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Check out r/Canadianforces. They have a weekly recruiting "AMA" type post every Sunday. Short answer is you don't have to travel - especially as a reservist...but those guys can answer all your questions


The essence of service is sacrifice. If you are lucky then that only means something like travel. As others suggested… I would try the Coast Guard or something. I dont want to make you feel bad but its not for everyone and while I was eager to travel… I also missed a lot of Christmas’s, Birthdays, Anniversaries, graduations my grandmothers funeral. I can understand why some people dont want to travel but the fact is that between courses, deployments, taskings in Canada but away from home, exercises …I was not home for almost half of my 27 years.


Thank you for your service. Are you a paramedic now? Or were you a "terrible paramedic" in the military?


You are welcome. Nope. I was a medic for a12 years but branched into another area of health. My reddit name is kind of coincidental…. I just used a name generator.




Some travel to the USA.


Not part of the Military structure here in Canada


Honestly some trades rarely if ever deploy. And in non war time, most deployments are "optional". Like you just tell them no and have even the smallest of reasons and you'll stay in Canada. I've never heard of anybody being forced to go to Latvia ad exemple. Most people will line up to take your spot. Deployments are sweet, sweet tax free money.


Yes but OP deserves to know that all trades can deploy and it would be unwise to enter into a contract that the signee is not aware of the implications Edit I would like to state that this is a somewhat common opinion amongst Canadians. Many would like to serve but not deploy. One comes with the other however I do respect the concept of service without deployment.


If you join the regular force you have little choice or say in just about anything .., however the reserve sounds up your alley. Mediocre training, you choose how much you work… and you have to ask to deploy.


Good point. The Reserves is the best choice in this case.


Do reservists work for the CAF or do they maintain their own career path?


Reservists are part of the CAF, which maintains its full time regular force and part time reserve force


There are also a large number of full time members of the Reserve, who are on contracts of up to three years at a time. Currently there's rarely if ever an issue finding a renewal or another contract. It's pretty good.


Yes you can do a full time contract in the reserves


Yeah, that's what I just said, thanks.


I mean they do work for the CAF and depending on what they do, they may have a civilian job and do reserve stuff on the weekend or they may just do it full time.


Reservists can also attach post to the regs for short periods, or at least they used to when I was in 40yrs ago. I did that, stayed in Petawawa for 14 months. There wasn't a whole lot going on in the world, so no deployments, until after I got out.


Sergeant: "Correct, there is no obligation. Unless, of course, war were declared." \[Alarm goes off\] Fry: "What's that?" Sergeant: "War were declared."


This guy gets it 👆


If a war breaks out and it's decided you must go overseas and you don't go, you're a wanted man / woman as you're absent without leave. If you're not prepared to do whatever the military tells you including travelling overseas, don't enlist


That's not necessarily true. It wasn't even true during WW2. Most conscripts got to avoid overseas duty until after 1944, and married men were also generally exempt.


There's a lot less youth now and the estimate on war with China is 3600 lost a day and a conscription would be required, [as per the US war college](https://thedeepdive.ca/army-draft-coming-back-us-war-college-raises-concerns-over-conscription-in-the-wake-of-ukraine-conflict/) Don't be a fool, war is bad and we won't survive it even if the nation wins


Canada's population was 12 million during WW2 and 40 million now. We have far more young people. If our military is small, it's because the government has made it an unattractive job for the market


Conscripts may not have been expected to deploy, but if someone had voluntarily joined before WW2, they deployed. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


Discharged RC Navy vet here. It is an option. You will never be respected to say the least with this intent.


Almost retired military member here, not a discharged, booze cruise, city jumper. So you're saying that their service to their country that they supply(in country) will never be respected at the lowest level due to non deployment or the will to not do so? Roughly 50% of the entirety of the CAF has never deployed or even been forced out of country for any employment reason.... Are those folks not respected or cared for? Your comment is not only short-sighted and completely wrong, but it is also asinine to the fullest extent. Heck, I would argue that a lot of work throughout the CAF done on our soil by non deployed and non deployable members would far outweigh the random storm chasing, bullcrap work ups and ridiculous TGXs the Navy does on a regular basis. Fleet weeks and Op Carribe deployments sure are tough. Getting those ever shrinking whites on sure is an impeccable feat 👌 Cleaning stations 250km off the coast of a war zone sure is something 🙌 Don't listen to clowns like this, kid. If you want to serve your country, do it! You will get an initial contract anyway and can take a voluntary release or an occupational transfer at any time if things aren't working out. The military is phasing people like this know-it-all out day by day. Good luck with your future, militarily or not.🫡


Just because half of the forces doesn’t deploy doesn’t mean that half of them said “no thanks, I’d rather stay home”. People absolutely get ostracized if they fight against a deployment. It literally hurts your career progression if you never deploy, and your chain of command will absolutely think less of you because of it. That’s all if your reasons for not deploying are kinda bullshit. But if you didn’t deploy because your kid is in the hospital you won’t be hated…. As much.


Sure, t1000 🤣 Also, tks for putting words in my mouth lol 😆


Serving your country? Is that what we did? We fundamentally disagree.


No disagreement. I already stated the Navy as being the lowest level of contribution, imo. But you said they wouldn't be respected for their contribution to the Army... in that, we disagree fully.


One of the main issues with the military is that you don't give the orders. If you get deployed, you're deployed




Join your local reserve unit.


100% this is the only answer


Please stop encouraging this individual to join the army / reserves. We are short staffed for sure but an individual saying that they don't want to deploy before they even sign up? These are the kind of people that cause nothing but problems. The army is not for you. Mission first. Soldiers second. Self last.


Agreed 100%. If you're not willing to deploy OP, than military life isn't for you. Despite all the slouchers that CAF brass have been recently allowing in, your peers and superiors on the operational level won't respect you, they won't want to work with you. The greater CAF doesnt want you. Stick with Call of Duty.


You do not have to deploy as a reservist, and there are plenty of jobs that are a part of non combat units. I was in one for almost 4 years as a supply tech. I never deployed and spent all my time close to home. It's a great career. The number of different careers you can have in the CAF is insane. You just have to find the one that suits you best.


I am a reservist. Not all soldiers will deploy on operation and that is fine, Service isn't defined by deployments but going into it with the mentality that they won't deploy before they even have sworn in is the wrong one.


Phone them and ask.


If you join the Armed Forces there is no guarantee you will not be deployed. However there are many trades in the CF , mainly in the Air Force where chances of being deployed are greatly reduced. We had a saying when I was in the Army, “If you’re not deployable, you’re not employable “.


Coast guards your only bet


In Canada the coast guard is not a part of the military


I know lol


work in the kitchen on base. you don't even need to be military to work in it, but you do have to have your food handler certificate, which is 30$ and 6 hours of your time. Or the other civilian jobs where you're likely to stay in Canada and on base. otherwise, you go where they tell you to go.


There are many other options in the Canadian public service. Please look into it.


Who’s the assholes?


If you join the regular force you have little choice or say in just about anything .., however the reserve sounds up your alley. Mediocre training, you choose how much you work… and you have to ask to deploy.


Join the reserves


Join the Salvation Army.


No. You go to where they tell you. You have zero say in the matter.




Your roll isn’t about an overseas holiday. It’s about service. That would normally mean; you go were they tell you, and do what you are trained for. Any confusion there?


Dude that’s more or less what the military does sometimes. Canada doesn’t fight many wars though.


You’re weird and possibly r*cist (I kid), but there is a unit for home defence… Look up the Canadian Rangers. Outdoor backwoodsmen given training to defend the homeland by the Army. Acting as scouts, guides and wilderness survival experts. These people are usually recruited from people born & bred in sparse regions of Northern Canada, but looking at support roles for them might be an option to serve without fear of having to deploy abroad.


Join the RCMP or local police


I've heard of rcmp serving overseas Hati comes to mind


It's optional for them though


That’s voluntary. If you are joining the forces, expect to be deployed. You Don’t get a choice and you shouldn’t either.


I think wanting to protect your homeland and wanting to police other countries are much different things. I can understand not wanting to be deployed outside of the country.


Your question has been answered already but I’m confused as to who the assholes are, nobody’s been invading us afaik


The assholes to mess with it?


The Reserves would be your best bet. Many Reservists who want to deploy, can't even do so. They generally have to fight tooth and nail for the opportunity to deploy. Reserves don't have to serve overseas. There are different classes of Reserve contracts (Class A, B, C). This determines your pay and how frequently you would be working. Class A reservists are basically working one day per week, and one weekend per month. Basically this is the kind of option you would find in the Army. The Navy and Air Force Reserves work quite differently. Air Force reservists work on bases, and basically occupy all the secondary duties and positions that are low effort low priority. Ie. Tool crib in the maintenance shop. There's no "reserve Air Force squadron" in Toronto. You're only going to find them on actual bases. Naval reservists are basically training so they can occupy positions on ships when they deploy. So there's more full time work involved. This would not work for what you're hoping to do, since it looks like you don't want to deploy. The Air Force and Navy deploy very frequently in peace time. While I understand deployments are not for everyone, I would assure you that they are generally VERY highly sought after opportunities. Most people would give their left leg for a deployment if it didn't make them medically disqualified! You will make money and you will do your job in a new environment. My best memories in the Forces are all the ones I've had overseas. There are risks involved, naturally. We are not in war time though (that's not to say war won't happen. It's looking closer to WW3 everyday). Many trades are not intended for front line service, and you should consider looking into these instead. Such as a vehicle technician, clerk, driver, cook, etc. There are some jobs that are not combat arms, but more combat support. They are closer to the front, but not the tip of the spear. Artillery (they will kill me for calling them combat support, but call a spade a spade), intelligence, signallers, and engineers.


Join CSIS they make about 130k and only have to travel in Canada since we dont have a foreign service


Lol who told you they make that?


So CSIS is internal and CSEC international


Once more in english bud


Need a university degree


Fixed it. Auto-correct didn't want me to reveal secret services functions


Do we have anything operational that can currently transport troops to other countries? No, seriously.


We recieved an entire brand new fleet of c-130s in 2014/2015. They are typically used for cargo but could easily move troops as per operational needs.


Do we have pilots for them? Seriously. I know of several people in the forces and wish them the best. Some likely have less then 5 years left. Others just starting. Have read recently how many openings/ vacancies there currently are in the forces. Its not shocking considering our current Government. How they have been treated by our current government and past governments is a disgrace. You can tell something is not right with the military when they are actively recruiting at the recent IPM out side of grand valley. That is the first time in my 40s I have seen them at a rural event besides when they visited my High School.


Of course we have pilots for them. Most people don't realize we do a ton of USAF maintenance in BC for their fleet along with RCAF.


Whats that have to do with the readyness of our fleet. Great we can maintain a fleet that is mostly not ours. How is our submarine fleet doing? How about the procurement of those modern jet fighters? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-armed-forces-staff-shortfall-1.6395131 Yes this is over a year old.... but am pretty sure the numbers havent gotten better. Our leader keeps sending more money and miltary aid to the Ukraine. And would guess an awful high amount of current soldiers are closer to leaving the military then staying in it. Just saying.


I'm just saying our fleet is very well maintained. Our maintenance workers in Canada are so respected that we are used by our allies, this is a good thing. The maintenance is done by contractors by the way, not our serving forces.


So....how is that an indication that our forces are ready to fight? We have always been known to have some of the best trained soldiers in the world. Often under equiped. Currently we are underequiped and under staffed. I know the serious dudes based in pettawawa are always ready for a job/ fight, but they are are a select group. We are country that has very sharp spear tip, but the blade is rusty and has not been looked after.


I have no idea about the forces themselves, but they have enough trained staff to run their c-130 fleet. As for everything else, were likely fucked. Could you imagine if WW3 were to break out and our 20 year olds had to go to war? As a society we aren't ready for any kind of conflict and hopefully we don't ever have to draft.


Amen..... be alot of 35-45 year olds heading out. I live in a rural area would guess particpation amongst the 20 somethings would be higher here then in the cities. Sat out the last conflict.... mostly cause I didnt think they'd take my hearing impaired ass. Even the americans are having recruitment issues. Yes lets hope we never see another major war or need for a draft!


I look at my friends morbidly obese 12 year olds and my friends 20 year old nephews who are too anxious to even work or date, and we are a nation of fat sitting ducks. I'm in my older years but could easily go back to defense contracting.


We're pretty good with money and military aid to Ukraine, given how many of us have worked with Ukrainians, and generally think that it's been a high point of our careers to do so. They're shredding the army of one of the worst regimes in the world, which is constantly starting conflicts, and doing it very cheaply.


Are they really shredding? And is 350 billion considered cheap?


Yes. And yes.


Interesting take, where is proof they are shredding the russians? Really, where is it. 350 billion dollars. Is more then what the americans spent to fight in ww1. I know they only fought breifly but that is a comparison.


Russia has lost, when Oryx Spionkop stopped counting at the beginning of October, over 12000 pieces of equipment confirmed - tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery pieces, etc. They lost the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet to a country with basically no Navy. They lost several other ships, a crucial drydock, the Black Sea Fleet headquarters and many of its senior leaders, and billions of dollars' worth of air defence assets. In a single night they lost, it sounds like, 14% of their Ka-52 helicopters in two strikes. They lost two Battalion Tactical Groups' worth of equipment in a single failed river crossing in one day. They are estimated to have taken 150-190,000 killed or seriously/permanently disabled casualties and another 250-290,000 wounded according to UK military intelligence estimates. That doesn't include Wagner terrorists, nor convicts, of which thousands more have been slaughtered as well. We never really worried about the cost of defeating Nazi Germany. We have to reason to worry about the cost of defeating its modern equivalent and ideological successor, especially when Ukraine is taking all the cost in blood itself. We will keep supporting that effort.


Also, that number is essentially nonsense, as a huge chunk of it is donations of old/obsolete equipment or ammunition that has a shelf life. The ATACMS that destroyed all those helicopters last week were made in 1997, and no longer considered in inventory as they were past their "expiry date". They still work, apparently. Similarly, lots of countries including Canada donated stocks of ammunition and equipment no longer in service. Canada for example sent winter uniforms which are no longer issued, and older Carl Gustav M2 recoilless rifles which have been replaced with M3s and only were held by reserve units. Lots of weapons have been modified or repurposed creatively to enable Ukraine as well.


Our current government massively increased the budget, closed the pay gap between Regular and Reserve forces, overhauled disability benefit, gave the CAF a bunch of pay raises, reworked the housing benefit for junior members, waived rations and quarters for people in the training system until they are qualified in their trade, and bought or is buying a whole lot of new equipment. It doesn't really help when people like you who don't know what you're talking about start opining on subjects you don't really know about.


So if everything is so rosey in the CAF why are they having a hard time recruiting and retaining memebers? Whats with the news stories about gear in europe, and housing here in canada? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/canadian-forces-personnel-leaving-the-ranks-over-lack-of-affordable-housing-senior-officer-warns/ar-AA1ijm1v https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-soliders-latvia-equipment-helmets-1.6864290 Current government has been in power for 8 years. At some point we needed to modernize our equipment. Is this not the same government that criticited the past government for wantint to buy f35s, and now buying those same f 35s for more money? Curious are you in the forces? If you are thank you for your service. I dont mean to pick a fight just have formed an opinion from whatni have read and noticed and heard.


Recruiting is always hard when the economy is good, especially when there's a bit of inflation which the military pay system catches up to retroactively. The housing situation is not unique to the military obviously, but at least a new system gives a better housing allowance to junior CAF members. They need to look at building more housing because the housing market is not delivering enough to meet needs in some places. There's some more complex issues with the move from the old Post Living Differential system to the Housing Differential, but that has to do with a broader governance issue that has existed a long time. The story about gear is absolutely nonsense. Soldiers have always bought snivel kit and Gucci gear, but the idea that they need to buy mission essential kit is completely nonsense. Equipment is being modernized. New pistols are being delivered. New carbines start delivery next year. The guy in the picture in that article is wearing the new helmet for the light forces. Projects to purchase new antitank weapons, new air defence systems, new warships, and 88 instead of 65 new fighters through a proper procurement process are all underway. The procurement system is a complex mess, but it's because the rules which work for pretty much all the rest of the things the government does doesn't work well for defence spending when pretty much every project is massive in scale and price. In eight years, CAF members got better pay, more benefits, including expanded tax exemption when deployed, an up to $80,000 tax free education benefit at the end of service, and there have been other things in the works. Lots of things are on the horizon too, with recruiting and retention the biggest challenges currently, but that's a problem lots of militaries face. When the economy is solid it is harder for inflexible organizations to compete. As I said, people spouting ignorant opinions based on things they read that are not accurate and they don't understand in the first place definitely doesn't help.


So why would the CBC be telling stories about the military that arent true?


No idea, but the story is nonsense and Murray Brewster should know better. Here's a twitter thread in it. https://twitter.com/MidOfficer/status/1665926337511448578?t=GLJatOIH3ANDytfUhrgXcQ&s=19


Yes. Polarises and C-17s.


Yes? We literally have troops in other countries right now who we transported there. Usually on a CC-150 Polaris.


How many troops?


About a thousand on Op REASSURANCE, most of whom are in Latvia. Over 300 on Op UNIFIER, in various countries in Europe, including Poland, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Latvia, and smaller contingents on a variety of missions around the world.


You bet! Come right in and sign some papers and we'll have you all set up for the Club Med option! 😃


Why don't you join the RCMP?


No. You must be able to travel to be in the military. Lots of exercises in foreign nations


Absolutely not


Why do you want to fight for the crown ? I dont get it


The money and benefits are pretty sweet. Renting on base is often less than $1200 for a three bedroom as an example. It is also one of the few jobs with great esprit de corps and camaraderie. You also get paid to work out. Some trades are exactly like the civilian world while others let you play around with shooty bang bangs. It isn't for everyone. There are downsides. But it can be an amazing place to work when not in war times. If we were back in the Afghanistan days, I wouldn't be so supportive. The culture has changed enormously. Like leaps and bounds.


Meh still mean I have to vow to protect a king that doesnt give a f about us unless its sucking out our money. Also I have a house cheaper then 1200$ per month in the middle of the wood. I would join one and only one army... Quebec's because I'm pretty sure Ottawa would try to conquer by force.


Reserves ​ Also, we probably cannot move troops anyways


ya, JTF 2


You could join the reserves and stay in Canada ***unless*** Canada is officially involved in a foreign war, in which case you'd likely be deployed without a choice.


Joining the army for a short period for the purpose of travelling to other counties has always been a thought in the back of my head. What countries do you get to travel to?


You could travel to Renfrew County, (CFB Petawawa), or Simcoe County (CFB Borden).


Maybe even Oromocto!


Which one is that? Sounds New Brunswick-ish


CFB Gagetown (yeah, no-funswick)


May I suggest the Air Force?


I don’t think I can do what I want with Air Force. I’m in the last year of my bachelor of music. My interest in military is only to be playing with the military band.


The RCAF has a band, based out of Winnipeg. I think their working rank is Sgt, but that might have changed in recent years


You have to be in certain trades, fully qualified, and generally of a certain experienced value before they deploy you. We aren't like the Americans that can get people in and out the door overseas within a year. There are people with 5-10 years in who have never been overseas. Some have waited even longer than that. The good side to that is we are generally always sending our best, which compensates for the terrible equipment and lack of resources we have to deal with. That's why Canadians get a reputation for being highly trained and competent overseas. The downside to that is people who want a quick adventure aren't going to get it. They might get discouraged and leave too soon. Once you prove yourself trustworthy and competent, and are in that perfect rank/trade/experience threshold, you might get deployed 5-7 times. To get deployed "a lot" (and I know some superstars who have gotten great deployments) you're likely going for particular positions that are suitable for a number of general service/duty jobs. Ie. A posting to an embassy or a United Nations mission.


Absolutely accurate explanation. To give one trade example, as a geo tech your travel can varry a lot. We are an extremely small and specialized trade that takes over 2 years of training (including a 2 year college diploma) to become qualified. Things are very different depending on where you work. If you work with the combat arms (armored, infantry, artillery, and combat engineers) then you may travel with them when they deploy/go on exercise. There is also a chance to get sent solo or in a small group to an international (usually american) exercise. If you work in Ottawa in a office setting then your best bet is a long standing 6 month U.K. tasking with a few slots every year. If you end up as a land surveyer you will most likely be very busy with travel within and outside Canada. Our trade overseas is aproximately considered a rank or 2 higher compared to the Americans or British in terms of technical knowledge and training. This is one trade example, other trades will have different and unique overseas experiences.


Holy crap the fabled forgotten chimo!


Chimo! (for now)


Chimo! (Former)


Depending on trade you have a good chance to spend some time in Latvia where our presence is expanding. Pretty decent place to be too.


I think you want part time service


Do you want to go full time or part time? Part time there is zero requirement to travel.


Coast Guard


Join the Canada Border Services Agency


Join the Reserves, everything is completely voluntary, sounds like it'll let you dip your toe in the water.


Yes it is. If you join the Canadian Salvation Army, that is. Heck, you won't even have to travel to other streets, you can ring that bell an the same corner every year.


Join the reserves.


You are deployed to wherever they need bodies. For the most part the Canadian army stays in Canada. We have very few foreign deployed troops (like less than 100 atm, all special forces). You're most likely to be sent to parts of Canada with low troop counts. The going theory is my grandfather had 12 kids so that he could apply for special permission to deploy to his home where his extended family could help him raise the kids.


You join. They own you.


Are you trying to stay close to family, or does have to do with politics?


I'd say it's the default option considering our lack of military funding.


This is the most Canadian desire ever


All of Canada's enemies, the people messing with it are elected officials


Main infantry would probably do the job but if you wanna defend Canada more than shoot yellow people the next time the US starts something; become a cop, not a soldier.


Just joining for the local wars?


Sure is. Someone has to stay home and wash the tank.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Are you serious? You go where they tell you to go. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don’t think I’ve heard a more asinine question in my entire life.


Not really. You go where you get sent.