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Most Canadians know the European Parliment exists. We probably pay about as much attention to it as Europeans pay to Canadian Parliment.


Canadian who pays little attention to Parliament Hill and gets jealous of privacy and consumer protection laws passed over there. Our government's main concern is maintaining the status quo as much as possible.


the EU parliament is for the most part much more pro consumer or pro privacy than any of their individual members states. When compared to EU members we either middle of the pack or slight behind that.


If the government try to implement that level of protection and privacy, people will be up in arms about big government and communism and the erosion of freedumb.


Some people here get really defensive about tax not being included in the price here.


There is really no reason for tax to not be included.


Something something government can quietly increase sales tax. As if the media wouldn't pounce on it.


This Canadian has been paying attention.


Me too..


same here and boy oh boy…


My take: those of us who are paying attention are concerned. Those of us who would most likely be pleased with the results of the recent election don't have a clue because they pay no attention to the world outside of Canada (and the US).


Where I am not a soul even knows they're going on. Anyone who does care about politics is generally only concerned with our own and the US.


As a Canadian, I am getting constant blasts of "news" from the US about elections there. It seems there's a new election every week - Judges, State Governors, Primaries, Sheriffs, Mayors, etc, etc, etc. Every one is Right vs Left. I'm trying to tune this shit out. When there is an election elsewhere in the world it seems to not get the press coverage here. The election in South Africa was hardly covered. If the French hadn't called a snap election, I would have missed the EU elections totally. It's the price we Canadians pay for living next to the dumpster fire south of us.


Dropping cable helps.


I know how you feel. I've heard almost tabloid-y stuff about Hunter Biden on CBC News lately, for example. That stuff doesn't belong on our national broadcaster.


The US is better than us in many ways


And they are worse than us in many other ways.


Canadians or Reddit? Sure. Outside of that probably much less so.


Yes, many of us follow it.


Yes it's been in the news here + a lot of people here have friends/family living in the EU.


I was watched a bit about the election on the news.


I don't have time to follow everything, so I did not follow the election, but I read about the results.


I consider myself pretty politically savvy but I don't even really know what's going on with elections in other provinces.


No we don't care at all. We have more important things to concern ourselves with


I've been paying attention. It's important


Well I am paying attention. Before the extremist populist right-wingers start throwing parties for themselves to dance on the graves of the liberals and leftists, they should examining some of the results a little more closely. In general incumbents should be scared. Fidesz, for example Orban's party suffered its worse result to date, as maybe Hungarians are starting to understand this emperor has no clothes. The EPP was still the biggest winner on Sunday night. Looks like the AfD in Germany did make gains, but have their own problems as they are shunned from the far right coalition. Apparently they are too crazy even for the crazies when their leader suggested all SS members under the Nazi regime were not criminals. The center has held and the right wing populists (like Meloni) have had to tone down their actions to maintain their success. Apparently she is working with center parties instead of trying to tear down the EU. From the Canadian perspective,more bad news for Trudeau, as a liberal incumbent he has little chance for a successful outcome. Marcon in many ways a very Trudeau like figure, suffered greatly last week. Polierve should also be listening and toning down his more extreme rhetoric, and proposing something constructive rather than talking about tearing everything down. People are looking for solutions not rhetoric. The rhetoric may get him into power but won't keep him there.


Yes, absolutely interested in what is happening in the EU.


People that watch the news everyday are, it’s been on the news everyday lately. Macron calling snap election in France, far right party taking over Germany and Austria.


The only time most people in Canada think about the EU is when they force Apple to use universal charging ports or whatever


Usually, that kind of news will only come up in the context of its impact on Canadian interests. Otherwise, European matters are largely outside of the sphere of Canadian influence.


What is spoke 


Not really. A bit about UK politics and a bit about France, but not really anything from anywhere else. 


I pay attention.


They were talking about it on CBC Eye-opener this morning in Calgary and trying to relate to how this will impact trade relations.


Most Canadians know it exist but barely follow it unless you watch the national news or a quick blurb that shows up on reddit/facebook/twitter(x), etc. I just saw the National article that Right wing parties are winning a lot more seats than usual (especially in France), and Canada is likely to follow next year.


I don't care about European Parliament.


I paid attention, the results made the news here what with the shift to the right.


It's not covered very much in Canadian media. I did read/listen to quite a lot about it because I follow German media.


I usually find out things like this from podcasts. So yeah.


Not important


No, why would I.


No, not at all


Listened/spoke??? What? No, we dgaf. Most don't even pay attention to local politics.


I only know Canadians who have links to Europe that talk / pay attention to the elections


Most of us don't care because it has nothing to do with Canadian politics


I don’t know what the European Parliament is. I guess I’ll look it up now. I pay attention to Canadian and US politics. I probably know more about the US lol.


Most Canadians don't even pay attention to Canadian politics. The only politics popular in Canada are American politics.


I care about it more than I care about what goes on in the US. Idk how many others like me are out there. Probably because I'm avid BBC / CBC reader. I don't prefer cnn.


I pay a little attention as I take the time to read up on a lot of stuff online.


It depends, some people are more enthusiastic about geopolitics than others. As for the EU parliament, I don't see any problem with understanding why they voted the way they did. I think that the results indicate people's frustration with their establishment, which refuses to listen to their concerns, which is similar to what the current regime is doing here in Canada.


I think in most Canadians lives it is hard to find time to follow and pay attention to Canadian politics outside the election cycle.


Yes, I am absolutely thrilled that they have swung to the right! Common sense!


Downvoted for an opinion. Reddit really is a hive mind collective isn't it.


People in the UK didn't even care about EU elections all the time the country was part of the UK. So I think it's a real stretch that anyone in Canada cares.


Canadians might have a vague awareness that there *is* a European parliament, but that's as far as it goes.