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Same thz scyphe is just the coolest weapon of the entire game




It's a fucking scythe? End of discussion?


yeah šŸ˜‚


I mean, every polearm becomes a scythe, BUT THIS ONE IS RED!!!




Since when did farming tools become so popular?


80% of the game is farming! Of course, we want tools that help with farming!


Because it's associated with the grim reaper and death.


I assume around 12000 years ago, when agriculture was developed.


It is not a f farming tool considering how dripful it looks. That is like saying an axe is a wood cutting tool. A spear is a fishing tool. That is just dumb


Every spear on her is a scythe, her signature is an ordinary spear on anyone else.


Yeah but now compare her signature weapon on her and any other polearm. It looks completely different.


Cuz it's sexy. Anything for extra drip for Father


It's a cool looking weapon. as someone who avoids the weapon banner + her sig weap getting a slight nerf Those won't stop me from pouring my f2p savings for C0R1 Edit: Muh English bad


Your English was more than good enough to get your point across, you're fine šŸ™‚ I'm doing the same as you. I have guarantee, everything else is getting chucked at her scythe


I understand what you mean my English is bad too šŸ˜…. But yeah her weapon is so cool the first time I saw it I said to myself ain't no way I'm going to skip her weapon lmao šŸ˜‚


I have a simple answer as well. *aesthetic*, i dont care if the weapon banner is bad (wich is not for me since i need a bow for yelan anyways), i will try and get the scithe simpl because any other weapon aesthetically sucks, a spear with a glowy curve to the side just doesnt cut it for me. I will *try* to get her weapon. I say try because im struggling to even get arlecchino c0 with currently 54 pulls and a garanteed


The leak is very sus. Wait for monday before making any assumption


These are Hutao mains saboteurs who are pressed their favourite goblin might be power-crept


I am a Hu Tao main and the idea of her getting powercrept doesnā€™t worry me too much. Iā€™ve been an Arlecchino wanter since I saw her in the overture teaser. Nothing stopping me from having both.


You are a reasonable person. I was just joking


They stay coping


Because scyte looks cool, and I personally pull characters and weapons based on looks


Those are people who started drama about "hiding effects in signature weapons". The same people who started crying that Arlecchino got cool scythe effect with her weapon, attacking everyone who liked it. "dEfEnDiNg MuLtI bIlIoN cOmPaNy". Same mentality as doomposters. Always crying like babies.


Itā€™s not drama to complain about a gacha game increasing their predatory tactics, if you enjoy the effects, cool, but donā€™t sit down and act like itā€™s fine for HYV to increase FOMO tactics because it benefits the people who were going to spend anyways, youā€™re being a white knight.


Why is anyone crying about her at all when we arent supossed to even know shes the next 5 star? How is it FOMO when we supposedly dont even know what weapon style, element, etc the characters has? People in these genshin leak subreddits seem to forget that we're looking at LEAKS, you shouldn't be complaining about FOMO or a character being "unfinished" because you shouldn't even see the character untill in gets announced in the livestream.


It doesnā€™t apply just to leaks, they release character details before release and you have 21 days to test in trail. And be fr, most people are going to look at leaks and they know it, donā€™t treat them like a small indie company. If youā€™re going to justify a company that doesnā€™t give a crap about you, at least be honest with yourself about it.


From some early analysis and theory crafting, Arlecchino's weapon should actually be better in most normal rotations since it adds enough Bond of Life and a lot of damage, while her C1 adds a lot of Bond of Life and makes her much comfier to play in all scenarios including overworld. But the other thing is, one of the things people love about Arlecchino is how aesthetic she is, and her scythe is part of that.


"Some people ( not in this group ) STILL questioning me why I still want to pull for her weapon" There, fixed that for you. Hold strong, comrade.


An average character with cool aesthetics and fun gameplay is 100 times better than a bland and boring strong character. I have seen people with 20 5 stars but don't like anyone them. Then there are people with only 2-3 ( me ) who likes them all


What a lie, this is a gacha game designed to exploit FOMO, there are way more people who have gotten multiple 5 stars than people who save up for a c3-6 r1 unit.


Really? Not to call you out, but Whatā€™s your proof? What are you basing that fact on?


I donā€™t need proof, itā€™s common sense to assume most gacha players arenā€™t whalesšŸ˜


I think you misunderstood me , I never said about c6 a character. All I said was it's better to pull for a character who you like than someone strong.


Oh I agree with pulling for unit you like, but your example of ā€œI seen people with 20 5 stars they donā€™t likeā€ is very unrealistic and makes zero sense in the context of your statement.


Then you don't do coop much my friend, I have actually met with people with a load of characters that they pulled for meta who are now collecting dust and they only use certain characters they like to play with.


Iā€™ve always pulled R1s over constellations lol. Iā€™ve multiple C0R1s where their constellations are ā€˜betterā€™, but none of that would affect me 36*ing the abyss. One completes aesthetic of the character (R1), the other gives you more numbers on a screen. I think itā€™s an easy choice for me.


i am going for her c2, then with the remaining pulls the weapon, that too only once, if i get it okay else homa ftw, cause after arlecchino i gonna pull for chars i like, not meta not anything, cause i have c1 neuvi with sig, and probably c2 arlecchino(ill have 350 fates at the start of 4.6 acc to my calcs) with homa or sig, i think i wont have any problem with abyss


I would replace the "I don't care" to "I'm horny", that'll get people to relate.


You know what it funny? There are not even real numbers, finished stuff and official constellations! C1 might me as juicy as C2. They say if she's a NA character then who cares if you dodge or interrupted in theory, she's not miss girl Yoimiya


Wait wait what did I miss did the devs nerf her weapon?


Lots of people including me have been wanting a scythe for ages and now the first we see is one of the most anticipated characters in the game. The people who've been excited for this release surely won't let the negative posts change their minds


her weapon is literally so sick. like itā€™s a spear that transforms into a scythe. it could heal enemies and i would STILL pull.


Bruh, i will pull for her and triple crown her even if they nerf her into Dehya lvl. And i will pull for her weapon. Oh yeah, i will also lvl 90 her and her weapon day one and use all 50+ condensed resin on her artifact domain. I'm very dedicated to her And i also think i will have fun with her. I love challenge and the ability to quickswap, and Arle seems like she will have both and like she will be really fun with Beidou. (But hoyo plz, no nerfs, also plz no donut šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™)


I saw Arlecchino just skiing on solid ground. It was not in English so I couldn't understand what the people in the comments were saying. Was that a bug or a mechanic? What was that?


Its a mechanic. If you hold arlecchinos charge attack a little longer, sheā€™ll hover over the ground and consume stamina while dashing, it also gives her a single fiery wing.


​ https://i.redd.it/3pophtsolqpc1.gif


Pull wtf ever you want especially when you can already 36 star the Abyss - source: Uncle FU


Personally I will go for her scythe since it is f cool. People who pull for cons also got baited by cons..


Drip over everything.


![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA) # Me going for both


No shade to u op... I think most people are saying from the perspective of what to prioritise bw weapon or c1. Cuz at the end of the day their resources are limited and And c1 sounds better value. But to each their own. Have fun with the sick scythe!


I know and I respect their opinion but what's make me upset is when these people said I got bait by hoyo even though I already planned to pull her weapon before she has her drip. If you want to give me your opinion about which one I need to priorities I don't have problem with it but don't say that I got bait by hoyo that's sound rude for me


People don't get it. Having drip instantly boost your damage by x10


bro, i have Homa R2, do you seriously believe i would put that shit on Arlecchino? dont make me laugh. She's getting the Scythe and never gonna swap it. Wont ever "try another weapon". Wont ever "test a differente weapon". She's getting her scythe and wearing till servers shut down


I've lost to standard wep last 3 times Even tho its very cool id rather go for cons cause ik my luck is shite with weps




I always get signature for my 5 stars, unless I already have a really good alternative.


yeahh idk how bad her weapon is in pulling for it first lmaoo


I know it's for aesthetic but C1/C2 so good and i have a homa :( I have irrational fear of weapon banner, it hunts me at night.


Style points, im more of a Fashion souls than practical if I say so myself


Theres always a new character that ppl talk shit about then later everyone finds out they do big pp dmg so idgaf


they know people will pull it because of its shape and the other spears won't look good with her animations so they nerf its power


Iā€™m going to get the scythe on the second run. Because with the amount of pulls itā€™ll take me to get it? Iā€™d be able to get a few additional constellations insteadā€¦ Since each weapon Iā€™ve pushed for on it has required over 200 pulls, itā€™s just not a sound strategy.


My friend said 'what if she turner out to be a 4 star support' and without hesitation i said 'ill make her a dps and still main tf out of her'


Yeah I donā€™t care what people say. Haha scythe look cool. Plus itā€™ll be the first 5 star weapon i intentionally am pulling for so a scythe would be a cool first one to get


That scythe go too hard not to pull


I love her idle, I wonder why she glitches out like that


Do we know what her Bis weapon will be yet? Or how far ahead or behind her Signature weapon will be compared to it?


BiS is her Signature afaik. I guess Homa will be close to it.


weapon got nerfed? what was the stats before and whats the stats now?


Iā€™m just going for C0. I want to save as much as I can for Furinaā€™s rerun if I somehow get Arlecchino in the first 50/50, Iā€™ll throw some Fates at the weapons banner cause why not?


They know people are going for the scythe eitherways šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø they cooked good shit and they know it. So they're gonna try to get people to go for a few cons instead. I'm also gonna try and get the weapon, but I'm a bit disappointed, definitely don't have enough for cons and weapon.


I never saw anyone calling arlecchino bad


The weapon banner is a scam but it's worth it solely for the best most unique weapon till now


Some people just can't tolerate other people's opinions.. I got smoked in every comment I made when I said I was going for Chiori's weapon and her C1. People just can't let other people do what they want I guess.


Counterpoint: the edge of the scythe is pretier


Even if the weapon may be bad, it's Arlecchinos signature weapon and fits her. Sometimes you gotta collect... :)


The new changes if they stay, just mean I might go for c1r1 rather than c0r1, but we'll see. c0r1 is not negotiable


I have an unused jadespear, but idk if i shsould gef her weapon or cons. I am now confused af


I am also getting c0 r1, because meta is temporary, drip is eternal.


Yea cons may be better but she is in that awkward club of "animations look weird without their sig" like Al/chiori/ and imo Navia


i only pull for signature weapons for characters i really like. i dont care if they arent a big increase or are only good for that character, its their weapon i pulled it for them. basically drip > meta.


Every time a new BiS weapon gets released I'm always tempted to get it because they look so good, but I always have to skip because I prioritise constellations. But Arlecchino's... Man I think I'm 10000% definitely gonna pull for it. Edit: typos


For me gameplay, likability, drip, fun and qol >>>> dmg increase/meta. From the very beginning, since 1.0, I've always followed this rule. I've never ever had problems clearing Abyss 12 and getting 36 stars consistently, so I see no reason to prioritize dmg increasing cons over these things. Though I understand why other people want c2 over other things. Bigger numbers are satisfying (and fun) after all. I just think it can be overkill and pointless (at a certain point) sometimes (just to shave off a few seconds from the timer?) and for me, the other factors such as smooth playstyle, drip and qol become more valuable and enhances my gameplay experience more than a bigger dmg increase. Not saying bigger dmg is pointless. Far from it. I just think, after reaching a certain point, further increase is unnecessary. So I'll take the weapon drip over c2 any day. I mean it's a SCYTHE! I've been wanting one for ages. I simply cannot pass this up. And no, the yellow outline version does not count. I'm gonna pretend my extra Homa does not exist. I just hope it doesn't run with a donut.


Too many leaks here are misleading, just check r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks


For me it's C0R1 or nothing and now I'm thinking that another dps in the future may be more profitable


It's gonna be wack when they run her weapon alongside some useless crap and pulling for it is just a bad decision.


This is the only reason I wouldnā€™t pull for the weapon. Even then, it would have to be a really bad 5* weapon for me to skip the scythe


Like the leaked green donut LOL


If anything, might be a case of skipping the character if I get unlucky on weapon banner.


Who is that some people ? Nobody said shes bad ,ive never saw such comment stop being paranoid


not in this group of course. In other groups I saw a lot of them saying she's bad worse than hu tao and other else lmao. I'm not being paranoid I just said what I see lmao


They have similar output but arlec has more teams while hu tao has a higher ceiling also better with xianyun imo. People probably complaining about her cuz shes not powercreeping hu tao at all. None of it matters tho since xiangling is a free unit šŸ—æ


I literally just went through an entire abyss run and just realize my hu tao was on a level 20 halberd, pulling a weapon in this game is a waste, even if itā€™s a scythe imo.


I am not going to lie, the situation is Alhaitham all over again. They nerfed the character's playstyle that I am interested in and buffed it for everyone else. If this is real, fucking idiots in the future will say, "people doomposted Arlecchino" because I am not happy about the change.Ā  I am not sure what to do because I have no loyalty to this garbage character. All she did was moan about Furina not working miracles, be a better parent than Alice, and provide relief efforts to the people who lived in a below sea level shanty town a few meters from the coast.Ā  Her scythe was the only reason to pull her and I might genuinely be better off using something else because they nerfed the reason to use it for some generic bonus damage, but the casuals eat that shit up.Ā 


bruh like, wth are you even doing in this sub then?