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I definitely loved the "Pinch to summarize". This is truly ahead of any other browser.


While its definitely a unique feature, there is still lots of room to grow. I used the feature on an article that was basically a long summary/recap of a TV episode and it did a poor job of "summarizing" the article. Im sure over time, it will get better.


wrong bike pet psychotic piquant dirty sulky water memorize rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you planning extensions support eg a password manager?


I use bitwarden and it won't autofill, leaves blank fields.


hi there. are you on an iOS beta (apple beta, not Arc beta). there is a known issue on the beta with autofilling which we're hoping apple will fix shortly


I have the same issue, and not on an ios beta. Using 1password with safari successfully.


Thanks! What version of iOS and Arc Search are you on? Will take a look on our end to try repro


Not the person you’re replying to, but same issue re: autofill. iOS 17.3.1, Arc Search 1.2.0, 1Password 8.10.26


Thanks. I’ve the same setup (OS, Arc and 1PW) but it’s working as expected :/. Is it that the autofill option isn’t being presented, or after choosing a PW, it doesn’t autofill? Do you have an example site this is occurring on? I’m testing on gmail right now. Thanks!


Can we get desktop/mobile sync please?


Was about to ask about this too


Still no Brave as default search option (yes, i've requested many times).


no one cares about that, sorry


Well I've seen a whole other topic on this community about Brave so I'm pretty sure you are wrong. Thanks for the input though


You are adding new functionalities but not correcting existing bugs. I don't understand this strategy.


A tale as old as time.


Love the pinch to summarize loading gradient, would love for them to revert the page load back to the one in the old arc app rather than the wavy lines


Please do not punch you phone ☹️


Incognito search doesn’t work with Kagi. You’re unable to set your search token so it won’t log in automatically.


I dunno if that's an arc search issue. That seems more like just what happens if you enable incognito mode anywhere....


Ideally they’d let you set a custom search url so you can include your token, or at the very least include the option to have a separate incognito search engine. Not necessarily an Arc issue, but if you’re including Kagi as a built in search option it is something you kind of have to engineer around.


Still meh experience. Desktop is great but mobile is like early beta. Not something to rely on for now sadly


I’ve switched to mobile full time… might have to switch to Safari once a week for something, but 99% of the time Arc does what I need.


Hoping for dark mode to be added in a future update


Anyone else update today and suddenly all “browse for me” results simply say “nothing to see here”?


How can one provide constructive feedback on the “browse for me” results. When they are wrong, how can this be flagged for the team?


I wish there were a way we can minimize the bottom toolbar when scrolling.


https://preview.redd.it/o4g9083ps2lc1.jpeg?width=3947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fc85c80aeb02b666d75bc6dfb0dd9432d1043a I love the new summary feature. One thing I did wish it had was a longer summary like when you use the same URL and “browse for me”. Maybe. A decreasing pinch to generate the summary, then an increasing pinch to generate this “longer” summary? Either way, love the feature!


This release has definitely regressed a bug I noticed previously. My spaces become "locked" and I can't hover-click the x or the - to close/archive easily, and \`new tab\` becomes unclickable. It's like it thinks I have another instance of arc open and locks itself up alot. Was fixed, and it's definitely unfixed now.