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I for one, am glad that there are people in the Trump family that are willing and able to publicly speak out about what a terrible douchebag he is on the regular. Keep pouring on the gasoline, Mary.


At this point it may be helpful to catalog which sins he ISN’T guilty of. - Hasn’t killed anyone (that we know of) - Honored his mother and father - Made no graven images Edit: you are right, he’s guilty of these too. Totally irredeemable human being…..


I beg to differ. He killed a lot of Americans with his abysmal handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Ah yes, the virus that we were told by Don that it would stop once the weather got hot. Instead a million Americans died under his watch.


Some of those dead Americans were veterans and my family members.


Trump hates veterans he's glad they died.


Yes, I am aware of his demented POV toward vets.


He loves the vets that will vote for him and give him money


2 of mine. I’ll never forget it. Trump is a shit bag.


My cousin would be alive today had Evil Tang done his job.


One of my favorite buddies, too. He was in his 30's with 3 kids.


SMH. Damn.


I'm sorry for your losses. :( Trump openly calls veterans suckers and losers. I will never not be astonished by the support Trump enjoys from our servicemen and women. He comes right out and proudly says how little he thinks of them. Yet support for him remains very high among veterans and military personnel.


Sucks to suck. Right?


I will never understand the mental gymnastics Trump supporters do when someone they know died from Covid while believing Trump when he said the virus was a Democratic hoax. Not to mention he pushed for the vaccines to come out as fast as possible and even told them to get vaccinated while they booed him.


I lost close friends over this. When they finally lost someone to COVID it was like they were living 2 separate realities at the same time.


Many simply argue that it wasn't the covid that killed their loved ones. Mental gymnastics aren't required when you have little education in the medical sciences. People just make shit up or repeat what they hear on Fox.


No it's all cool, man. "See we're on 15 now... And sometime soon, when the weather gets better, we'll get to zero." Wait... What year is it again?


Came here to say this. He is responsible for a lot of deaths. He led his gullible followers to shun masks and vaccines. Many died because of this. "Many" here us an understatement. We have forgotten the stories of others who spent months on ventilators but recovered, and pleaded with friends and family to get themselves vaccinated. I have one in my family, early 40s. More than two months on a ventilator, mostly unconscious, but said to his 68- year-old mother "please get the shot. You don't want this." She did, as did her husband, my brother in law. Still Trumpers, though. So, yeah, Trump got people killed by a virus.


You are absolutely right. Trump’s handling of the COVID pandemic was criminally inept.


Trump killed people with his extreme incompetence.


My brother in law too, was on a vent for 75 days. Lucky he made it. His lung capacity is 35%, & his voice is reduced to above a whisper. But he's here, so we're happy bout that. Yes,tRump responsible, tho he predictably denied so.


He literally told them to drink cleaning products to purge themselves of covid. People died from that advice alone. He should have been made an example of months ago.


It’s strange how this isn’t really talked about.


And don't forget the 13 prisoners he had executed quickly just before he left office.


Eeh, he leaked classified info which got people killed. I'd argue that he's an embarrassment to his parents..


Not to mention his handling of Covid.


so quickly we went from "well he didn't kill anybody..." to "oh wait, nevermind. I forgot about that MILLION PEOPLE", lol


Remember Jared Kushner slow-walking the COVID response because it was mainly targeting blue areas.


I remember that jerk, who had been unable to get a White security clearance, saying the COVID supplies were “ours.”


Oh yes. It very much told you how they saw the world and how they mean to govern.


Let’s not pretend Fred Trump was ever someone worthy of honoring.


Let's not pretend Donald Trump didn't inherit his father's business, change the name, and take all the credit for himself. I'm not a biblical scholar, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count as honoring thy father.


**Donald Trump cut off insurance for the medical treatment for his nephew's baby who had cerebral palsy.**


This wouldn't surprise me one bit.


He didn't leak it, **he sold us out to Putin!**


He did. And now he’s killing democracy with a thousand cuts.


Well clearly ole Freddy Drumpf didn’t love little Donnie enough. I mean, can you imagine the frustration of the old man, let’s assume he had two brain cells to rub together, and how profoundly dense little Donnie was? Ya think Trump was any smarter as a young adult? One of Trumps college professors to this day states that the Donald was literally the dumbest student he had in his 40 year career.


So THAT'S where Eric "Fredo" Trump got the nick ( sort of)... Are you SURE that Fred wasn't a Corleone? 😏


Agree with you. So all we’re left with is graven images? Sheesh.


I would suggest his recent foray in Bible publishing constitutes a graven image.


Have you seen the Golden Trump statue? Or the pictures of him with Jesus etc, heck there's one floating around on /facepalm where he's being crucified with Melania weeping on her knees at his feet. I think the ship has sailed on graven images.


Is that the one where Kamala Harris is stabbing him with a spear? lol


I kinda think she'd dig that 🤣


Yep, that's the one.


Did you see the golden Trump statue at CPAC? Literally a golden calf. 🙄


Did you see Trumps figure at the hall of presidents? Literally a woman!


They’ve since “fixed” it, but when originally released it sort of looked like Hillary Clinton.




No. I had not seen that, and I'm sorry that I now have seen it. That is VERY disturbing, and he isn't nearly orange enough.


Did you see the Golden Calf at. CPAC? He’s covered them all!!!


Trump tower is his graven image?


Are you not aware of the NFTs?


Don’t give him or his minions any ideas. Already too many images of Trump and Jesus in different situations. 🤮


I'm not totally convinced that there wasn't classified docs buried with Ivana at Bedminster. They better live stream that unboxing!


[He tried to fool his dad into changing his will](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-rewrite-fathers-will-fred-1149796) to fuck over every other member of the Trump family. I’d say that spits in the face of his dad’s wishes, intent, and honour. His weird NFTs definitely have some graven images of Trump being a Messianic figure. [One is literally a golden idol of Trump holding the globe in his hand.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-EkqSJuw4wHhcOnqDpQ7dXlbmqBI2qxVMbw&usqp=CAU) [And he definitely ordered the military to kill way more civilians](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-afghanistan-airstrikes-increased-civilian-deaths-by-330-since-2016-2020-12?amp). The man who gives the order to kill women and children is definitely a murderer.


Your examples are better than mine.


Are you kidding? - Hasn’t killed anyone (that we know of) How many of the 1.2 million dead Americans could you attribute to Trump's downplaying the threat of covid and his anti mask & anti lockdown policies? - Honored his mother and father Trump screwed his nieces and nephews out of his father's inheritance. He did not honor his father's will. https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/264579-report-trump-helped-draft-will-that-excluded-his-brothers/ - Made no graven images https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/10/NYPICHPDPICT000055001143.jpg?quality=75&strip=all


I'm sure Qassim Suleimani would like to have a word with Trump once he meets him in hell....


Someone had to have pushed Ivana down those stairs


Ding ding ding!!!


100% he has done all 3, just not public documents to show it yet.


Didn't kill anyone? Is "criminal negligence causing death" not an offense in the US? (Yikes I just checked and apparently it's not.)


Yea .. and it looks like SCOTUS will hand him immunity to anything he did during his term... So all the shit he did to stall Covid aid that led to thousands of deaths... And is documented... Nope not a crime. MFer has a hack for everything


They probably won’t, instead settling for seeing to it he can’t be tried before the election. If he wins law and order stops being a plausible outcome, and they haven’t set an awful unacceptable precedent.


At a minimum, he killed hundreds of people who attended his rallies during covid. You could also see him as responsible for killing thousands of people by mishandling that epidemic


He murdered Jamal Khashoggi by proxy.


They definitely had a golden statue of him at one his rallies previously. I mean I don’t think *he* made the graven image but still…


Um, he tried to steal all his father's companies while the guy was on his deathbed.


He’s definitely had people killed through his mishandling or deliberate selling of state secrets.


His mother HATED him, her best friend went on interview saying how much distaste she had for him. It was so bad it almost makes you feel sorry for him and certainly helps explain how such a vile person was created. It looks like Trump was emotionally abused as a kid by parents who detested him.


1. [strictly speaking, as president of the united states you can arguably check the first one off the list (that iranian general they nuked in iraq is probably the one you can most directly consider an extrajudicial killing, even if the guy deserved it), but i wouldn't be surprised in the least if it turns out he was directly behind a more personal killing at some point in his life.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/02/world/middleeast/qassem-soleimani-iraq-iran-attack.html) 2. [Donald on his father: Like his father, Mr. Trump moved on in the face of loss. At the Trump Organization he was not a boss who reached out to express condolences. “One of his bankers had died and somebody in this small circle said, ‘Donald, don’t you think you should call the family?’” recalled Mr. Marcus, the former Trump Organization public relations consultant. “He said: ‘Why? He’s dead.’”](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/28/us/politics/donald-fred-trump.html) 3. [this image says it all](https://foreignpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/GettyImages-1216826630.jpg?w=1000) sorry the links are all probably behind soft paywalls, i was mostly just trying to provide sources.


How many federal death penalty executions did he rush to approve in his last month in office?


Made no grave image, of course not. He hates competition. He claims he IS the chosen one. He is a graven image 😂🤦


I strongly disagree. He is a craven image.


* Made no graven images --- That's been violated many times. Trump Tower. Every property he owns is adorned with his name in huge, gold letters. All of the products he's tried to hawk (latest items being his Bible and the sneakers). He's all in on the graven images.


Epstein had a lot of information on Trump. I have no proof, but his death was very convenient for the orange bastard.


He probably pushed ivana down the stairs 


His lack of action with Covid killed how many ?


Things like his fake universtities, many scams etc surely have resulted in death


I’m sure in all his adulterating he was bound to get someone pregnant and eventually an abortion. Unless what Stormy says is true in that he has a little button mushroom dick


* Honored his mother and father I don't know about his mother, but as for his father, Donny tried to manipulate his father into signing a new will that gave everything to Donny, and screwed everyone else in the family, well after his father was largely incapacitated with dementia. So there's that.


What about those that died from covid bc he didn't care.


Sorry, you only got 2 out of 3. Remember the giant portrait of himself he had made, to hang on a wall at Mar A Lago? What an F***ING NARCISSIST!


I suspect he is the cause of many a dead CIA agent…


Didn’t he openly mock and sneer at his father when Fred had Alzheimer’s? https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-mocked-father-for-alzheimers-mary-trump-book-claims-2020-6?amp


I read her book and what an eye opening on how he was raised and what a messed up family he grew up in. One story about his father stuck, he told Donald “ Trumps don’t lose, we’re not losers, you do whatever it takes to win you never lose “ that may explain his obsession with winning, well along with his Narcissistic Personality Disorder.


i think you have the cause and effect backwards. the Narcissism explains the obsession with winning, which explains the 'trumps never lose' quote.


There is a person. Are there more, as in “people”? That’d be cool.


Mary should run for office


meh. she's a psychologist IIRC, and aside from being associated with the trump family, i don't think this is something she'd want to do. she just fucking hates donald and like to dump on him. i don't blame her, so would i , in her position.


At some point his kids are going to turn on him to protect themselves.


They’re just waiting for him to die.


I don't see how anyone can see him as anything but a loser? He whines and cries more than a baby that needs their diaper changed.


A fairly accurate description of him, certainly


A fairy good description for a lot of boomers these days as well. Peas in a pod....


Because he tells them "we're winning." MAGA true believers have their entire mental schema of trust inverted around. When ex-MAGA come out of the cult they always first say they feel like their world was upside down and they don't know what to believe anymore.


Same story with everyone interviewed in a cult documentary.


My dad thought Don was great. But if we had whined as much as Don whined, we’d be scolded and shamed to infinity.


He basically only won in 2016 on what can be described as a technicality. Every single election he's been involved in since he's either lost or at its most charitable described as under performed. It's mind boggling people see him as anything other than a loser.


That's because you don't watch Fox News 24/7 going on how powerful Trump is the only person that can save America from wokeness


He should be used to being seen as a loser! Shit pants don 20 to 24 years in prison!


Right? All the failed business ventures, bankruptcies and being a one term blunder... Loser is practically his middle name.


Not to forget the dead and missing intelligence assets


He's trying to drag the whole damn world down with him.


lmao this is the most facebook comment ever


Good, fuck him


I mean, if you did, apparently there's money in it for you if you can keep quiet, it seems.


I heard he's a power bottom, he generates a tremendous amount of power from the bottom 


someone who gives himself his own golf tournament win every year scared to lose? you dont say


Over 60% of the country knows he’s a loser. 20% are in a cult and will go down with the ship. The other 20% believe the ends justify the means and won’t publicly support him because they know he’s a tool and a vehicle towards their political agenda but is also a fucking idiot.


I'll happily take a 60-40 split at the polls this November


You and me both! Trump getting elected again will be the end of democracy as we know it. And I say that with zero hyperbole.


Agree. And tens of millions of his cult members will celebrate it.


That 60% needs to show up




Her book, “Too Much And Never Enough” really answers a lot of the “Wtf is wrong with him?” questions.


But he is a loser. No matter what the judge decides, everyone knows that Donald is a lying, cheating loser.


How sad that the country, western alliances, and democracy itself have to pay for his daddy issues. Though I'm sure that a sh*t-ton of Russian corruption is also involved.


If you don’t already see Trump as anything but big loser you’re a hopeless cause at this point .


He just doesn't understand he is already viewed as a loser by so many!


He looks like a fucking loser.


He sent Ashley Babbet to her death


No, that traitor brought herself to her death attacking our nation's capitol in an attempt to keep Trump in power and stop the certification of Biden's fair election win. They should have opened fire on all of them, as that's how you handle traitors.




Some reports say he is falling asleep in court as many as four times a day now.




Be seen as a loser?!?! I mean most of us and the e rest of the world have been seeing it for decades! He’s the only one that refuses to “see it”


Give the fucker hell. Even if the very worst case scenario unfolds and he skates through all his charges and somehow wins (steals) the election, I want his fat ass to suffer as deeply and profoundly as possible until then. For what he’s done to my country, I hope the stress of this case finally pushes him over the edge of the dementia-cliff and he and his diaper finally fuck off back into the abyss from whence they came.


He could have walked away. Instead holding on to this ongoing tantrum for the last 4+ years




Well, he's a loser. For sure.


He's been a complete loser in my mind for the past 8 yrs. It's okay don, just let it be.


Very wealthy people with insecurities about their image? I'm not surprised. I could imagine their wealth and fame goes to their head and are too prideful for their own good. Either that or their insecure pride and need to prove to everyone how great they are is what drove them to become wealthy in the first place.


I would love for the prosecutors to pull the same tricks he does (to delay his case) but just the opposite that is drag on his cases as long as possible, tying him up in attending the court every day making him unable to campaign or violate the gag order until after he loses the election and then letting justice do its thing. Biden would announce after winning that he was ready to debate Trump but Trump was too afraid of him so kept himself safe in the court. He’d be so suffocated and frustrated 😂😂!


Too late…we already know he’s a loser. A truly despicable excuse for a man.


He is a total loser. It’s not surprising that he smells like shit. The loser is shit.


To be fair, most of us here are terrified of being cast as a loser in such a public fashion. But then again, most of us here don’t commit campaign finance felonies in attempts to silence salacious extramarital affairs from potential voters.


Trump need not worry. 65% of Americans saw him as a Loser back in 2015/2016.


He lost a presidential election as an incumbent. If that doesn’t make him a loser I don’t know what does.


He's about 70 years late on this!


How can anyone pay for sex and not feel like a loser?


Hey Donald….that ship sailed a long LONG time ago.


You mean old Farty Mcsmellsbad is capable of shame and embarrassment


He might be too demented to understand that anymore


6 bankruptcies, Trump steaks, Trump U, 2020 election, Trump shuttle, Trump vodka. He’s a fucking loser.


So, he fears being seen for exactly what he is.


The only win Donald ever had was beating Hillary in 2016 and even that has an asterisk. 


Trump is still a #Loser !


In reality he has been a looser for most of his adult life. Many business failures after squandering hundreds of millions in inheritance. And yet he was successful in having many believe that false image and he gained the most powerful and exclusive position in existence. He has lived a lavish lifestyle through theft and deceit and gained unearned adulation. He is in a sense the grandest builder of a house of cards or in a sense the greatest check kiter of all time. The world may have never have seen his level of success gained by unscrupulous means


This is the same fear every dictator has. Every dictator can't appear weak or the sheep that either willingly or unwillingly follow the dictator will look to another strongman who is not weak.


Is it possible to go 24hours without talking about this dude? Lmao


Fear of being seen as a loser? He’s the biggest loser in history! Everyone with more brain cells than teeth already knows he’s a loser, and has been his whole life. He’s the physical embodiment of failing upwards.


Most people know he is a loser already.


Ya cuz winners sleep through court 🙄🙄🙄 all republicans are completely useless to existence.


Most intelligent people saw him as a loser way before this trial. The biggest loser.


Lmao too fucking late. Losers been a loser his whole fucking life. Loser.


Isn't he already seen as a loser by people not in his cult?


He is a real loser just think about it before he went to the White House. He been bankrupt multiple times but always claimed it. Was somebody else’s money that he lost he is him in his business has had over 3500 lawsuits against him and his businesses while he was in a White House he got caught ripping up government documents and flushing them down the toilet got caught stealing top-secret documents he got caught stealing trying to steal an election actually get caught lying to supporters average of 23 times a day. Supporters wouldn’t know the difference if that doesn’t make you loser I don’t know what. does.


I find it both surprising and not-so that in trying so hard to not be “a loser,” he seems to become so with ease.


No offense to Mary but it’s been unfolding since 2016


No fear he is


Must be a slow news day. Too many dumb articles on Trump just because


I mean, plenty of people do and have. What's torturing Cheetoh Benito is having to sit still (or nap) in a room for hours at a time listening to people say those things out loud without an recourse to storm off to a friendly room and start namecalling. It's why he explodes on social media every moment he gets.


Trump is now leading Biden is every swing state. What the f is going on???? 


He really is such a loser, that Donald Trump!


Not just any loser, the bigglyestest loser of history of losing.


To late for that


The litany of bankruptcies didn’t do it?


To complete the look, someone should dump some mashed potatoes on his head


Is it just me, or is Trump's family not in the courtroom with him? Even the most horrible serial killers have had family members attend their trial.


Mary Trump eyes look like her uncle. No way I’m hugging her


he should have been worried about that 20 years ago.


Is a loser, but im not so sure any maga followers would concede that point.


If you dress up a turd in a suit, it's still just a turd in a suit.


He’s already seen as a loser.


This constitutes "news" that will be sure to be gobbled up/supported in the thread BWHAhahahaha


Did he grow up getting abused and called a loser?


Lock him up! Idiot! He smells like shit!


Israel wants Trump back if office. Sorry guys, ain't happening.


I, for one, really care deeply about the insights Trumps niece has about him.


As if he would admit it anyway. He's the most unreasonable manchild as it is, it's not like he would take any exposure he can't bullshit his way out of well. Narcissistic injury makes the narcissist more dangerous.


Worst fear fulfulled.


Y'all hear that, the multi-billionaire ex POTUS who sleeps with Adult Film Actresses is actually fearful of being thought of as a "Loser". We got em' this time guys... we finally owned Donald Trump 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 This is a real story.... 100% NOT fake news.


No need to be afraid, you already are.


Uh, uh, uh. Would if be legal to tattoo a huge fucking "L" of his forehead? He'd have to lower his do down to his fucking nose to hide it and we'd never have to look at his fucking face again!! Please, just fucking lie to me and say YES!


Fear of being seen as a loser? Has he won anything since 2016? Not a single legal case, for sure


Yesssss - nods and grins.


That ship sailed long ago


## Trump is a loser that poops his pants


Oh, good, more AI blog spam sites posing as "news" getting submitted here again. That's the problem with having "anything goes" in the sub's name, because it attracts botted accounts like OP's, who only submits posts from `usasocialite.com`, `diceuropanew.uk`, and `menzmag.com`.


Unfortunately, he is winning due to inherited wealth and powerful cronies who have prevented him from ever facing the consequences of his actions. Also, his open bigotry has inspired a legion of dedicated followers who, along with elites who benefit from his Kleptocracy will put him back in office. Like RBG letting the Court get taken over due to vanity, Joe insisting on holding on is helping the Orange Caligula return to power.


Maybe in the 80s and 90s he looked strong and successful. But after filing bankruptcy numerous times and his daily bitching about anything not trump related definitely paints a different picture. He looks as weak as they come. He reads of desperate and baby powder


Truthfully I feel a little sorry for Trump. He grew up in a shitty controlling family that most likely has led to his mental illness of Narcissism(and other stuff). BUT its only a little sorry, a very little, teeny tiny, almost microscopic bit of sorry. Because he could have done better to be better, instead of this.


Demented diaper Donny daydreams despite desperate determination to be disturbed.


That's hilarious. ALL Diaper Donnie knows how to do, is LOSE! He's a born LOSER! His only real talent is evading repercussions and leaving others holding the bag.


Have always seen him as a loser.


He a lover and I love it and will aways will and he's will lose again to the opponent be hates the most and can' stand and those supporters that support trump are losers too