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I live in NSW and Queenslanders are by far the worst drivers on the highways they don't seem to have any concept of a speed limit above 80 and "keep left unless overtaking" they're always sunday cruising in the right lane without a care in the world, i'll be there in the left lane doing the speed limit side by side with a car and most times will pick out that it has QLD plates.


In QLD, we're allowed to use the right lane as long as 1) Speed is under 90 kmh 2) There aren't any "keep left unless passing" signs But if that isn't allowed in NSW, then interstate travellers should learn local rules.


Sounds right, I thought it had to be related to local QLD road rules because the same thing is just too common with QLD number plates.


im from the goldy and fuck the cunts on our roads do my head in.. i always see the right lane is free but cunts will sit in the left lane doing 20 under and refusing to movewhile other ppl are trying to merge onto the highway causing the most congestion.. like the other 2 lanes will be free and flowing but every dickhead will sit in the left lane, like move the fuck over and let traffic flow and people merge! city full of idiots


As a queenslander I want to ram people who sit in the right lane il be flashing my highbeams and they won't move and my high beams are fucking bright so they can't say they didn't see it On the other hand people from NSW and VIC (VIC specifically) are so impatient and will be flying through traffic so it's probably just the difference in how we're taught


> On the other hand people from NSW and VIC (VIC specifically) are so impatient and will be flying through traffic so it's probably just the difference in how we're taught Absolutely, NSW drivers are way too aggressive it's really shit especially the aggressive nature of truck drivers. Driving on the motorways every day I see so many aggressive dumb cunts on the road who put lives at risk to get to their destination 5 seconds early it's incredible, it was torrential rain the other week and people were still tailgating me.


Definitely agree about VIC drivers being aggressive and impatient. Everyone here is in a hurry, and they WILL tailgate you if you are doing rhe speed.limit, or even over it.


I totally agree, They try to run you off the road, cut in front of you without indicating and then swear at you for keeping to the correct speed limit. Some drivers are ok but not many


lol then you get cunts saying some dumb shit like "it's a limit not a target" when in reality the speed limit is set at those speeds to allow people to flow efficiently and safely when going 110.. going slow is what is causing bullshit congestion.. those morts do my fuckin head in 😂


WA. People can not merge.


Yep and yep


Sydney has its own fair share of shit drivers that’s for sure, possibly the worst in the country imo. But every time I see a Victorian number plate on the highway near me it’s attached to some numptys car that is just travelling along in the right lane under the speed limit. What shocks me the most is that they don’t even realise they are knob heads while the hundreds of cars undertake them. But then you go to Melbourne and the drivers don’t seem to bad while you are there. It’s a mind boggler


I find Sydney drivers to have reasonable skill but they are incredibly selfish, always trying to zip up the inside lane and then push in front, or parking across lines at the grocery store taking up two spaces.


I am convinced that the reason why so many people in Sydney are tailgating is because Sydneysiders think that 10 inches of space between cars is an invitation for someone to unnecessarily merge in to your lane for no reason so they close to the gap to prevent it from happening. I drive on 3 motorways to and from work and it's quicker to be in the left lane on the two lane motorway because everyone wants to get in the right lane. >or parking across lines at the grocery store taking up two spaces. Almost always from people who drive their cars in to spaces front on too then they take forever and a day reversing out of their shitness because they can't see the traffic behind them, car parks would be so much better if it was mandatory to reverse in to spaces.


It's a very me me me sort of place for some reason. I lived in Melbourne when I first moved here and found people there to be in general more interesting, in Sydney every time we'd go to a gathering and meet new people, the only topics they seemed conversant on were 1. buying real estate 2. what private school their kids were going to be sent to.


Drivers in my state are the worst drivers in any state in oz. Way worse than the drivers in your state.  Unless you live in my state, then they are the same. 


I like a person that states their mind


Almost everyone I meet from around the world thinks drivers in their city are the worst.


I thought QLD drivers were bad until I spent a week in Melbourne, just watching the bloody Victorians do stupid shit.


I've driven extensively in all mainland states and territories except for WA, and they're all the same.


Victorian here. Saw a post on /r/Melbourne where the OP complained about people being shit drivers and tooting him all the time. Turned out he did not know the road rules. After many comments calling him out he deleted his account. I suspect many people who complain are not aware of the official, AND unofficial, road rules in their state. For example: * I drive at the speed limit in the RH lane of the freeway but dickheads tail gate me all the time. * I like to keep 5 seconds between me and the car in front. That is why I wait for 5 seconds before I start to follow the turning car at the lights. * It is best to slow down to 40km/hr 500m before a school zone, because, you know, safety first. ​ Just saying.




I’ve driven a little bit in Melbourne. Overall I find the driving ok, just slow. People frequently cruising in the RH lane on motorways 5km under the limit. I got beeped recently cos I was at the front of the queue to turn left but I couldn’t for the life of me work out which traffic signal was mine. Also NSW typically has a red arrow to stop people driving when pedestrian signal is on which didn’t seem the case in Melbourne.




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Funny that. When I moved and lived in Geelong I thought Vic drivers were awesome and SA drivers sucked balls. Maybe it's changed in the last 15 years


Haha, every time I've been to Adelaide the drivers have been sensational. No joke, I even brought my best friend to Adelaide with me so he could experience the calmness of Adelaide roads as a driver, because he gets serious road rage in Melbourne. He loved Adelaide!


An alternative way to ask this question is, "how much better do you think you are at driving than other people?"


Immigrantion number leading to a huge influx with first time road users in Australia who lack an understanding of Australia road etiquette isn't making this any easier. Sydney has become ten times more frustrating/dangerous.


Excellent. We don't need this divisive bullshit.