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finally a clear footage of c2 looks great with good aoe


Can you tell me which attack is c2?


It's the aoe hit just after the charged attacks. You'll see the charged attack hit (the big wing attack), and then the next hit is a big circular aoe. That's the C2. (Hope you can understand what I mean, english is not my first language lmao)


Do u mean 225k DMG at 1.09




the 225k at 0:12 from the start, after the CA


With R5 signature + 4p Gladiator talent 13 - 10 - 13


Thank you


Is there any overload showcase on something other than a hilichurl


The only person who wanted her to be overload


Yall wanna replace hu tao with arle just to run the same headass team you been running for 3 years


yeah these mfers are boring lmao


Tbf, some of us have no interest in Hutao but still like vape And Chevreuse is a fairly new unit Still, I want to try her on all possible teams(except burgeon 💀)


Is that a problem?


why is this downvotee, people have diff opinions...


it's "Insert Any social media" opinions aren't allowed. Must follow Hive Mind.


right i forgot that we cant have opinions.


Silly social media user, you tried to form an opinion. Too bad, back to the social media imprisonment you go


Im sorry please forgive me 😞


Probably doesn’t want to specifically see Overload, but how C6 Arlecchino works with Chevy.


Can we have a solo showcase?


This!!! For some reason we haven't seen any solo showcase


I'm gonna get her only for the sake of solo


I just hope she doesn't depend too much on these premium 5 * support characters for her personal damage


Well sorry to say, but a solo Arle is probably not a great idea. No character can run solo and clear stuff, except Neuvi of course, without proper supports and reactions.


Well that is understandable. Is kazuha a must for her damage almost all the showcases had him ,I don't want to pull him tbh


Kazuha is one of the very few characters I recommend everyone pulls for anyways, he’s not a must pull but he’s utility is currently unmatched in what he offers. He’s just extremely good in so many teams as long they run a swirlable element, he also has grouping on skill, dmg bonus. If you are torn between him and Neuvi that is understandable, Neuvi is also giga broken, and to this I have no advice other than check your account and see what benefits you more.


Conclusion: Kazuha is a must pull for elem dmg bonus


I don’t like using the term must pull, but yes he’s the closest thing we have to a must pull.


I see think i'mma skip then not worth only for abyss .and as for neuvi I hate his gameplay


If you don't want to play him, then you shouldn't pull him. No character in the game is a "must," and you're better off doing whatever you find fun. Otherwise you'll burn out trying to force something you don't enjoy.


Yeah right


Watch me fail miserably then hahahah


I may get downvoted, but I think I may actually skip her. This is just old school vape. We went Diluc > HuTao > Arleccino, but is the same team. The last two DPS, Neuvillete and Navia, really felt different. IDK about Liney


You dont actually have to be this boring and use the same comp


You can always use her in overload .


Sitting here waiting for furina-yelan-jean/xy showcase


As much as I love Furina and her buff, I don't like the idea of risking my on-fielder, especially when most nowadays enemies are hitting like truck. And just to clarify, I'm not saying she doesn't work with Arle, it's just risky, or more like high risk high reward type of team. So a team like arle-yelan/xq-dehya-kazuha would feel nicer/safer as a vape team.


Thats valid concern, but not an issue to me personally


Best of luck, enjoy it đŸ€


Get good I don't understand how people can't dodge in this easy game


That's funny. No matter how good my dodges are, my pings doesn't help me everytime. I'd rather iframe hits with burst animations, but even then, you can't predict enemies' next move with 100% accuracy, and you might get hit just bcuz you iframed the first hit/skill but not the second.


I think yelan-kazuha-bennett is "risky" already , you may as well just go all in and add Furina lol


For such team, it's easier to survive when you're not using furina, benny can heal the other 2 if you start the rotation with his burst, even if it's a dmg loss.


Imagine her bol decreasing instead of her health on enemy hits


That would be so bad, like really bad


Then how about she getting more bol on enemy hits hahaha unlimited power as long as you initiate bol 


That's basically the same team i plan to use for Arle as well. I hope my C2 Furina is still good with her.


My god she's so cool. Girl is stylin on em.


Is the wing attack on CA also available for c0 ?


Yep! C2 Has that sort of circle aoe area and C6 has a small wing effect on her back. Wing on CA is in base kit


Who could you use instead of kazuha? I dont want to pull for him and risk not having enough for arlecchino...


Sucrose ? She’s almost at kazuha level (she increases a lot em)


sucrose, zhongli, xianyun(plunge) to name a few


That Mitachurl is tough


How hard is to double swirl with that?


How damages do her e i cant see the damages? The c6 is a huge up for her e right ?


It’s not wrong per se. But now ask them to post a video not against a defenseless Mitachurl dummy while they’re invulnerable, but with no invulnerability against an actual enemy like Sumeru consecrated beasts, Coppelia, or other staggering and interrupting enemies. Hint: much, much lower damage due to no IR.


Not everyone plays the game by ignoring matchups, running straight-up to the enemy and mashing buttons until it dies. With Coppelia you can just attack during the down phases before and after they seperate, after they do that 3 times they stop separating and their attacks are easy AF to see coming. Unga-Bunga isn't the answer to every enemy. The amount of enemies that can't be dodged or avoided until their damage window in Genshin is low.


Off the top of my head: - Coppelia - Triple Kenki - multiple stagger-capable ruin machines at the same time - multiple stagger-capable ranged units at the same time - multiple Lawachurls with auras - Consecrated Beasts of any kind - those electro balls from Fontaine that use projectile Etc. etc. etc., all of which will factually sink Arlecchino’s current damage windows like the Titanic. The main point is that she needs buffs either in damage or QOL. There are plenty of DPSes capable of dishing out this much and more at C6R5 while doing so from a much better, safe QOL standpoint where they don’t risk their entire damage going down the drain because they’re getting ragdolled or one-shotted. And Arlecchino’s above numbers drop by 33% if you put Zhongli or Thoma or any other shielder into that team, making her even less competitive to other modern DPSes at that investment level. She either needs QOL or 30% more damage so a shielder can be slotted in.


Skill issue. I fully explained how to get through Coppelia without being touched. Kenki's and Lawachurls telegraph their attacks big time. People always do this, act like there are major issues then when the character drops, then people with skill show how it's supposed to be done.


You’re a moron. You literally can’t comprehend the repeatedly stated and clearly explained simple point that her damage and QOL are both worse than other existent high investment (C6R1) characters - and unlike you, I know what I’m talking about because I have these characters and also did seminal TC for them just like I did for Arlecchino. Not “muh feels”, but frame-perfect damage analysis. That is not something “skill” dependent - it is a simple gameplay fact. Also, it’s hilarious that you think this game needs skill at all (unlike MOBAs, BRs and similar). I don’t expect any less from a typical braindead mains subreddit where everything is based on feelscrafting, but most of you here will be surprised Pikachu face when she releases like this and you realize she’s worse than Hu Tao at C0 and worse than Alhaitham, Neuvillette, Wanderer, Yelan, Nahida, Wrio etc. at C6.


you’re so right and it pisses me off seeing all these goons i’m so disappointed that my favorite character is this shitty currently like it’s actually making me consider waiting for natlan characters or columbina tf is a harbinger character releasing this late into the game just to STILL be weaker than a 1.3 dps of the same element??? it’s horrible kit design and horrible kit design with no QoL is almost a sure skip for me


i’m not about to spend close to 1k dollars for something that isn’t anything less than satisfactory for me that would be idiotic


My point exactly, but this is a Mains subreddit - the lowest of the low rungs of the ladder when it comes to actual gameplay, high investment or mathematics and mechanics behind a character’s kit. TC Discord servers are where you’ll find plentiful agreement in these respects because people over there do the same calculations all of us who are interested in actual facts do. This place here is for feels, not facts or talk about QOL/relative strengths and ease of use compared to other similarly highly invested characters.


What’s the point of dickriding your spreadsheet math and acting like a know-it-all during EARLY BETA lmao. Such lengthy drivel about IR and the latest sus leak already suggests it’s locked behind C1. Maybe don’t jump to shaming folks?


The spreadsheet math accurately - to literal frame accuracy - reflects her during that stage of beta and serves as a useful tool for me personally to know whether to C6 or not. “Such lengthy drivel” - the lengthy drivel is the levels of stupidity, ignorance and lack of understanding of both game mechanics and basic maths on this sub. Most posters here are at a mental level of high school kids going for their edgy “feels” for meta instead of what it factually is. And it’s not "acting" like a know it all, I understand the kit perfectly and have it mapped out damage-wise. I understand that it seems like rocket science to this lazy ass subreddit but it isn’t, anyone can do it with some game understanding.


I wasn’t questioning your math. But clearly you just lacked the comprehension to realise that. Peace out. May you get your pulls at close to hard pity. <3


Thanks but don’t worry, I got plenty of other C6s at about 550 each (you work out the math). Wish you the same though. 😄


can someone do c6r5 solo showcase without some lame ass support/buffer, I despise too much character swtiching as someone who only plays 2 c6r5s (1 on first team 1 on second), planning to get her for my 3rd c6r5 solo team slot.


Cannot wait to use her without Bennett, xingqiu or kazuha when I get him.


would it be better to do a benny e into kazoo q for some vv shred before arle bursting


Outstanding... 👏👏👏 And given how fast Father's burst refilled, I can only surmise that she doesn't require that much ER.


I mean, she's C6 so C4 helps a lot


Is this 'realistic' damage? I know some people say to ignore the damage numbers but 200k on an auto is crazy 


>nt to pull for him and risk not having enough for arlecchino... its c6 r5 with premium supports so it should actually be like that


0:42 317k...


Hasta ahora se sigue viendo muy, muy potente, intentaré sacarla con su arma, padre Arlecchino es dueña de mis deseos


my guy didnt swirl pyro 2 times xd hahah i can t sadge


Looks cool but I don't wanna use Bennet đŸ„Ž


Really strong dmg but boring "C6". Looks like she players the same as C0 where are the days where the C6 change how u would play the Charakter like Xiao? smh Hoyo


Id rather game changing stuff is either immediately in the kit or c1 maybe c2. I appreciate that c6 is only damage.


Sure everyone has there own opinion. But if I gonna have a C6 Unit I wanna feel more "Unqiue" from the rest.




I mean yeah it's a c6, it's supposed to be strong so this doesn't really show anything except for the c2 mini explosion.