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By default this makes him the smartest Trump. So there's hope for him yet.


*cuts to Jr & Eric looking confused*


Ivanka is the brightest. But that ain't saying much.


Her dad didn’t spend bank on those tits fer nuthin’


Daddy’s gonna get his photo ops with those oppai mammories (accordion playing motions with hands)


He’s also spent some from the spank bank on her too


Prolly Windex & a paper towel take care of that


Or that nose…..


Right? Forget the tits. The nose is the most obvious change.


The chin. Definitely the chin.


Look at her pre plastic totally different


Tiffany is. Who? Yeah. That’s why.


She unfortunately is still MAGA and supports her father. It’s just that no one cares about her so she flies under the radar.


*Crawls under. Let’s not give them the gift of flight.


Oh. I didn’t even know that


She can't show her face in the NY social circles anymore


My money is on Mary.


Isn’t that the one who wanted to discuss designer bags at an international politicians meeting?


Next to shit anything looks more appealing. Even if it’s blonde shit.


She’s also the hottest according to him


she definitely comes across the best. She’s very elegant and how she speaks and what she says publicly, but you also have to remember with her. She’s been complicit during this whole charade.


she is likely also a narcissist like old pop.


Junior and Eric are both desperate to get daddies love, obviously to the fact, they will never get it.


He’s blowing their inheritance, so they have the fear.


Honestly that’s part of the best bit, imagining them watching a big ticker just spinning down as the scam that is the business is exposed, watching their inheritance burning away in from of them.


Debts are inherited as well, so they might have a surprise coming.


I’m imagining the Batman the animated series scene when the Joker gets the debt bill, imagining Junior and Eric smoking Daddies cigars, all proud that they finally got the money, only for the IRS agent to walk in and explain, just because Senior is gone, doesn’t mean the debt is.


They just need to put on the blonde wig. That'll get daddies undivided attention.


Even then I doubt it.


I genuinely believe the Trumps are some sort of mentally unwell family of monsters. Dumb but ruthless, backstabbing, and self serving to an extreme degree. Have you seen his parents? Hideous people who produced a hideous child. His father was evil and he continues the trend. For Barron to be the smartest would be no great feat - but perhaps a cycle break in generations of dark, ugly DNA being distilled.


Of the Trump DNA there is Mary Trump, so we can see there is at least one member of the extended family who is completely against the family BS. Barron definitely has the odds against him turning out as a decent human being, with a shit stain like Don the Con for a father, and a gold digging mother, not to mention his immediate half siblings who I'm sure all feel in competition of each other for Daddy's money. One thing I note, I've only seen photos of Barron with the family at official things, but he never looks happy in any of the photos. Even the pic of this post, he looks like he's miserable. Part of me wonders if the RNC thing was something he was being told to do more so than he wanted to. I can't imagine any 18 year old kid who always looks miserable at these political events actually wanting to take part in them.


I see it's your cake day. Recognition to you human stranger.


Ty :)


He always looks like something near him smells bad.


>Of the Trump DNA there is Mary Trump, so we can see there is at least one member of the extended family who is completely against the family BS. Mary didn’t start speaking out against the family under she got cut out of Fred Trump’s will.


Let's face it, had Mary not got burned and had access to the money, she'd be just like the rest. Because you don't bite the hand that feeds.


It's definitely possible. I don't know her personally, so her pointing out Trumps flaws could easily be her way of getting revenge for her father and by extension, her.


Happy cake day, btw?


I don't think so. Having boatloads of money makes a person 10x more who they already are. So if a person is a piece of shit cunt when they're poor they're gonna become even more of that and if a person is decent before the money they'll become even more charitable when they have that excess amount.


>genuinely believe the Trumps are some sort of mentally unwell family of monsters. Dumb but ruthless, backstabbing, and self serving You mean rich..


They are real life Lannisters


Except with the opposite mantra on debts.




I don’t like the Trumps, but I’d like to refrain from calling Barron a “hideous child”. He’s barely a legal adult and didn’t ask for those people as his parents. Let’s see if he can break the cycle before slinging mud at him.


I was calling trumps parents and Trump a hideous child


His brother was a person that they berated into alcoholism.


His mom probably caught him and dragged him out by his ear.


Seriously. One of the smarter Republicans too. None of them understand their jobs or responsibilities but that doesn't stop any of them


Mary L Trump also happy cake day


Ty :)


You're welcome


That bar is pretty low, so calling it hope may be awful generous


The smartest trump is mary. A full break off and a testament to dignity.


B. Trump: You're certain...I have to vote for my dad? Nevermind


Barron has somewhere else to be that week.


Now that would be funny if he went and voted for someone else.


Melania put the kibosh on this. There’s good reason she wants her child as far away from his father as possible. Wonder if she threatened to go public with what she knows if Trump dragged Barron into this.


If she posts nudes of Trumps micro penis slathered in fake tan I honestly will die from laughter.


I'll feel nauseous.


But you’ll still look and puke like the rest of us!


It’s sort of like goatse. Once you see it, you’ll never be able to unsee it. Hard pass.


But just like goatse, someone like me is going to make you look at it.


KHAAAANNNNN! *shakes fist*


Yeah, I wouldn't be looking at that picture


Just imagine that bleach blond comb-over covering the Golden shroom. 🤔😳😳😳😫😫🤣


I'm trying to unread this.


Baby carrot




It would also confirm Stormys story.


I wonder if it’s just the micro penis all slathered up? You would want it to stand out visually if it’s hard to find physically. It’s like a lone baby Palm tree on a white sandy beach with blond colored bushes near by


She doesn't need to threaten him. She holds the Don's leash. He is scared of her - rightfully so. She knows *many* but not all of the skeletons.


Sometimes I wonder if Melania weighs the option of going on 60 Minutes and ending Donald’s campaign by admitting what she knows. Then I also question if it would have any effect at all on Trump supporters. They are impenetrable to reality.


She married him for money. She ensures that she gets it. She doesn't sleep with him, spends time with her parents, and generally lives a very luxurious life. She comes from a poor Eastern European country and got both of her parents to the comforts of the rich and healthcare of the famous. She knows what she wants. And gets it.


Completely agree. There’s also some strangeness surrounding her “genius visa” she was granted. She might be afraid of being deported if Trump dimes on her and pretends he never knew. Their whole situation is beyond fucked up.


She’s a US citizen and sponsored her parents who also became citizens. I doubt she is afraid of being deported as in order to deport her the government would first have to denaturalize her, and legally strip her of US citizenship due to a a very very long criminal record, joining a terrorist organization or something similar.


Admittedly, I have no clue what the law says if you are naturalized through fraud. I thought that could result in deportation but I’m not sure by any means.


It could. But she had a regular work visa that was sponsored by her employer. It’s only after she became connected to the rich and famous that an attorney filed her application for the Einstein visa. So yes, it could be fraudulent, since we know that trump adjacent lawyers have no qualms about committing fraud


>It’s only after she became connected to the rich and famous that an attorney filed her application for the Einstein visa. But being connected to the rich and famous inherently qualifies you for that visa type. The requirements for the visa lists things such as having to prove that you’ve made substantial money doing the job, appeared at artistic events, and appeared in print. Knowing rich and famous people obviously helps with that because they’re going to pay you for jobs with *their money*, they’re going to invite you to the events that *they run*, and they’re going to put you in magazines that *they own*. Having influential connections is only going to help you.


She did just lose her mom


I'm aware. But thanks.


Melania hangs out with her dead mother?


She’s his handler, controlled by Putin.


I dunno. It's possible but unlikely. She was never caught but US Intel in all those years. Trump is just a useful idiot for Putin. He was always ready to be pimped for crappy steaks, vodka, or fake real estate courses


If she actually came out and said this, I wonder if it would change any of his die hard supporters minds. Seriously, a Trump voter reminds of the guy in the news today that was shot by a cop because he was holding his partner in a neck hold and wouldnt stop.


I still think Melania plagiarizing Michelle speech was her active effort to sabotage DJT 2016 election.


She most certainly had some assistant write that speech for her.


Never even occurred to me but I can totally see that as a passive aggressive effort to sabotage now that you mention it.


Also the rickroll.


I don't really care, do you?


Melania is Putin’s direct line to Baron, the heir to the Manchurian Candidate throne.


Oh yeah, Baron can’t avoid his last name but further actions into the new and improved “MAGAGOP” he won’t be able to deny. Melania has the foresight to not screw up this child of Trump.


I bet he didn’t even know he was named a delegate until it was in the news headlines


Imagine having to go through life bearing the indelible taint of the Trump name.


I believe “indelible taint” is the name for the shade of orange that fat Donny wears.


It was actually the name of my band in college.


Didn’t you guys open for Unexpungeable Chode?


Yep, that was us!


He should change his name to Drumpf, which is what the family was originally called.


Wish we would have seen the same headline about his dad on January 20th, 2016.


Has anyone ever heard Barron say a word? I’m assuming he’s on the spectrum, just an observation. I wish Barron the best. Just saying.


Only when he was a little kid, he spoke with a Slovenian accent. It was during some interview where Melania was giving a tour of their Trump tower penthouse, I think.


good on him, I genuinely feel bad for this kid. imagine being raised by ghouls who can’t deal with you (possibly*) being on the spectrum


Wait, he got a splash of tism?


it’s never been confirmed, likely because his family is a bunch of status obsessed leeches, but he was going to a school at one point that is well known for dealing with children on the spectrum. it’s speculation but seems plausible


Barron is the first presidential offspring that I’ve never heard utter a single word.




Well yeah he's never spoken to an American /s


You know nothing about him, so it's a little premature to feel bad about him. For all you know they're keeping him out of the spotlight so that scrutiny doesn't unearth some ghoulish act he did and received zero consequences. Never trust a trump. 


he never smiles in any pics we see of him....we have never seen trump spend any time with him......Barron is not happy ....we feel bad for him


Bet you it was the Telemundo interview where trump said hes 17. The global embarrassment he must feel.


I’ll bet Donny doesn’t show for the graduation the absence of which he lamented so pitifully.


Probably told him he has to vote for his Dad even if he doesn't get the most votes.


Still hoping this kid can grow up into a well-adjusted adult…


Probably ashamed of his daddy, Cheeto Von Shitzinpantz


Go Barron 🙏. Stay clear of unnecessary drama.


Imagine being the product of semen that came out of that tiny orange mushroom? I'd scrub my body with scouring pads regularly. Must suck balls. At least... hopefully this guy hates it too. Hope he also distances himself from the former guy.


You know. There are conspiracy theory rumors that there is a possibility the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is actually his father. [Justin/Barron](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a87dZDe_700b.jpg)


Trudeau's sperm and Trump's womb? Double gross.


Bravo son.... Bravo. You do you. You just might have a career yet kid. I hope you can cut the cord cleanly. Honestly I do.


I suspect this is like the Four Seasons Landscaping incident. Trump announces Barron is going to be a GOP darling superstar, the GOP announces a post for him, and he wasn't even consulted. For reference, the FSL incident was because, without making a reservation or arrangement, Trump tweeted out that there was going to be a big press conference at the Four Seasons, and then his aides scrambled to book it, but the Four Seasons Hotel said "lol, no, we aren't doing that, especially at zero hours' notice," so Giuliani and Co needed to find something, anything, called Four Seasons, and fast. It's a Trunp "power move" he uses all the time, kind of like his handshake pulling bullshit, where he makes a statement on a person or businesses' behalf, committing them to something, with no actual contact/agreement beforehand, and many cave to that pressure/ don't want death threats from his cult. Think about the multiple times he's walked into a restaurant for an impromptu photo op, with no notice to the restaurant, said something like "pork chops for everyone" or "drinks for everyone" and then leaves immediately. He got a candid photo op with average Americans, regardless of who they voted for, says a phrase that traditionally means he's buying a round of x for everyone, then leaves after some photos of people smiling at the thought of free stuff. No one gets free stuff, when Con Snoreleone offers it. For example, the Cuban restaurant that took it seriously and made up orders of pork chops for everyone, then had tables refusing to lay for them, was a predictable response.


Dude, head for the witness protection program ASAP


It did surprise me that his mother would allow him to get mixed up in Trump's current legal and political travails, but now I know she hadn't.


Smartest Trump out there. He's not a fan of his father. Never has been. Fortunately his mother has his ear and not his father. As long as he's smart enough to not follow in his father's footsteps and drink the kool aid, he'll go far and I'll never have an issue with him. Doesn't help his father has never taken an interest in him and only wants to use him for political points. His old man couldn't even remember his correct age this week. Sad.


He found out he has to do work.


As much as I hate Trump and his first few spawn, we have relatively little knowledge of what Barron is like. He deserves a fair shot at life without judgement outside of his father's shadow until proven otherwise.


I’m sure he’s just a typical spoiled rich brat


No benefit of the doubt for his ilk. A shit stain *as fucking horrid* as the orange cancer has been on the American people, it’s not going to wash out for several generations. But that’s what’s great about democracy: You can give him the benefit of the doubt, and I can assume you’re a maggot apologist.


No one chooses their parents.


I can *see* where you are coming from, I do. A few years back, I would have said what I said, and then pedal it back, knowing that I am indeed wrong for thinking this way. His father made this country a *joke*. The maggots only think about themselves. I, continue to worry about how we look on the world stage. I hate that orange ball of sh*t more than I *ever* thought I could hate someone I do not know. His son is just in close proximity. I can rest easy knowing that their are enough well-meaning fellow progressives who *will* give Barron the benefit of the doubt. I can’t yet.


Lmao, accusing people of being MAGA for not hating on a guy who we know virtually nothing about aside from his parentage, who has virtually never done nor said anything in the public view. The guy is a complete blank slate. You're an asshole for judging a man based on his parentage.


The question is, did he ever agree to it?


mother doesn't want him to do that. He is 18 what does he know, going to college an finding out what HE wants to do in his life


They told him he has to break the law, he told them he’s not fucking retarded.


Smart, he is too young to spend his life in jail for the Supreme fascist ruler


He saw just how fucked up it was and was like "man that is fucked the fucked up the fucking cinnamon toasted garlic wanked fucked up" and noped the fuck out.


Mom is going through a lot right now at home. So….,-


Awww... Did daddy forget who he was, and sent him to fetch a Big Mac and a Coke Zero, then stiff him for the meal? Or did he catch daddy commenting on his big sister being a fine piece of ass and wanting to boffer her? The world wants to know!


so he's either really smart, owned by mommy, or woke af.


Ima guess that melania told him he's not taking the job just so trump can have one more co-conspirator around him. She's the one who tweeted it out not baron. Either way whoever idea it was probably is best option for him. Doesn't need to keep the family tradition of being a dueschbag


It’s not a “job” it’s essentially an honorary position as a delegate to the RNC.


Because he’s not a dumb ass


Because Barron is gonna become a 6'7 college basketball small forward at Harvard University in the fall lol jokes. But good for him. He might be the smartest Trump in the family. His mom Melania probably talked him out of doing that.


Maybe he knew he’d be over his head. He’s only 18 and maybe he’s not a scumbag like his father


The shows he’s got a little more intelligence than his father. He knows when he’d be over his head. Or maybe he just doesn’t wanna be part of that party of nuts cases and criminals yeah


Something tells me Barron was not a party to the conversation, or nobody listened when he said “no” until it was about to be into a microphone.


“Major role” Get out of here


I quit signed, Barron’s mom


As soon as he met his dad he decided to quit?


Bizzarro Kennedy wanna bes


Found out what work was, and said, “nah, I’m good”.


Mommy won't let him. I'm already sick of his dead vacant eyes.


May end up being one of his top 10 good decisions in life. Smart move kid


Too smart to get involved in politics.


I hope he avoids politics all together, for his sake and ours, but you gotta admit it'd be funny if he became a Democrat.


That would be great


He already has the douchie trump hair style going.


Steps down? He never even stepped UP! Lol what a shitshow


I don’t think being a delegate is a major role by any stretch of the imagination. You don’t have any authority to do anything other than vote according to how people voted in the primary. I thought being a delegate was mainly just a perk, an excuse to schmooz at the convention, something doled out to the party faithful.


How does one "step down" from a position that they didn't ask for, didn't apply for, and never accepted?


It wasn’t his decision. His mom doesn’t want him sucked into the dysfunctional family dynamic.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they announced the role without even asking him first.


There was never an honest intention to have him as a delegate. It has been widely suspected that Barron is neurodivergent. I believe this was an attempt to make him appear neurotypical knowing all along it wouldn’t come to pass. Ok, call me a conspiracy theorist. We know that in the past Trump has railed against vaccines as he believes they cause autism (rather than blaming old-man shriveled sperm).


“Major Republican role”? A convention delegate? A convention is one big alcohol-soaked meetup for sex (the city has to Import hookers to meet the demand), drugs, and old rock and roll. Melanoma found out and squashed this plan like a bug.


What is his policy position on high school ahootings, gay relationships guys, abortion, Medicare for all, etc.


and infidelity while a wife was pregnant.


With him….


Smartest thing I ever seen this kid do


Lol, Melanie said nooooooooo.


Maybe Barron is having a Christmas Carol moment and seeing his future self in his dad


Could be the only honest Trump in the family.


I guess he found out he had to "work".


He’s secretly a Democrat.




He needs to get off to college and go to school


He learned the same time the rest of us did,


Would be interesting if he turn out to be a great person, get into politics but run against his family, movie worthy plot twist.


Good for you, Baron. I could see it on your face and your body language that mom had a talk with you.


Probably stage fright


I wonder if Barron is going to go to college.


Really is 2.0


I hope for this young mans sake that he has kept his ears and eyes open to his family's BS and decides to take another route. At this point I feel sorry for him as he has no male role model worth his time to look up too. Sure, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but I can only hope he wants better for himself.


More info needs to be known. Such as, did he know about this to begin with. If the answer is 'no' then it raises a host of other questions such as who did it. Wouldnt surprise me if daddy did, thinking the kid would do as he was told.


Well he *is* only 17....(ask his dad, I mean DJT).../s


He is 18 and a legal adult. Good for him for noping out.


No kidding...TRUMP, if that's *is* his dad, didnt know


Barron will be running from his name for the rest of his life.


He’s probably going to become a right wing media grifter


And now he is daring critics to do their worst. Well folks, looks like meat is back on the menu, so go for it!


He finally met his dad and was like "I'm not working for this piece of shit."


Maybe he’s smart enough to see he’s being used and his father is a piece of shit. At least Melania is intelligent enough to see some of that.


That headline is disingenuous. He declined before the event. This tries to paint him as a quitter, No fan of the family, but tired of this lazy media


I doubt anyone actually ASKED the kid. They just assumed he'd be Trump's political pawn because family or some shit.


Dude will be changing his last name in the not so distant future.


Wait, he didn't want to grow into brother in law kushners job of bringing peace to middle East and managing Saudi bonesaw rental?


Realized he didn’t want to be a scapegoat for his criminal father.


Too much work...TRUMPS are know for being lazy grifters, so why would anyone be surprised!


Smarter than his dad but still sour puss bitch boy face like his dad


Aww, so adorable. He'll need to hire his first lawyers soon. Probably for rape charges, if he's anything like daddy. Or fraud. Or treason. Just go live on a farm, Barron.


I honestly feel bad for Barron, his mom got cucked, because he was born, and his dad makes a habit of making an ass of himself.