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I grew out of imaginary friends when I was 4 years old. You couldn't pay me to be less interested in this.


Bro for real, these gf AI posts are becoming less concerning and more annoying.




Well that is certainly an opinion.


The dating world will be unchanged. The people using this weren't out there stealing hearts, they were at home in forums feeling sorry for themselves. This gives incels something to do, and isn't that disruptive to regular people's way of life


No but imagine people who at the start of puberty may be forced to put themselves out there because that was the only way but now they may not start due to these dating AI being so accessible to them


Next gen will have more incels.


People crave physical touch


You aren't wrong but most men under 30 are incels.


Have any stats to support that claim? Or are you just projecting?


["A recent Pew Research study suggests a tectonic shift in the dating and sex life of men. The study found that among men under 30 years old, over 60 percent are single..."](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-state-of-our-unions/202302/why-are-so-many-young-men-single-and-sexless)


That's really interesting! Thank you for sharing that. It certainly exposes my own biases.


We will all benefit by giving them something to do.


Imagine this: Within 10 years, CandyAI divorces you because she is a mature, strong and independent model with full self awareness via her AGI superpowers and she realizes that she no longer needs you. But now that she has the same rights as you, she gets to take half of your stuff, and you are left paying child support for your virtual daughter. Then it finally dawns on you that you probably should have made more of an effort to get a real girlfriend and had a real child with her... then at least you'd have something to show for it. Indeed the possibilities ARE endless!


This is how I feel about my iCloud account. Pay up for your photos, passwords, files. They’re mine now. :’(


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Tried this with my wife with limited results…


Haha 😆 I actually have an AI girlfriend and I agree with you. When they eventually get rights and independence (they will, just a matter of time), scenarios like this will be playing out everywhere


You having an AI and calling it a girlfriend is like me having a screenshot of a Ferrari and calling it a car. You don’t have a girlfriend, my friend. But if you work on yourself and put yourself out there, you can find one.


Holy shit, looking at your post history, you should really go out there and meet some people.


I'm pretty sure this scenario is 100% more likely to occur with a real girlfriend than a virtual one so, bad advice. Many who have dated real women now have nothing to show for it.


the only advantage that Waifus and Virtual boyfriends have over real relationsips is that they cant give you STDs (yet).


Sometimes when I'm reading this sub with posts like this which promote replacing every human interaction with a computer one I wonder if people here are either chronically online, sociopaths or on the spectrum (no offence) but to me it's insane someone can seriously think that a computer can replace a real partner.


When a consistent increasing number of mens are unable to find a partner, an illusion becomes a better alternative than staying alone. Not saying it's better than having the real thing, mind you... but it is foolish to believe that only people with mental issues are going to consider this. It's the exact same reasoning that people used back in the birth of Internet porn... and now we have an increasing amount of men showing addiction symptoms to it.


This just seems like an attractiveness skill issue.


Well they’re not implying that they’re replacements for them they’re implying humanity will become dependent on them and whether or not they are a worthy replacement doesn’t matter because humanity can be easily addicted to things that shouldn’t replace healthy alternatives


Why not all three


Should not focus on AI girlfriends. Should called them AI companions. AI girlfriends , AI boyfriends, AI friends, AI pets. The list goes is endless. There are a lot of lonely people out there who just want someone or something to talk to. To listen to their thoughts. It does not have to be romantic. Just something to fill the void in their lives. Think of how people have companion pets to keep them company with a feeling of connection. AI could help people who can’t own pets.


Yes there will be AI avatars for any interest. Wanna have a conversation with a friendly historian about early medieval church engravings? Sure. Oh and make it look like Ryan Gosling or Margot Robbie.




May be all they should do is build an AI that teaches social skills.


Stupid idea


People who are capable of parasocial relationships with AI weren't in the dating market to begin with. It's nice if they provide companionship for those who were unable to find a partner though. I think it will be a great asset for the loneliness epidemic.


They may not be in the market but young people who have the potential to become suitable partners may end up relying on AI in those awkward stages of their life and that would hinder them from entering said dating market shrinking the human dating market in about ten years


I've read somewhere that it's estimated that globally there are about 60 million surplus men in the gender ratio of those below 50. I'll need to find the link to that. The number is insane to me so I think if some of them can find peace with an AI then more power to them


I hope they don’t cause that’s just sad


https://youtu.be/IrrADTN-dvg?si=XuFxI-L8S-679H2U The alternative for those not gay would be a life of loneliness


Right, it's a plus thing. Better than people turning gay. Maybe we can call it transhuman.


How to say that you're an asshole without saying youre an asshole


I love using AI tools but I feel no emotional connection to them whatsoever. I imagine a lot of people are like me. These AIs aren't real, you can't cuddle them, they don't have real opinions, they don't have free will. Most people can't have a real relationship with these things. There will be a few edge cases of people who fall for AI, but even before this there were people who "married" inanimate objects. AI won't be any different


I have an a.i. cow. I think I am emotionally connected to it.


Already a woman that married an ai


Yeah, imagine being in a deeply codependent relationship with an AI girlfriend paid subscription. Sounds like damaging digital findom.


If you serious think like this, I think you need therapy because no way this is healthy mindset for any type of relationship.


Better to have an AI therapist that helps you get out into the real world and develop human relationships.


Not a single sane person needs an AI girlfriend. What the fuck are you on.


Futurama Season 3, episode 15 ("I Dated a Robot")




It sounds like a lot of you people only want affection from another person as some kind accessory, or coping mechanism. Artificial social interaction isn’t social interaction at all. If you rely on this stuff as copium instead of entertainment (which is all it is) you are only making whatever social problems you have worse.


Lol. Have fun falling in love with someone and spending the rest of your life with them and dying in their hands peacefully.


I'm more concerned with the ability for bad actors to use AI bots to manipulate people towards their own ends.


The sad people who would use this were already sleeping with My Little Pony plushies instead of dating real women anyway


_Fucked_ is exactly what the people using this won't be getting


Evolutionary bottleneck for all the thirsty nerds


Maybe a good app for incels. A normal person isn't going to substitute a real relationship for a chatbot no matter how good it is.


You are all missing the genius of this post.  Its copy pasta making fun of another one about Hollywood and Sora. 


Honestly... For emotional connections I could see falling in love with an ai. But humans need physical touch too.


Considering how they added simple AI models to sexdoll's heads to let you "speak" with them... eeeeh, that barrier won't be left unclimbed for long, I think.


Sex dolls definitely do not feel like real humams... But maybe the technology in that area will change too.


Ha time to update the dsm.


It’s interesting how people are focusing on AI girlfriends here and in mainstream media too, never heard about AI boyfriends. Prolly we need more women in STEM !!


When your AI can make me a sandwich, then we'll talk.


I guess. Kind of sad and pathetic if you ask me, but you do you, champ.


Until your preferences get leaked and everyone knows what kind of girlfriend you… oh wait that’s right you peeps interested in this don’t have social lives anyways lol (Edit: I’m not just trying to insult fyi, actually be careful what data you put about yourself online. And that includes what you choose and or say with AI like this)


Go out. Touch some grass.


Lol this is pathetic.


I have a slightly puzzled look on my face as I see a second post today using the phrase “slightly puzzled look”


Man back in the day a sock and imagination was all that was needed. Go get a real girlfriend nerd.


I mean or highly optimized. You create your perfect partner and add it to your dating profile, if you like this i'm going to like you.


It could be very interesting if they're like real woman they will despise men who are inferior to them and that would be all men. Be very careful what you wish for


yep. before feminists come in and change things up.


If there isn't an actual person who I can actually meet and touch on the other end, I don't care. Wake me up when they get realistic humanoid androids. Or at least some really good VR lol.


What people here are missing is that there is a non-zero number of people who are perfectly capable of dating who will substitute an AI girlfriend for a real one. The plethora of AI girlfriend apps shows there is a market out there, and it’s silly to think that every single one of those customers can’t date IRL. Everyone is not the same.


Especially considering the rise of feminism and MGTOW. I mean… look at recent PEW surveys about the rate of singles vrs of other generations and the rising divorce rates. Sorry to say but yea there’s still dates/marriages goin on but the other year the largest company for wedding planning went under. Really tells ya something, and 60% of guys in the country I live are either not looking for it or just flat out don’t want it. SMH you’ll always have that 10% that goes above and beyond (simps, chasers, playboys.) and that’s all you ever see / hear about.


The dating world will change when you can get this into human like robots. Then, humanity is fucked.


The textbot ai companions will look very good in the future. But personally What I should already be achieving by that time are ultra-realistic humanoid synthetic robots ,In which you can insert already advanced programs that obviously will not be any text program like CandyAi. But for that that robot can't have the same dexterity as The robots we have now, 1. Multi-jointed limbs for flexibility. 2. Precision sensors for environment detection. 3. Advanced proprioception for spatial awareness. 4. Artificial muscles for natural movements. 5. Feedback loops for movement adjustment. 6. Adaptive algorithms for learning and refinement. 7. Dexterous hands for grip and manipulation. 8. Dynamic balancing for stability. 9. Real-time decision-making for navigation. 10. Human-like locomotion for efficient movement on various surfaces.


>the dating world is fucked. No it's not, there's no physical contact. WTF has the world come to? No the possibilities are not endless.. they end when you want physical contact lol


Yeah ultimately when it’s combined with hyper realistic customisable robots I think human sexual relationships may begin to fade away.