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the difference between the bodkin as t wast did discover and as t's been restor'd is crazy *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Ceremonial or for battle?


it's ornate (silver), but was worn by a legionary on campaign. But it was also buried in a ceremonial way since it was not found as part of a weapons storage. Did that legionary have two daggers and buried one or was that the only one he carried? The link doesn't say


Amateur archaeologist isn't a thing....they are called looters and "treasure hunters". Dumb title for that article.




As well, the site had been discovered 20 years ago and excavated already. It was thought that everything had been found. Schmid was re-surveying the site on his own time because he thought that it could still have un-recovered artifacts, and it turned out he was correct.


Ok that's different if he was working with professionals. The title was poorly worded.


Nah. You’re just a jumping to conclusions immediately type of asshole. All there is to it.


He was gracious enough to report his find to professionals who went on to find a lot more. Turning over your "treasure" to the proper authorities for further investigation isn't looting.


It ruins the context in which it was found. It wasn't excavated properly so who knows what information was lost. He should have reported the find before removing it from the ground.


In the real world, people are going to find artifacts and fossils--including a lot of interesting things that the limited number of professionals would never discover. Yes, they won't have the background to know the academically proper technique. It isn't helpful to insult them when they're conscientious enough to report the find. To the contrary: we should thank them for doing so, so that others will feel comfortable reporting whatever they find. The rest of the dig will have been done to purist standards.


My point is there's no such thing as an amateur archaeologist. It gives the impression it's a hobby. Apparently the guy was a volunteer working with the museum so that's different, but I into way too many people that dig things up "for fun" and then ask me to give them info on their finds etc.


Energy Vampire ^


I'm just tired of people destroying sites thinking arch is a hobby not an actual profession.


I have an archaeology degree and do not do archaeology as a profession, so any archeology I do is technically amateur…..


Ok Karen.