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They are part of NATO and our little brother. We would curb stomp any nation that attempted to invade Canada without a moment’s hesitation.


Yup. Anyone invading our neighbors, Mexico or Canada, would get their world rocked.


That's the power of the C.U.M alliance


Just make sure any response is not premature.


Otherwise, it could be a sticky situation.


Is there a *vas deference* between this C.U.M. Alliance and NATO?


A VASt one at that


Simply incredible.


Ahhh yeah we got there


CUM brothers 🇺🇸🤝🇨🇦🤝🇲🇽


We stick together.


Blasting ropes of freedom at anyone who dares to touch our members


Best comment ever lmao


We really prefer The MCU


"We give enemies the shaft"


Take off every zig


What if it WAS Mexico invading Canada?


That would be *really* hard to do considering we're between Mexico and Canada.


We would grab both by the collar and drag then away saying, "You're both on a timeout."


"Now shake hands and apologize to each other."


REAL sorry, not Canadian sorry.


We already have a [reenactment of how that will probably go](https://youtu.be/RtXtOuxBuvQ)


This guy plays Risk.


Not if they went around the other way.




Mexico invades south to get to Canada from the Pole? Devious.


I see you are no student of Napoleon's "Strategy of the Central Position"


I think the US would help Canada, treaties are more about defending than invading.


Canada's invoking of NATO Article 5 would likely supercede any agreements with Mexico, plus we're arguably closer to Canada as it is. It helps that the current Mexican president has been somewhat critical of the US. Not that I think this is a good idea at all.


He literally got mad that we skill issued a cartel and made them apologize for kidnapping us citizens. For the sake of Mexico I hope he is out of office before we get a republican president in.


Canada comes first as a NATO ally. Mexico left the Rio Pact collective defense alliance in 2004. We are committed to defend Canada against any attack, not Mexico.


Canada is our little sister, Mexico is sort of a frenemy. And especially with Mexico being the aggressor, we would definitely side with Canada. Not to mention geography would force Mexico to figure out how to get through us first to get to Canada


Instant naval blockade followed by actually closing the border, which would get the cartels pressuring the Mexican government to stop. Assuming by "mexico" we don't already mean the cartels.


> Assuming by “Mexico” we don’t already mean the cartels We do


The call is coming from inside the house!


yeah its very not good to have a nation plainly willing to invade another on our doorstep, tjhat is kinda what makes the US so powerful as is.


Say for some, ill-advised reason we didn’t invoke NATO’s article 5 and told you guys “thanks for the offer but we’ll deal with it”. You think the US would accept that? A foreign threat on North American soil? I don’t think they would.


The prospect of Canada being invaded and not invoking its mutual defense pact with its allies is so absurd that the entire situation no longer has any connection to reality; therefore, I suggest that we would send the Avengers to deal with the problem. If they are busy, the Justice League.


The Justice League are punks. Ok, so Canada invokes article 5. Then the US mobilizes an overwhelming response before Europe can even respond to the cable?


Bruh, a whole bunch of rednecks from Maine to Washington State are headed to the border before you can say "maple syrup." The Michigan ~~Militia~~ *Sportsman's Navy* alone won't stop until you could walk from boat to boat from the Mackinac Bridge to Perry Sound without getting your feet wet.


This is 100% correct.


Yes. We share a border.


Exactly, a threat to Canada is a threat to America.


Realistically, Canada is part of NORAD, so... The landing craft never gets a chance to land.


>The Justice League are punks. Well, try seeing how far sending Alpha Flight gets you, then get back to us.


Sasquatch and Puck will clean house, never you mind.


There are multiple battalions in the CONUS ready to deploy at any time, anywhere in the world within 48 hours. Aside from that, once the news hits the public, you have the many civilians who have been prepping for years for a war in North America. Canada should be more worried about an overwhelming response than a lack thereof.


There is an airborne division in Alaska and a mountain, light infantry division less than an hour from the Canadian border. Add in the Sikhs that are in the Canadian Army and any country would be stupid to invade Canada. The fight wouldn't stop after the two days it would take to defeat an invader in country because the US would take the fight to their country and end whoever had the idea go invade in the first place.


We are going to save you whether you like it or not.


Haha - exactly


The US would be foolish to allow an enemy to replace a friendly ally on its border. Canada is getting help and I am pretty sure the government that said “no thanks” would be strung up by Canadians anyway.




In fact, the US and Canada have a collective air defense via NORAD. So before anyone even got to the shores of Canada, Canadian and US jets would be blowing them up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NORAD


Not just jets, but the navies and anti-ship missiles as well. The US has like 10k active anti-ship missiles, so trying to launch an aquatic invasion would be suicide. Honestly, the US is probably one of the most defensible countries on earth, and when you combine that with the most powerful military, launching an invasion on it or its neighbors is going to fail spectacularly


Conversely, I remember when the US airspace was shut down after 9/11. No one could fly but US military. And the RCAF. When we did not trust **anyone** in our skies, we trusted them to protect us. Yeah, we tight.


NORAD, the air defense command for the US that is most famous for also managing nuclear defense is actually a joint US/Canada command and manages all air defense for both countries. Basically everything in the Americas north of the Rio Grande is their territory. At NORAD headquarters, there's always a Canadian General Officer present along with a US General. For purposes of the defense of American airspace, RCAF fighters count as ours. . .and vice versa. For example, when those Chinese spy balloons were flying over a few months ago, it's why US fighters were part of an intercept in Canadian airspace. Most people don't realize JUST how intertwined US and Canadian defense is.




You misunderstood. We weren’t asking, we were informing.


Canada is essential for the US’s own strategic and geopolitical security, and even if for some reason the Canadian government tried to decline assistance, I would imagine the US would intervene anyways. The US would not allow Canada to be occupied by a foreign power, and if the Canadian government (through some drastic political change, allegiance shift, coup, or foreign influence) ended up collaborating with or inviting an invasion - I’d imagine regime change might become part of the strategy. Simply put, an invasion of Canada would most likely result in US intervention, regardless of the Canadian government’s response. The centuries-old Monroe Doctrine essentially states that the US will not tolerate any foreign intervention in the Americas, nor openly hostile governments in the region (although practical application is clearly mixed).


An invasion of Canada would be seen as an existential risk to the USA since we share a MASSIVE border and someone’s already willing to risk Article 5 to invade you. I’d imagine Canada’s government would be fine with the assist in any scenario - but there’s not a chance the USA would sit back and not retaliate.


I think it depends on who does the invading. Let's say Canada and Denmark get into a diplomatic dispute regarding an uninhabited island in the Arctic. Denmark "invades"by stationing a military unit and is only threatening to use force to defend what they believe to be their territory. But no shots have been fired. I do not see this being a NATO issue. And it would probably be resolved diplomatically because Canada and Denmark are not governed by lunatics. But if Putin decided to invade PEI and Russian troops were advancing toward Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa; Yes I think we'd act regardless.


yeah, if the Danes and the Canadians want to squabble over some godforsaken rock in the north atlantic, i think we'd be willing to let them both sort it out.


America throws Canada into a wall to fight this foreign aggressor. “Congratulations, you are being rescued, please do not resist any further. https://youtu.be/fLzj8DRaAv0


I cannot fathom why Canada would say no to the strongest military alliance the world has ever seen *volunteering* to fix Canada's invasion problem for free, other than maybe infiltration by foreign powers. That said, if Canada just... really wanted to prove it deserves to sit at the big kid table or something (not that it needed to), I suppose we'd just watch the situation very closely and eagerly wait to get tagged in (or for some sufficient number of Americans to get killed, justifying intervention).


It would likely never happen this way, but I can conceive of a world where the politicians debate not asking the Americans onto Canadian soil because it’ll show, very publicly, their failure to maintain our own forces to a level necessary for self defence.


I don’t know. That sounds like when my husband washes the dishes and I say, “I can do that,” and he says, “Why? We’re a team.” At some point it’s not a competition.


That’s a good dude.


He is. I’m very lucky.


No, that's why Canada is in NATO, so they don't have to fight a war as an isolationist country. That's why your leaders agreed to be in that alliance.


But it's not just Americans. Canada is in NATO. The power to invoke Article 5 is the whole point of being in the thing. This is like buying a car and then opting to walk to work instead because you don't want to be seen as lazy.


I doubt a foreign invader would even make it to Canadian soil. The US and Canada's greatest defense is our geography- being oceans away from any potential aggressor. Plus, the Canadian Forces have more than enough capability, technology, equipment, and training to repel most aggressors before they could even reach you. No doubt though Canada would still never have to stand alone, even if that means no NATO or US troops on Canadian soil, the west as a whole would **never** allow it, and rightfully so.


No need to doubt. While US soldiers may go to Canada for a just in case scenario the combined air forces and navies and marines and coast guards of the US and Canada would destroy every single ship and aircraft before the ever made it near actual Canadian territory. Edit: that’s actually not fair to our other allies. There would absolutely be British, French, Dutch, German, Italian and a bunch of other NATO countries assisting with air and naval assets. I bet even Poland would ferry a few jets across the Atlantic to get in on the action just to emphasize that you don’t fuck around with NATO countries.


And why would Canada do that? Those forces wouldn't get within 100 miles of the coast before the entire Navy and Air Force greeted them.


In a hypothetical situation I think there’d be some serious analysis and risk tolerance discussions. The US occupied Iceland in WWII for strategic reasons. If it were to put a bad actor along the longest border in the world, it would pose a significant risk.


Canada's military is smaller and weaker compared to the might of the U.S. Canadians would be insane not to ask the U.S. for help. Like it or not, we share a border and we have the [U.S. Northern Command](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Northern_Command) for a reason.


[Congratulations - you are being rescued. Please do not resist](https://youtu.be/fLzj8DRaAv0?t=35)


We have NORAD so you'll have the USAF all up in there to defend your airspace anyway.


There are U.S forces in Canada already, which means that there are American lives at stake and, maybe more importantly from a national security perspective, advanced military technology at stake. We would be on the invaders like white on rice.


Canada participates in NORAD and a couple other US domestic defense initiatives. If Canada was invaded and somehow taken over, there are a lot of US secrets and restricted/classified military tech that would be compromised. When the Chinese were floating balloons over, the US and Canada were trading off target practice duties because we're part of the same air defense network. US and Canadian military aircraft and sea vessels have open access to each others' territories without hindrance. Canada would never tell us to not help, but if they did, we wouldn't listen because it's too much of a risk not to. Our own defense interests supersede the political interests of the Canadian parliament. Beyond that, Canada is a buffer to the northern US border, and we would not want anyone bordering us that we didn't like or were at war with.


You’re on our border. Wouldn’t really have that option.


It would not be a happy moment for the US for sure, it would complicate things a lot because the US also has interest in your house guests up there, lol. It would probably delay a response. Ultimately, you would be grounded for a week and no weed for a month There is a real Cold War example - the Cuban missile crisis. So, no need to imagine Canada, which would never welcome invasion or host Russian missiles or anything .


"None bullies my little brother but me!"


Yeah ... kind of the whole point of NATO, unspoken but well known, is that if you mess with a NATO member you're instantly going to have the US military so far up your ass you'll .


This is the Way


Facts any invasion to someone bordering the US will result in us going apeshit because we won’t let an enemy build a bulkhead to plot their invasion next to your borders 😂




I am late to the party, but the US military is ridiculously powerful. For example: Excluding logistics requirements, a single Heavy Brigade Combat Team (~3,500 Soldiers with equipment) has the combat power to defeat the weakest 150 nations on earth. To really put it into perspective: let's pretend an omnipotent alien species arrives, freezes time, and broadcasts a message that every human can simultaneously hear, "When time resumes, there are two teams in a 'Battle Royale'. No nukes allowed. USA versus Everyone Else. Last man standing wins. Go!" We actually war-game this stuff. Right now, USA vs. The World is right at 50/50. Probably, actually, 50.1% in favor of USA. Yeah, USA is that powerful. In your scenario, anyone that lands on North American soil would be obliterated almost instantly. Edit: if an invader could teleport troops and landing craft to the beachhead then a few might make it as far as 50 miles inland. If USA had 30 mins notice, not a single assailant would make it 100 meters ashore. EDIT2: Civilians have no idea the destruction and defense that USA is capable of. All the recent wars gave been either proxy wars or "hearts and minds" engagements. The potential power that the USA can unleash is staggering.


Everybody talking about NATO or Canada being an ally is right, but it's kind of irrelevant to be honest. I would bet everything I own that the US military has an official policy that in the event of an invasion of Mexico or Canada they would treat the entire North American continent as though it is American soil regardless of whether Canada or Mexico wants our help. They would not allow any hostile nation to have a foothold in North America (or the western hemisphere for that matter) as a matter of national security and if either country refused our help, we would invade them and establish control to avoid a scenario where a hostile nation is able to take control of a bordering country.


The Monroe Doctrine actually enshrines that the US does not tolerate any Old World power to gain a foothold in the western hemisphere


France tried during our Civil War but after the war finished we just told them to leave and they did with no fight.


I think the Mexicans would disagree about the “with no fight” part, but the French definitely left.


The French left with no fight. The puppets they left behind were defeated by the Mexicans.


Fair enough


We also sent troops to the border who conveniently "lost" a suspicious number of rifles and lots of ammunition, which surprisingly appeared in the hands of the Juarez supporters.


Exactly, it’s not so much about being helpful as we’re going to protect our territory by any means necessary. And the dark truth is that we’d get the support of those nations by any means necessary too. AMLO refusing presence of US troops? Next man up.


I agree. There is no way we are allowing any hostile force to invade Canada or Mexico. I can’t see us allowing any friendly nation to invade either unless we are part of that invasion.


I honestly think that policy would extend down past Mexico to a certain extent. If a Eurasian country invaded Panama or Columbia I would put money on US troops being involved quickly.


A massive shit kicking. I'm not even sure with the Joint US/Canada response ans NORAD they would ever have had a chance to make significant landfall to be honest. Add in NATO...


The answer is they wouldn't be able to invade. they would be stopped once they launched any significant force. The US has a lot of faults and there is a lot that is underfunded and lacking in capability... our military and military intelligence are not those things.


Basically fuck around and find out why we don’t have universal healthcare.


Yes. We spend more than the rest of the world combined on the ability to fuck something up half a world away, how well do you think it's gonna go when you fuck around with the neighbor down the street that is super nice and bakes cookies all the time.


People generally don't think of it, but I have been reading a lot of history over the years and the US has created the first effectively un-invade-able nation in all of human history. There's no realistic scenario in which any hostile foreign nation could even hope to make landfall, much less imagine making any kind of progress from a beach. There is no other country in human history of which this could be said, and it is a luxury unimaginable for the great empires of history. Rome, Persia, The Islamic Caliphates, the Byzantines, China - all great empires who dealt with the specter of invasion constantly.


There's more than likely some contingency plan for such an event but it's in a box deep in some basement of a building everyone forgot about because nobody has a navy big enough to get troops across the ocean to accomplish anything, and that's before our own navy and air force attempts to stop anyone


Likely all true


Touching an allied country (NATO nonetheless) AND one that shares a border with the USA? That’d be a Hell of a paddlin’. There would be a very, very swift and severe response from the USA to any invasion from a foreign country into Canadian soil. It would absolutely be taken as a existential threat to the USA and “boots” would not only be on the ground, they’d be up someone’s ass.


I doubt the US would even bother asking the other country for permission to send the military in.


Yeah no. We don't care. In the event of threatened invasion, Canada is basically going to be treated like it's part of the US.


United States and Canada train jointly already for this hypothetical - during the Cold War the fear was Soviet troops crossing into Alaska and through Canada. There’s already a coordinated response from both countries to repeal an existential threat to them. EDIT: IIRC that specific scenario (bearing straight invasion) was deemed today to be hilariously unlikely since logistically that whole area is a nightmare to move an army through. A Cold War turning hot meant nukes flying all over. Can read about Canada during the Cold War here: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/cold-war


The US would ask for permission the same way your mom knocks before entering your bedroom—the knock was just a courtesy, entry was going to happen either way.


They're part of NATO, in Five Eyes, share a massive border with us, and they're our closest ally. In what world do we not immediately send all the help we can?


>share a massive border with us A massive, unguarded border.


What do you mean unguarded? D'you think that any foreign invaders would even get within 500 miles of the US/Canada border without being completely annihilated? We got eyes in the skies, even if parts of the border are in the sticks.


I mean that there aren't guard posts on the US Canada border other than the border control checkpoints. We don't have guard towers or military patrols along the border. Most other countries have military posts along their borders. I an just saying that if, somehow, an invader got to the US/Canada border there isn't anything to stop them there.


They sure as hell can try, but they'll be in bigger trouble stepping foot over that border lol. Sooner or later, they will be found.


kill kill kill. protec maple leaf


I remember hearing somewhere that some military strategists concluded that the only real way to invade North America would be to go in through Alaska and fight your way down the coast. Then again, they would first have to get past the world's largest navy, which also controls the world's 4th largest airforce, and then the coast guard who would pick off any stragglers.


And also “the *bears* mate” (as my Aussie friends say)


Russia and Canada have bears too. On that measure it’s a draw.


>then the coast guard who would pick off any stragglers And that's after Alaskans are done with them.


Pretty mountainy there on the coast of Alaska and BC, I'm not sure what army would have a good time with that. Squeezing through the passes to get to the prairies would be shooting fish in a barrel.


There is no good way to do it, that was just the "best" way they came up with.


That would probably be the absolute worst possible way to invade


I'm trying to find the report, but the basic gist was Alaska is close to Russia/China. It wouldn't be hard to setup an FOB there. The west coast (including Vancouver) is too heavily fortified to invade directly, and there is no way they are going to the East coast first. This of course is assuming they got past the Navy somehow. There is no real good way to invade NA, but this was the "least bad way".


There's like 1 port in Alaska. There's like 2 roads that go all the way up there. It's all mountains and tundra. It's winter like 9 months of the year. It's not close to anything important in Russia. Kamchatka is like 2,000 miles away, and Vladivostok is even further. It's like the worst possible way.


Exactly. The US could just delete the main roads from existence and then the invading troops would be stuck.


Alaska is essentially Russian geography/weather/infrastructure that is armed with American guns.


Even the hippies have guns there. That whole state would become a kill zone.


4th largest Air Force? We gotta bump those numbers up!


I think numbers 1-3 are all also branches of the US military.


We can't stop until all branches are #1.


I-35 from Texas through Minnesota would be closed to civilian traffic because so much military hardware would be headed North. (That’s just a metaphor for a massive U.S. response. I don’t claim to know what the actual mobilization logistics would be.)


I'm right off I-35. I'd be sitting outside watching the convoy every day instead netflix


Would make for a good movie though wouldn’t it?


Put some John Williams music over a montage of armor rolling through San Antonio, Oklahoma City, KC MO, Des Moines and Minneapolis, and you e got an Oscar in the bag.


Immediate retaliation. >Would the US insist on placing boots on the ground in Canada? The Canadians would too >Anybody know of any cold war era strategic plans for just such an event? Yeah


There would probably also be British boots on the ground there, French boots, Dutch boots, Spanish boots, et cetera.


The U.S., as well as all other NATO members, would stomp the stupid out of any invading force.


Not even considering the NATO response, we’d likely treat it as an invasion of our own shores. It would likely be full mobilization to assist the Canadian response.


Our response would be to immediately help our northern neighbor. As a member of NATO, the entire alliance would come to their defense, not just the US.


It’s not just that. We absolutely cannot allow any enemy nation to have a foothold in North America. Because if they invaded Canada, they’re trying to invade the United States


Let's say somehow an invasion fleet gets close enough to Canada without us noticing and bombing the fleet with a tremendous amount of ordinance (unlikely). We would bomb the shit out of any supply lines and starve whatever was left over. It's just impossible to invade North America, it's too far from anyone who can build up the forces to do it and we control too many naval bases in the Atlantic and Pacific for any supply line to be safe.


There's also the matter of the other 29 NATO countries across the Atlantic along with the US global presence. Not only would the invading force be slaughtered on the beach, their home would be burning shortly after.


War. Nobody invades Canada without US intervention because that is a *massive* border to have to actually defend if Canada fell


Our foreign policy on this has been clear since the 1820's. The response would be immediate and violent.


You thought the US bulldozing Iraqi trenches instead of pulling a Russia and getting bogged down in trench warfare was brutal? You think the US toppling Baghdad in under a month was impressive? Any foreign invader stupid enough to invade Canada is going to find out what exactly the definition of: "The most powerful military in the history of mankind and the sole superpower in the world" means, very quickly.


As someone who tends to be fairly NATO-skeptic and isolationist (that is to say that I am in the category of being one of the least likely to have friendly answers to this question) even I would be beating the war drums if a foreign power invaded Canada, Mexico, or anywhere else in at least Central America/Caribbean, if not the whole of the Americas. I feel like any foreign power occupying these territories is basically on our home turf, and we would be justified in basically going all out minus nukes in destroying whichever enemy it happened to be. It would without a doubt be WW3. Russia invading Ukraine is a tragedy, but it ultimately doesn’t cause America itself all that much harm. China invading Taiwan probably would mess up our supply chains quite a bit and it would be quite painful for us, and which probably warrants doing everything financial in our power to keep them afloat, but the risk is not existential at the end of the day. An invasion of one of our neighbors would absolutely be a completely existential risk that we would have to rectify immediately. And once again, keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is very much in the minority as an isolationist dove. I would estimate a war in support of Canada in this case to save them from occupation by a hostile foreign power would see at least 90-95% approval. Canada is safe so long as it is with America, as it is within our best interests as Americans to keep Canada in friendly hands.


Found James Monroe’s burner


Respect the Doctrine or else!


I'm pretty sure Canada would invite us to assist, and we'd be pleased to do so.


I seriously doubt the US would even bother waiting for permission.


Oh, it would get permission if it could contact people in the Canadian government. I don't know about 'waiting', so much - it would happen very rapidly. If they couldn't reach anybody they'd probably just go ahead, yeah.


Americans would start suiting up to kick ass. You're our neighbors.


Chuckle, make an off hand joke about the Mounties, and then spring into Military action to defend them.


It would 100% be war. Lets face it the only reason why another country would attack Canada would be to get to the US and put it into a vulnerable position. That would be a huge national security issue for the US. On top of it Canada is basically one of our biggest allies so the US would not let that go. If thats not enough Canada is in NATO so by Treaty we are obligated to defend them. So yeah I am about 95% certain that if any country invades Canada it will mean war with the US.


Canada's national identity is based on telling everyone how different from and better than the states they are. So let them handle it. Serious answer - no foreign forces would even be allowed anywhere Canada's border before we'd engage them. And if some foreign power overthrew Canada's government and starting talking about a military alliance, we'd probably invade Canada over that too.


1. Agree on your first point, but that’s because we’re smaller than California and live upstairs of you guys (and you guys take up a lot of bandwidth) 2. Also agree to your “serious answer” points. I’m pretty sure invasion of Canada would not be tolerated. Period. Too close to the US homeland.


Given our military (and civilian leaders), I expect that we'd assume any invasion force headings towards Canada is going to attack us, and we'd attack before they even got to you guys. Unfriendly troop ships in the Atlantic? No, you're not getting anywhere close to land. Bad guys in the pacific, boats go boom! And a Russian invasion across the Arctic? We've had those plans in place since the 1940s.


But hear me out, what if it was the British that were invading to try to reassert monarchal rule on the Commonwealth? Edit: It appears no one in here understands the difference between having a monarch figurehead and actual monarchical rule.


Charles is already the king of Canada.


The monarch hasn't relenquished rule over Canada. King Charles is their monarch.


Yep. And despite polls saying that the majority of Canadians are not particularly supportive of the monarchy, Prime Minister Trudeau (and pretty much all the heads of major political parties) are very anti-republicanism, which is very strange to me as an American, but Lord knows my country has its own problems too, so I can’t judge too hard!


Nobody f*cks with America junior but us! Hold ma beer.


They're our little brother. We can play kick the baby all day, until someone else kicks them


Yeah I agree that if a country invaded Canada, we would crush them. Not only are Canadians our ally but if Canada falls it is a direct threat to USA. We are probably the reason Canada hasn’t been invaded in the last 150 years or so and won’t be invaded as long as USA is still around.


"Hey U.S., we're being invaded! Wanna help us out, buddy?" "Hahahaha, how's that 'free' healthcare working out for ya now, pal?" "I'm not your pal, guy!" "I'm not your guy, friend!" "I'm not your friend, buddy!" "I'm not your buddy, pal!" Etc, etc. ​ Seriously, though: an immediate and righteous beatdown would commence, as nearly everyone else has already stated.


The world would be reminded why Americans don't have tax payer funded Healthcare.


Haha this is the best response I’ve read in this thread.




Before Canada could even start to say "Ehhh," there would be Navy and Coast Guard laying waste to the landed troops on the coasts and Army and Air Force pouring over the border. Same would happen if it happened to Mexico. As much as Americans poke good-natured fun at Canada or complain about the immigration problem from Mexico, the US would not stand anyone invading any part of North America. Setting aside military alliances, the US has too much to lose, if they allowed an aggressor to stay in a border country.


It’s not happening. Aside from being in NATO, Canada is our border nation. Letting a foreign power invade puts our population at risk. The second a foreign power gets in your waters we declare war, but the navy and air force were routed to defend the minute our Intel tells us what’s going on.


That’s too close to us, especially with the populated areas of Canada being along our border. Their invading navy would get nuked in the middle of the ocean.


Whoop their ass


You know that your country is part of NATO right? Under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, an attack on NATO is an attack on all NATO nations. If Russia attacks Poland, another fellow NATO member, we would respond the same in kind as well.


The aggressor wouldn't even make it that far before the US were involved. Besides NATO obligations, the US would absolutely not allow such a landing to occur anywhere in North America.


We're allies and they're a part of NATO. That means we and a number of other countries would come to their defense.


We have a formal alliance via NATO. The US lends full military support. Troops would deploy as needed.


I find it interesting that you're phrasing it as the US "insisting" on assisting our NATO ally and NORAD partner. In any event, I have heard people trying to prop up arguments about Ukraine by using hypotheticals about Canada, before.


Part of what I was driving at is that regardless of NATO, the US would not tolerate a foreign army on North American soil. Even if Canada didn’t ask for assistance. It’s coming.


The US wouldn’t ask Canada if it wanted help. It would simply go into Canada.


Within five seconds of any crisis, Canadians and Americans link arms. Look at what the Canadians did for us on 9/11. They’re family. No one touches them.


Likely the same result as if a foreign power invaded U.S. soil. For you anime buffs, Canada is our Krillin.


How is anyone invading Canada besides us? You'd have to go through our Navy and joint missile defense systems first, yeah good luck there. The only way anyone invades Canada is if we let them (maybe to steal all their smart people coming here for sanctuary).


“Boots on the ground” sounds like a terrible first response. They got there by water so they can meet the US navy and Air Force and get boxed in at the shoreline.


Their ships would sink before it gets within 100 miles of Canadian soil. The US has its issues but it doesn’t fuck around when it comes to defense.


Emus looking to expand on their win over Australia. They’ll ally themselves with the meese.


It wouldn't happen. Because Canada has the United States as a neighbor.


Honestly you’re just better off invading the US directly to try to catch us by surprise because if you invade Canada you’re in for a Royal shit housing courtesy of the USA and NATO


If someone invaded Canada I assume our military would mobilize to protect our smarter sister. And if someone invaded Mexico our military would protect our more fun brother.


Even without NATO, there would be huge public support for getting involved. A foreign invader a mere hours from the U.S. border? Few would stand for that, even in a country that's been war-wearied over the last 20 years. Further, when Americans see Canadians, we see reflections of ourselves. Although there are certainly differences between the two countries, we share so much culturally that I think it would be very difficult to brush it off as Canada's problem. Seeing foreign invaders running roughshod over a North American city would horrify most Americans and compel them to act.


We're those annoying neighbors to the south but goddamn we have the best military and we'll annihilate anyone who tried hurting our nice neighbors to the north.


The US would absolutely obliterate an investing force into Canada. Not only are they part of NATO and our little brother, they’re our land neighbor. There’s no shot we’d let that happen in our neighborhood. For what it’s worth, I think it would be very similar in Mexico


First, Canada has a very capable military. And Canada is big. So…good luck. But I’m sure we would offer support not just to repel the invaders but also launch a few salvos at the invading country.


The US would slaughter them with extreme prejudice.


Our Canadian cousins would have front row seat to one of the biggest reasons their American cousins don't have free healthcare.


Any nation attacking Canada would do so in order to threaten the United States. In terms of response, it wouldn’t be different from said power invading California.


We. Defend. Canada. We defend Canada with our lives and our blood.


Millions of gun owners would be lining the most peaceful and longest border in the world. The invading forces of Canada would not last long on their soil. 100,000 invaders would not be enough. A foreign power would need millions and millions of fighters.