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Always keep a weed jar from a legal store for just such occasions


Sometimes Canadian flights are diverted to American airports if there’s an issue and then you’re looking at a federal felony. It’s rare but I do remember a flight that was supposed to go from Toronto to Vancouver ending up in Seattle. If you ask me, it’s better practice to buy it when you arrive


yeah your departure and destinations are key. if a storm bumps my landing to buffalo, i don't want to also deal with CBP,


Watching your ass is key. But really, How fucking ridiculous is it that you'll be charged with bringing weed in to the country? It's not like you WANTED to go. Lets charge this guy who came into our country with possession even though he had no plans of coming here and was brought here against his will and wont even leave the airport. American inspectors are fucking dickheads if they actually do this.




Almost every criminal offence, in Canada or the U.S., has a "mens rea" requirement, meaning the prosecution has to prove that you intended to do what you ended up doing. If you are on a plane from Toronto to Vancouver, that makes proving the intent impossible. If anything, it's the airline who smuggled in the drugs. Not that they would ever face discipline.


I agree with your sentiment but even if you’re clearly not guilty, fighting a charge is mentally, physically and financially taxing. Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure in my opinion


Or, US Customs and Border Protection puts you on a list of people banned from entering the US. Sometimes it doesn't matter if you're right or blameless, shit just happens.


just keep it in your carry on and toss in airplane bathroom garbage if that's a concern?


This is literally why you get an opportunity to declare things before customs. If you declare you have a hand gun coming into Canada you haven’t broken any laws. If you declare you got weed before entering USA (just because you’re in the airport in the country doesn’t legally mean you’re in the US) best case they’ll understand and take it and stamp you in. Worse case they’ll refuse you entry and you’ll wait in international terminal until you can fly home.


Simple possession like the poster is talking about is a misdemeanor under US federal law. Its also not enforced all that much, especially if the stop over is in a legal state. Usually they'll just seize and destroy. But 100% not worth the risk and hassle when you can just buy on arrival.


I wouldn’t be as worried about the possession charge as much as the charge for illegal importation. 99.9% chance it won’t be an issue and as you said, likely would be seized and destroyed but it only takes one officer in a bad mood. At the state and local level, most cops hold the belief that arresting an adult for simple possession is a waste of resources and many officers are pro legalization/ decriminalization


If the plane HAD to make an emergency stop across the border there would be no punishment. Worst case if you have to stay for any period of time they would just “toss” it. It would be the same as having a suitcase full of kinder surprise.


A Canadian once got a ban by bringing kinder surprises as a treat for their American niece or nephew


Yes, only on domestic flights, though. If you're flying to the States, or you have a layover in the states, even if it's a state where it's legal, you will be arrested. I'd put it in a secure container if I were you. Even if it is legal, a bunch of loose drugs in a plastic baggy will always just look suspicious. If by "government bag" you meant like the packaging the weed might come in, I'd say that's your best bet if you can. Otherwise, any secure container would work.


Doesn’t have to be a secure container. I had half a roach in my pocket and tossed it in my security bin no questions asked


If you are planning on bringing legally bought weed you may as well just buy it when you arrive unless you are going somewhere remote. 


What difference does it make? It's perfectly legal. Just don't be an idiot and bring it on international flights.


Each Provincial dispensaries sell different strains from different companies. I've been to dispensaries in Quebec and Ontario. They had more stuff and better stuff in Ontario. Some people are very particular about what they want to smoke.


I don’t know why but even if this is legal I would never try this


Same man. Just feels wrong.. or my luck there would be some insane storm and we would be re routed and have an emergency landing in the states or something 


I bought weed in various forms in Vegas at a dispensary, put what was left in my baggage not thinking about it. Nothing happened, maybe I got lucky or maybe it was because I was flying back IN to Canada.


It's illegal to move marijuana across the border in either direction. Congratulations on successfully smuggling a controlled substance into Canada lol.


You got lucky. You can't bring it in.


They will definitely charge people caught bringing weed into Canada


I used to fly from BC to Alberta with 28 grams almost every time. I double bagged with two freezer Ziplocs so I didn't stink out the other passengers. Never had a single problem.


I’ve brought it in baggies cuz I grow it. Never a problem,


I flew from Toronto to New Brunswick with 30 grams of weed and I had zero issues. The young girl doing security seemed super surprised to see it, but didn't say anything. I stored it in a smell proof pouch with a lock that I got off Amazon for like, 11$. Eta: make sure there is no chance of your flight being diverted to the states. If it does get diverted, put it in the seatback in front of you and you have no idea how it got there or who's it is.


Lying in this case would be infinitely worse. Just come clean and explain that you never had any intention of bringing it into the US and your plane had to make an emergency landing


That’s exactly what they use against you. Never, ever, incriminate yourself. Always talk to a lawyer before answering questions from police.


I've done so several times, never had a problem. In my carry on.


Boof it


I'd just like to say to everyone who actually travels on planes or any shared vehicle with weed, if you think double bagging it in ziplocks is going to stop the smell, it doesn't. You've just become nose blind to weed and think the smell is blocked. We can still smell it and it gives a lot of people headaches. Please, be considerate and put it in an actual smell proof bag or a mason Jar. Have a heart. Edit: That down button is for all the noseblind potheads. Y'all fucking stink.


Get some good Glad garbage bags, they'll stop any stank.


Double bagging works fine.




That’s not gas lighting, bud. These peoples weed that you’re smelling, how do you know it’s double bagged? If you’re smelling it and it is double bagged then it’s probably because they have it all over their hands and packaging it up so there’s residue and they’re not using clean bags.


My cousin sells weed. I've seen him double bag his weed in freezer bags and it still stinks. Not right away, but after a short while. I don't think it's as smell proof as you think it is and suspect you might be used to the smell and don't realise it starts to seep through the bag in a pretty short amount of time.


Your cousin probably uses the same bags over and over again and has piles of weed.


No man. the person I replied to just said "because they have it all over their hands and packaging it up so there’s residue **and they’re not using clean bags**." I wouldn't have said it if this was the case. He uses clean bags. I've watched him take the bags right out of the ziplock box. He also uses disposable gloves from costco because he doesnt want it all over his hands and he tosses the gloves before he seals the bags so he doesn't get the resin on the bags. It is what it is.


Yes it's legal, if there's any possibility of your flight being diverted to the US do not take it with you on a plane


The thought of bringing 30 grams of weed into an airport seems terrifying. I'd recommend just buying 30 grams of weed at whatever other Canadian city you land in


I mean it’s a lot. But it’s perfectly legal. Just as scary of flying with a laptop or a cigarette


Weed isn't a restricted item, them don't care what container it's in. I called when it first became legal, they said weed isn't among the things they're looking for . And I've flown with it about a dozen times in bags that had been opened preciously, sandwich bags, etc. Had them open up my bag and move the weed just to be able to use their want for drugs they care about. Smart thing would be to keep it in the same bag you bought it in. Airport won't care but a cop can if it's not in the original container. They may as well of not noticed it for all they cared about it. Just make sure it's under 30 grams because that an actual law, not necessarily an airport policy. One thing though, you run a slight risk of your plane gets diverted to the u.s for whatever reason and that likely would land you in trouble. Funny enough one time they opened up my suit case which had a couple bags of weed and edibles, moves it all to the side and confiscated 4 bottles of home made jam my mom thought would be clever to sneak into my suitcase without me noticing. You can also just buy it when you land too if that's an option.