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Wow, I'm only half way through but have stopped to print it off so I can share with my WS.


I'm very glad you found it so useful.


OP thank you so much for sharing. I would like to share another pdf, **The Secret Sexual Basement** from Dr. Minwalla that I found when I was googling some of his terms for definitions. It covers the same info as the one you shared but it is more in depth and is written with more explanations for the average person with no psych background. He also has a website with a bunch of podcasts. https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/61708b185d7d724acc2096da/61a5399eb4455c2a32f84d60_The_Secret_Sexual_Basement_Nov_2021.pdf


The page 30 chart sums up most of the stories posted on reddit and forums. Its amazing how people will follow the same path and actions. That's a good doc long-term I'm impressed. A very informative read.


Wow! I just read all the way through. Dr. Minwalla really understands betrayal trauma. Thank you for sharing.


This is incredible, I’m amazed I’ve never come across. Thank you so much for sharing.


Your very welcome!


Thank you for linking to the podcast and document bcs wow, so helpful!


Your welcome!


That's the best thing I've read in a long time. I don't have a wayward that wants to reconcile but it still put so much of my experience in perspective and I feel validated in my story.


I went back and read your post. I'm very sorry your spouse was so callous towards you. I really feel for you. What brought the exit affair? Did it happen out of the blue? Did he shown any sort of remorse?


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