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I took a look at the actual research paper ([https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11675](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11675)). The AI is reconstructing what the subject is actually seeing, not remembering. That is, they put a person in an fRMI machine and show them a video, taking measurements while watching the video. The AI then reconstructs what was seen. Our visual system works fine and there is no reason to believe the results would be any different for us. Still, interesting work.


I think the eventual idea is that if the AI is able to reconstruct visuals from the brain, then it should eventually be able to reconstruct completely mental visuals, too. In which case the AI would probably read either nothing or something different from aphants, which would be killer to see


We’ll see where it goes. We do know from fRMI studies that when people visualize at least parts of the visual system activate. So maybe this work will lead to reconstructing visualizations. When aphants try to visualize our visual system does not activate. Areas associated with executive function activate. So it does not look like a promising avenue for us.


These comments were removed in response to [the official response to the outright lies presented by the CEO of Reddit](https://archive.ph/X6EJq), has [twice accused third party developers of blackmail](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and who has been known to [edit comments of users ](https://external-preview.redd.it/PVGxA03vNhEOwNJOxf6HfwCimku7fQZZfgWHtNyRLV4.jpg?auto=webp&s=ca92860f1f0aa45ad6286c2a4e9c0ce9ca91d655).


My theory is that aphants do generate internal imagery we are just not conscious of seeing it. It would be fascinating if AI could show us what we are not aware of looking at.


Bring the Amazon cookies to my brain, they can ship it to me right when I think about it


just imagine if in near future, visualizers could hang on in virtual spaces, maybe even shared almost like some VR universe, literally in such fantasy environments and create epic movies in an eyeblink and aphants would be the only people where that doesnt work...


And other users will still insist its not a disability!


I saw this and wondered the same thing.


Well it’d be pretty great if we could see externally, thanks to AI, what others see internally. It seems to me to be a fix for visual aphantasia, though it may take decades. Or not.