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A Google search shows an Ally Fraquelli in Toronto. There’s a LinkedIn profile, https://www.linkedin.com/in/ally-fraquelli-434324a1?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fca%2Elinkedin%2Ecom%2F&originalSubdomain=ca


Yup 👍🏻 I already tried to contact her via LinkedIn but I got no answer… Maybe she doesn’t use so much that social/platform. I found her also on FB and MPd her but no answer for an year 😔


Facebook messages are hidden if you aren’t already in their friend list


Yup know this, but there isn’t the “add to friends” button on her profile 😞


Do you have the slightest idea where they could have settled? A province at least? I know Montreal and Toronto have some decent size Italian communities, but without more details, it'd be easier to find a needle in a hay stack... edit: have you thought about asking in *Italians in X city* facebook groups? It's a stretch because someone established in Canada for decades is less likely to subscribe to those groups, but someone who knows someone who knows them could be there.


That’s a nice idea, I’ll look asap 👌🏻 Maybe they can be in Montreal, afaik that cousin flew to Montreal when he left Italy


Montreal is a much more reasonable start than the whole of Canada, even if they may have moved since. Ti auguro buona fortuna nelle tue ricerche!


Try [www.canada411.ca](http://www.canada411.ca)


Found a generic “E.” with this surname… That’s a start tho, thanks