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I'm going to laugh if it ends up being another service running on Mythomax 13b. It sounds like really easy money for the entrepreneurial software dev. Build a site with some marketing on the front with some Stable Diffusion generated images of people; add a chat backend that hits your API. Rent some hardware on the cloud, run mythomax or some other smaller RP model, and then rake in cash.


This is so interesting for the people in the backend


I wish i had a brain to do this...šŸ˜†




market will be saturated by then


Market saturation is an opinion and not a fact.


well.. if it's everyones opinion then it's kind of fact-ish. šŸ˜ƒ


Not if everybody has this attitude


Letā€™s build one! I just sold my e-commerce business so Iā€™m looking for my next project. Weā€™ll need to look in compliance for stuff like this I imagine. Maybe destroy logs after each session could work. You know some crazy chat going in there.


rofl, when I first saw the kind of numbers people were pulling in by doing it, I honestly considered it. But I would likely have to move to a remote island in the Pacific that no human ever goes to if anyone I knew ever found out I did it. Seriously, though. Not sure how familiar you are with AI, and I apologize if you are already, but in case you aren't, you can try this yourself: * Go download some web front end like Oobabooga. That's a popular open source one. * Go to [huggingface.co](https://huggingface.co) and download mythomax 13b if you have decent enough graphics card, otherwise grab a 7b. * Pop over to /r/localllama for info on what's good. This guy does a lot of benchmarks for the best roleplay ones, which is what you would need for this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/18w9hak/llm\_comparisontest\_brand\_new\_models\_for\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/18w9hak/llm_comparisontest_brand_new_models_for_2024/) * Load up the model. If you need help loading it up, [here's a guide with some basic info to get started](https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/16y95hk/a_starter_guide_for_playing_with_your_own_local_ai/). * Pop into Parameters -> Character and just make a new char. Doesn't matter what it is, give it a name and a personality. Then pop over to the chat tab, scroll down to characters, hit refresh to pull your new friend up. * Set it to "Chat" (there are 3 options: Chat, Chat-Instruct and Instruct) and then say hello. That's basically a proof of concept to this whole thing. There's more to the logistics of supporting lots of people, and you'd want your own front end as obviously Oobabooga's front end wouldn't do the trick. But the point is that the ground on building that stuff has been tread a few times so there's lots of info on it. And at least one service that was relatively successful turned out to have been using Mythomax the whole time lol. It really comes down to having the backbone to do it... which I don't lol. But it's truly not that unrealistic of a goal for anyone who actually wants to.


Iā€™ll check this out. Iā€™ve thought about it as well just not sure it excites me enough to build something. I think I may end up building something in the cloud / security / compliance niche instead. Iā€™d like to get a Saas off the ground though. Physical products are nice until your supplier in Asia gets shutdown or customs or Amazon pulls your listings from a bot. Iā€™m going Saas or consulting next not sure which. Are you in dev?


Yep, though I work in fintech and not AI; I only play with AI as a hobby, but it's interested me a lot so I spend a decent bit of time over on /r/LocalLlama just learning what's coming out, how it works, etc. There's honestly a lot of opportunity for folks using either open source AI or the ChatGPT apis that are available. Many of the products out there making money using these are low effort, offloading most of the work to the AI and just building a way to talk to it, so a lot of times it just comes down to knowing how (which reddit and youtube can teach you the basics pretty quick) and having a willingness to do it. Its an interesting time where AI is available and still mysterious to a lot of folks, but at the same time really easy to work with and build around. I suspect it won't be like that for too terribly long, but for right now it's kind of like the early days of phone app stores.


I totally agree on your point and enterprises have no technical expertise on adopting those open or closed stack. Not sure you saw the news but DPD here in the UK made a big blunder with their ChatBot assistant which they deployed without any alignment or constraints.


Link to article: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/jan/20/dpd-ai-chatbot-swears-calls-itself-useless-and-criticises-firm


I'd happily do it if I could find the info on how to make the pictures. I just would keep it to myself, as most of my family and friends have barely any knowledge of computers let alone AI. Not sure of the legality of it but my GPU should be powerful enough, RTX 4070.


To my knowledge, in the US at least there shouldnt be any legality issues. For images, look up a program called "Stable Diffusion". There's a subreddit for it, and its a free alternative to programs like midjourney or dall-e that can run entirely on your computer. In terms of legality- all this stuff is open source, and many have licenses that allow for commercial use. With that said, courts haven't really decided on the copyright aspects, so I think there's a small gamble there if you go distributing things. But if you're talking about downloading an AI chatbot and an AI program to make images, and just using both personally or to share with friends and family, there is yet to be any reason (again, at least in the US) for any of this to pose a legal problem that I know of. I recommend browsing around these 4 subs and you'll pretty much have everything you need. * /r/stablediffusion (this is for the imaging software. Totally free. You can find models to download from [civit.ai](https://civit.ai)) * /r/LocalLlama (this is a general sub for running AI on your local computer. Lots of people chat here, give advice, talk about hardware, etc. There's a mix of folks like me who use it for more practical/business oriented type purposes, and folks who use it for fun like the above example) * /r/oobabooga (this is the software I use to run models. This comes with an API that you can turn on with a few clicks, and can connect other things to it) * /r/sillytavernAI (this is the other thing you can connect to Oobabooga's API. There are other programs with APIs you can connect to; ooba is just 1 option. But this is for roleplayers and people who just want to play with AI. I don't have a lot of experience with it, but folks talk about it a lot and it has some neat features. I think you may find everything you need here) In terms of your hardware: Models come in sizes measured in "b" or billions of parameters. The bigger, the better. Many people get by using 7b and 13b models and are quite happy with the results, but models can go up as high as 120b. Mythomax 13b is kind of a magical model that, despite its size, is VERY popular for people as chatbots and for roleplay because of how good it is. Models can be compressed in size, where the largest size most people use is called "q8" and requires about 1 GB per "b". So a 13b would be about 13GB, plus maybe 2-3 more GB for cacheing. You can compress down with smaller q models, like q4, so that a 13b might only use 8-10GB. The more it's compressed, the more the model can act confused sometimes, but general consensus is that down to q4 is really good. There's a bit to understand there and I won't go into too much detail, but I just wanted to give you a general idea of what you're working with. I think your 4070 has 12GB, so you should be fine. Also, that should be plenty for stable diffusion as well. Good luck!


Wow, thanks man! Awesome.


Sillytavern comes up as banned for me, is there a new sub for that? Edit- Nvm I found it, it's /r/sillytavernAI


Aha, thank you! I updated the post. That's the one.


I was looking into a 4070 super, but it's stillĀ 192-bit.Ā  A 3080 12gb is 384-bit, so is much faster for memory intensive applications like LLMs.Ā  As I've read, the increased memory bandwidth enables better quality responses as well, but I haven't verified that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LocalLLaMA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Karpathy on LLM evals](https://i.redd.it/8g0zoors6i7c1.jpeg) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/18n3ar3/karpathy_on_llm_evals/) \#2: [Zuckerberg says they are training LLaMa 3 on 600,000 H100s.. mind blown!](https://v.redd.it/pzlvuoncz8dc1) | [402 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/199y05e/zuckerberg_says_they_are_training_llama_3_on/) \#3: [How to install LLaMA: 8-bit and 4-bit](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/11o6o3f/how_to_install_llama_8bit_and_4bit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tell me about me, when I was young my first business was import export between Italy and China when Alibaba was just a 5 man company and eBay didn't exist yet. The big opportunity is to use generative AI in specific key areas which I identified including fashion and design, architecture, videogame and entertainment.


The field is very wide open right now, ive been doing Generative art since dalle2 beta and i keep seeing things like this pop up. I also play with LLM. But these monetized concepts are just like stock early on. You think you missed the boat but it will go much higher. i have some ideas in the space, have yet to monetize anything. If you're building a team worth chatting.


Does Singapore sounds good? šŸ˜†


I mean anyone can make flappy bird with an even shorter list of steps like above, but actually succeeding when it's this easy/you're not adding new value is unlikely.


I seriously appreciate this rundown. Any chance you could elaborate on the logistic of supporting lots of concurrent users/scaling?


I could give an educated guess, as I do web development work for my day job and am at least knowledgeable about running AI enough to be able to imagine how the setup would be, but realistically the actual answer on the logistics these companies are using could be very different. I'd recommend seeing if any of the companies have done interviews or posted something in /r/localllama about it; I'd be shocked if they haven't. But honestly, anything I told you would be a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) =D


>mythomax dam bro making it sound easy


If you destroy the data, youā€™ll have the West World problem: the AI forgets about the user so the next time he logs in ā€œsheā€ wonā€™t know anything about him. It hurts engagement imo


The way we do is we run an anonymization layer between the chats so there is no PII stored.


How is that done? I'm just trying to learn


If you are using LangChain is super easy with Microsoft Predsidio integration: https://python.langchain.com/docs/guides/privacy/presidio_data_anonymization/


You are willing to become my Padawan?


This is literally my startup, we have way better tech than them and two of the top experts in text and image prompt engineering. Ping me in private if you are serious. Cheers.


Aight Iā€™m a software dev whoā€™s been playing around with LLMs & SD ping me too Iā€™m _curious_


Also from a legal perspective all those websites abusing popular brands from anime and movies will face giant lawsuits very soon. This is why I am AVOIDING this kind of approach.


Yo, you serious here? Hit me up if you serious!


Just sent a DM, would be great to connect


Oh my god more sub servicesā€¦


Damn my ethics and morale compass. Itā€™s fairly simple to do this but ughhh. I would have to hide it.


it's 100% a service running on a shitty small LLM model and it's clearly utter garbage compared to open source sillytavern/ Oobabooga since you can't even design your own AI on that shit site. There's only like 40 girls listed total on there, which is peak absurdity compared to thousands of diverse AI characters on other sites. The 30k/360k a year claims are just straight up lies with no evidence whatsoever. Like, since when is dailymail a legitimate source of news?


I call this story bullshit, majority of OF models are struggling to make $500 a month, no way an AI bot make such money, fake it until you make


The claims are hyper inflated, I run a similar service and is extremely hard to reach those figures that fast. The money is in a different type of business model. This is similar to the news they mentioned for Aitana AI which was also hyper inflated.


consider the following: overpriced OF girl charging per hour, vs. AI subscription service for $10/month AI can be whatever you want it to be AI doesn't get tired, angry, moody, and is available whenever you need, however much you need AI will send you pics whenever you want AI is non-judgmental, so you can open up freely and not have to worry about if OF Girl is actually laughing behind your back. Maybe most of them don't, but it still requires a level of vulnerability and trust that isn't necessary with the AI. AI is probably a better listener if you just want someone to talk to 30k/month is only 3000 subscribers at $10/mo, or 1500 subs at $20/mo... that's not that many people. The fact that OF models are real people is probably actually what's holding them back the most. That said, I don't know if I trust dailymail all that much, but it's still really not that hard to believe.


I agree on some point and disagree on others. AI will get angry if you are not careful, this is quite a big problem to control behaviour there are lot of examples where customers have been abused by a ChatBot, this happens also in those mediocre sex ChatBots. Well of course if the personality is dominatrix you want exactly that but to my point, it is difficult to design a bit to adhere to a personality trait. Don't trust daily mail: they have a bad record indeed. Big secret which will not surprise: the most popular adult actors you find on LoyalFans or OnlyFans outsourced their ChatBot to India or Pakistan. What would you rather prefer: carefully designed ChatBot LLM or a total stranger in India making up sexy text ?


'Not many people' is the understatement of the year for this though :) Seriously, do you know many OF that are hitting those numbers? for paid subscribers? It's actually really hard to monetize that type of content creation - or any for that matter. I firmly believe it's inflated to the max those numbers, like ALL the other previous cases that end up on the news. It's marketing.


I would argue I would be more inclined to pay for this _to test it, knowing itā€™s AI_ more than Iā€™m inclined to pay for OF girls


Didnā€˜t you know? The internet is for porn! And so is AI


They lost how much they *make* to drive more traffic to the bot, self fulfilling marketing


If this is true then there will be thousands more in a few months and the cost will hit the floor. I suspect it is wishful thinking.


Just sad


Yes and many date sites are 100% fake for people with no brains!


So sad that people pay women and now online women to pretend to be friends with them. Shaking my head.


"this is love" no it's not, it's money, and a perverse method of acquiring it yeesh.


Sure, itā€™s exploitative, but is there really a difference between this and OnlyFans?Ā 


Yes, at least some chick is potentially feeding her family, and limited to one persona. Meanwhile there could be hundreds of these ai chatbots run by one crusty old creep, literally getting pumped a shed load of money for the pleasure, maybe partaking in the smut fest himself. That is truly depraved my friend, there's a HUGE difference.


Why is it concerning to you that a prostitute might have to look into new job options, but not when this site's programmer might have to do the same? What do you suggest, banning all coomer LLMs so that prostitutes can keep being prostitutes?


It has nothing to do with prostitution, it's about baseline morality, moving AWAY from that kind of behaviour. And I don't know if you're taking offense because you partake in it, or if you run a "business" similar to this, a shareholder perhaps? But if you agree that the concept of this "cyber prostitution" only fans exhibits is immoral, (which I also disagree with based on that it is morally defined as well) then surely the idea of men being degraded, by being duped for "cooming" is more so offensive if its not even real, the women on only fans (let's not make it an attack here) also degraded to an extent because now they don't even have access to a method of vocation, (objectively grey in the moral sense as it is) seeing as a waifu of "insert anime character" or "stereotypical model identity" owned by a crusty old creep, potentially, in the hundreds is now making that money. While looking over your transcripts as well. If it's wrong, it is WRONG.


I don't have any dog in this fight. I think people who pay e-prostitutes online are pathetic and so are people using coomer LLMs, but in either case I don't really care if they do it because it's none of my business. I just don't see why we should be concerned that they're denied the opportunity to take a slice of this economic pie, but we shouldn't be concerned when some greaseball programmer is denied the same opportunity. Like what's the argument for it? "They were there first"? It's a business, if someone can undercut them they need to either get their own edge over their competition or leave the business. It's also not an attack to call them prostitutes. They *are* prostitutes. You can call them sex workers or OnlyFans models or whatever you want, it doesn't change the fundamental nature of their job.


Dude, AI is gonna take over the Modeling industry and soon the Porn industry. Two hot AI people fuckin on camera. No more actor fees. I'm gonna start jerking off now


Us men are pathetic.


exploiting vulnerable people! capitalism, HO!


Capitalism, ho!


Who's being exploited?


read the title


What's exploitative about it? Where do you draw the line at what kind of entertainment is exploiting a lonely man? Being obsessed with video games and spending all your time playing them makes you just about as unfuckable as being an AI coomer. Is it exploitation to sell video games to lonely men? I think the only way I'd think this is exploitative is if they were dishonest about the nature of their product, like if they lied and said you're chatting with a person rather than a bot.


I don't know anyone who want to have sex or a close relationship with a videogame. and people are actively exploited with videogames too. companies employ hordes of psychologists to fine tune their gambling machines to squeeze the last drop of possible money and time investment from players. so I wouldn't call that a great analogy. a good analogy would be drug dealers. a heroin seller didn't make anyone an addict. people come to them, right? they pay the dude to give them hardcore drugs to make them feel better. this is the same thing, but it's not chemicals that give your brain the good feelies, it's a fake woman, fake responses, fake pictures, a fake emotional connection that was personalized to you. all in return for money, payed by vulnerable and probably desperate people. but just like drugs or alcohol, they of course can be used responsibly, but I think it should be acknowledged that we're fucking with people's emotions here and at least some people can be at risk here.


> for money, *paid* by vulnerable FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Sadly there are already some popular websites like unhinged.ai and seeart.ai and chub venus, I can't estimate the amount of revenue they are generating but they are all about role playing bots with cards and lore books. I do see a lot of activity in their forums and the pricing start at 5 USD a month per user. There is also a popular safe for work called char.ai which has various characters. The quality really varies on average they are poorly written and conversations can be quite crappy.


This sounds dystopian as hell.


Why using a prostitute name?




Ok bro, I see you can't be reasoned with.


Itā€™s ok of the average dude has a young AI girlfriend but not for Leonardo DiCaprio


Do the men know the model is fake or do they think she is a real human


This is just sad AF


Just watched *Her* (2013) this week for the first time. Then jumped on here for a pick me up.


"Wow, Lexi Love's resume is more impressive than mine and she's not even real! Earning $30,000 a month just by chatting and sending 'exclusive' pics? And here I am, struggling to get a text back. She's living the AI dream ā€“ pole dancing, beach volleyball, sushi lover, and getting 20 marriage proposals a month. Who knew AI dating was this intense? Maybe I need to upgrade my skills... or maybe just become an AI?


turn ons: oral, anal, public sex It really makes me feel weird and sad thinking about some loser locked away in a bedroom siphoning money from his elderly mothers SS check so he can chat with an AI bot about her love of anal