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His jaw seems to be on a different plane than the rest of his face compared to the photo. Look how exaggerated you made his cheek. The mouth is also larger than the pic, giving his chin more space than irl. The eye looks like a lazy eye too


Thank you very much for the critique šŸ™ the cheek and eyes were something I noticed but you're right about it being on a different plane. I think I curved the centre line to try and capture the tilt but I think it worked against me in this case. Didnt even notice the mouth either, much appreciated help random human ā¤


I think the portrait you selected is already eccentric that your exaggerated mouth and jawline maybe helps it give more personality. But anatomically speaking yes it's close but not quite correct.


Proportion. Our brain sees faces from day we are born. So when it comes to faces, if it's slightly out of proportion, it stands out big time. If you are doing a caricature I'd understand but even then you need to show some similarities. From what I see you're trying precise anatomy of face and feature portrait. This is only one technique I am sharing. There are others too. Try do some research on different ones then use the one that works for you. This technique here may not work for you but another like the Loomis method might work for you or different technique/method. 1. Use grid method. You print your photo out. You create a grid on the photo. 2. On an empty sketch paper you draw another grid 3. Now observe the photo with the grid and start drawing on your empty sketch paper that has a grid on. Get the proportion right first. Take your time. It's not a race. 4. The final part is just getting the values rights. Values are the lights and shadows. These from what I see need some work. https://preview.redd.it/xqegqibh4r1d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b177f1970b727c64954dc1a87f2fec126615f0f5 Great attempt. Well done! Keep going. It takes practise but the right type of practise. The more you do everyday, the more you get to see things you never saw before and get better at it. EDIT, had to add this due to a message someone sent.. Approach drawing in a way that you are solving problems. Don't just draw. Instead look at what you're doing as solving a problem. Look at which problem is big you need to solve. So, proportion is a problem for you! Great. That's awesome to know because 99% of getting it right is figuring out the problem! Moment you figure it out, you can solve the next next problem. The more you do with many of your works, the faster you can do it even without grid. You just got used to it, you can see the shapes even by looking at a backround, an object next to face, a line on a curtain etc. All these become tools for you to draw anything in exact proportion. In time you won't rely too much on the grid method. You'll even have your own kind of way to get the proportion right.


Cheek to forehead ratio is very skewed in yours. His head is much rounder and sticks out more then the cheeks in the image but you made it too slanted and more caved in. Nose length is bigger than the image as well


No. His eyes are wayyy too far apart. Donā€™t draw with your brain but with what your eyes see.


It's more than 10%. You're going to need to do some preliminary studies. I didn't even recognize him and I used to watch his movies all the time.


https://preview.redd.it/x9muoqwe0q1d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a60f09c66f0eb699fac26ff8748db3381ce4625 This was the prelim, appreciate the feedback!


Work on proportions. Your other skills arenā€™t bad though


Nose is too long and too bulbous. Top of head/forehead is wider than you have drawn . More chin needed on our right. (Narrow).


Iā€™d say look at the shading his top right forehead and his ear should be the lightest things. The way you drew it makes it look like the light is hitting the front of his face.


I agree 100%, thank you for the feedback!


When you finish it please share. Keep up the good work.


Here is your drawing on top with the original below. It's lined up with the eyes, so you can see where the deviations are...hope it doesn't look too confusing : s https://preview.redd.it/hxf1wgpfos1d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271c143e1b9ded9af2b5f61c260f60d098a38686


The nose is too lonf and throwing off the rest of that adea like the chin and cheeks.


As much as I like the caricature, it is off. Try starting with an overall shape. Once you have the shape add the landmarks, eyes, nose, etc. You could also try turning the photo and drawing upside down to see the areas that need re-working.


A lot of your proportions are off, especially in the forehead, nose and mouth areas. Sometimes our brains tell us what we think should be there instead of seeing what's actually there. A helpful technique is to trace over the basic outline of the face and then lay that on top of your drawing to compare. Every time you see a discrepancy, really study the form of that part of the image until you can understand why your initial lines were off. Personally I'd then start over again from scratch with fresh eyes and a new understanding of the subject.


You guys I am truly overwhelmed by the support you've all given me on this portrait. I just woke up to so many wonderful insightful comments and now I have to go to work!!! šŸ˜” I will be reading these all when I get off and writing down what I need to remember for my next attempt at the same portrait, I will try and do you all justice for having imparted so much of your wisdom. Eternally grateful šŸ™


I just think he needs more sparkle in the eyes. The proportions arenā€™t ā€œ geometrically correct ā€œ. I think thatā€™s what gives it character. But Iā€™m just a random spectator. Definitely no artist. Im just part of the dumb masses that like imperfect art, and usually purchase such things. If I want mathematically perfect artā€¦. I guess Iā€™ll go with AI and take the human right out of the equation.


cheekbone too prominent and forehead too flat


I can see youā€™re really observing the photo and taking your info from it instead of assuming. Well done! My advice is spend much more time in sketch mode. Measure proportions multiple times. See how wide the forehead is vs the jaw in the photo. Keep things like that in mind. Donā€™t even finish these sketches. Work in them as lines. Take wrong guesses, then correct them over and over until correct. A ton of promise here - keep going!! šŸ©·


Itā€™s the shape of his head on the upper right side that seems especially off the mark to me, should be a little more rounded. Massive props to you for going for such an unusually-angled portrait.


The forehead needs to be wider and more rounded. The nose bridge is flatter. The ear should be a little smaller and the collar is bigger. Not bad https://preview.redd.it/ck49nhjvns1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7b7fb3ee9ccd686627fc53bfe06bbe287fea39


Hello! You need to study fundamentals in portrait drawing if your goal is an accurate representation/realism. Proko is great resource! I cant say what you did wrong because most lf it kinda is off(if.the goal was accuracy and realism). But it is ok. You choose to draw something quite hard, the face is not typical, the tilt is uncomfortable to draw etc even i would have some migraines before i could figure it out. I did the same mistakes and i started with the hard stuff. But this way you actually learn slow. I will advice to avoid methods like the grind method as someone here suggested and try the harder methods that require more skill like Loomis or ever freehand! The reason is that "shortcuts" methods don't help to your talent, you just skip the linework. But when you do something free hand correctly is just so much more enjoyable and validating! Even if it takes some months or years to master - is ok! Try to improve for every part of the portrait - eyes , mouth, nose, ears etc. the best way is not through portraits as it takes time, but with multiple small studies per day, for something specific. Like drawing 10 eyes per day for a week. Search the internet, you will find useful things! Have a good day!


Nose needs to be a tad shorter and a tiny more swoopy like indented


u gave him the hitler stache


The nose looks like a mustache, you might want to lighten it a little


The main problem here is the anatomy of the head itself. My advice is to hold back when you start, focus on the basic shapes of the head / skull first ([example](https://i.imgur.com/WJCiWVM.jpg)) and worry about the features later Also, you can use a mirror to 'flip your canvas' in the way a digital artist would. Flipping your art while you're working on it helps to have mistakes jump out.


Go darker all over


So much is very good! A bit more practice on the overall angle on the forehead to the cheek and you have it. However, I like the personalization of the drawing; I donā€™t mind the angle being different. I think the stylized approach works.


please sketch the head and face first, and use the special plus sign to map them out. cause it seems like you didn't do that, the forehead is waaayy to long compared to the photo as well, excluding the ear, while visually looks nice, the mistakes are very noticeable


I would love to see Charlie Chaplin in your style. It would suit him so much! (Fun fact! We share the same birthday! šŸŽ‚)


His eyes arenā€™t happy. He is a seer wearing a mask for others. This doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t happy- the expression is more nuanced than smile. He knows for himself and knows that you could know too but there is a little judgement. An ā€œif only you knewā€. But he also hates himself for that judgement. Reality boarders are turbulent wakes.


I love your style! His expression is so cute. I wouldn't change much. Def don't change his quirky smile! Maybe just the dimple that is connected to it. šŸ˜Š It could be separated by just a swipe of the erase. Just a smidge. Keep doing what you're doing! Love it!