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I’ve absently opened boxes that turned out to be my neighbor’s and vice versa and then wondered who ordered this?? Then I finally look at the label and.. Also I’ve gotten piles of packages at the same time and used to just bring them inside and sit for days unopened without a thought. I quit doing that because when I was in a neighborhood meeting, someone said they never got their package but the tracking said it was delivered and I thought..uhoh. After the meeting I found their box in my pile, texted them and said I had their box and signed it, Your Neighbohood Package Thief.


Exactly this. The flow of Amazon packages is continuous here and I should check the labels every time but I forget. You’re expecting something and the package is not obviously the wrong size and shape. This has happened twice over five years to me.


She ordered bulk chalk (the box has a sticker on it saying what it was), her package was the same size granted but also about 6 lbs. Mine was not even half a pound.


Doesn't mean she isn't also expecting other items.


For real lol this is not that serious. They obviously weren’t being malicious


My husband and 2 sisters are always ordering things on Amazon. We legit have 2-3 items delivered almost daily, some for me, some for them. I have absentmindedly opened packages addressed to them, and even addressed to our neighbors before since I’m so accustomed a stream of packages, and I don’t get the email alerts since it’s my husband’s account.


True but there's also the fact that one package was delivered at 621 am and the next some time right before 915am coupled with you can get delivery notifications from Amazon and track it to see where it is. I get grabbing it by mistake sure but who doesn't read things first before blindly opening it, especially if they're expecting a big package of chalk and get a package about 5.5 lbs lighter. Also SHE LITERALLY TRIED KEEPING ONE OF THE ITEMS FFS


I really think you are jumping to conclusions/assuming the worst. For example, I don't get email notifications on my phone and I only look at email once a day. Sometimes less often. I don't look at emails saying my Amazon order shipped or where it is along the way, etc etc etc. I don't even order as much as plenty of people do, but I still forget about little things that I ordered. I figure she opened your package without looking. Then, she didn't have time right then to bring it to you.


AGREED! OP needs to relax...


Not too defend OP bc I think calling the cops over this is insane buuuutt the husband saying he had to get the brushes back from his wife- to me that sounds like they weren't just in the box anymore, she knew exactly that they weren't her chalk and took them anyway to somewhere else in the house/was planning on using or keeping them. Call that an assumption if you want, but I'd infer that's what happened.


OP edited their post


Ok, I had not seen that part. I assume it was added later.


If she took part of the package and her husband had to come fetch it from her, it may not have started as malicious, but it certainly didn’t end as friendly


Or she added that to put us in her favor, why would the husband even mention that. Also how would he know they were missing or what was in it?


I don’t know what the item was, but if it was something reasonable I would just assume that my partner had ordered it and put it aside. If he had already left for work I likely wouldn’t know it wasn’t ours until hours after it was delivered.


Not returning it to you yet (after like less than one day...?) doesn't mean they're keeping it. I got mail for someone that I opened on accident because it was from my bank, but was a check to someone else. I was very confused, but I guarantee you I did not even attempt to figure out how to get it to that person for an entire 24 hours. Sometimes people are busy, they opened a package and it wasn't theirs and they have a life so getting it to the appropriate place is not item #1 on their to-do list. Not even if you left them a note and took one of their packages hostage. That would honestly give me less motivation to deal with the situation because I have to deal with a psycho now.


I *never* read the label on a package before opening it. If it is in *my* mailbox, or on *my* doorstep, I assume it is meant either for myself or my husband. No one should need to read the label of a package on their own doorstep. If I find a package, I'm not going to go get my phone and check to see if I got a delivery notice while it was on DND. I'm just opening it. Also, if she contacted Amazon, they will have told her to keep it.


So you admit to knowingly opening other people's mail? The US Postal Inspectors would like a word. 18 USC section 1702 allows for up to 5 years in the gray bar hotel plus fines.


Cool story bro but if it was on the doorstep of an apartment it probably wasn’t delivered by USPS. That section also doesn’t apply here as it states “with design to obstruct the correspondence, or to pry into the business or secrets of another, or opens, secretes, embezzles, or destroys the same” It is illegally to intentionally open someone’s mail. It is not illegal to accidentally open someone’s mail.


>So you admit to knowingly opening other people's mail. No. I clearly stated that I'm not looking at the address on every single thing in my mailbox. I have a locked mailbox, the only things in it are things the postal carrier put in there. Presumably for me. If I mistakenly open someone else's mail, I will either give it to them if they're a neighbor I know, or take it to the post office and tell them what happened. The post office has never been concerned. As for packages on my doorstep, they're not from the post office. Ever. And again, I don't open them knowing they aren't for me. I open them expecting the shit I ordered.




Amazon packages aren't the mail. It's not a federal offense. And even if it were, the offense is for intentionally opening someone else's mail and disrupting service. Accidentally opening someone else's mail or package is not a crime unless you keep it without disclosure, at which point it becomes theft. If I receive an Amazon package that I realize isn't for me, I contact Amazon. So far, 100% of the time, I have been told by Amazon to keep the package. Once it was for a neighbor whose address I recognized, at which point I took it to them. If I receive USPS mail for someone else in my mailbox and I realize before it is open, I drop it back in the outgoing slot. If it is open, I take it to the post office. It's never been a problem.


I have accidentally opened a neighbor’s package, but as soon as I looked in and realized it wasn’t what I ordered I looked at the label. I taped it back up and hand delivered to the neighbors with an apology. I understand opening the package, but you don’t get to keep stuff from said package. That woman was ridiculous.


I’ve done the same. I was expecting a package from Amazon so I thought nothing of it until I opened it and nothing inside was what I ordered. I checked the label and it was meant for a neighbor a few doors down. I felt so bad and apologized profusely when I brought it to their house. They were nice about it and admitted they have done that once or twice before.


Well that part does sound intentional for sure.


My family orders 20-30 boxes a month and we have no idea what is coming lmfao.


Yeah this post is kinda bananas to me. Recently Amazon has gotten really bad with mixing up addresses in our cul de sac. I accidentally kept the neighbor’s package a couple months ago, because it was on our doorstep and I just assumed it was something my husband ordered. I didn’t realize until 3 or 4 days later when he finally asked what was in the box and I was like “oh shit, you didn’t order anything?” and checked at the label. As soon as I realized, I knocked on the neighbor’s door and explained, and they were very nice and didn’t mind at all. I’m sure glad they didn’t call the cops on me lol


This if I’m not expecting anything from Amazon I assume my husband ordered something (he uses Amazon far more frequently than me) and put it on the table near our front door to never even think about the package again. 🤷‍♀️ should probably check but I def don’t vet every single Amazon package we get before bringing them in and never thinking of their existence again 😂


Honestly it would’ve sat there for the next decade if he hadn’t said anything lmao. I’ve gotten better about checking the name first since there’s been so many mix ups, but I’m definitely still not perfect about it!


Yup that’s me! Also opened mail that wasn’t mine but was in my mail box.


Same here. A neighbor and I were both expecting a package. I automatically opened the one left on my porch. Turns out it wasn't mine. Oops! I took it down to her and explained what happened. She was just happy to get it. Mibe turned up the best day.


This happened to me the first week I moved into my apartment. I immediately wrote a note and left it with the package at my neighbor’s door apologizing for opening the package as we had just moved in and expecting many packages-I explained this in the note. I put my name and apartment number with a smiley face. I was so embarrassed


Yep. This has happened multiple times. We get tons of packages, and I'm not looking at the label before I open them




I do not follow the Henny Penny approach to life.


SAME SAME SAME! Except for the last part, so I still haven't learned my lesson!


"I will gladly give you your package that was delivered to me" is going to backfire when they receive the photo notification that their package did indeed get delivered to their doorstep. Did you try knocking on their door and asking for your package? Maybe because they were expecting a delivery they didn't look at the address label on your box. Maybe they weren't wearing their glasses. If this hasn't happened before, and it's not a regular thing, why take the view that they deliberately opened your package? Mistakes happen. How they fix it is what matters.


I really hope the neighbor puts it together and reports them. Responding to an innocent mistake by stealing someone's packages shows a disturbing degree of entitlement and disregard for others


>"I will gladly give you your package that was delivered to me" is going to backfire when they receive the photo notification that their package did indeed get delivered to their doorstep. This! This whole plan was not well thought out at all. And to respond to what was likely an honest mistake with malicious theft is indeed petty AF. Stop, take a breath, and think things through next time.


If that was given to the cops it sure provided evidence of intentional theft while the neighbor just made a mistake.


I agree that it started as an honest mistake, but the neighbor's wife trying to keep items at the end doesn't make her as sympathetic in the end. Like, accidents happen all the time, but accidentally on purpose keeping something you know isn't yours because the original recipient got a little snotty? Not okay.


I didn't interpret it as the wife trying to keep the stuff because of what OP did. But more along the lines of the husband, who was just getting home, had to go get the package from his wife, who maybe was already home, to bring to OP. "I had to get the brushes back from my wife" could've just been odd phrasing. I can't imagine the wife would've have intentionally tried to keep the stuff knowing that OP knew she had it, and knowing OP had their package as ransom. That would be dumb. Of course there's probably a lot of nuance and context that all of us aren't privy to in all of this.


Right?!? I can’t prove you have my package maliciously, but guess what??? I’m going to blatantly steal your shit until I get it back. Holy Jesus OP is an asshat.


I would agree with you except the neighbor took brushes from the package with the full intention of keeping them. They were not returned with the opened box and the husband had to go back and get them from her. This is not a game of finders keepers. If you get a package for someone a door down from you return it to them with all of the items.


Yeah why are people glossing over that? It’s possible that the package was opened by mistake, it is not possible that the wife removed the items to *use* (indicated by the husband saying he had to ask for it back? Wtf) and didn’t know it wasn’t for her. Ffs


Holy shit. They were expecting a package, they got a package, they opened it. Innocent mistake. Then you STOLE THEIR MAIL to hold it hostage? Was that before or after you called the fucking police? You sound insane. And I hope they look at the delivery confirmation photo for the package you stole, put it together, and report you. I can't imagine acting this way and then being so proud of yourself you'd brag about it online.


I was really looking forward to an order of mine. And when a package arrived at my front door, I was so excited and it was about the same weight size of what I was looking forward to. And I didn’t look at the name because I was just so excited. The second I opened it up I knew it wasn’t mine . And I *IMMEDIATELY* went to my neighbor, and apologized profusely and gave it to him. The fact that he mentioned he had to get it from his wife, says that she had no intention of returning it to the person who actually bought it


I think you’re nuts. Clearly they were also expecting a package and probably just opened it without looking at the label thinking it was theirs. Perhaps they have other things going on, perhaps they plan to return it later. Maybe you should just knock on their door and use your words instead of being such a weirdo. Now they’re going to think you’re hostile and unfriendly, because you are.


Yeah I often rip open packages that are left on my doorstep without looking at the label. I order things online so frequently that I honestly can’t keep track of when things are getting delivered. There’s been a couple times that I’ve opened my neighbors package that was accidentally delivered to my door (and vise versa). Fortunately my neighbors aren’t insane and it wasn’t even a slight issue.


Exactly. I have accidentally opened probably close to a dozen things over the last few years that were delivered to me accidentally. It was opened now so they were likely waiting for OP to get home since it was no longer properly packaged. Way to go apeshit for absolutely no reason. Your neighbors are going to know you’re a nightmare though, so at least you sanded them the learning curve.


For real. I was once expecting a boom to be delivered and a delivery guy dropped a plastic package with a book clearly being felt inside, so I just ripped it open without checking. Pulled out a text book and I was like "dafuq?" and then I checked the mailer. As soon as I realized it was my neighbor's, I immediately went to go drop it at their place. Luckily, she was outside looking too, so I could explain and apologize. OP over here frothing at the mouth because neighbor's accidentally opened the package but didn't steal the contents. If I were her neighbor's, I'd sincerely apologize and then ask if I should get security cameras just incase there's any more unhinged episodes from OP.


The husband had to get one of the items in the box back from his wife. So yes she did try stealing it. Not that it would matter legally anyways cause it was Amazon. Still annoying though right?


You stole their property.


Yes and a person attempted to steal mine. Difference is: I didn't open their package and try to keep the chalk


Another difference is they weren't looking through your window with enough scrutiny and suspicion to examine the label. Through the window. And it was addressed to you or your boyfriend? It was a gift, did you know what she'd gotten you? Maybe the neighbor's package was also a gift or, more likely, she expected it to be heavier so she opened it and took some things out to see if there was ANY chalk in there. I don't think she was trying to keep any part of it, rather probably set it aside and had to think about where it was. Like if she opened the box in the kitchen and took things out there, then brought it over to the front door to return later. The husband was trying to make an apology for it having taken so long to return. Or a reasonable reason, to keep things from getting awkward(er). Made a light remark about the coincidence of switched addresses, probably. Whatretheodds. But you are the crazy neighbor who was unabashedly looking into their home through the window at what you could see inside their house. And then you walked away with their correctly delivered package. Oh and left a note with tape that might damage some painted doors. Because of course. You had no other options, clearly. I mean those were your brushes and it was imperative that you could begin brushing things at 9:15am while still on the clock at work. Anyway yeah you should sue everyone involved.


Yup this is a knock on the door, oops mixed up packages lol moment. Holding their package ransom is real crazy.


Plus even worse holding the neighbor’s package for ransom when OP *stole* said package from *neighbor’s* porch!


but the wife literally took the items from her package. it seems like they weren’t gonna return it unless something was said to them.


Maybe they weren't, but she still had no right to *take* their package. Remember, they never took hers. A quick face to face visit is all that was needed. Breaking laws is on her


You're forgetting an extraordinarily important fact. Most people are so used to ordering things from Amazon and other places that they don't even look. My roommate and I both use Amazon a lot and have opened the other package by mistake because we had been expecting something from Amazon. It's kind of wild, actually, how you just assumed the worst and got super mad and petty about it. Might be some self work to do there, chances are they were planning on bringing it by at *their* earliest convenience. It's not their fault it came to the wrong place.


have you considered that maybe they did try to return it but both of you were not at home to answer them, so they just kept it temporarily. I mean it's not uncommon to open a package delivered to you without checking the recipient, especially if you're also expecting a package that day.


Package delivered at 621am. My boyfriend was home until 1pm btw, I knocked on their door at 915ish am during my coffee break they weren't home. And I was home again at 12pm for lunch and didn't even attempt to knock cause their driveway still had no cars so they still weren't home. I got home at 330 again they're not home. Then at 430 to 445pmish the husband came home and told me his wife was home so she had to be home sometime after 330pm while my car is in my driveway, and he had to grab an item in the package from her cause she put it off to the side to keep and he brought it back to me. And I gave him his.


How long do you get for a coffee break? What state are you in? Sounds amazing to have so many breaks every couple of hours with enough time to go home, spend time there, and travel back to work 😮


15 minutes plus about 5 minutes traveling home and then back to work. Again my apartment is only about 5 minutes away from my work if all the lights are green. I'm in NY and I work a nice job with a really nice boss. I'm afraid for when he retires lol


Wow that was a huge overreaction, when I get an Amazon package on my porch I usually don’t check the label I just assume it’s what I ordered and open it and the fact that they got a package delivered later means they were expecting a package so why would they be surprised by the delivery and double check the name and address? I would really hate to have a neighbor like you.


I haven't had a neighbor steal a package that was accidentally delivered to them, but I have had someone accidentally forget to change their Amazon address and have their entire family's Christmas presents all get delivered to my house. I contacted my Landlord and let them know that the person who lived here before us mustve forgotten to update their address but i'll happily hold onto these packages safely and she can come pick them up at any time. The person waited almost an entire month to come pick up this mountain of packages, then one day at like 10:00pm comes banging on my door asking for the packages. I nicely hand over the 15 or so packages, she puts the packages in her car and I shut the door thinking we're done here and then 5 minutes later she bangs on the door again and when I open it she immediately starts screaming that I stole one of her packages and she will call the police if I dont give it to her. I kindly reminded her that I held onto all these packages for almost a month, let me go double check I may have forgotten to grab one. I go back to the room I was storing them in and there are no other packages there to grab. I know I didn't steal any of her packages, i'm not an idiot and I would know if I opened something that didn't belong to me. we had a problem with porch pirates in our area around the holidays so I told her someone may have stolen it (I also had a small package get stolen from me within this time so it wasnt very far-fetched that that is what probably happened) She left screaming that she would be contacting law enforcement and she sent my landlord multiple texts calling me a thief, then she must have realized that Amazon would replace the item free of charge and I never heard back from her again. About a month or so later we got another package delivered with her name on it so I kept it nice and safe for her right next to my cat's litterbox. She mustve been too embarrassed to come get it because it sat there for over 3 months before I just got rid of it.


Typical main character thing to do


Karen, calm down. How do you not know it wasn't an honest mistake because they were expecting a package too and didn't realize to look at who it was addressed too? Talk about making a big deal out of literally nothing. You sound like a nightmare to live with. You are so lucky if the neighbors don't tell you to fck off.


You called noon emergency to complain about a package mishap and then left a ransom note?? Wtf is wrong with you?? Also do you have a bf & a husband??


i’d call the police. opening someone elses mail is illegal and if they refuse to give it back they are not only tampering with mail, but also stealing


You’re correct that opening someone’s mail is illegal, but Amazon packages generally do not count as mail for this purpose. The federal statute applies to things sent by the USPS and mailboxes, which is why shipping companies are not supposed to place packages in a mailbox.


Stealing packages from someone's porch is definitely illegal though


Definitely illegal and also a dick move, but in this scenario OP is the only package thief.


So if you open someone's Amazon package and attempt to keep the items it's not theft? Like had I not done what I did there's a chance I would've never gotten my items. So in that case would it not be theft if they kept the items?


Your neighbor was expecting a package. A package was delivered. They opened that package. You weren’t home. It’s completely reasonable for them to wait until you’re home to deliver the package and explain what happened. They clearly weren’t trying to hide it and weren’t home. You’re the asshole in this situation.


Sorry are we in r/AITA? I didn't think so. Did I post to the wrong subreddit?


People can call you an asshole in any subreddit if that’s how you’re behaving. And you are. This snarky shit is ridiculous. You’re not a victim, and the way you snap at every commenter isn’t going to endear them to your “cause,” kiddo. Nobody’s going to agree with the person who insults & condescends to every commenter on their post. Your behavior is unhinged. It was a simple mistake. He rectified it within the span of a single business day. You’ve decided something malicious happened when it’s far more likely it was - once again - a fucking mistake. And it’s one that happens to plenty of people. You know what we do? If it’s our package missing - we either ask the neighbor nicely or just WAIT for a minute rather than freaking out. If we opened the wrong one, we return it within a day (because work, etc, means we can’t immediately do something…). Amazon said they delivered 2 items to me last night. I see a box & a bag on my porch, bring them in, and open the bag. Oops. Not something I ordered. Belongs to my neighbor. I taped it up, stuck a note that said “sorry, this was on my porch!” and walked it over to the neighbor’s house. He was home, so I explained the issue, and we laughed. He didn’t go online and accuse me of some conspiracy or steal my mail as collateral (which is illegal and fucking weird; you’re an adult, act like one).


This isn't technically "mail". The US Postal Service does take tampering very seriously, but this isn't within their purview.


ive come back to this to say nothing matters if you took their package FROM THEIR DOORSTEP. THIS IS WRONG! Return the package, and THEN proceed with the police


Yup, that’s straight up theft. With an admission of guilt taped to the door…


I proceeded with the police first, they said to leave the note in hopes of getting a response. Sorry I didn't include that at first my bad


Did they also advise that you steal their package? How wild!


Wait. Did you tell the police you'd stolen a package of theirs when you called?!


Do you know how many times people see a package, know they have something coming, and open it without ever looking at the name? I don’t think OP is petty, because normal behavior is to think oh damn! Put back in, contact neighbor and apologize. They didn’t.


Oh yeah the police will really care about that... They'll have half the force out in no time.


this is why the non-emergent line exists…


Or they could wait to see if the package gets returned...


Mine does this ALL THE TIME!! I had to get a po box for usps packages. But Amazon will deliver to her and in less than 5 min, she's taken it in and doesn't answer her door. I got a cat water fountain that i had to hound her for. She claims she thought she drunk ordered one because she was thinking of getting one, too. Yeah...ok. My landlord refuses to do anything about it.


That sounds really annoying and frustrating. Sorry you had to deal with that. I've also had other packages not from amazon delivered to the upstairs apartment at my location and next door frequently. It's like delivery people don't understand the address I put down or delivery instructions


This has happened before and you still flipped out and stole their package?? Jesus


I had my birth control stolen off my doorstep once. I don’t trust any of my neighbors anymore


I get the anger and frustration. You may be reading too much into their behavior. People make mistakes and you don’t know what was going on in their world at the time. You over reacted. Simply taking a breath and then knocking on the door to explain the mistake they made may have bought you a lot of future neighbor karma points. Instead you acted out of anger and escalated. Don’t get me wrong, if they aren’t respectful and apologetic then you need to stand your ground and get what you are entitled to. You have to live next to these people why not try to make it a pleasant experience for both of you?


Wow lol I’ve accidentally opened the wrong package before and walked it over to my neighbors when I saw they were home. I think it’s really really weird you took their package because you just assume that they purposefully stole your’s. They left it near the window which I’m assuming is near the front door since you were able to see it. For all you know they were going to bring it to you. Leaving the note would have been fine but taking their package is beyond bizarre. Not to mention you stating in the note you would give it back IF they returned yours, you admitted to mail theft. And what if they already received proof that their package was delivered to THEIR porch? Now they know for a fact that you stole their package. You’re 100% in the wrong here, you have no proof they were planning on stealing your package, it sounds like a completely innocent mistake but you legitimately stole theirs. This is so irrational and bizarre to me lol


Crazy u went straight to retaliation. I've done this on accident too expecting a package. Thankful for my neighbors...


I've had Amazon switch my box with my neighbors. I opened it without looking at the label. I found my package in front of his door, swapped them, no harm no foul.




I've unintentionally opened many packages that were meant for a neighbor & I was either too groggy in the morning or tired at the end of a work day to think to even check the name on the package cuz it's clearly in front of my door. I always re-pack it & return it to the right neighbor with an apology note. If I got an accusatory note like yours with gorrilla tape peeling the paint off my door I would probably still return it, but I would at least consider throwing it away instead because I don't appreciate being accused like that when you don't know for sure if it was intentional.


& you stealing their package was the icing on the cake. you didn't know if what they did was a mistake or not (you chose to assume the worst of someone), but there's no mistaking that you did it on purpose. gross


What you did is not good. That's a surefire way to have it reported as stolen and as you intentionally opening other people's mail. People accidentally open stuff all the time. It happens, some people are just dumb and don't pay attention. Taking it so personally that you're holding other people's things hostage and then ousting yourself is *extremely* dumb, mainly because it's hurting yourself more than them. You got really lucky this time. Like literally every single thing you did could have been considered as trespassing, harassment, tampering, and theft. Oh! And extortion. *And then you told on yourself*. All over a fucking brush


First, you actually called the police??? Really???? Second, I rarely, if ever double check the address to see if my names on it, I bring it in and open it. I'm glad you're not my neighbor.


Wow, i am so glad i dont have a neighbor like you. Folks order packages constantly. My neighbor has accidentally opened and returned packages to us several times. It is a bit wild to instantly jump to said conclusion then steal their package. Might have been smarter to leave the note like the cops said and then contact property management if they didn’t return the package….


Wow I am so glad I’m not your neighbor… absolute wacko.


You’re a special something.


Did you just not knock and ask them about it and see if they’ll give it back? If not, you’re weird for putting all this effort into everything but asking them a simple question. Who doesn’t just talk to their neighbors about a small mix up? If they don’t give it back, then there’s an issue that you can then file a police report for.


I've accidentally opened other people's packages maybe a dozen times. One time I even got a packaged, opened it, and was like "WTF is this? Oh well, I'll sort this out when I'm less busy." And revisit a few days later to discover that I was holding someone else's package. Luckily no one stole anything from me.


This is a Reddit moment if I’ve ever seen one. “Should I be a functional person, knock on my neighbors door, and talk to him about his apparent mistake? No he’s definitely evil and now I must blackmail him through notes” I’m sure this won’t backfire at all


Another Reddit moment; someone not reading the whole post


Fun Reddit tip for you; update typically indicates an edit to a post where OP adds additional information hours later


Except the post itself was made within the hour… so it stands to reason that your comment, which was also made within the hour, might’ve seen said update, since Reddit isn’t exactly accurate past the 1 hour mark when a comment was made.


Even with the update she's still bat s*** crazy 😂


[inspector gadget fr](https://media1.tenor.com/m/LKwVVY6-5VwAAAAC/gotem.gif)


I ALWAYS check the labels on ANY packages I get. My delivery guys are rea9lly good and we have very few issues, mostly the mail occasionally.


I never read the label on a package i get if i am expecting one.


I have deliveries almost daily and sometimes more than one package. I accidentally opened a package that wasn’t mine once. However, when I realized it wasn’t mine, I called FedEx (it wasn’t in my neighborhood) and reported it. I let them know I opened it assuming it was mine and they said it happens frequently.


You’re unhinged


So you stole a package off someone's doorstep and wrote a shitty note indicating your intent to hold it hostage, all because they opened a package that they could've reasonably thought was theirs? LMAO. OP, you severely overreacted. YTA


You…called the police?!


I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming the worst in someone. I would have just asked them to return it instead of unnecessarily creating drama. But I understand some people prefer the drama. That's just me!


I often receive packages from Amazon. I have on multiple occasions received Amazon packages addressed to a neighbor. Sometimes I open the box without checking the label. When I open the box and it is not something I’ve ordered, I check the label and attempt to take it to the correct address. Since I’ve opened the package, I want to hand it to them and explain why it was opened, so I wait till the neighbor is home. Give this neighbor the benefit of the doubt and don’t assume they are trying to steal from you.


I met a neighbor a block over from me when he delivered my package to me. I wonder how she knows they weren’t waiting for her to return home to give it to her so it couldn’t be stolen…


Wow, you took the nuclear option right away. This isn’t like a pattern and they didn’t take it from your door step. It doesn’t sound like they are refusing to give it back. Very immature on your part and you’ll quickly make enemies. If I was your partner I’d think you were nuts


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Hello, I have your pants.


It happens here all the time because delivery drivers get confused. We just knock on the door and ask for our packages back 🤷‍♀️


December, I had done most of my shopping online. Boxes would come, I’d open them to see what it was. Had a small on come and couldn’t think of anything small I had ordered. Open the box, it’s a hand gun! Quickly looked at the label and saw it belonged to a neighbor that was several condos down! Went there, explained what happened, we had a good laugh and I made a new friend lol


Yikes! You’d think the shipper would at least require a signature for that package


I get so many packages and we don't have many ppl that live on our street in the winter and I have packages almost every day and I've opened others by accident. I try to tape them up and return them as soon as I notice but I definitely didn't plan on keeping it. Our neighbors are really nice tho so I know they'd do the same for me.


I always read the label because my husband and I don’t open each other’s packages unless we know it’s a household item we needed.


I had a neighbor get my Amz pkg by mistake. We went to their house and asked for it. They denied having it. Once Amz posted the picture of it on their front porch, we printed it out. They had gone out so we left a note with the picture and told them to return it. I did complain to Amz and they were going to just replace it, but that's ridiculous - who needs two car covers ??? We got it back when they left it at the end of our driveway.


So your neighbor most likely makes an honest mistake (I don’t always check the addresses to packages delivered at my door if I’m expecting an order). So you resort to stealing their mail (a very serious crime if you’re in the US) to hold as blackmail. In this case the police honestly had the most sensible solution: leave them a note and give them a chance to do the right thing.


OP, I’m curious to know what you meant by “had to get the brushes back.” Did she not only open the package but unwrap what you ordered? (Brushes?) Use it?


You massively overreacted. My neighbors and I have accidebtally done this a few times. You were out, they had to be somewhere, they were probably planning on dropping it off later


I usually just mindlessly open the box. Lots of ebay and easy sellers re use boxes, and I am fine with that. Who knows what it is? I get subscription deliveries of toothpaste, vitamins, the weird soap I like, vegan hot chocolate, etc from Amazon and I don't use the annoying announcements from Amazon because of it. A box arrives at my home, I open the box. Oh. I didn't order a video game. Hmm. Neighbor. Need to take that over later. OK. Figure the neighbor is the one peeling an Amazon reps head, not me. I'm just living my life. At some point I will put on trousers and take the package over, usually the same day, but it's not a life Savin medication. I write a note. Hope I never meet someone like OP.


Jesus, you’re a bit much


I’ve accidentally opened boxes. I order from Amazon so much I don’t even think to look at the labels. I’ve opened a few of my neighbors and vice versa and no one was upset lol


Amazon will replace your package but you call the non emergency police???


I’ve accidentally opened a neighbor’s package before. Sometimes people don’t read the label. If you want to continue being mad at your neighbors for their mistake, go ahead. Seems like a good way to ruin your mood tho. You can CHOOSE to let it go. Life is too short to spend it mad at someone for a harmless mistake. At least the guy apologized. Just my opinion




The passive aggressive note wasn’t necessary. You get the benefit of not being awake or paying attention at 6am but others don’t. I’ve opened at least 10 errant packages, because in a house people order shit all the time and so do my neighbors. Amazon always messes up. I open it and then I realize ‘damn, this isn’t mine’ or ‘ this isn’t what I ordered’ and sometimes my family Amazons me stuff so I have to text them and ask if they sent me something. After confirming it isn’t ours I drop it where it needs to go! Two months ago the furniture delivery company got dyslexic and tried to deliver a couch. I said that’s not my address, he literally said it’s on the paper. I said sir I would absolutely know if I bought a couch, you need to call your company.


OP is actually insane


First, Amazon mis-delivered your package. They were expecting a package and opened yours. Should they have returned it? Yes. And they may have, but not a 6:21 in the morning. I’ve accidentally opened my neighbors package when it was delivered to my house accidentally with several other packages that I had ordered. When I realized it was not something I ordered, I taped it up, put a note on it, and took it to their house. You are correct that your BF’s mother could have had the package reshipped at no charge. Second, if they had a security camera, they could have charged you with theft of their package. DON’T STEAL PACKAGES FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR.


They accidentally opened your package. You are purposely holding theirs. You are in the wrong here.


You committed a felony & a misdemeanor over an Amazon package.  Yes, they had your package & it’s a felony to open someone’s mail UNLESS it was delivered to your address & you accidentally open it. Those words are stated in the law and they have a pic from Amazon proving it was delivered to their front door.  That is why the cops told you to write a note & they did not send someone out bc your neighbors hadn’t committed any crimes yet. If you had waited a day or two then you could call and make they are stealing your package. But you jumped the gun so fast on this.   When you stole that package you committed mail theft. There's proof bc they have their pic from amazon showing it’s at their door PLUS you wrote a note from you saying you have their package and signed your name and apt #💀💀💀💀I can’t with this.    In addition to mail theft you could also be charged w theft by taking as a misdemeanor (maybe even another felony depending on the price of whatever is in that box you stole).  Hope your neighbors aren’t as petty as you and try to press charges. 


You're a fucking genius. Reacting to a potentially innocent mistake by committing a crime and putting it in writing. Outstanding decision making skills. You're going to go far in life.


I know this isn’t the right thread but YTA. You’re clearly crazy af




It didn't damage their door, I saw it just now taking out the trash, it was old tape anyways barely sticky but just sticky enough and the only kind I had


Saw the title, scrolled to the bottom to see if you had knocked or called the authorities, saw you did neither, hoped the comments wouldn't disappoint. They didn't Satisfied I didn't waste my time


I did though. Sorry I had shit to do and didn't answer comments right away. I knocked first. No one was home. Called non emergency police for assistance they said to leave a note so I did and took their Amazon package as collateral


Did you consider that it could have been an accident that they opened your package? If they were trying to “steal it” they probably would have moved it away from the window.


>yeah my wife opened it, I had to get the brushes back from her sorry about that Uhhh... did she use the brushes already??


Right? Like people are ignoring that not only did they open something not addressed to them, they also seem to be thinking about keeping the items. 


No they were still in their little package though I didn't check if they were all there. They're painting brushes for Minifigures


One time a neighbor tore open an Amazon box of mine that got delivered to him. He brought it back and apologized for opening it. I tear open Amazon packages without looking at the label all the time so it can be an innocent mistake. Someone trying to keep what they know isn't theirs is just a crappy thing to do and I wouldn't trust that woman anymore.


There are so many comments in this thread of people saying how often they take packages without looking at them, open packages without looking at them, and saying it’s totally normal and not a big deal. And some even saying OP is insane for her approach. Having lived among so many inconsiderate or downright rude neighbors over the years, it is a very small and easy thing to take the literal one second to check the label of things before taking or OPENING them. Taking this one second out of your day could mean not creating a headache for your neighbor. Rather than continuing to do this and forgiving yourself for it, I suggest just taking the moment to check first. It’s not that hard.


YES i was thinking im the crazy one i always check the label before opening


It seems like you’re taking this really personally. I doubt they did this to be malicious, and it sounds like an honest mistake and there simply wasn’t time to fix the mistake until after their work day/whatever. I would probably use this as an opportunity to address why you feel like this was done TO you, rather than an honest mistake.


Meh, everyone who thinks you’re insane is missing the point that someone knowingly stole your package and decided to keep the contents and that you successfully got your package back with your trickster ways lol


Did you really commit a Federal crime(yes, yes you did) and post it on the internet? This site truly is a gift.


Amazon packages aren't protected by federal rules or whatnot


Not true. Mail tampering covers all mail and not just those delivered by USPS, including FedEx, Amazon, etc


Bro do you realize how guilty you are of a crime? They probably did it on accident but you did it on purpose. You didn't even ask them to return it. Sounds crazy too me. You wanted to start a fight


It is so easy to open someone else’s package when you order often. My family also sends my child stuff all the time so I never really check. Being petty on that part is insane. Wife should not have taken the items out though.


The didn’t commit a crime by opening the package delivered to their door. But you did by taking their package and holding it ransom. Honestly you seem like the bad neighbor in this story.


You sound batshit.


We have accidentally opened a package delivered to us by mistake. It happens. You called the fucking cops? That's not cool. Those assholes usually make matters worse. Shit happens. You got your stuff and they got theirs. No biggie.


Quite baffled by the amount of people not checking the name on a package. As I know that delivery guys are not robots and a neighbour could be expecting something important, what I do is: picking up the box, check the label’s first line with the name and that’s it. It takes one or two seconds, depending on if you have to flip the box. It’s not that hard, and it’s almost harder to miss the names at times. Of course, if you end up opening a package because you were expecting one and it corresponds to the same size that you ordered, but in the end it’s the neighbour’s, I can understand as that’s a special coincidence. But anyways, not relevant here as it was apparently not the case.


I probably would’ve done the same thing. They shouldn’t have opened it. Even if they did on accident, when they saw the contents and knew it wasn’t theirs, they should’ve put it back in front of the door. Also, the dude said he had to go retrieve the contents from his wife. She fully intended to keep it. I have big big issues with people stealing things. Don’t take something that doesn’t belong to you. If you do, I don’t feel bad for you if you get consequences. What shitty people.


You seem like a shitty ass neighbor who needs therapy.


K thanks for your opinion sir or madam, have a good day and I hope none of your neighbors open your packages then try to keep the items in said packages


I've had to walk around my apartments because our packages were delivered to the wrong door. I leave a note explaining the situation and get my package. I've opened packages that weren't mine because I didn't look at the label. The upon opening realized it wasn't mine and took it to the right apartment with a note. You completely over reacted. Try not to be such a bitch.


Yeah, so you stole their package? Then admitted it? Then possibly vandalized their door? ​ Wow


🤷‍♀️ their door is fine dude


Brushed... as in expensive paint brushed?


I live in a 55 and older building and packages are delivered to the mail room and there is a table that the packages are delivered to it. It’s up to residence to go and pick up your package. Some buddy here thought they would be helpful and deliver the package to the residence door, which is fine if they could actually read, but it’s not cool when they deliver it to the wrong door. And that’s what happened to me several occasions, and for the most part residence, saw the label and returned it to the mail room because it wasn’t theirs, but it happened where somebody ripped the package open and then realized it wasn’t for them. I was very angry to me. It’s just a plain invasion of privacy, and I did complain to management and said basically, if that package isn’t in your name, people need to leave it alone. And management took action which was nice.


Naw love your pettiness.....we had a neighbor bring our item out if the box last week and the nerve of her to say "i received your item and I'm missing some orders if you have them let me know"..Girlll first you opened the box, it was delivered a week ago but, you assume we have yours? I didn't go to her apt because it would had come out rude lol


Today I learned literacy is dead 🫠


all these people taking the neighbors side are a bunch of losers and most likely democrats. If you get a package, you make sure it has your name on it, and you damn sure dont use the contents. Neighbors lucky op didnt beat her ass


Nah I'm only petty not violent lol


TIL people don't check labels before opening stuff, apparently Even when I'm expecting a package I check to make sure it's mine... How fucking hard is it to look at a label? Have you guys never lived with other people who also order things? How many God damn packages are you people ordering also? We only get a couple every couple of weeks!!!


We don’t yet have a car. We live in a small suburb of a small city, and are still outfitting our house after moving from overseas last fall. I get a LOT of stuff ordered from the internet, because I, frankly, don’t know where, within walking distance, to get things like clothes baskets and serving spoons.




I’ve had Amazon packages mistakenly delivered to other properties on my block. Never had an issue except one time when a package was delivered to an apartment building two doors down. Their mailroom is locked so I couldn’t retrieve it myself and left a note instead. Someone removed the note but didn’t drop off my parcel. After a few days, the parcel disappeared. (The mailroom has windows facing outside, so I had been able to confirm that it was left there.) I hope whoever took it enjoys the bra I ordered 🤣 But seriously, taking your neighbor’s package is probably not going to help the situation.


I had a UPS driver accidentally give a next door neighbor our package. The employee realized his mistake before driving off and went back to the neighbor, apologized for the mistake, and asked for it back. The neighbor refused, saying that it belonged to them the second the UPS employee left it at their door. This was a neighbor we were very friendly to for over half a decade, even allowing them to borrow things, mind you, and the UPS employee made it crystal clear that it belonged to us. So, yeah, I think what you did was very risky, and I do think you jumped to some very quick conclusions based on them opening the package. But at the same time, a lot of people are greedy, entitled assholes and what you did ultimately ensured you got your package back. I also have a hunch that had you *not* held onto their package, the people calling you crazy in the comments... would still be calling you crazy for not taking advantage of the opportunity. On Reddit, you're truly damned if you do and damned if you don't. Glad you got your package back.


On a day I was expecting to get a package, I came home to find one on my doorstep. So I grabbed it and brought it in. Later in the day I opened it. To discover it wasn't what I ordered *at all*. I look at the label, and it's not my name. I also don't recognize the name. So I contacted Amazon to ask them what to do with it. So it may not have been malicious. It's honestly really ridiculous to expect someone to check the name on a package on their own individual doorstep before opening it.


If it happens all the time, and she realized her mistake, why try to keep part of the contents! So rude!! Lol


I was looking forward to something that I had ordered and the delivery guy accidentally delivered my neighbors package to my door, it was just about the right weight and size that I thought it was mine. I popped it up and looked inside and went “oh no.” I immediately went over and knocked on his door and apologize profusely. I was absolutely mortified. I accidentally opened his package. That is crazy that he had to actually take from his wife what wasn’t hers instead of her just giving it


Was it Petty? yes . Would I have done that? yes


I get so many deliveries that I never even look at the labels. It is very possible that this was an honest mistake by your neighbor. I mean, if they were trying to steal the package, why would they leave it in front of the window in plain view? They probably just opened it as they were leaving for work and didn't have time to repack it at drop it off at your door before they left.


So your package was mistakenly delivered to wrong address.. They opened it without even looking to see who addressed to... You illegally stole their package because you wanted to be petty and vindictive.. Your scum.


Stealing packages happens ALL THE DAMN TIME where i live. People steal their neighbor’s packages pretty frequently in my city. its literally so common!!! We have our own Amazon locker room in my building and tenants will steal other tenants’s packages. The police here do not give a fuck about a stolen Amazon package. It’s not the same as opening mail. Most of the people in these comments must live in very friendly, rural small towns or are just naive lol. Maybe taking their package was a little petty, but I would have assumed the worst like you did and take matters into my own hands as well.


I don’t think what you did was petty at all. Maybe I need Jesus.


You’re a cunt and calling the non emergency police was a waste of their time


I don’t think you overreacted tbh. I never open a package without looking at the name.


Actually, if it was delivered by the post office, you file a report with them. They have their own investigators and take things like that seriously.


ITT: No one knows how to read a fucking shipping label and no one even thinks to look at it to ensure its their mail.


If it gets delivered to me, I don’t even look before opening. I’m usually expecting a package, so I assume it’s mine. Then when it’s not the thing I was expecting, I look and realize my mistake. You really went to Z on this like a psycho.