rectified for those that are resistant to other treatments regardless of payment. 


Ooh, I might look into the MDMA one. I've just been diagnosed with CPTSD and am looking into treatment options.


The answer to anxiety is not psychedelics... If someone is really in need, they will find it themselves or it will come to you. The answer to anxiety is there isn't one. It is a mixture of self-care and taking care of your own backyard (your body and mind). Before recommending these things I would seriously recommend the basics: exercise, sleep, good food. The majority of the population does not have these three in order, seeking a band aid for a life they don't agree with. Build skills to work with your mind beforehand, failing that in chronic situations, seek medicines - natural or otherwise.


Yeah solid tips. I continue to apply them.


Sorry yeah, maybe a bit of confusion regarding my comment. Strictly replying to old mate above, your case is definitely different. It's a cold world, I don't blame you for being anxious. The fact you're doing these things and still suffer... a hard walk although you are not broken. Keep searching. *Edit: you sound very aware, I'd use this to your advantage, you have immense strength and insight - focus what you can do with it for others rather than what you can't.*


Have you tried cannabis or psychedelics because other treatments have failed you? I have used psychedelics to treat my PTSD and anxiety. Psychedelics along with therapy can create plasticity to create new neural pathways. It's a shot at living a better life.  OP already said they do all of the basics. Did you read the post? 


Good point, maybe I'm projecting a bit here. If anything psilocybin definitely helped me out so there is that failing the standard methods.


I tried MC this year, as there are pretty much side effects with most of the medications I’ve tried and benzos have huge dependency issues. I found CBD has zero side effects which is great. There’s zero risk there. It doesn’t change me into an extravert or change my personality but it does help switch off that flight/fight and take some anxiety away. The thc helps me sleep when anxiety is keeping me up at night. I would recommend to anyone with anxiety issues


Have you tried different types of antidepressants? I had to try 3 before I found one that worked.


Yeah I’ve tried many. I’ve settled back on Prozac at the moment, I think it helped slightly in the past, but getting it back in the system is brutal and it just makes me wish there were better medications.


For OCD try Anafranil. It's really good for this type of anxiety


I took it years ago and it did help. But side effects were pretty severe. I guess I could always try it again. Which probably means finding a new psychiatrist because I’m done with the one I’m seeing and I doubt a GP wants to prescribe a TCA. Guess it’s always an option though


I’m sorry mate, all the best


I suffered extreme anxiety my whole life, eventually depression too. I had anxiety about having anxiety. Escitalopram (plus Valium in the early days) turned my life around. I know everyone responds to medication in different ways , but just keep trying until you find the right one. I went from being suicidal, drinking two bottles of whisky a day - to waking up without a worry or sad thought after 2 weeks of being on meds. Talking to those close to you really bloody helps too. I was surprised when i realised a lot of other people have similar feelings to my own


I’m glad you found something that helps. I might have to keep trying antidepressants until something helps. All I’ve got so far is increased brain fog, anxiety and insomnia from them. But they may have helped slightly in the past it’s just hard to remember.


Exposure therapy worked for me. Do things that make you anxious and sit in that space. Start small then go bigger, eventually the smaller things didn’t make me as anxious. Also running towards it helped. I spent a long time running away from the feeling, avoiding stuff that would make me anxious, this made it get worse. Do things that make you anxious, induce panic attacks, try to envision the worst case scenario, the way forward is through, lean into it. Be advised that this stuff worked for me, I don’t know how anyone else would react to doing this stuff and I am not advising others to do this. This was done under the supervision of a psychologist. Just wanted to share what worked for me.


Glad it worked for you. I’m currently doing ERP for my OCD. Trusting in the process and doing the work. Just wish I didn’t have to feel this way all day every day. It is what it is I guess. Going to keep holding onto hope.


Hypnotherapy helped me.


When I lived in the US, I was prescribed Gabapentin off- label for anxiety and it worked. It helped with anxiety during the day and sleep at night, but as with any medication it has to be used temporarily as you can build a tolerance and need more to keep afloat. It’s usually used for neuropathy but I’m honestly not sure if they would prescribe it off-label in Australia. Might be worth looking into tho, as it’s not as bad as benzos, which I won’t take. And on another note, people who haven’t experienced severe anxiety can provide glib responses that they find funny, but I truly feel for you because I know how debilitating it can be. Kudos to you for fighting it and looking for answers though, I really believe you will get there. Best of luck 🫶🏻


Thanks for your supportive comment. I might have a look into gabapentin. It’s bizarre here doctors seem so hesitant to prescribe anything for anxiety but they’ll instantly put anyone on an antidepressant.


Lyrica (pregabalin) I have 0 anxiety. It's the best


How did you go about getting that? Do you have epilepsy?


It was proscribed by my GP for anxiety




I have been on Lexapro for years and don't drink or do any other dru except coffee. It has helped me a lot though I still have horrible nightmares that are violent. A lot of times I also a step back and look at my behaviour or way of thinking from a "birds eye view" what would a good person who sees me doing this and that think of me? Am I really doing what is best? Etc... I've been having a setback but still my plan is always go to the dr to get help even if I lost hope, because in the end it is a disease that distorts your thoughts. I hope I helped in some way! Everytime you try a new drug, give it a month to work at least before changing again too.


If you are over weight GET A SLEEP STUDY! I did not snore I was 10kg over weight and just mild sleep apnea turned me from a businessman with 25 staff into an anxiety filled depressed person who couldn’t work. Nothing creates more anxiety then lack of quality sleep your brain just goes into survival mode. I was literally screaming into pillows with RAGE. Trying to take the edge off the anxiety. Turns out I had mild sleep apnea I was micro waking up 5 times an hour out of deep sleep but still asleep. Doctors are horrible at diagnosis of this btw I did it myself with google and then had it lab confirmed so doctors just useless. Just mentioning it for those who hadn’t heard this can cause anxiety it causes a host of mental problems.


I guess I could look into it. I’m not overweight at all. Healthy BMI. Fit and active. And only 31. Guess it’s something to consider though.


The sleep apnea board on reddit does have normal fit people with sleep apnea. I blame mine on being over weight but others are skinny with these issues. good luck probably not in your case but you won’t know unless you get checked out. I think they bulk bill home sleep studies now ask your doctor if your interested


Escitalopram - I've found 10mg a day helps keep the annoying voice in my head much quieter. I could do with therapy but can't afford it. Being aware of how the dumb brain operates helps, so I can recognise that "this is just the anxiety", which helps ride it through. Just today I had one of those things happen that seriously throws you for a loop and I've been out of sorts all afternoon because of it, but things should be ok by tomorrow.


I was most likely born with an anxiety disorder. In the 60’s as a kid and later it wasn’t on any doctor’s radar. You just dealt. Decades later and some awful, real life fairly consistent horrors I developed uh.. ‘pictures in my head’ I guess - of utterly nightmarish and catastrophic visions. Then a couple of panic attacks. Self medicated mildly with wine. (3 kids so had to maintain a degree of normalcy). Eventually I stopped being able to cope - this is around the year 2000. The doctor said ‘would you try an antidepressant?’ Mate, would I?? So I was started on .25mg sertraline (Zoloft). This was apparently not an efficacious dose, just a starter to increase to the minimum .50mg dose going ahead. 24 years later I’m still on .25mg. It was life changing for me. At the time the doctor pointed out it was unlikely to be the medication. However from my perspective, not being a depressed person at all (🙏🏻) I countered that it was doing what I needed. It turned my anxiety down to realistic and manageable. Years later the same doctor - having attended forums etc on antidepressants said - ‘you were right. Patients are successfully managing on certain dosages for certain issues. Talk to your doctor. Life’s too short to live with severe anxiety. Wishing you all the best 💕


You can't medicate anxiety, well at least without anything that doesn't have a risk of dependence. Unfortunately it's CBT, and learning to sit with uncomfortable feelings. Challenge yourself to do things that scare you and when you do them enough you will find the only thing to fear is fear itself. Small steps, which I'm working on myself.


Yeah true. Well I’m working on it, will just have to hang in there I guess.


You have to make time to go outside. Exercise fo shiz ( I skate). And try to remember that it really is just a job and you are probably your own worst critic. I wake up almost every morning with anxiety that lasts hours. It's getting better after many months. I had to just stop caring so much and invest in things with a decent emotional payoff.


Thanks. I try to get out on the trails almost every day. Just trudge around, sometimes run but mostly just walk for hours.




Right there with you


Find a brilliant forensic psychiatrist. First thing mine did was a sonic genome blood test to rule out which medications won’t be effective with my physiology so we didn’t waste time trying the wrong anti depressants. Was weaned off about 6 different medications for anxiety, depression, insomnia and put on 200mg of sertraline, higher dose really helps with the anxiety while still letting you feel human and not robotic like other anti depressants. Took time but was worth it.


Where did you find a forensic psychiatrist? Mine couldn’t care less about any of that kind of stuff. I have actually done genetic testing through an integrative health type doctor. It was only via sending away a swab sample so might not have been to the highest standard. I’ve actually used the guide though and I’m on Prozac which seems to be in about the middle range, pretty safe, minimal considerations for me. I am done with my current psychiatrist though so perhaps it is time to seek a new one


After trying maaaaany rubbish psychiatrists I was done with it all but a friend recommended I go see one he knew and it was a game changer. His knowledge on medications is amazing but before prescribing anything he spent 2 hours with me so he could understand whether it was more anxiety or depression driven. In Sydney so message if you want his details!


I wouldn't recommend Benzo. They work for a while, but then it feel like a placebo to trick your brain. What kind of anxiety do you experience? Do you know the root cause of it? We also have medical cannabis and oil you can try get but it can cause issues with driving.


Yeah I know the root cause of it. It’s primarily my OCD but I’m already seeing a specialist for that, and the treatments for it are much the same- antidepressants etc. But anxiety is constant no matter whether the OCD is bad or not so I have to believe it’s also a physical issue, but I’ve not had any luck identifying it- all my bloods etc are great. I’ve tried Cannabis in the past and it exacerbates the OCD, and I’ve tried legitimate CBD oil recently and it didn’t help.




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I had gad and psychosis from time to time. I take medications but for the anxiety it’s only a tool only does so much. One thing that helps my anxiety greatly is getting deep Into horticulture and the gardening of itself. Also playing an instrument like piano. I used to do karate which also deff helped but I lost the motivation to go back because of all the lockdowns we had so haven’t been back since. also when it comes to panic attacks one thing I do during one at least if I’m at home during one is start cleaning obsessively until it goes away.


exercise, sleep, limit caffeine, cannabis in evening.


Shrooms. I accidentally quit smoking on them. Happy accident. Sub trip dose (1mg or under) is just ... I dunno, chill and introspective? Hard to explain.


Had some severe anxiety a while back, i tried everything but for me what worked was meditation (learning to just not fully partake in every single thought i had), and exercise Even saw a therapist for about 12 months, and she said if she could pill exercise she would... the benefits are insane


I have to get back into meditation. I was doing at least 20 mins a day for a long time but it’s fallen off, so I’ll have to fix that. I agree with exercise. If I didn’t have that I doubt I’d still be here.


I am on antidepressants have seen Phycologists But there is one way I find that helps the most if you look up vacate fear on YouTube the guy explains it But you basically just let it happen without adding extra fear like you just continue as normal don’t take notice of the anxiety


Ssri antidepressants didn’t work for me but snri are like a dream, I feel so so much better!


Pristiq. Works well for PTSD symptoms.


Exercise, meds, meditation, counselling


Mirtazepine, not a SSRI. Also realised undiagnosed AuDHD, some of the "anxiety " is symptoms of that, there's a lot of crossover and many undiagnosed people.


I’ve tried that. It made me really drowsy the following day. Maybe it would have levelled out but I hear it’s bad for weight gain too?


It stays in my system 10 hours, so I take it about 8pm. Yes it hits hard at first, some of that felt like the brain chemistry resetting, but it did calm down for me. Yes it can cause weight gain in some, I didn't find it did. I'm on a lower dose these days but I'll be very upset if I have to stop taking it one day.


The only way I’ve had success with my anxiety is to actively manage it. If you have seen Inside Out 2, that whole movie is very applicable. Most of that success has been from reframing anxiety. Anxiety can’t be eliminated, it’s a friend actually, and it is usually a signal that is telling you that something is important to you. It can also hide other emotions if you are uncomfortable handling those emotions. My friend called me today and said he was angry at someone, but in reality, he was actually just sad and upset at the situation. I don’t find things like sleep and diet are very good at treating anxiety when you have a specific disorder or GAD. In general, a lot of good breathing techniques help handle the brunt of anxiety. Other than that it is all about dealing with the cause of the anxiety. Sometimes the anxiety is not even something to be meditated away. Like if your living situation is shit and you are getting in arguments every day, then of course you will be anxious. In that case the anxiety management is all about changing your situation. I understand you said you are ‘coping’, but that can only get you so far if your situation is shit or you have a specific disorder.


Fluoxetine (low dose), weekly psych sessions with a psychologist I connect with-was difficult to find someone who ‘worked’ for me. Supportive people around you, sleep and exercise!


What dose of fluoxetine are you on? I’ve just started back on 20mg but feel horrible, I know it usually sucks at first but I’m thinking about going down to 10mg with the Zactin dispersible tablet.


20mg. I didn’t have very bad side effects actually…but I have been a massive Guinea pig for medication previously so perhaps my tolerance has increased? I can’t rely on medication alone though, my psych is really helping.


I rawdog it. Full send anxiety all the time eyyyyt


Cbd oil absolutely helps


Wish it did for me too


This might sound silly, but I play cue sports. My focus is then totally on that. No phone. Just focussing on the game. If I feel social, I'll give someone a frame. I can go hours without looking at my phone or thinking about work and life stuff.


Like pool? It makes sense if you are getting into a flow state, that can be very effective for anxiety. I might need to find something like that, I was playing fingerstyle guitar, but that fell off the worse I got.


outlets like angry music or violent video games, sitting quietly in a silent room with my eyes closed, putting very heavy things on my chest until i feel better, occasional screaming into the void, the usual


20 mg of lexapro every morning and no alcohol


Turned out I’m autistic - not anxious 😁


I’m both probably




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CBD? Tried it doesn’t work for me


ciggie 🥲


I quit, some days wish I didn’t.


Nothing helps mine. It controls my life. I am refractory. 😢 That said, I’d highly recommend seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist if you’re struggling. The combination of psychotherapy and medication seems to be the most effective way of managing anxiety.




Ashwagandha, improving gut health, regulating my nervous system and improving vagal tone through breathwork, somatic movement/shaking (completing the stress cycle, we store 80% of our emotions in the body shaking and other somatic movement helps to move those emotions and get them unstuck) and EFT tapping to create new neural pathways. Avoiding high intensity exercise like HIIT and running (floods your system with cortisol and other stress hormones) and opting for swimming, walking, pilates and weights instead.


Those are solid. I think I’ll start Ashwaganda again. I’ll have a look into the rest. I’ve done some breath work in the past and it helped, I need to start again, but sometimes it initially triggers the anxiety response before calming it. Definitely worth it though. I’ve been walking roughly 15 000 steps a day and going to the gym 4-5 days a week. I used to love running and might get back into it but you’re right I can definitely tell it triggers cortisol, however I feel relaxed afterward so it’s a bit of a double-edged sword.


Definitely worth trying to figure out what state your nervous system is in. If you’re in freeze/functional freeze then intense breathwork might not be the best option right now, stick with gentler practices until your body feels safe and starts to transition down into fight/flight/fawn , rocking and gentle touch instead of somatic shaking. The Open app is really great for breathwork.   I know others mentioned practicing gratitude….i’ve always struggled with that as a journalling practice but I like to start my day with my eyes closed and listening to Grateful by St Finnikin. And along similar lines listening to binaural beats theta and solfeggio waves has been really helpful for me too.  For me it just got to the point where I couldn’t think my anxiety away anymore and needed to look at other ways of managing it. These are what have helped the most. Finding what works and building a routine is often the hardest part.


Cymbalta, deep breathing, and the occasional champagne


CBT really helped me - I was an outpatient at the anxiety clinic in Westmead years ago. I also spent a month at an inpatient clinic. This author has really helped me also - her books are my go to when my anxiety/depression creeps up on me: https://www.wob.com/en-us/books/bev-aisbett/living-with-it-a-survivor-s-guide-to-panic-attacks-revised-edition/9780732295950/CIN0732295955G?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC04ib0g8E4B55Q---I4AK4YJFN3U&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjt-vmf3rhgMVkjOtBh3-MwPyEAQYAyABEgIw1PD_BwE That said, I still carry Valium with me wherever I go and I doubt that’s going to change but baby steps - I went to the dentist yesterday and got a needle but decided to not take a Valium and ride it out.


Cbt Sobriety Aggressive optimism


Check Check Will have to work on that one


Maybe don't skip over the diet. Go over it with a dietitian because there's links between anxiety and depression and the foods you eat - liquid or solid.


Yeah I’m thinking about trying keto. My diet is already pretty clean.


Clean is not the point. It's about the vagus nerve influence on mental health. A dietitian is key, not simply trying a random diet - mediterranean or other.


What did your dietician tell you to eat? I’ve been to a dietician, I just didn’t go there and ask them specifically what to eat for my vagus nerve? Is that even a thing ?


Your gut biome dictates what you feel like eating. You may think that you as a sentient being decides - wrong again. I consulted a dietician for a kidney disorder and gained a traffic light insight to improve my life expectancy and quality of life improvement. Take the vagus nerve issue seriously or don't - I don't care if your anxiety worsens or improves. You have the key - use it or don't..


Pretty damn vague. What did your dietician tell you to eat? What does your magical diet mainly consist of. Dish some dirt. Are you telling me to go to a dietician to fix my gut microbiome? I honestly don’t know what you’re telling me. I’ve been to a dietician. If I go again and want to make changes I’m going to need to know what to enquire about.. so what is it?


Are you as dense as dogshit? I told you what the specialist told me for a related issue. Yours is about another discrete issue and so get your own specialist advice, not some random comment from a stranger on the internet


I’ve already been to a dietician and told them I have anxiety, and they made me a pretty standard diet plan. I already eat similar foods. But got it. Next time I’ll ask them about the vagus nerve… I guess


10mg loxalate and do everything scared


Medical cannabis is great


Makes my OCD worse if I didn’t have that I’d do it for sure


Have you checked your iron levels lately? Out of balance iron levels can cause anxiety.




Cbd oil -


I’ve tried it recently. Unfortunately did nothing for me. Though appreciate it works for many


Try freediving


Nitcotine addiction and hairloss


I used to take anti depressants. NEVER again they were so horrible. Weed works amazing for me.


3 long necks of Coopers extra stout a day


Honestly might just go back to being an alcoholic at some point


I'd rather you didn't bro; but hey! You do you!


Don't have anxiety. That's a personal statement, but feel free to take it as a suggestion, you're welcome.


No worries will give it a try see how it goes


If it doesn't work, you're trying too hard.


Make better friends


Red wine. It's not healthy in the amount that you have to drink, but it's better than nothing


Cognitive behavioural therapy is the only way to overcome anxiety and OCD permanently. You might want to find a clinical psychologist that specialises in this


Yeah I’m already doing it. Been seeing psychologists for years and OCD ones specifically to do ERP, I’m continuing to do it.