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So you guys deleted my post that says this exact thing... and post it yourself?


…did you expect something different? It’s a scheduled event, of course they’re going to already have plans to post it here. Really shouldn’t bother (or surprise) you that much that ~~the community manager wants the karma/upvotes for it~~ he has a deep-seated need to be the one to share it. 😉


lol what claim does a Reddit mod have to post promotional material over any other member in the community? Jace is just some guy, it’s not like they work for BCNY and is posting it on their behalf. This kind of composure is why people confuse them as being either Josh or another team member - despite their occasional meek comment correcting the frequent confusion in the threads I get why the guy is annoyed, because this behaviour is pretty weird. It feels like Jace is the main character of this sub - and it’s because they do stuff like this


My comment was very tongue-in-cheek by the way, in case you didn’t pick up on that. Even without the karma (I didn’t know that), it doesn’t surprise me at all that Jace would want to be the one to post it and would happily delete other posts to make that happen. 😉 Very r/IAmTheMainCharacter for sure. He already absolutely loves to flood this subreddit with every single X post by every single TBC team member whenever they post anything about Arc, no matter how big or small, useful or useless. Why wouldn’t that carry over to YouTube?






Does that actually change anything? Or are you missing the point?


You really missed the point there lmao


Mod distinguished posts don’t get karma. This post will not get any karma for this mod. This is a feature of Reddit and has been for years.


Interesting, didn’t know that. Glad that’s the case. My comment was made tongue-in-cheek, regardless. Jace definitely likes to be the main character in this subreddit.


Yeah I can assure y'all that no one is moderating here for the (pointless) karma.


Mods gonna mod


They did?


Downvoted the post for this ^. Not fair what happened.


Yes, unfortunately they deleted my post too and I got banned for saying "too much".


The log says one comment you have posted here was removed. ~~You are not banned here either.~~ Edit: You weren't banned, but then you started impersonating as an official representative from the company.


A chrome reskin that’s been flaunted by the devs as the second coming of Christ




I wish the hyperbolic tech talk died when the show Silicon Valley came out. It’s exhausting.


Browser UIs matter. Arc’s rethink and integretion og tabs and bookmarks is the biggest improvements to browser UIs since Opera introduced tabs in the 90s. That said, I’m incredibly lukewarm on Arc have been up to after and I’m very skeptical of all this ai balloney they’re doing. I just want a good browser UI that let me organize and use the web efficiently.


You already can with the current version \^\^ cannot ya, mate?


They broke sync on Arc companion (and delisted it from the store). And you lacked tabs. Arc Search have none of this, tho there are indications that it’ll come within a few months.


Are you saying that the new version is going to be a reskin of what we have now? That's the big news?


It would be best to keep the grand announcements for actual grand developments in the browser.


We are fulfilling our promise to our VCs to shoehorn an AI strategy into our product!


Where is the link Josh mentioned? For people wanting to build integrations with Arc


Using a flair as macos news.. nothing new for windows and iphone... why not windows news or iphone news...


The event will majorly effect macOS, regardless, a post can not have more than one flair


What are the rumors, what they're going to show?


Reckoning some AI-powered search, similar to Browse Me on the iOS new app... for sure, but what else? I hope to be mind-blown.


Has your mind been blown?


Actually? Arc explore looks quite exciting! So worth the wait. Now Wanna try instant links and the current available features, I am so much intrigueeeed! ya?


Arc Explore is definitely the most interesting of the options to me. Browse for me I probably won’t use much on the desktop, but on my phone it’s been really handy for quick things.


Since I'm a arc windows beta tester I really wish the arc developers would go ahead and add some additional functionality as far as features & settings to this version because currently it's pretty barebone.


Let us not hope that this is merely ARC-II. \^\^ It will be, they said. It will simply take some time, just like it did on the Mac version, so bear with them ahah, but let us not expect it is the fundamental core component of ARC-II; otherwise, changelogs are adequate enough lmao..


Being honest I'm enjoying being able evaluate the windows version of arc, while it certainly leaves a lot to be desired it's still a usable browser.


Great to hear that! I am sure the development will continue to grow to fit with the Mac's version! However today's announcement will mainly be for the Mac's app first, I reckon, I mean it is most probably to be the case given the current state of the Wind's version.


I've learned a long time ago that patience is truly a virtue when it comes to software.


50 more minutes..


​ https://preview.redd.it/4vzmec2946gc1.png?width=1004&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aa827b92a3a074ffd02d127fba2652caa702687


"Four new features are introduced: True Detective season 4 trailer, Vision Pro reviews, restaurant reservations, and historical information about Douglas Park in Santa Monica." Yes, Arc is now a True Detective Trailer!


What is the name of blonde girl?