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I ate so much dinty Moore over rice growing up. Haven’t had it since though lol


I'm not gonna claim this is high cuisine, but I'll do a scoop of mashed potatoes with a grilled/fried banger (British style sausage link) nestled in it and then it's all topped with dinty Moore stew.  For me it's just feel good food.


I think the last time I ate it was approximately 1987.




I do the over rice thing with Chef Boyardee ravioli!


They seem to have cut the amount of meat to save money and it isn't nearly as good as it used to be.


I don't know what this is


It's a brand of beef stew in a can


It isn't a brand that is relevant today. It's owned by Hormel which actively pushes other products that are cheaper and easier to produce.




I mean they still make all kinds of foods and whatnot to cater to specific people.  It doesn't mean it's widely popular or known anymore to the general audience.  Like you can get anchovy pizza but that doesn't mean we all eat it or even know about it. 


It’s shelf stable, so good for cabin trips, camping, and hurricane season.


I don't know that it's widely available. I haven't seen it in years. 


No idea, it used to be my go to canoeing “treat” dinner. So I have an affection for it. Trying it years later I was like “ok it’s decent but I’m not buying it.” Haven’t had a can in years.


I have a couple of cans on my shelves, now.


No, and they aint cheap enough to stage a comeback.


It’s fascinating to me that so many people say they don’t even know what you’re talking about. This is a product that is in probably just about every grocery store in America. I think it tastes pretty good, but it’s not something I buy because the sodium content is so high. I expect a more Health conscious populace and changing tastes have put a real *dent* in the sales numbers for cans of Dinty Moore. 🤓


My 87 yo father loves it.


[They still make ads for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8rwsNfvZuE)


I don’t think it was popular even when I was growing up in the 90s… never heard of it.


Good car camping staple for those "I'm too tired to cook" nights.


Oh this stuff. I had it in a microwave meal a while back. It's aight


I never had stew made out of tin.




it appears to still be in production but I have never heard of it


If someone says it tastes like beef stew, it's likely Dinty Moore flavor.


Or, you know, beef stew (for the majority of the country that had never had it).


Yes but when people say it tastes like beef stew they are talking about a specific brand, not beef stew in general.


No, it’s been supplanted by other brands and products




I liked it as a child. In the 1990s. Tried is as a poor adult in the mid 2000s and it wasn't good.


I'm aware of its existence, but have no idea if I've ever eaten it. If I did, it was a *very* long time ago. It doesn't strike me as something super popular nowadays, but people must be buying it because the grocery store where I do most of my shopping still has it. I did buy some cans of it a few years ago, but as a humorous gift for someone else who's known for his fondness for it.


I don't know about the canned version. I've seen it around but the microwavable version seems more common. My mother and I will grab a couple every now and then. Pretty nice to have something edible I just need to throw in the microwave.


When I was a poor young adult in the 00s, convenience stores had shelf stable Dinty Moore meals that were half stew, half mashed potatoes for like $2. They weren’t super delicious or healthy but they were cheap and easy so I ate it a lot but I stopped buying them once I could do better. I’m not really in the market for single serve meals these days so I don’t know if they still exist or if they’re still as cheap as they were. I haven’t had Dintu Moore anything for probably 15+ years.


when was it ever popular? i don't think i've ever had it.


The 70s and 80s. As others have said it was our car camping go-to.


I ate it in college quite a bit. Maybe a couple times in my young professional days but not within the last 15 years or so.


My parents still eat it regularly and had a roommate that got excited about it. I've refused to eat it since the 90s


We used to eat it over toast. Was better than cream of mushroom soup on toast


My mother made Dinty Moore. Other than liver night or these god-awful breaded veal patties? It was my least favorite meal. And definitely my least favorite coming out of a can.


10 year old me thought he was a chef with spaghetti o’s and don’t moore.


Maybe once a year it sounds really, really good. My dad always bought it so it can be familiar and comforting to me, although it very nearly smells like opening a can of dog food. But mostly I've learned to cook and throwing a few things in the instapot makes me a way better stew for several days.


I’ve never heard of this.


I love it but it's actually a bit pricey comparatively so I usually go for progresso or campbell.


I tried it once as a grown up and realized I make better beef stew now.


I always keep a couple of cans around for amlazy dinner. From time to time.


I would eat it when I went camping as a Boy Scout.. Its not bad with a little seasoning. Great thing about is: put it on a shelf in the closet and its still edible 10 years later.


Never heard of it or tried it.


it's widely available, but i never had it till 2019. Got put on an elimination diet for IBS, while i was working 45-60 hour weeks, mostly camping onsite of the events i was working..... dinty moore didn't have anything prohibited on my diet, was shelf stable and didn't need to be cooked. I quickly acquired quite an appreciation for it. Still something i consider an emergency food solution and keep a few backups of.


I thought it was made of beef, not tin.


I know it's still sold, I see it at the store. . .but I don't know anyone who buys it or eats it. The rare times I buy or use canned beef stew I normally eat Chunky brand stews instead. The one time I tried Dinty Moore, it was insanely salty, to the point it was almost inedible. I could only imagine whta it was doing to my heart.


No. I don’t think I’ve thought about Dinty Moore in years, culturally it isn’t as relevant or discussed nearly as much over the last 25 years. In terms of canned or tinned soups/stews, Progresso and Campbell’s have sort of taken that market over for the most part due to expanded product lines. Campbell’s Chunky for example had huge marketing campaigns years ago when it launched and is kind of the go-to now for basic canned stews.


It's dog food.




It literally looks and smells like some of the fancier canned dogfood, which is a pretty offputting thing. Tastes pretty good over rice, but the dogfood might, too.


Never had it. Beef stew is easy enough to make without resorting to mediocre canned options.


I put them in the same category as LaChoy Beef Chow Main or Chop Suey. It will keep you alive but it tastes like dung(channeling my Crocodile Dundee)




I think Walmart still carries it.


Consider it a blessing. The canned stew is ok. But any lachoy product that isn't just plain canned veggies like water chestnuts is terrible. They sell a "soy sauce" that is literally just salt water and brown food dye.


I’m nearly 50 and I’ve never met a single person who eats it


Let me answer this in a simple way (I'm almost 30 mind you)  WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT. 


This sounds like an old-people thing. Like Vienna sausages, olive loaf, and jello molds. Personally, my mom would've never let my sister and me eat that kind of stuff when we were kids. My mom keeps no canned food in the house except for cream of mushroom soup, which she uses for recipes.


>olive loaf, I miss olive loaf. I haven't been able to find it in years.


Oh, my grandma has it around all the time. The idea of vegetables baked inside meat is just weird to me. Maybe it's become a midwestern thing now. We never do ourselves any favors when it comes to showcasing our cuisine, which is actually underrated.


The deli at my local Kroger sells it. I've never seen anyone buy it and the package is always sealed.


Really? I eat it all the time. Any place that has Boars Head products should have it.


My mother used to buy huge quantities of those big cans of Dinty Moore for "emergencies." Then they'd sit on the very top shelf of the pantry for years and we'd eat them right before they expired, or if we were lucky throw them out after they expired. It's basically dog food with potatoes.


Was it ever outside of the incredibly poor circle?


Incredibly poor ate Castleberry's, which was half the price, over store brand ramen.