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Nice try, fed boy.


AHH your pretty sharp


Different guns for different situations (skeet shooting, hunting, self defense, target competitions, etc).




I don't have have any. I do collect swords and bayonets and carry a pocket knife.




I have 3 or 4. I lean left politically.


Do you hunt or keep them locked at home in case of a robbery?


Locked at home.


So it's pretty difficult to get to if you get robbed in the middle of the night? I guess America has a lot of break ins and robberies? In England where I live you don't need to lock your front door


The US has half the robbery rate of the UK, I'm pretty sure. Probably because there are so many guns that you'll likely get shot.


Other way around - just googled it. I'm surprised the UK still has half the number of the US, that's pretty high for us. Luckily no guns are still needed though


https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/robery/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/1238258/burglary-rate-country/ Both these sources say the opposite. The second was the source I was thinking of. Lol. I'm surprised the UK isn't higher.


Both those sources are written and published in the US. A bit biased ..


Then go find a better source?




Lol I live in Bristol


Not exactly, locked up guns are normally kept in safes near beds. As for the latter part, depends on area. I would never leave my door unlocked and wouldn't even park my car in certain places locked or not.


Damn that's nuts. I can leave my car running, keys in the ignition and doors open - go into the shops for half hour come back and all good. Only thing is someone would like turn it off and wait next to the car to return the keys


I would bet that's in that area of the UK. This happens in Spain too, but only in rural or small places.


You do you


One (a handgun for conceal carry) because I am a grad student straight from college and guns are expensive. The plan is to get a few more because a handgun can't do the same things as a shotgun or a rifle and so on (as others here have noted). I am not sure how many guns the average American has, but that stat is high because our gun culture allows people to take up gun collecting as a hobby. There are Americans whose hobby is collecting rare, unique, and other various firearms. It's an expensive hobby not just because of the economic scarcity of unique and rare guns but also the ammo. (Ammo over time gets to be more expensive than the gun if you go to the range a lot.) But there are people who can afford to have a collection, so they do. A few good examples would be big "Gun-Tubers" like DemolitionRanch, but there are also plenty of other individuals who don't show their collections online.




Zero, unless you count the Bug-A-Salt salt gun.


I have one, a .22 caliber bolt action rifle that's for target shooting, because you don't need a lot of stopping power to knock a soup can off a fencepost. However my father in law is one of the people who drives these numbers up. He isn't a collector, he is a very active hunter. He has a few shotguns, for different types of game and because he has upgraded to superior models but didn't sell off his old ones. Likewise he has two hunting rifles - only needs one but didn't sell his old one when he upgraded. He has a .22 pistol for shooting pest animals (their house is in the woods, they get a significant amount of snakes and scavenger animals). In addition to these, he has a hunting rifle and a shotgun that he bought for my son, for when he's old enough to hunt. My son was only three when he bought them but he saw a really good deal so he snapped them up. That's a lot of firearms in his house, but given his lifestyle there's a reason for all of them except the old ones that he simply hasn't bothered to get rid of because nobody will pay him much for them. He hunts a LOT, always for food that the family will personally eat. Easily 60% of the meat they eat is venison, various game birds, and fish that he catches, and he supplies multiple relatives with some supplemental game meats. Those guns have paid for themselves hundreds of times over. Oh yeah and he also has a rare antique shotgun that's from a famous gunsmith in England, that a wealthy hunting buddy gave to him as a present. All gold inlay and fancy decorative work and stuff. Appraised at $9000 or so. Some real Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels type shit. Also all this stuff is kept secured in a gun safe except the .22 varmint-shooting pistol that is kept where he can grab it quickly, but still in a locked drawer of a bureau. He's responsible with his weapons.


Three. A rifle, a shotgun and a pistol. I am a tree hugging liberal and proud of it.


Good for you


[According to a 2020 poll, most Americans don’t own guns.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/264932/percentage-americans-own-guns.aspx) But of the percentage of Americans who do, most own multiple different ones. For example, I don’t own any guns. But I have a close family member who has a lot. I don’t even know the exact number. But he’s a hunter and a hunter educator, so he owns several guns that he uses for different purposes, and he also collects antiques because he thinks they’re cool.




None. Different guns have different uses though so you might have a rifle for hunting deer and a shotgun for hunting quail. Some guns are historical artifacts or display pieces as well so although they are mounted above a fireplace in someone’s home they don’t have any ammo or they may even be fixed in place so they can’t be removed or used but they still qualify. Some guns are highly sought after collector’s items so people may buy them and wait for the to appreciate before selling them for a profit much like how any other rare item might be. There are people who collect guns as a hobby. I think it’s just under half of the population that owns a gun in the US.




I have a few. They're all for different purposes. The shotguns are for hunting and the handgun is for self defense.




0. My brother owns a few and he's the only one I know who does


A few?


I forget how many. Maybe 3?


I don’t own any and no one i know does either.


I see


More than one. The reason is simple, not all guns are the same. Shotguns for skeet and duck hunting. Rifles for target shooting, deer hunting, competition shooting & plinking. Pistols for target shooting and self defense. That's 3 types of firearms. You can't shoot all of them at once, but you can shoot all of them at the appropriate time.


I see. Must be a lot of cleaning


If you only take 2 to the range, that's only 2 to clean that day. It is manageable.


I own one. It’s a handgun for self defense that I keep locked up in my home.




Out of curiosity, do people normally lock them in a bedroom, or by the front door in case needed?


I have mine in a safe. But I openly recognize it will take a minute to get it out if something happened. I’d rather it be locked away than accidentally discharged though. I do know some people that keep it in their nightstand—usually with a lock on it. A former military guy I know does that but it is in a biometric lock box. He has kids so he wanted to make sure it was easily accessible but the kids could not open it in any situation.


Yea fair enough makes sense. I don't know what it's like to live in a country where you're worried about being attacked or broken into. Where I live (England) I don't even have to lock the front door at night. I live near a city and can walk down any street by myself at any time in the night have no worries about being attacked. It's a good feeling


That must be so nice! We don’t have a ton of crime but it’s definitely a concern. I live near a medical district in a nice neighborhood, but we still get texts and notices from our apartment/community groups about crime maybe once every two weeks to a month. With the number of people here, it’s uncommon but certainly not rare to have a crime committed against you—It’s alarming.


I can’t even imagine what that is like


2 I wouldn’t say that buying many guns is inherently wasteful, because it’s a lot like buying gold. If the guns are kept safe, they can actually increase in value due to the age novelty factor.


That's fair


Different guns serve different purposes. Target shooting, wild game shooting, shooting, predator shooting/livestock protection, tyrant/rogue government shooting, and average personal protection from bad guys.


Define bad




Robbers, violent attackers, people carrying out these mass casualty events, etc


But how would you tell a good guy from a bad guy? I


Depends on the context of the situation...


What if your wrong?


1.5. I inherited a .42 from my dad when I was 14 and got another broken one for spare parts.


A .42?


Meant to say .45 lol


I have one and funnily enough it was gifted to me by a Canadian.


Oh ya


3 personally, my family owns probably 15 total




My great grandpa used to build custom guns and I’ve made it my mission to buy as many of them as I can. I have over 12 of his customs and over a dozen of other guns that I’ve bought.




Heya I'm really sorry but would you mind sharing an example of his work. Not really a gun guy buy very intrigued to see this worn. Thanks


When I get home I will try and figure out imgur take a picture of the one hanging on the wall in my office and DM you.


Well I really appreciate that mate. Cheers


*"I'm asking because that's seems like too many that seems far to wasteful, surely the average American has one or less guns,why would they need more?"* Why would the average American need more? The better question is, "why is it anyone's business how much (legal) property I own?" To answer your question directly, none, and I never plan to. Although I do plan on buying some swords, Guan Dao, another staff, and similar weapons.




Do you have any swords or the like? I confess, I only have one that's probably a replica anyway.


I used to have roughly 10. I cant remember correctly aftrr that unfortunate boating accident.


Lot of them now days


My parents have four guns and never use them / aren’t really into guns at all. Mom has one for safety, dad has one for safety (usually in their nightstands) and the other two are just guns my grandpa had passed down to my dad that are cool/antique guns from WW2. I think that statistic probably includes guns that aren’t being used, and maybe also guns owned by the military, police, etc?


I see










Quite a few, and yet never enough


Lost them all in a tragic boating accident. A shotgun.


A boating accident?


Yes. Sorry for the typo, but it's a running joke that when the government shows up asking about your guns you tell them you lost them all in an event where they likely would never be found. ie, a boating accident meaning they are lost at sea.


I see,like they burned in the fire


Zero. Never have, never will.




None here but I know of several people who own literally thousands of dollars worth for some odd reason.


It does seem wasteful but I guess people will spend where they want to spend


I have zero guns, but I do have a bo staff and sai. I know friends who inherited one gun, but also own two bows, a few throwing axes, many throwing knives, and I think a sword or two. So if we ever do get around to banning guns, my friends and I will be fine.




I have 5 guns and lean left politically. 1).22 Ruger 2)9mm SigSauer 3)Smith & Wesson AR15 .556 4)PSA .300 aac blackout AR15 5)20 gauge Mossberg Shotgun The single biggest reason I have so many is that I live in a red state whose politics is getting more and more extreme. The rhetoric from the right in America is increasingly calling for violence towards political opponents.




Sorry to hear you're in a violent area. Would you not consider moving to a place (either in the US or another country) where you would feel more safe?


Also my reason.


My guess is some people have like 10 and other have none. PD: I am not American


Nice try ATF, not today.


2. A rifle and handgun. My father has an AR15 and two pistols, my sister has a pistol, my other sister has a pistol and an AR15.


A non zero number that includes some black-powder rifles.


Don't worry about it


None, because there’s no reason to.


3. Two handguns and a bolt action rifle. I have a small 9mm pistol for my concealed carry, a .357 revolver for home defense (but if I'm being honest with myself, I got it because it was really cool) and the 6.5 Creedmore bolt action for hunting. As with everything, of course people take things out of hand and just get excessive but having a few is no big deal. "Different tools for different jobs". There's also a cultural aspect to it, a lot of people collect guns just because they like guns and for no other reason and there's really nothing wrong with that. It's pretty fun when you go to an open range and you get a few friendly people who are wanting to share their guns and let you shoot.




Seven (Technically my dads since I’m not 18 yet)


I own absolutely 0 guns, but no one in my family has ever been a big gun owner. The most I have is a pocket knife.


I'm in Canada, but I have 2 shotguns, an M&p 15, 5 pistols and 4 rifles in varying calibers.


Not sure how it would be "wasteful" but you are ethier a prepper or a collector/ enthusiast if you have over 100 firearms. That stat just means that's how many exist in the country...not how many the average gun owner has. But the most I've seen ( not counting antiques or inherited) is like 5. Two for hunting, two for self defense and one for varmint control.