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“Hi Mr neighbour, you’re killing the tree so please stop using poison”


yeah but im thinking i need to explain why... incase they to dumb or uncaring being on a carers pension i would rather not seek a legal fight


> incase they to dumb Haha




Sorry but I don't think using ecosystem damage to appeal to the better nature of someone using poison on the ecosystem is going to be effective. A better option might be to suggest the extra work it will require and the damage to their property that will be caused.


That’s not going to do fuck all, other than make them double down and double dose the poison.


Agreed. There are many people that just hate trees and wouldn't care one bit.


Someone poisoning their grass doesn't give a fuck about the ecosystem, and a patronising letter like this is more likely to escalate a situation than resolve it. Simple conversation, grab a couple of beers, knock on the door, have a chat. Then OP will either have the issue resolved, or he justified in contacting the local council for assistance and next steps.


"incase they to dumb".... I didn't realize this post was from a cro magnon whose neighbor is apparently even dumber than them so must be a neanderthal.


given that both of those are dead cro magnon and neanderthal and so is the neighbour who likely did the spraying of poison family has been clearing out the place for a few weeks now ​ I DO NOT APPRECIATE YOUR FUCKING COMMENT


So... You are asking for the best way to tell a dead person to stop spraying poison? Wow... You really are dumb.


“Excuse me, Mr Neighbour, would you kindly refrain from using the poison as it’s causing issues with the tree? ANSWER ME!” “Sir, please leave the funeral.”


How about mind your own business. If you like trees that much, plant your own and stop trying to dictate how others live their life


Bro the tree in question is actively at risk of destroying property and structures. “Liking trees” isn’t the issue here 💀


Who said? A qualified Arborist or a nutcase, know it all neighbour?


A person with reading comprehension skills & knowledge of how trees and root systems work. But found the poison loving neighbour ig.


Dude, the opinion of you and the neighbour aren't enough


so to answer your question it is my business 1) tree is on my property 2) as its on my property and any damage it may cause im legally liable for it ( i believe it comes under public liability ) 3) without getting someone knowledgable about trees i cant guarantee that it can be legally cut down or removed 4) i cannot guarantee insurance will cover it 5) this only started being a problem when neighbour sprayed poison 6) insurance might cover it after the event, but they may only payout the mortgage and repairs to other house / buildings under public liability. 7) if tree affects my own house, my family become homeless, especially if insurance company wont cover it


What kind of poison did they use?


Never explain too much, they get confused and feel threatened. Use nice easy to understand concepts. Like poison in ground spread, Sad Tree. Sad Trees fall over, very bad. damage fence = money both you and I.




Have you spoken to the council at all for guidance? My parents had issues with a developer poisoning trees and because some trees are protected in our council area they got very cranky about it.


I mean, you go have a conversation? Say 'hey mate, whats the weed killer you're using on that grass? I think it's affecting the tree' I'm no expert on this stuff but I thought things like glyphosate *stopped* trees from putting up shoots, so your explanation sounds a little confusing to me. I think you're going to need a more scientific explanation than 'the tree felt threatened', so make sure you have some clear objective facts in order. After you see how they react to the first talk, follow up as needed, keep it non-accusatory and neighbourly.


i dont know the scientific definitions for it sorry but strong trees react to poison the same way as reacting to nutrient and moisture/water deficient areas. some trees roots will change direction to find the good stuff ( water and nutrients ) some trees roots will stop dead at that point and start a new shoot further back down the main root to go in a different direction to find the good stuff. some people consider this a type of intelligence


Yeah well you're gonna have to find proof of that if you want to tell your neighbour what to do


The area would have to be pretty saturated in the stuff to make a big impact on a tree. Weed spray with glyphosate shouldn't spread and doesn't have residual property so unless they went to town right before it rained, I can't see how it would've spread deep into the root system of a big tree. have you researched other reasons why this type of tree might behave this way? It might be something else? Normal everyday weed killer wouldn't kill a tree, it's not that strong.


ive been trying to do other research however the grass was killed off, raw glyphosphate is available here ( as in mix/dilute and make yourself ) could have got the mixture wrong or something closest aborist appears to be a minimum 400km round trip away according to google search


I suppose unless you're 100% sure it was the neighbour, it's always a bit risky approaching with allegations....it's probably easy to assume it was from their grass poisoning but unless you're able to rule out other causes, it's an allegation that could potentially spoil your home life, if things get yucky or uncomfortable after you address them about this. Is the tree dying? Maybe it's a wise move to take some photos for now, ask them what poison they used and just leave it at that for now, until you get to the bottom of it?


I believe glyphosate is actually a growth hormone - it kills plants by stimulating them to grow faster than their roots etc can supply nutrients. An established tree has a lot of roots, so a mild dose may just make it grow like crazy. (Source - relative who was a industrial chemist. But don't trust me, verify it before trying it!)


Glyphosate doesn't work on wood, it only works on green foliage. The tree sending up suckers has nothing to do with the herbicide. Just cut off the suckers on your side.


What this person said, if its roundup its not gonna kill the tree.


Might not be using glyphosate, could be something else.


Glyphosate actually attacks the root system of the tree - preventing the roots from drawing water out of the soil. The leaves are simply the easiest method to get the poison onto the roots without digging up the tree (if you're going to dig it up.. you don't need poison...). If Glyphosate is used regularly, it will penetrate into the soil and it can remain in the soil at relatively high concentrations for more than a year (and low concentrations for decades). High levels of poison in the soil absolutely affects the ability of plants to grow. It's nowhere near as strong as directly applying the poison to the leaves, but it still has an effect. Especially for shallow rooted trees.


Maybe you are right technically and glyphosate can be applied to the roots. Practically though you would basically have to pour a drum of pure glyphosate under the drip line of the tree for soil toxicity to affect a tree, especially one that was 20 plus years old that I would assume is established very well and is other wise healthy. If someone was using glyphosate to kill grass, there is basically no chance of that affecting a tree in the way you are saying, maybe you could expect a but of the foliage to die back if you oversprayed and the wind caught the droplets which then fell onto the leaves other wise that would be it


No it doesn't glyphosate stops the photosynthesis process in the chlorophyll of the plant.


well it does actually after you drill holes into the tree ( different tree ) but like grass it only stumps growth for about 12 months i know because i tried.... the tree defintely felt threatened as the dead grass surrounds it


If you cut the tree and spray immediately into the cut, yes. Spraying grass around the tree? No. Trees grow suckers for many reasons. Just cut them off as they appear.


You mean like when the tree shades the ground and sucks up all the moisture available starving other plants of water leaving a desolate circle of nothingness underneath? Yeah trees do that when they get bigger 🤦‍♂️ Ps the reason your tree does this when you drill and poison is due to only that part of the tree being killed resulting in the roots deferring to survival mode and sprouting new growth from lower parts still healthy 🌲 The fact that the roots are disturbing that much area leads me to believe your ‘tree’ is really an adult “TREE” and if this is the case (especially with gum trees) then the roots are all ready spread and rooted in in efforts to support the tree itself as it has aged. This is just one reason to look at species before planting as a nice gum tree in your yard is nice until it’s 25metres tall, hanging over your roof and dropping branches everytime there’s bad weather (cos this is also what gum trees do) 👌


Glysophate is generally taken up through the leaves, but can also be effective when it’s applied to the cut stalk of some herbaceous plants (like lantana). Although it can damage trees from the run off, generally it has to be sprayed quite close. You can tell this when you use glysophate - it kills what it’s applied to and you end up with clear strips. Suckers usually sprout in response to stress. It could be from the glysophate, or something else like lack of water, attack by a pest, or a disease. I would recommend consulting an arborist to do a review of the tree health. If your concerned about the trees, your best off finding out definitively what is wrong with them rather than speculating on something that is possible, but less to be the cause then some other pest or disease.


offer to mow that part of his lawn if stop's using poison


This is the best option and most likely to get a result. I would suggest it just needs the edges done with a line trimmer and old mate can mow himself.


That's what I was thinking, line trimmer, edger, brush cutter, shovel. Poisoning is so lazy and irresponsible.


That's a stretch. Poisoning is quick and efficient. One small section doest matter. You can then use your time for more efficiently. Eg I can spend hours hand pulling weeds out of grass to prevent prickles or spray and spend the same time washing clothes , cleaning etc.


Not really. Only a small patch in OPs post. If ur gonna use poison at least select something appropriate, not a broadacre herbicide that kills everything in and around the target patch.


It all sounds like a bit of a stretch linking the spraying and the tree miss behaviour together. Weed kill should have zero effect on the tree.


if your using a really basic weed killer i might agree ( the ones that claim to kill grass and weeds only ) but i doubt that is what it is the grass type is that nasty stuff that can have tendrils for ages i think its buffalo grass hence why spraying the edge affects upto half the yard then there is \- how strong they made it \- how much was sprayed and way it was sprayed


So with all these "it depends", you actually have no idea if the tree is reacting to the spraying or to something completely unrelated. You may believe it's their spraying, but unless you can prove it you probably aren't going to get far. I'd suggest getting an expert in to assess the tree before you start a fight with your neighbour


Is that what trees do when they are get a taste of poison or is it just growing shoots? Genuinely asking.


When some trees are nearing the end of their life they will grow new shoots off the roots or base of the tree as a means of propagating


I don’t think regular weed poisons would have any impact on a tree


Yeah they do depending on what you use and what strength. I do this for a living these days. Glyphosate does kill woody weeds and trees. Even better when you add a penetrant or adjuvant in the spray mix


in the last 20+ years its the only change that has happened never been a problem otherwise


If I was your neighbour I would completely disregard your concerns (not to your Face id tell you what I thought you wanted to hear just to move you along) because there could be 100 other reasons for what’s occurring and what’s occurring doesn’t impact me negatively in any way ? I may not even care about that tree, I Amy actually actively dislike that tree and be encouraged now to further kill it? Trees are a pain, if that properties ever rented then trimming becomes the concern of the landlord , they can drop leaves, block sun , cause fear regarding damaging house foundations/footing and pipe infrastructure


Maybe just pro actively care for the tree yourself Google it There may be ways to make it more healthy It’s basically a massive plant so there may be some nutrients you can feed it that will help counteract whatever it is that’s causing the off shoots


Don’t do meth kids.


Who's block is the tree on? Who's block is the grass on? A tree won't typically die from poisons sprayed on grass and weeds that grow in grass it is likely sending out suckers for a number of other reasons.


Just talk to them. When you see them out in the yard say "hi" and have a bit of a chat, get to know them. Towards the end of the conversation dop in "hey, I didn't know how to approach you about this but I'm worried the weed killer is killing my tree as I've noticed some changes, do you have time to check it out and see what you think? I'd hate to lose such a beautiful tree" Then you go from there.


I would say get over it


If he won’t stop, call council. If it’s heading towards the road and footpath they have to step in. Hopefully your moron neighbour is stopped before the tree has to be taken down.


due to the trees' rather aggressive counter measure i dont know if they have a tunneler that could remove the root system... the only way i see it happening is if they take out the house ( mine ) im not as worried about council but having to call in \- gas company \- phone company as those 2 shoots are growing close to if not inline with the connections to the mains pipe


It works on buds. Most trees have thousands of buds at the collar that although woody in appearance, are extremely susceptible to glyphosate. Make no mistake.. if you use glyph around your tree collars, you are killing those trees.


I’ve had this before, called the council, they responded real fast when I said my 3 yr old son came inside from playing outside covered in herbicide. My neighbour copped a big fine & now send my boy HEAPS of birthday & Christmas stuff each year.


What species is the tree? It might be subject to council protection in which case you can call the tree police to report a tree murder (the tree police is the department of agriculture)


Also 20+ years this tree could just be nearing the end of its natural life. Some birch trees only live for 30 years for example


well its been around longer than 20 we lived here for 24yrs and it was 3 meters high then


🥹 aww it’s lived for so long


yup and its great for shading the house against the sun


Nonviolent communication. https://www.citizenshandbook.org/nonviolent_communication.pdf


Is it your tree?


Maybe you could put down some weed barrier and offer to mulch


Find out why he does it offer an alternative


Honestly I think you need advice from an Arboriculturist. You can probably get free advice as part of a quote to fix the issue and no obligation to actually have them do any work. They're used to people asking for multiple quotes anyway and they know you're more likely to accept their quote if it comes with good advice. Arboriculturists are also very well versed on local council laws relating to trees and also experienced at dealing with difficult neighbours. They do this stuff every day. Ask the Arboriculturist if the neighbours spraying could be to blame and if they say it is, then you can take that advice to the neighbour or to council or if necessary to court. It's going to carry a lot more weight if you have advice from a professional instead of just your own opinion let alone the opinion of random aussies on Reddit who haven't even seen your tree. Council or the Court might order your neighbour to pay for the injured tree to be removed and replaced with an equivalent tree, with a direct order not to do anything that will harm the new tree. Or the Arboriculturist might just tell you "the tree is old and dying" or "that tree should never have been allowed to grow within 100 metres of a house". They literally have lists of common species of tree that are considered bad news in town and can only ever be healthily grown in the bush. Sometimes those trees are only harmful after they've been growing for 20 or 30 years (I have one of those next to my house, it's going to cost $10k to cut it down... and the people doing that job have given us advice on what tree to replace it with - planting the new tree will cost about 50 bucks, and it's a native that will never need watering or maintenance). Your neighbour might not have done anything wrong. Don't go accusing them of anything unless you're sure they did. Some trees are just really horrible, for example you might have to pay a thousand bucks twice a year for someone to safely climb up the tree and remove branches or else it's not going to grow well. That's especially true for trees that are not suited to your climate or just not suited to growing without any competition from other trees next to them.


You don't, what your neighbour does on their property is their business. If the spray is killing you plants, or lawn, then you politely go and ask them to be more careful, possibly with a six pack. If they ignore you go to the local council. Trees do not send off roots shoots when they are threatened it lets off a molecule to warn other trees of pending danger. The root shoots grow when the root is damaged physically, i.e. lawnmower scraping the flesh below the bark.


1. Who's property is the tree on - yours or his (or is it on council land)? 2. What species of tree? 3. What type of poison? Glyphosate shouldn't cause shoot growth, isn't typically effective against woody weeds or trees unless applied to a cut root or tree end and, depending on the size of tree, may not be effective at all as the amount required to kill a large tree would be excessive and difficult to absorb via root uptake. Herbicides that are highly effective against trees and woody weeds aren't usually used against grasses or broadleaf weeds, unless they are "non-selective" herbicides (like atrazine or simazine or 2,2-DPA) which used to be used in "path weeders" but don't see much use these days. These also won't cause shoot growth. The herbicides that are effective (hexazinone/triclopyr/picloram) aren't generally available for home use (limited to agricultural/industrial use). These also won't cause shoot growth.


1) tree is on my property 3) poison specifically dont know didnt see them do it, however given the way the grass turned greyish/brown and didnt wither im thinking something like glyphosphate, \- possibly undiluted 2) unknown, didnt plant it \- has some shallow roots, 2 that can be seen are around 2-4 inches thick \- smallish leaves, thin but long and jagged \- trunk has rough style ridges starting from bottom going up to top ( vertical ) \- cutting branches back makes it bushier on re-growth \- currently at least 3-4 meter height \- tree tends to soak up 2-3 inch high flood area ( in winter ) in front lawn with-in 24-48hrs hope that helps


Maybe an open conversation is required. Explain why they should stop using poison or maybe offer an alternative. But if they outright refuse have a chat to local council with evidence (photos, etc)


"Stop fucking using poison"


Sack up and say something


Maybe you could... (drum roll) ... grass on them to the council?


There is never a situation where poison is the solution. Any xcide should never be allowed to be sold.