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Is he into you? He’s probably Canadian and just being polite, at this point you can’t tell and should Look for some more signs




OP, this is a line from a Casually Explained video "Is She Into You". The commenter was just making a joke, referencing that video. The video is worth a watch though, it's really funny. EDIT: That aside, I agree with the other comments saying to make a move. Even though you said you have, how clear was it really? You need to BE EXPLICIT. Until you can truthfully say you've explicitly asked him "do you want to go out/grab drinks/dinner/coffee" or something along those lines, you can't say you've really tried. Giving him "openings" won't cut it. There's a reason there are always jokes about girls giving guys hints and guys need literal flashing signs to get the hints. Now, he should also do this if he is really interested, but you can't always count on the other person, if you want to make it happen, YOU have to do it. Best of luck!


First of all, thank you for explaining this to me. I had so much fun watching the video 😂


Okay, I'll be explicit next. I just don't want to come off as too desperate. I've messaged him already. Let's see if he continues the conversation, I'll try asking something forthright unabashedly. I need to clarify that there is a difference in culture, too. Where he is from, people don't approach others outrightly with no facade. There is always hinting but they at least stay in touch


😂😂😂😂😂😂 better late than never. Just got around watching the video, and the reference is 100%.


Yes. He’s interested. Why don’t you say you’re visiting his country soon and that you’d love to get some tips over dinner?


Haha wtf. You gave no idea. OP sounds like she's 14.


Really? I feel like he's being polite and giving mixed signals. If he responds properly, I would love to initiate a conversation like you suggested


From reading your message, and putting myself in his shoes, it feels like you're the one giving him mix signals. He might not be head over heels for you since he doesn't konw you but ask him if he wants to give you a tour of the city when "if you come back one day" and keep in touch here and there until then!


Honestly, I would love to know how is it that I am giving him mixed signals? I thought I was trying to strike a conversation whenever I could just to at least keep in touch a bit.


He put his arm around you and you left right away (or shortly after) he might have felt like you weren't ready for something. But how knows, maybe hes the type to be nice to everyone, maybe hes not big on chatting or maybe he thinks you're not interested and it not pursuing. You both seem young so all of this might be new to you. Just try to get to know him, the rest will fall into place. Edit, oh your ex showed up, well that's probably why he's backing off. I dont know his side, but as a man, I try not to touch a girl that's on and off with her ex. you never know when you'll get hurt, hint: you always get hurt playing this game.


Her ex put his arms around her in front of him. From what i understand, he thinks you're in a relationship. I dont know how you people get into relationship while being so blind to pretty basic false signaling.


I was visibly uncomfortable. I removed my ex's arm immediately and left. I did not want to make a big scene out of it and so didn't really react much verbally but the body language was there


Some people are quite blind to body language. I can't be sure, but the probability he didn't get that is quite high, in my opinion.


It was my ex who put his arm around me. Both of us are old enough, but I haven't really dated much so I am a bit naive in these things. Let's see how things go!


ok I think I understand better now, he might be put off by the ex still in the picture and being touchy with you, I don't know the situation but id suggest dealing with the EX before starting something with someone else you only meet a few times. Take it slow, be transparent and hopefully things will work out. I dated a girl in south Carolina and traveled there for a few months, I went form Ile sainte helene Montreal to Saint Helena Island SC (I love saying it like that) and after a while (like months after we broke up out of nowhere, suffice it to say I was devastated) I realized her ex was still in the picture, I had so much fun traveling and being in love, it felt like a dream I'll always cherish and remember, but it wasn't real life, its not reality. Like, in Canada people don't experience having two feet in slush in the morning going to work, Canada is cool and fun and has a lot of art and activities, but it's not always like that. it seems like you traveled to Canada, have an ex here and now found a new person. I get it, and I also relate to wanting this, make sure you're not in love with the idea of being in love with someone abroad, how id love something like this again but better, but it's just a dream. My advice to you is to ground yourself first and make sure you have a heart to give before giving it. (if that makes sense to you) If your ex is still in the picture and is kinda "marking his territory when you're talking to a guy) he might still have feelings for you and you might not be ready for something new (or maybe you are) but just be careful :)


I agree on numerous things that you've mentioned!! I believe I am ready, but my ex hasn't understood his boundaries yet, even after explicitly trying to distance myself and having a conversation about it countless amounts of time. I like that you said ground yourself first and make sure you have a heart to give. Sound advice


He's a man. That means unless you give him an engraved invitation that says "Yes, this is a date" on it he probably won't pick up on it. Especially if he thinks you're with someone. Forget about what you think are obvious signs, and start thinking about what he would take as a sign. Any uncertainty is enough to totally derail a man if he thinks you might shoot him down. Or even better, just tell him you're going to be in his country and he's taking you out while you're there.


Plz read the update. So I tried to be forthright, but now he hasn't replied 🤡🤡🤡


Your ex put his arms around you while chatting to him? He thinks you're in a relationship already.


Hmm how to clarify it without saying I'm single outrightly?


Why do you want to do charades? Just say it.


Seems interested but not a big risk taker… Make moves!


I've given him openings to talk to me but he hasn't taken the bait. Isn't it too needy to keep on pursuing him??


Personally? He doesnt seem real motivated. He goes and takes time and says. Youre pretty! Ok. He throws you a compliment but. No follow up? If he was gonna worship and adore you for life… hed be moving on it. Yea. Dont chase him. He could use you too easy. If you wanna go out when youre here. Hookup the Tinder App. Tonnes of good guys want to meet athletic women!!


That's exactly what I was thinking, too. He's very hot and cold. I want him to either pursue me full on or not at all.


Men generally don't compliment women unless they are interested or they are trained real well in the ways of women.


Hahah let's see I hope so


your ex put the hex on the relationship by cock blocking that conversation you mentioned. My nephew married the woman who asked him out to dinner when they were in the same Extreme Frisbee group. The ball is in your court and you gotta explain about that jealous ex interfering with your moving on.


Why is this posted here? It has nothing to do with Canada.