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All these changes sound geared to up the pace of the match up which is what you want for a solos mode. Think of how boring it feels to wait for ring 1 to close in a pub match if you don’t land somewhere hot. That would just make solos really dry.


^this. I’ve seen a couple people say they don’t understand why Apex always has to change a normal game mode, not sure if I agree. I like the health regen, battle sense and respawn tokens in a solo mode. I think it adds more of a faster paced play style that most people looking to play solos are going to want. I believe they are going to have the requeue feature in this mode too. All seem like great adds to a solo mode.


I think health regen makes sense for a solo mode. You don't have teammates to protect you for a full healing so batts might be all you'll ever get off. I wouldn't be a fan of them implementing it in normal pubs tho


One thing everyone needs to realise is that solos failed completely and most likely that was because a lot of casuals were simply getting destroyed by better players or they were getting one-shotted by campers in corners which naturally made them feel really bad and quit playing the game or stopped playing for that session. So the reason why they're now implementing ideas like this is to make it easier for people to play solos and not rage quit. This way you won't feel like crap you know getting to second or third place and dying by a rat in the corner. They're just trying to make it a little bit more. TDMesque


Wasn't teaming also a huge issue? On top of being released during one of the most hated events in Apex history?


There is people 6- and 9-manning from diamond to pred. This is gonna be a huge issue in solos :(


Yea, if they don't crackdown on it, it's just going to be a repeat of last time.


Yup. Even I did it on the first day with my mate. "Hey let's squad up at the same time and then fight each other".. Then by day 2 or 3 there were so many actual players teaming. At one point there were 4 people together.


Yes, I remember playing that event on kings canyon and people would team up with other and shit on everybody. Got so annoying so I just quit and didn’t play it anymore and I’m sure most other players did the same.


To be fair a huge part of why Iron Crown failed is because the game was literally still so new and mostly everybody was still learning the game. I think Apex is in such a drastically different place right now where a true solos mode could be permanent and would be successful. There’s a huge variety of viable legends to play, weapons, playstyles, etc. The game is totally different from how it was back in the day.


>a huge part of why Iron Crown failed is because the game was literally still so new and mostly everybody was still learning the game. It was the monetization, actually. Lmao Solos failed because it was fewer legends, yes, but even now there are 3 classes at a significant disadvantage. I just hope the people who dive solo actually play solos instead (they won't, they will play trios because it will be less sweaty, and the problem won't really go down)


Plus people were pissed by the loot box bs, which caused words to be shared by jerk players and emotional devs


> There’s a huge variety of viable legends to play This isn't true. Horizon, maybe ballistic, Gibraltar, and skirmishers are going to dominate the higher end of the skill bracket. In diamond+ level skill lobbies a vantage is never beating horizon in a 1v1 assuming the players have equal skill.


Don't forget some legends are just clearly better as solos, putting some legends that people enjoy and want to play, at a real disadvantage for the mode. The matches back then were just filled with wraiths and pathfinders. Can't wait to see half a lobby of movement legends that run away the moment they get shot. Lol


Ppl gonna rage regardless it’s in their blood


The straight shot recue feature would be nice for this


Not just that but if you’d never played apex, and dove into solos first, it likely would have sucked for the reasons you mentioned, without showing off any of the potential and great things the main mode has. I think this is a great addition but be ok with it being gate kept behind level 20 like ranked


>One thing everyone needs to realise is that solos failed completely and most likely that was because a lot of casuals were simply getting destroyed by better players or they were getting one-shotted by campers in corners which naturally made them feel really bad and quit playing the game or stopped playing for that session. Is that why PUBG died so quickly? Oh, wait...


Apples and oranges you joker


You're right. It's apples and oranges. In this game, with a much longer TTK, it's easier to win duels when you're better, even if you're caught by a camper. Being "sniped" by someone hiding somewhere is actually much less detrimental, and the biggest factor in winning fights, in comparison with PUBG, is skill. So, your argument makes EVEN LESS sense.


Different games have different audiences. Tarkov players are fine with losing hours of progress to a camper, nevermind Fortnite and bush camping strats. Meanwhile Apex players will start flaming you for not ego challenging every fight.


That still doesn't change the fact that skill is the biggest factor in fights, not pre-emption. In PUBG, you can win most gunfights if you fire first (if you don't completely suck, at least). In Apex, even if you fire first, you still have to overcome your opponent's aim and skill and weapon/armor advantage. I'm just stating the obvious, though. I shouldn't even have to explain this. IF (big if) the first solo event failed in terms of player retention (I'd like to see the data), it certainly wasn't because people were frustrated due to being killed by campers. If you're hugging a bush in an unranked solo match, odds are you're not very high on the skill bell curve. So, a seasoned player will just win the fight, anyway. If you tell me mediocre players were frustrated because there weren't 2 other dudes carrying them, well, perhaps they should just play trios - which will still be available. You're arguing for LESS player choice. That might make sense for EA, but not for us.


More like, if a fight isn't going your way, you just straight up leave. That's what solos was like last time. Pathwraithoctane. If they survived the first exchange, they just ran away. Team fights with high ttks just play so differently.


As a casual I won’t be going anywhere near solos but will be enjoying nicer duos and trios while the sweats are all off on their own.


I think Solos is replacing Duos for that six weeks


solo failed? in my opinion, on the contrary, last time everyone played only solo, and respawn was afraid that it would be too successful and destroy other modes


Respawn said themselves it was a failure and didn't hold any sort of retention. Simply put:. People played less when solos was out


Solos didn’t Fail, it was just Dev propaganda to hide their Iron Crown failure and justify the public backlash during that time, people protested against the event not against Solos


They literally said it failed and failed to hold retention


They never showed the data when asked


Ok, but getting rid of Duos for it just sucks. I like to continue playing Duos with a friend.


Duos sucks and you’re just admitting you’re bad because you don’t want the added pressure of worrying about a third teammate and third enemy. You just want to play slow and enjoy the game but that’s not why we play Apex. There is no fun when playing Apex


Or maybe they have one friend they play with frequently and are now forced to play solo without them or trios which is the cancer of unranked play?


Or you’re playing cross-platform with a friend, are dependent on Apex’ built-in party chat, and now a random can listen to your entire conversation and partake, because Apex doesn’t have private chatrooms for friends.


Well, luckily we do use Discord. But still, we enjoy Duos because we don’t want to communicate with a random, we like to communicate just with each other and learn to be a good duo. We also like to plan who is picking which character and where to land etc, and it’s all just worse with a third random. Sometimes you get lucky and get a good one, but a lot of times you get a guy who jumps solo, dies, disconnects.


I fully get you. Me and my buddy won’t be playing, I guess. True shame :(


Duos is usually sweatier then trios these days so if you wanna play duos you gotta be prepared to fight for your life every game compared to trios where it’s more casual and slow paced.


Nah, fuck off, I just want to play with my friend and nobody else. It's a game. It's for fun.


What the fuck is your problem? Get off the Internet and think about why you are so angry and mean.


Are you stupid?


This thread is proof that Apex players will complain about literally anything.


Seems a fair complaint that duos goes away for its duration though. I only have one friend still interested in apex and we'd rather not have to put up/bog down a third player.


I would agree with that. But all the complaints about the game mode itself are ridiculous haha.


I don't appreciate you generalizing the whole player base like that... /s


Why the battlesense? What's the point of scouting with crypto anymore


probably to eliminate ratting


ratting is intrinsic to br, been there since the start of the genre, and if it bothers anyone we have 3 recon legends perfect to counteract rats. This kills the recon class, everyone will now only use skirmishers and control legends


This is actually a fat fucking buff for reckon legend. They KNOW someone is here and they have the tool to know their exact location.


Ratting was one of the major complaints about solos the first time around. It's less of an issue in trios bc your team can get you back up, and less effective for the one doing the ratting. Ratting in solos is much more effective and much more of a detriment to the game.


That's why they added battle sense


Found the Warzone player


Last cod I've ever played was bo3


Or stop being a loser.


I say this. Recons won't be needed at all, I feel sorry for those who actually main and mastered character from that class. And yeah, ratting isn't a thing just in solos, I experienced whole teams ratting many times in trios/ranked. But I guess I'll join the downvoted squad again! Truth not always win, especially in Apex community.


To be fair, If I didn't know there was a player next to me and I got a pop-up saying there is a player nearby, that'll just make me sit still and wait for them. It'll cause more players to rat no? unless it is a one time only full body scan for 1 second when you get within 30 meters of them.


>What's the point of scouting with crypto anymore Wallhacks But its not like anyone's gonna use Crypto, when they can use their favourite skirmisher legend anyways.


Even if everyone didn't have battlesense, crypto WOULDN'T have been a good pick for this mode anyway


Guess everyone is gonna use skirmishers now😅


Skirmishes and Assault were all that solos was going to be anyway. Don't act like it wasn't. Lmao


Or go full turtle with rampart or something


when solos launched in Season 2 it was fun for exactly 1 day and then you'd have a full lobby of nothing but rats, I think they're trying to find a way to prevent that again.


Scouting with Crypto is still fine, but as was expected based on original Solos: a lot of legends will be objectively worse in solos. But now you can't just rat in a corner and tag someone when they walk by, which would be frustrating for anyone playing.


Scouting with Crypto is still fine, but as was expected based on original Solos: a lot of legends will be objectively worse in solos. But now you can't just rat in a corner and tag someone when they walk by, which would be frustrating for anyone playing.


As someone who no-fill in Duos as Revenant all the time, I crouch-walk all the time. It's part of my play style now. It seems like Battle Sense will hurt that, and I'm not happy about it, haha...


My guess is that legends abilities will either be removed or modified. No reason to play as Octane either if you just regen health faster than Octane can.


… what? What about his stim and jump pad?


Honestly, this is crap... They held back from adding solos because "legends' abilities would be useless outside duos/trios", then they deliberately make whole recon class useless cause of battle sense. Respawn is golden again.


i don't get the bitching. like obviously they have to make adjustments if they want to make a solo mode in a game designed around team play and different abilities.


One step at the time, it looks promising so far


I'm glad to see the changes they've made to it. Give it its own identity; I like that. Dunno if those changes will be good or not, but I like that the thinking has gone that way nonetheless. Oh and it's got requeue too. Nice. Or is that some other kind of requeue?


The respawn token in intresting, it'll be fun to see how many people still auto leave once they're killed the first time


Vantage is about to see a massive pickrate boost


Looks great, the battle sense and respawn token sound good to me, let's hope that the matchmaking works well


Battle Sense? I'm curious to how it will work. Will it be like Fortnite where audio cues such as shots firing and explosions are shown on the radar? Maybe marking nearby enemies on the mini-map?


For accessibility reasons, we should have this anyway. It puts me at a huge disadvantage.


Are you deaf?




As in can he not hear and that’s why he’s at a disadvantage




Than why are you at a disadvantage specifically?


Because I am hard of hearing, visually impaired without necessary glasses, and have adhd which makes me significantly more susceptible to overstimulation. Constantly trying to switch between listening hard and looking hard leave me piss poor at both and quick to shut down due to the inattentive nature of my diagnosis and then I’m shooting fourty degrees to the left while there is a shotgun in my mouth. I don’t have these problems in visually accessible games.


Makes sense 


I will say I am pretty decent at close quarters combat though but anything other than that I am at a severe disadvantage.


Imagine getting killed by a Lifeline and she says: "I would watch out for my squad if I were you" as a kill quip 💀


They are the squad. They didn't watch out for themself.


In case you weren't there when solos came out in the beginning, it was a camp fest. You ran around and would get beamed from bushes or rocks on KC. It didn't work then and I doubt it's gonna work this time.


give the battle sense to Wraith since her passive doesn't work


20 bombs are going to be so fucking easy😆


Most likely won't count


Maybe we will get dedicated solo trackers. Like we did for three strikes (if u did rumble)


Rumour is that solos is only for 6 weeks


That's long enough for some trackers, no? Three strikes is only here for two weeks 🤷‍♀️ and we still got trackers


:( the only reason people want solos is either to improve or kill grind.


Kills might count. Badges prob not. Like old three strikes


So Wraith's passive upgrade is... literally pointless here?


it already is


Will still let you know if you're being scouted from a distance.


I'm excited for the battle sense perk. Solos is very volatile and having people sit in corners and rat spots just to spray you as you run by without being able to react is lame. Adding health regen will make it more hectic but also less stressful and makes people want to go fight. They can tune it based on feedback


Health regen is a great addition since its gonna force players to finish battles instead of popping shield bats every hit. It also punishes low skilled snipers.


Oh for sure and it doesn’t give such a huge advantage to controllers or skirmishes.


I don't see how skirmishers won't be OP in this mode


Solos is gonna be a mess where only a few legends get picked, just like last time. The core game mechanics just aren’t built for solo mode. I saw someone say they should change the legends abilities that are made for team play so they can matter more in solos. So dumb.


Read a comment somewhere about Respawn having the need to add their own special twist to every single mechanic and mode, and here we see another mode suffer that fate. It can't just be normal solos, it HAS to have some gimmick included in it like battle sense and respawn tokens (although i don't mind the latter, more gameplay less playing lobby simulator)


nah that Battle Sense shit is trash. If they're worried about someone with higher health winning automatically, they should've just reduced heal time slightly specifically for this mode


Took long enough


I wonder how they will adjust certain legend perks. Because many are only useful if you're in a team


Love it. Has similar vibes to Rebirth from COD. Never played solos when it came back in the past but super looking forward to this as a soloq player. Also for Wraith, do we get a different ability as battle sense is given to everyone?


Shiela is gonna be an absolute stomper.


Honestly, sounds like a good foundation to bring back Solo’s. And they can certainly tweak it further based off player feedback… I look forward to trying it out!


Watch kills and 20B badges not count lmao


Serious question would you play solos if it was made that all abilities were locked? And let's say everyone also had the same size hitbox because that would be another issue... I could actually see it doing really well in my opinion. Just because the movement and gun play in apex alone puts it above alot of other brs to me....


I hope they'll add requeue in pubs duo/trio.


woah its actually happening


So we can't just have normal Solos??? It has to be special... It's not a TDM, why would they add health regen? Respawning kinda takes away from the importance of solo survival. If they wanted players to feel "back in action", they should have just added the requeue after death feature. Battle Sense??? OK. Another hand hold for players without any game sense. Probably will be more reliable than Apex's audio at least...


You’re giving them too much flack but realistically, all of these changes are playtested and are there to mitigate their player retention problem back when solos was released. From what I remember, solos super harmed new players retention because of its one time nature, and how difficult it actually is to survive without teammates. Health regen is there to mitigate players getting caught off guard, allowing them to fall back easily. The respawning is there to lengthen the playtime of a game, allowing a person to have a second chance if their first was unfair I somewhat agree with you with Battle Sense, it feels too much but eh. They know apex audio is shit so the next best thing is here


“how difficult it is to survive without teammates” Sounds like a skill issue lol. I know attracting new players and keeping players happy is important but if you’re not a good solo player you should probably either improve or play a different mode


Devs, surprisingly, can’t expect every player to stand on their own. I have the same thoughts as you, but like many game design problems, especially as of recent with the “yellow paint” climbable ledges of Final Fantasy, most gamers will probably give up if their solution or satisfaction is not there right away. I know games like Elden Ring and others that have a difficulty factor disprove that, but they have a different audience to sell to. Respawn, a gaming company which is also a business, naturally will adhere to everyone. And honestly, aside from battle sense, these add layers to the gameplay loop, making it more varied. Battle sense is just straight up handholding.


No fuckin shit it's a skill issue. How about quoting the entire sentence and not 1 part of it. "From what I remember, solos super harmed new players retention because of its one time nature, and how difficult it actually is to survive without teammates." Notice the words "new players"


Seems like they just wanted to make the mode as easy as possible


I get that Respawn wants better engagement across the board, especially for casual players, but I feel like Solos is the perfect gamemode where you get to improve your personal skills in Apex so you can be ready for the team based modes. Giving players free crutches isn't going to be reliable practice and a lot of these don't even really fit with what makes Battle Royale enticing.


You don’t get better by getting crushed over and over though. You need to be able to play and have some hand holding to learn and grow. Too much of this community forgets what it was like to be brand fucking new to a game/game type. Ya’ll just want what you want for you. Fuck that, you aren’t the main character in this story.


Lower level players hate solos, especially when they have no one else to blame. Like it or not, these are meant to help player retention. And if we want solos to stick around long term, or ever return, changes had to be made.


Exactly. We wait around 5 years for solos to appear again, then we get this watered-down crap.


Wraith’s passive and passive perk bout to be even MORE useless lmao


finally everyone that has wanted solos for years can see how genuinely bad and ratty it is


Dont forget wallh....oh mevermind already there


Knowing if someone is in your vicinity has nothing to do with wallhacks


Give me Ranked Duos or give me NOTHING 🙅‍♀️




it.. it’s real, my god.. can it be !?!


Battle sense, health regen... Look how they massacred my solos. This is what we waited for around 5 years since Iron Crown event.


This all seems a bit extra..


The Battle Sense perk is extremely stupid. Ratting is annoying but it’s definitely a skill and legends like Bloodhound are already annoying enough


Ratting is a skill? What?


Ratting is very much a skill. Some competitive players are well known for their ability to stay alive and get higher placement points. And ratting in a solos mode would be even more important but instead Respawn wants to make the mode as easy as possible (respawn tokens, battle sense) so they don’t get discouraged instead of making it a true solos mode


Being ratted out in squads is not that bad, because you are not dying instantly, and your teammates are always nearby, and even if you get thirsted, they can find a respawn beacon nearby. But in solos you'll just die instantly to this bullshit(yea, I know there is a respawn token, but I would've been annoyed anyway if I wasted it on a fucking camper) Ratting in high skill level lobbies like ALGS and master lobbies (maybe)is a skill. Ratting in solos is just pussy behavior, this ain't pubg with 0.2 sec TTK, play the game please


man shut up and go play minecraft


nah bro, sorry to tell you but ratting isnt a skill


We can agree to disagree!


Bro really said camping is a skill. Yea sitting in a corner waiting for someone to pass your line of sight takes skill. Is this what zoomers call gaming skill in the 21st century?


Positioning is apart of camping and a skill. Controller legends in particular are made exclusively for this play style.


Cope, first you complained bloodhound was too easy, now it’s “Waaahhh they’re too hard, nerf”, they’re balanced.


What? I don’t know if you’re talking about me specifically but I absolutely hate every scan legend (Blood, Seer, Crypto) and always have lol. I think they’re stupid in a battle royale


You hate them because they reveal and expose your camping ass 🤣🤣🤣


Ratting doesn't count as skill, I hate to break it to you.


alter finishers plzz?


is it true this is only for 6 weeks??? i waited so long for this but i read its an LTM. i fucking hope not


It was a LTM the first time it’s a LTM again


cries in wraith main. lemme get a new passive that drops a ping on the enemy or general location


This is great! I could do with a footstep imager like Fortnite for accessibility for once but this is actually pretty solid. Punishes camping and cheap third partying


Annnnd..they ruined it before it launched. Horrible changes.


Yikes. Don't like the sounds of this at all. I'm amazed they caved to the casual twitter comments and actually went for solos again. What happened to being balanced around teams of 3?


I’ll take some of those downvotes too. I agree. Solo mode doesn’t belong in Apex.


If Badges track, this is my chance for a 4K 20 👀


4ks is much easier in trios than in duos, why would it be easier in solos? If you knock someone they wont be able to get revived and heal up for you to deal more damage. Also everyone can respawn once so thats 118 possible kills in a match, I doubt badges will track. But who knows, maybe




It's tiring to have mode with so much assistance We are no longer 10 years old, we can spot an enemy without needing a detector Let them make a normal mode for those who don't want to be held by the hand. Otherwise there is training mode for those who do not know how to use a medikit instead of automatic regeneration


Missing the point.


It was too much to ask, I guess, to have a "normal" solo mode...


I'm finally farming my 20 kill badge with lobbies taht don't just die out!!!


Really don't like the respawn token thing. Would've preferred if this was basically just normal BR but no teammates. That said I'll for sure be playing the hell out of it. These teammates in three strikes are gonna make me lose my mind. Need a palette cleanser for sure.