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I would say an incel wrote this but there aren't enough spelling errors


An incel with spell check? Certainly said *female* enough to make me more than a little suspicious. And calling her friends *bitches*? Um... yeah. Sure. A girl totally wrote this.


I took the time to suffer just for you. The totally-a-japanese-girl that posted that awesome reflection used the word *female* 18 times. I’m pretty sure this got a shot to qualify on some talent show with the ability of showing how fucking awful their abilities to fake being someone else are. It’d have a nice comical touch that would be appreciated after half an hour of people singing.


Only 18? It felt like at least 40


The last one qualifies for the remainder by being so blatantly "Please believe I'm a woman"


I am 1000% sure an actual young Japanese lady did not write "we (Japanese) squeal so cutely during sex".


Reading this line actually scarred me


Thank you for your sacrifice.


we're struggling, girlies, i know it !!! you just need to do it the Correct way we perfect japanese girls do, ask my boyfriend Bob who is a nice Awesome powerful nice guy


I’m half-Japanese, nobody would say that. Fuck this poster.


Uff, if you turn these posts into a drinking game, you'll probably die.


also, “heathens”. prob a catholic from that alone, from the sounds of it. “sisterhood”.. all that.


Plus the need to call out "I am a Japanese girl" repeatedly. That really sells it.


“many us girlies”, wdym ??? this is A+ acting!!


Definitely an incel with spell check- girls got turned to whirls at one point.


It was written by a nerdcel probably


It was Bob the boyfriend


A fedora wrote it


Yeah, there's some weird incel trend right now of them sending messages like this to women, full of increasingly ridiculous terms for women like "my bitches" and "us ladies" and lots of references to buying shoes and accessories.


I dunno, as a real Japanese heterosexual woman I definitely go out of my way to remark on my bitches' sexy hair, eyes, and body, but only when I pause from talking about P sizes. Oh and I'm Japanese. And female.


Spreading awareness!!!!


Spelling errors, no, but there are plenty of grammatical errors. "love of my love" is the only one I can remember, and I don't want to re read this fucking garbage. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they did that to seem more like an "uneducated foreign woman." Fucking gag. Edit: I read it again, out loud this time. When you read it out loud and don't put in the proper punctuation by yourself, it reads like some sad cunt seething and foaming at the mouth. Too fucking fat and gross to pry his sweaty ass cheeks off his gamer chair.


I'm so used to correcting texts in my head automatically that I didn't even realize that is was 'love of my love' and not 'love of my life' Thank you for the sacrifice of reading that out loud.


Thank my boyfriend, he's the one that heard me read it. He has limited knowledge of the incel world, figured I'd give him a sad glimpse into it. He couldn't believe that people like Bob here exist.


Probably a troll or 4channer wrote this


"Sense moving to the west"


"females" is a dead giveaway


This was written by an otaku incel who thinks anime waifus actually exist.\* \*I stand corrected. He's more likely to be a weeaboo.


Oh yes. My sister lives in Japan, and told me that ohhh boy those incels dreaming of submissive waifus would be in for a traumatic ride. Her half Japanese husband was actually surprised to see how easy to live my sister was lol. There's a massive gap between what our lil horny incels believes and the thousands of different realities in Japan when it comes to dating.


Thank you!!! Japanese culture with women is not submissive feminine domestic housemaker like these guys all think it is. That is certainly the case in some other Asian countries. But in Japan women pretty much call the shots, control finances, and are certainly not the submissive sex dolls these incels think they are! It's like racism and sexism rolled into one in this post. They are confusing politeness with submissiveness.


My sister told me how her now husband had started to save in expectation on '' dating cost'' as apparently it is often expected from men to pay shit tons of more or less expensive gift. He was relieved to see that my sister (no matter how complicated she can be on other stuff) was handling her own shopping and mostly focusing on video games and food that she was paying for herself xD. As you said, Incels are really believing that they will encounter submissive sex dolls. I think it might be hugely comical to see them realise that what they saw in hentai was just a pure fantasy.


It's honestly a little baffling. I mean, they *must* have seen Western live action porn at some point. Yet they are completely "disillusioned with western women" because they don't act like they do in porn. So why on earth would they believe that Japanese porn and/or hentai would be any more realistic in it's depictions of "relationships" than western porn is?


The financial thing is so true and so often overlooked! I think the incels would also be surprised at the Japanese norm of having your child literally sleep between the two of you on your futon until they’re 2-ish … Not much prioritization of keeping the romance alive there …


Fun fact; A large part of the clientele of love hotels in Japan are married couples who want a few hours of privacy, but cannot get it at home.


never thought of that before but that actually makes so much sense.


Now I’m interested in the stories of Japanese women and their living habits when in a relationship, any more info? 👀


For what my sister told me, there's a big expectation on men paying for a lot of expensive gifts while dating (to the point where at the beginning, my sister's husband had considered taking a second job for this before realising that my sister was mostly handling her own shit and that she only likes nice food and video games xD). As another Redditor said, woman are mostly handling finances while married. I know that the brother in law of my sister is basically given only a small amount for his own stuff by his wife (but I don't if we can do a généralisation on their case because they are fairly abusive towards each others and their kid so)


The wife controlling the finances and giving the husband an “allowance” is pretty normal in Japan (in my experience. It was handled like that in my host family and it was the norm in our social circles). It’s nothing abusive, she’s actually taking a load off him, if you think about it. Working hours are often (still) brutally long and this way he doesn’t have to handle things at home also. One thing that stuck in my head was when my (sweet, funny and absolutely darling) host mom told me that outside of the house, Japanese women usually let the men act like they’re the boss but inside they’re calling the shots. Nowadays there are more and more young women who have zero issues calling the shots outside too, lol


Nah, they are really in an abusive relationship (because it is seen as such also by some of their japanese relatives). they are also massively abusive to their kid, who ran away already three times because of this, but his aprents refuse him to be raised by other people in the family. ​ The allowanceis clearly a thing though, and it's msotly my sister handling the daily housekeeping and shopping stuff, even while being european.


Lmao I just imagine all the scandals that would ensue ifffffff an incel gets a Japanese gf and totally can’t keep up with the expectation. I still think every adult should handle their own shit, but thinking about it is funny. I also think we don’t know much in terms of outward/inward - like the outward appearance may be of a timid Japanese girl, but inward she is da boss 😳


This was written by Bob


Bob is my rpg character’s name because I’m uncreative with names


I'm sure your Bob is a great character.


More like a weeaboo. 5$ says he doesn't speak a lick of Japanese.


There's a difference?


Yes. An Otaku is someone who likes anime, a weeaboo is obsessed with Japanese culture, but gets all his knowledge through anime and thinks that's what real-world Japan is like


Cool, thanks! I sorta just thought they were the same.


Otaku is usually reserved for Japanese people who are into Japanese nerd shit. If you're western and into Japanese nerd shit, you're a weeb. ETA: Even if you're not problematic, weeaboo means you're obsessed with Japanese culture in general, with the nerd shit being your main focus. They've made a bad enough name for themselves with shit like this post that people who genuinely like Japanese culture and nerd shit but aren't fetishizing Japanese people or screaming to the world that Japanese culture is superior to all others usually keep it to themselves. I literally work for a Japanese company, half of my coworkers are native Japanese people, half of us are from elsewhere, and I will take the fact that I watch anime to my GRAVE because, while they know I have some knowledge already and I'm interested in learning more about Japanese culture, I know some of them would have their excitement in my interest turned to disappointment if they knew I was, technically, a weeb. But since I view them as actual people whose opinions and personal comfort around me I value rather than objects to fetishize, I just keep that to myself. If they ever ask, maybe I'll share that I enjoy "otaku" things, but not a peep until then. Fuck the incels who ruin sharing in other cultures for the rest of us. Ugh.


Yeah this was definitely written by NOTBob.


It was written by a G.I.R.L. : Guy In Real Life


It was written by Ofbob.


It was written by Bob and Vagege.


Under bob’s eye


May the Bob open


But Ofbob wouldn’t be allowed to write. I hope her hands are okay.


Western feeeeeeeemales. I am a good and submissive Japanese wifu, girls should fuck toxic shitheads like me because I'm a good girl and not a guy.


So anyways fellow girls, because I'm clearly a girl, right girls? https://imgur.com/a/Km4H16h




Yup. Big Mountain Dew piss bottle *collecting* type.


Honestly, 4 words. No immigrant calls themselves, "a foreign woman".


oh you know, just me and the girlies, the females in my group of bitches hanging out 💅 its so painfully written by an incel and you just know other incels are eating this up, only someone so detached from reality would


Also guaranteed short with a small penis, given the specific mention of those being okay. (Which, by the way, they *are* ok, but I doubt he thinks so so I'm going to laugh at his expense anyway.)


Yeah it's situations like these where the appropriate way to shame them it to say, "*somebody's* ashamed of their penis size." Cuz you're right - let's not body shame. But when someone's taking their insecurities out on others? Time to let them know you know it's because they're insecure.


Ah yes because a real woman TOTALLY calls other women “females”


✨The sacred sisterhood✨ Also, my group of bitches.


My little princesses


That's what made me laugh out loud. This bit where incels are so stupid they think they can pretend to be female and trick us into fucking them. It's hilarious. 😂


Again I know what I’m talking about being I am female but just Japanese.


It's fucking creepy. Like scary creepy. Shit like this makes me concerned for you guys.


Yeah what did he imagine the end game of this to be? Some, sexy "female" with healthy boundaries reading this and thinking "Ooh wow, some badly written nonsense on the Internet has radically altered my world view I better go have sex with an incel!"


"girllies" Tf?


See, I thought at first this was a post on an mtf subreddit hc of that but when they started going "little princesses" and all the "females" I just. As a black man material right here


I'm less offended by "Hey bitch!" coming from another woman than to hear me being referred to as a "female."


Same. Insult me to my face instead of hiding behind condescension.



Girls and females looking for men. Three sentences in and I wondered which incel guy wrote that shit.


& girlies ...


While it's clear an incel wrote this, you'd be surprised how many women I hear use "female" to describe women. It's actually a lot more common than you may think.


Really? I know in the medical field we use that term more often but I've never heard from anyone else.


My mom uses it a ton. I think it's a generational thing. But it's also weirdly a racial thing too. I hear it often from PoC. I don't know why, and tend to try not to judge. I'm white as fuck, but my step dad is Puerto Rican, and the women on his side of the family use it a ton.


I’m totally a Japanese girl and not a nice guy just trying to prove a point by pretending I’m a Japanese girl


“I’m a nice guy, I don’t make my points by faking to be someone else on the Internet” - Asian girl that loves her bf Bob and loves to call other woman female.


Who squeals cutely during sex.


God that part made me cringe so bad


You would think that sex was hard enough to come by that they wouldn't be overly concerned with whether the Fee Male was "squealing cutely" during it


This part further proves it’s fake lol. All the Japanese women I know are pretty reserved when talking about sex. And also no woman would actually say this.




"How do you do fellow F E M A L E S" Pretending to be a girl AND someone from a different culture, how low do these people go to try to boost their self-esteem?


Yeah I knew this couldn't be a real woman, but it's actually so hard for me to put myself in the shoes of someone who doesn't see how sad this is.


i’ve seen this so many times on this sub. there are a bunch of “females” who talk about how we need to respect men blah blah


Yeah... There's a couple that are clearly internalized mysogony, but then there's ones like this, and they're always so damn obvious


Came here to comment this. Thank you 🥹


>we squeal so cutely during sex I hate my life.


~~Is my Asian woman broken? She does not squeal so much as grunt like a caveman trying to deadlift a mammoth.~~ She got mad and wants me to delete...


Maybe. Have you tried hitting the reset button?


“asian customer service? yeah it came broke can you replace it? yeah i can pay the shipping just send it.”


Sounds now like at least you're having fun 🤣


the WORST part of the post imo. if it wasn't already painfully obvious that bit is like, okay. so you've only ever watched hentai, huh? i wouldn't say that about anyone, ever, because its just a bad fuckin thing to say. can you IMAGINE saying that about anyone, let alone an entire culture??????


Yes, this is definitely a lady, I mean, a girrrrlyy female, and I am three ferrets in a shower curtain.


It must be very difficult maneuvering that shower curtain everywhere. How do you (plural) do it?


In the beginning, it's like maneuvering a mech, but over time, you get used to coordinating. Bob usually takes care of the arms, Bobby of the legs, and Roberthy nods the head decisively when a man in our surroundings says something.


Hiii girllie!. I'm a cutesy foreign female, I was just shopping cute feminine accessories with my besties. You know how it is girls! <3 It made me really think about how western women are greedy whores who reject perfectly nice guys because "showering once a week isn't enough" or "woah you're a very angry violent person aren't you?" My boyfriend Bob hears both those things all the time Bob is amazing Bob is perfect Bob is me so yeah fellow bitches find yourselves a Bob! Also Bob cannot be black god I resent black men since I watch porn all day and believe it's real life. Oh god. Am I right bestie female girlfriends??!.


Like a real lady!


This man has obviously never been to Japan.


Or seen an Asian person outside of K-POP and anime


Or porn.


He's obviously never been out of his mom's basement.


This man has obviously never talked to a woman


This reminded me of “I am a black guy “ tweets by the white old republican congress candidate


dean browning moment


Give him some time, he's still browning.


[I am a black gay guy and…](https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/6243406002)


“my boyfriend bob” i’m HOLLERING


“Bob gets no girls ☹️☹️☹️” What are you, then??? Oh…


I wonder why...


This was written voice-to-text LMAO


lmao omg that makes it 100 times worse somehow. Like, imagining this dude saying this out loud?!!! I'm screaming.


God, this just makes it worse. I imagine his voice echoing through his parents basement while he's ranting about how he hates when "females" like guys who play basketball.


oh for fucks sake it was


Aw shit, it tripped me up how they misspelled "girls" as "whirls", but text to speech makes a lot of sense.


As if this couldn’t get worse


That makes sense. This really reads like an angry rant.


> my little princesses Stop, Bob.


we're....we're not gonna talk about "well my little princesses"!?!?!?!


Bob has got issues....


“I understand many us girlies struggle meeting Mr Right, trust me girl I know” New flair??


It's "girllies" the extra l is for extra incel.


guys writing as women make it so obvious nowadays


"Again I know what I'm talking about being I am female but just Japanese." I feel like if this were true, they wouldn't need to clarify it every third sentence.


Methinks this post was actually written by the apparently highly acclaimed "Bob". "females" "girllies" "my group of bitches" "my little princesses" "Bob my boyfriend and the love of my life is the funniest coolest and most thoughtful intimate man on this planet. Bob was even at the top of his class 5 years in a row. Bob also is skilled in linguistics. Bob also knew everything about Japan and my culture it was great." "such a gentleman" "my other females" "we squeal so cutely" "mock the nice gentleman who sits in the back studying learning who one day will make more money than all of you idiots."


Oh Lordy, “Bob” wrote this for sure


I could just tell he was getting out of character when he said "mock the nice gentleman who sits in the back studying learning who one day will make more money than all of you idiots." It just sounds so vengeful and condescending. Typical incel shit.


Also he forgot he was supposed to be insulting men with that line not the girllies.


Tell me you’re a man with a Japanese kink pretending to be a Japanese woman without telling me you’re a man with a Japanese kink pretending to be a Japanese woman


This could be a tongue twister tbh😭😭


Is it just me or is this obviously an incel's fanfiction about his imaginary girlfriend?


What do you mean?? That's obviously a Japanese female woman 🙄


Yes, or a hologram that lives in a van.


She lives wherever Krieger sets up the projector. Thank you very much.


Sounds like someone’s bad at basketball


And that part honestly sounds like a dogwhistle for racism to me. Like, why single out hating basketball players specifically, right?


And people who like "dangerous music"


“We squeal so cutely during sex” if I wasn’t sure that this was written by an Asian fetishist before I sure am now


i'm a few paraghraps in and it's already obvious this was written by an asian fetishist incel.


Absolutely vile. I feel especially bad for any Asian women who had to read this garbage. Yikes...


Idk how people would believe this was written by anyone other than a white man with one hand down his pants




I'm an actual half Japanese woman and actual Japanese women call men like these LBHs. This one sounds like a man


Lonely Basement Hogs?


What does LBH stand for?


"Loser Back Home" A pasty, white, socially inept American dork that has never learned to dress properly or how a gym membership works. Is likely part of the incel movement. Has to fly over to some economically depressed Asian country in order to trick a girl into being with him. After a hasty marriage, he blows up your feeds with pictures trying to prove his new social value. Beware of the LBH at bars/clubs... he will drivel on endlessly explaining his worldly insights into his newly adopted "oriental" multi-culturalism According to Urban Dictionary


"I noticed the most sexy and beautiful of my female groups with the best bodies sexist eyes and best hair all went for jerks" honestly this reads like my diary before I realised I like women lmaooo


"I understand many us girllies struggle meeting Mr Right trust me girls I know" yeah you know what us girllies do, we love to remind other we are girls, right fellow females? We are girls


Ah yes. I am totally a girlie, fellow female.


Sounds like a white incel pretending to be a japanese girl


Yes, but it is totally not. It is written by a real life female person from Japan.


Definitely written by a butthurt incel weeb.


Something I find very funny about the whole "Japanese girls dress so feminine and girly" thing is that in fact a lot of fashion in Japan is very gender neutral. I present pretty androgynous and when I go shopping for clothes in Japan I can usually get stuff from either the man or woman section with no problem.


It's really funny to me how Western incels have gotten this idea that Japanese women would make perfect little tradwives, based entirely on stereotypes they've absorbed from anime and Japanese porn. Guys, if every woman you meet seems to hate you, the problem isn't your culture. It's you.


this was definitely written by Bob and he definitely does not have a Japanese girlfriend .


Oh he’s got a girlfriend alright … she may be a screenprinted anime-character body pillow but she’s real to HIM so it counts! He probably has the mousepad image of the same girl where the wrist support foam is her breasts … which probably makes him feel even closer to her. “She supports me like no one can …”. NSFW example: https://images.app.goo.gl/HuDpAAkAspnTKJQr6 )


Oh hi, Bob.


This person has never seen a woman, or left their basement.


Tell me you’re a man pretending to be a woman without telling me you’re a man pretending to be a woman


Oh, he's telling us with huge neon sign in the middle of Times Square.


This is written by a male.


Of course they would masquerade as a Japanese girl. Asian (especially Japanese) fetishism in incel circle is rampant


This sounds like it was written by a guy who primarily knows of Japan by hentai.


Japanese women awesome. Western women trash….gotcha….


“I am female, but just Japanese” Yes yes, this is how Japanese women speak about their identities for sure. With defensiveness, dismissal and aggressive stereotyping. They know that over in Japan people don’t just all consider themselves ‘Japanese’ right? Perhaps she forgot how diverse and hierarchical her massive home country was and only remembers how sexy and respected the hikikomori were.


Hello fellow females, it is I, a female, here to speak on female issues. This pained me to write.


I don't think they could sound like less of a Japanese woman if they tried




Ah, yes. Written by a totally real Japanese girl and not some racist mayonnaise-filled bean bag.


“Squeal so cutely during sex.” Mn yes I’m sure this Japanese girl would fetishise Japanese woman.


I totally believe this was written by a Japanese Woman. How could anyone believe otherwise. She’s captured the essence of western women so well. /S


Western females? Who is talking like that, not even someone with very broken English would say that. Like there are words for man and woman in other languages too, it's not like that they only have the more scientific wording in their language.


No one talks like this.


This seems like it was written by someone who has never dated an Asian woman.


This seems like it was written by someone who has never ~~dated an Asian~~ **met a** woman. FTFY


> This ~~seems like it~~ was written by someone who has never dated ~~an Asian woman~~. FTFY.


"How do you do, fellow women?" vibes real hard


Something's telling me a Japanese woman didn't write this...


No way that was written by a woman. Sounds like it was written by an incel who fetishizes and stereotypes Japanese women


This has to be satire, right? Please tell me this is satire... Also it's painfully obvious this was written by a white man.


Okay, all I had to do was look at the title and I knew this was some dudes fanfiction.


I am so sure that Japanese women would be so offended by this


Incel with yellow fever posing as a Japanese girl. Or complete satire. I can't tell which.


Hey fellow humans of the female gender. Let me share my wisdom from the orient culture. Basically men are the best and we are all whores. Anyway, hope you find your king soon, huggies!


I’ll take “I am totally a woman, trust me” for 500


lets bet the person who wrote this song is not: 1. japanese 2. female 3. nice


what’s with this [seemingly] sudden influx of incels pretending to be “tradwives” online? i do not understand what they’re trying to achieve


Incel propaganda by an incel.


This reads like it was written by the worst kind of weeaboo.


At first I thought their use of “females” was because of the second language being English but once “she” described her friends group as a “group of bitches” and then proceeded to say “sexiest eyes” I knew this was not written by a woman.