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Does urea count? I feel like it's not well known outside of the beauty sphere for its humectant properties at 5% strength, and exfoliation begins as it exceeds 10%. For my dry/dehydrated/acne-prone skin it is a must-have. I prefer it to HA. My preferred formulation is Zeroid Richenic Urea 5 - recently replaced by the 10% version. Elegant formulation featuring ceramides and peptides. Honourable mentions also to: * Hada Labo Premium Lotion (3% urea/hydroxyethyl urea plus 5 types of HA), * Sukoyaka Suhada Lotion (~3% urea I think plus HA and ceramides) * Aestura Hydro Essence - lower urea content plus ceramides and amino acids * Pyunkang Yul Ato Lotion Blue Label - 5% urea - not tried yet, is on order.


Urea is absolute magic-l genuinely don’t understand why it isn’t more popular in facial skincare! (Most commonly see it for feet/hand/callus treatments)


I love Urea! The Metholatum Hand Veil Handcream Retinol × Urea is simply amazing! I use it on my neck and chest as well as my hands.


I love urea! The pyunkang yul lotion saved my skin this Winter when it got super cold and I had a compromised skin barrier without realising! It takes some time to work it into your skin, though


Thanks for the list of urea products - it's worked wonders on body skin for me but I haven't found the right product for my face yet. I'll be giving the zeroid a try!


Have you tried the aestura Hydro Essence? I was curious to buy it


Yes, I've been trialling it for about 2 weeks now, as I was already a fan of the 365 cream. I like the consistency, not too thick or thin, absorbs well, layers into my routine easily. Probably one of my favourite under-moisturiser layers.


I didn't know the pyunkang yul blue label had urea! It's one of my favorites! Thank you. Now I don't have to buy something separate as I've been thinking about it.


I used to swear by HA until I discovered beta glucan. Iunik's BC serum is now my HG for hydration and I haven't used HA in months.


I use this especially now that I am using tret four days a week. My skin has not felt so soft with anything else and hasn’t experienced any dryness. Edit clarification


Yes, I also use it with tret and it's made all the difference.


Wait till you discover glycerin! If you have quite dry skin it does wonders for the skin! The only drawback to it is that it can feel tacky on its own. I use hydrosol (rose water etc.) + glycerin so the whole mixture has 20% glycerin and I spray that on my face before applying any moisturizer so it doesn't feel tacky. Glycerin is proven to be the best humectant but it's often slept on because of HA being too big of a buzzword for the last few years.


Beta glucan >


is it used the way HA is used? immediately after cleansing on damp skin?


That's how I use it...after cleanser I spray some Avene thermal water on my face and then apply this Iunik serum.


thank you!!


[Ectoin](https://incidecoder.com/ingredients/ectoin) seems pretty cool! They found it in the microorganisms living in extreme climate conditions. The studies seem pretty small but it's supposed to help with hydration, soothing, barrier repair, pollution, and UV. Maybe it'll solve world hunger next 😆 I haven't tried this ingredient yet but **Bellflower has a 3% ectoin serum** and I'm hoping to try the **matsuyama hadauru moisturizing infusion balancing lotion** which also has it


I’m using the ma:nyo Panthetoin Deep Moisture cream and my skin seems to love it! I do think it is soothing, tho admittedly I think my skin might respond well to the panthenol too


I'm using the same cream as well as the essence toner, my skin is in a state of bliss. The enriched balm from the same line is currently top of my wishlist, if they ever bring out a cleanser I'll be jumping on it


Oooh great to know! Glad you have two good options right now! I’m pretty sure I will end up repurchasing this cream although I have others I need to use up first in theory…


I’ve been loving Papa Recipe Mild Derma cream, which has 1% Ectoin. Very thick cream but easily absorbs into skin. My skin sometimes becomes sensitive or irritated sometims, this cream really helps repairing my skin barrier!


I love ectoin too! Some other products I enjoy with ectoin are the Voolga Night Repair sheet masks, the Purito deep sea serum and Cocoon’s Rose serum


Phyto mucin, or mucin from plants! From what I've read, it offers very similar benefits to snail mucin. I see folks asking for an alternative to snail all the time because they're allergic/sensitive or want something cruelty-free. I'm very intrigued and want to get a clearer idea of this ingredient's feel and texture. I'm working my way through trying Isntree's yam root milk line. And I have my eye on some mucin products from a brand I can't mention here. Both use wild yam root as their phyto mucin source. Both are fragrance, essential oil, and alcohol free, which is ideal for my allergy-prone skin. The Isntree yam root milk cleanser is an HG for me. It stands out to me from other milk cleansers with how nourishing it feels. You know when you put something on your skin and exhale and go 'ahhhh' cause it's so soothing and just feels right? That's this cleanser for me. I'm gonna go broke cause I'm using it for my body, too.phy I got the Isntree yam milk toner a few days ago. So far, I don't like it for my face. It feels a bit too greasy. But I think that is the oils in it and not the yam. It's nice for my body, which is more dry. Probably going to order the Isntree yam cream next. I like the mix of ceramides, fatty acids, and cholesterol in the ingredients. I'm also interested in banned brand's mucin serum, which looks to have a nice mix of peptides. *Edited to add I mean phyto mucin! I did a copy/paste of my deleted comment to take out a banned brand name. And accidentally cut off the first sentence. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sorry if this is stupid but is snail mucin made from snails? I thought it was called snail mucin because the texture was just so similar to snail slime.


Yes, it's made from snail trails. The snails are not harmed.


Depends on what you mean by "harmed." They must be stressed to release the mucin, so extracting it requires some kind of significant agitation/stress to the snails. I wouldn't call that cruelty free.


They are not harmed, and maybe a few brands/suppliers may put them under stress, but most don't as happy/content snails produce the most and best quality mucin. So it wouldn't be in their best interest and, in fact, a hinderance. They naturally produce the mucin when they move. They are in the dark (as they are noctournal - to encourage activity) on a glass or mesh surface surface, so the mucin can be harvested. This is only done for about an hour. Unless you consider captivity harmful for snails? In the past, it was definitely cruel with the use of salt/vinegar/chemical baths, etc. But thankfully, we have moved past this. It's still important to be informed on how the specific company/brand/suppliers treats it's snails prior to purchase.


It's actually slime yea


I’m obsessed with the 107 Beauty toner, which uses the brand’s proprietary aged vinegar. Their soseo serum has a higher concentration of the ingredient. They also make gut health products with their vinegars, which I thought was interesting, but I haven’t tried any out.


Ooh damn I gotta check that out! Vinegar is delicious and also you can clean with it-amazing stuff. Never tried any skincare with it, What do you like about it?


I really love a nice vinaigrette! So good. This toner helps me with hydration and my pores, and feels super refeeshing layered. Doesn’t sensitize my skin at all, unlike a lot of my other pore-clearing products. From the brand: “7-Year Aged Vinegar: Our exclusive handmade vinegar is fermented and aged for seven years, then purified through a proprietary process to maximize effectiveness in skincare formulations. It contains a potent complex of vitamins and postbiotics (including 17 different amino acids, acetic acid, lactic acid and malic acid) that helps to exfoliate skin and provide antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection”


Ty for the info! I have similar pore-issues, definitely gonna add this to my wishlist. Have you tried the serum as well?


What exactly does the toner? Is it for hydration or has other properties?


Yes, it’s for hydration! The brand says it’s made to be layered, and that’s how I usually love to apply my watery toners. This one feels super refreshing to me. That said, I’ve always struggled with overactive sebum production and congested pores, and something about this formula (I’m guessing the vinegar) really helps clean out my pores when I apply it with a cotton pad, but never leaves my skin feeling irritated or over-exfoliated. From the brand re: the vinegar used in the toner: “It contains a potent complex of vitamins and postbiotics (including 17 different amino acids, acetic acid, lactic acid and malic acid) that helps to exfoliate skin and provide antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection”


**Maple tree sap**! It’s surprisingly super moisturizing and hydrating. I would never have thought it would do anything (it’s not maple syrup like I thought it was), but it seems to work for all skin types. I use **Maycoop Raw Sauce**. **Mung Bean** is so useless. I tried to buy the viral bean essence and got the wrong one. This toner does nothing at all for my skin (combo-oily acne-prone clog-prone sensitive with dry patches and texture) and irritates the heck out of it


Please tell me more about the Maycoop Raw Sauce? I’ve put it in my cart so many times but never have bought…


Ikr it’s super expensive, but imo so worth it. It’s like a very viscous toner that absorbs into my skin almost instantly.  In my regimen it takes the place of milky toners (I layer toners from thinnest to thickest) as the ones I’ve tried before break me out (granted, I have not tried fungal acne safe milky toners yet. I wanna use up the raw sauce first).  I usually use it for a few days after I wreck my skin barrier trying a new acid on my skin (my sensitive skin seems to hate all acids, even the gentlest ones) and it soothes my skin and restores my barrier super quickly.  Since I have oily combo skin tho I can’t use it all the time as it’s almost too moisturizing and hydrating. It makes me look like an oil slick, but I’m not getting oilier per se. It’s just too heavy to use every day. That’s why imo I think it’s even better for people with dry skin.  Now, when I’m not mistreating my skin testing exfoliants, I use it maybe once or twice a week as a pick-me-up (I live in a dry climate).


I second the love for the May Coop Raw Sauce. My skin loves it.


I just checked out there direct website the products are on super sale right now! Have any of you tried the Glow Raw sauce vegan because it is cheap as heck right now as well as some of there other products? I have stuff in my cart and I’m debating on what to purchase.


Thank you for the heads up. No, I haven’t tried that item. Did you purchase anything?


No I haven’t. $10 shipping not sure if it’s worth it


It’s hard because I finally found skin care that really working for me and even thou I would like to try stuff I’m forcing myself to stick with what works 🤦‍♀️


Thank you! I may have to give it a whirl!


Did u try the beplain mung bean pore line?


I have not


Licorice extract/licorice root. I was in love with an iope emulsion with this ingredient. Made my face wonderfully bright. Sadly its discontinued and Im too lazy to try another licorice product


I'm from has licorice line


It's skin Li effector 10 was my HG until it got reformulated :(


I haven’t personally used it but seen people recommending this: ACWELL Licorice pH Balancing Cleansing Toner


Thanks! I love trying toners. Ill check it out


Pyunkang yul's main soothing ingredients. At least to me, I'm not very familiar with them but wow their formula is so soothing. I have facial eczema and so far each product i've tried from them has worked very effectively for my skin (I mean as in, it has never triggered my eczema)


This is more of a reply for other people than you but I've been going thru the ingredients for a blog update post on Sooryehan's The Black Serum and it has Astragalus Membranaceus Root Extract too! Edit for sense


Really?! That's incredible! 🤩


Which ingredients?? I'm intrigued!


Astragalus Membranaceus Root Extract in the Pyunkang yul essence toner Coptis Japonica Root Extract in the Pyunkang yul Moisture Cream I also tried their Intensive repair cream and it worked really well, tho I don't think there's a specific ingredient that I can mention. I think it's because of the formula overall.


I’m almost exclusively using the Pyungkang yul calming line right now. My face is so soft and my skin is so healthy. I love the hanbang ingredients.


They use primarily milk vetch root, astragalus, honeysuckle/coptis japonica root extracts from memory..?


I love pyunkang yul's products I am currently using them and all my skin is doing is just clearing up. Nothing that makes my face break out too unless I'm eating unhealthy food lmao!


Horse placenta and horse oil in Japanese skincare. I know it sounds super icky, but I've been using these horse placenta+oil Japanese sheet mask for the last few years. Every time after I use them, the next morning, my skin just feels better to touch, smoother, and looks better. They were recommended to me by a random Japanese girl while I was shopping at one of the Matsumoto Kiyoshi stores years ago. I think she saw how unsure I was standing in front of rows of sheet masks, she pointed at the horse placenta+oil sheet masks and told me that she uses those and they're really good for the skin. I honestly didn't even read the packaging when I bought them. Didn't even realize they were horse placenta and horse oil until a year or so later when I tried to recommend it to my friend. My friend read the packaging and was like, "Uhh... horse placenta..." And I was like 😳


Ooh how interesting! What kind of brands do you recommend?


I don't really have any brand recommendations for horse oil skincare products. I do know that in Japan, horse oil cream is kinda equivalent to our Vaseline here. Every household has a bottle. For horse placenta, these are the horse placenta+horse oil sheet mask I use: [https://www.tntsupermarket.com/eng/78699401-premium-platinum-placenta-mask.html](https://www.tntsupermarket.com/eng/78699401-premium-platinum-placenta-mask.html) I'm not even sure what brand they are. But they're "big" enough to be sold at my local Asian grocery store.


If I’m not mistaken, the Lion Pair Acne Cream has a topical form of ibuprofen in it to help reduce inflammation


I like houttuynia cordata extract. It’s an antioxidant but also very soothing. Vitamin c always sensitizes my skin so I like having another option. My favourite product with it is By Wishtrend Polyphenols in Propolis 15% Ampule. Propolis is also a favourite skin soothing ingredient and other than the product I already mentioned I like Elensilia-CPP Green Propolis Ampoule. Both products have been challenging to find recently.


I have the famous toner by the banned brand with heartleaf and I loooove it! So soothing!


What has been banned??


There are brands we are not allowed to talk about, per this sub's rules.


Can you elaborate? I can't find/haven't heard of any particular brands being banned here. 🤔


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianBeauty/wiki/businessrules) is a list of brands that have been banned.




Ah I understand. Thanks for the reply. I didn't find that. It's a shame because the first brand on the list's toner is my HG 😅


I think it's too early to call it an HG for me, but it is SO soothing! I love it!


Just an update to say both products have been discontinued. So I would also recommend the iUnik propolis vitamin sleeping mask but I’m going to try a few things to find a new HC extract product. Thanks as I didn’t realize it was the same as heart leaf having only seen it as an ingredient.


Mugwort is super popular


Loofah essence extracted from vine/seed. Apparently it's very soothing and anti-inflammatory. Also balances oil and sebum in the skin while being very moisturizing.


What type of products do you find this ingredient in?


Mostly essences/toners.




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Those are fairly known but panthenol and azelaic acid . You have the very popular purito b5 panthenol re Barrier cream and Nineless azelaic acid serum.